The Romantic Soldier King



0"Where are you going?" Seeing that Ye Cheng was about to go out, Ah Duo anxiously followed in his footsteps.    


"Go out and make an appointment for dinner." Ye Cheng said.    


"I want to go too."    




Ah Duo followed Ye Cheng like a shadow as he left home, went downstairs, and got into Ye Cheng's car.    


Ye Cheng claimed to invite the Shen Yu sisters out for a meal, and purposely allowed them to choose a location. Along the way, Ye Cheng paid attention to the cars behind, but did not discover anyone following them.    


When they arrived at a middle class restaurant, the Shen Yu sisters were already waiting for them. Ah Duo was too embarrassed to sit at the same table as the three of them, sitting at the next table.    


"Feel free to order whatever you want to eat. I'll treat you today."    


Ye Cheng smiled as he sized up the Shen Yu sisters. The two of them were wearing white and blue, sleeveless, tight T-shirts, and a short, fluffy blue skirt.    


Shen Yu and Shen Xia respectively ordered one dish, and Ye Cheng ordered another four.    


"elder brother Ye, we've met once, but we still don't know what you do for now." Shen Xia said with a faint smile.    


"I'm a jobless person right now. I just resigned, so I'm going to open my own company or something." Ye Cheng said.    


"Really? What kind of company is elder brother Ye planning to open? Little Flawless and I can go and work for you. " Shen Yu laughed.    


"The company hasn't decided yet. I really can't bear to let the two of you work for me." Ye Cheng joked: "I got a girl as pretty as you guys."    


"The two of us really want to rely on our own strength to work our way out of this mess. We're not willing to be hidden by others." Shen Yu said.    


A waiter came to Ah Duo's side and politely asked: "Young miss, may I ask what you would like to eat?"    


Ah Duo held her cheeks, looking at the neon flashing night outside, and replied casually: "I'm not eating, I'm waiting for them."    


"I'm sorry, but you can't sit here unless you order." The waiter stepped back and gestured for them to leave. With a cold tone, he said, "If you want to wait for them, please wait outside."    


"It's not like there's no one sitting around, it's not like I'm affecting your business." Ah Duo said unhappily.    


"You've already affected the business of the restaurant. It's because you're sitting here that the other guests don't come over. "It's better if you go outside and wait. Others will make things difficult for me." The waiter said.    


Two men walked over. One of them was a middle-aged man in his forties who wore a famous suit and glared fiercely at the waiter. "A dog's eyes look down on people, this lady is waiting for us."    


"I'm sorry!" When the waiter saw the two of them dressed in bright clothes and not daring to offend them, he quickly apologized.    


With that, the two men sat down, the middle aged man sat beside Ah Duo and spoke in an overbearing manner: "Bring four of the most expensive dishes here, quickly go."    


"Alright, please wait a moment!" The waiter's attitude changed drastically.    


Ah Duo looked at the two men and politely said: "Thank you for helping me out."    


"It's just a small matter. What's the point of wasting my breath?" The middle-aged man's eyes that were hiding the truth glanced at Ah Duo's face more and more, and he could not help but be moved. Little beauty, you haven't eaten yet, have you? How about I buy you dinner? "    


"No need, I've eaten. I'll be leaving soon." Ah Duo tactfully refused.    


"It's so boring for us to wait and eat with us. On the way, we general history really likes to be friends with young people. " The twenty-seven or twenty-eight year old young man said.    


"Xiao Lin is right, I like being friends with young girls the most. The general history laughed.    


"You're only in your forties, right? You're pretty young!" Ah Duo said.    


"Then guess if I'm in my 40s? If you're right, how about I give you a present? " general history was an experienced hand in flowers, she knew how to seduce little girls. With a single glance, he could tell that this girl was still a virgin. He thought to himself: This girl has been bathing quite a bit, but she's never been soaked by a virgin from the Miao Clan before. No matter what, I have to get her today.    


When general history helped her just now, Ah Duo had a good impression of her. He was completely unaware of this man's situation. She casually guessed, "I think you're only forty-two years old."    


"Have you learned how to face each other before? One guessing, one guessing, one guessing." general history beamed.    


"You're really amazing, our general history is really forty-two years old, you guessed it right away." Xiao Lin chimed in from the side. He was very clear about the age of the general history, an old man of forty-five years old. general history, you just said that as long as this little beauty guessed correctly, you would give her a present. "    


"I've always kept my word. I'll definitely give you a present."    


As he said that, general history took out a golden ring on his finger and placed it in front of Ah Duo. I didn't expect to meet you today, and didn't bring any other gifts, so I gave you this gold ring. "    


"I was just bored and was just playing around. I didn't intend to accept any gift from you, so I might as well take it back!" Ah Duo refused.    


"You don't have to be so polite. This ring isn't worth much, just a few tens of thousands. I'm too embarrassed to take it out." If you can keep dating for a long time, there are more valuable gifts for you. " general history hinted that if this girl loved money, she would definitely take the initiative to throw herself at him.    


Ye Cheng was chatting with the Shen Yu sisters when he suddenly heard the middle-aged man's words.    


"Sir, this is your dish. Please enjoy your meal. The other four dishes will be served shortly." The waiter brought out two dishes from the dining table.    


Ye Cheng only left one plate, pointed to the other plate of boiled meat, and said, "This is for the Miao Family girl."    


"Alright." The waiter carried the boiled meat and walked two steps to the dining table next door. He smiled at Ah Duo: "This dish was given to you by that mister." With that, he placed the boiled meat in front of Ah Duo.    


general history glanced at Ye Cheng and harrumphed coldly in his heart: You're so petty, you want to pick on a girl after giving me a plate of food. His gaze swept across the Shen Yu sisters, and his heart became gloomy again. Isn't he just eating from a pot? He already has two beauties and he still wants to pick up other girls.    


"Wait!" general history stopped the waiter and snappily said: "Bring this lousy dish away, and whoever brings this back send it back to me. I would feel embarrassed eating this kind of low grade dish."    


"This ?" The waiter was troubled.    


general history glared at him, raised his boss' airs, and sternly scolded: "What are you doing, if I tell you to go, go quickly, or don't you want to do it anymore? Be careful that I don't complain to your boss."    


"Alright, alright, I'll send them back right away." The waiter muttered to himself: "I've offended someone. I'm just looking at a mirror with a piggy face." Helplessly, he picked up the water and stewed some meat, then returned it to Ye Cheng's table. This mister is truly sorry, but they didn't accept it and even allowed me to bring it back. "    


general history slapped the table and shouted, Waiter, where are our dishes? "Hurry up and serve the dishes."    


"Please wait a moment." The waiter put down the water to cook the meat and hurried to the kitchen.    


"If we don't, we'll eat first." Ye Cheng called out to the Shen Yu sisters.    


general history's expression changed to one of gentleness when facing Ah Duo, "Don't be angry, little beauty. You've been interrupted by some boring flies. By the way, I don't know your name yet. "    



"Ah Duo!"    


"Miss Ah Duo, you should still have this ring under your hand. Don't make me be someone who goes back on my words, I will help you put it on this time." general history impatiently grabbed at Ah Duo's jade hand.    


Ah Duo retracted his hand, "I really don't want your storage ring, I also don't want to take your gift, quickly take it back."    


If she's not a greedy little girl, then I have to get her. general history smiled and kept the ring. Since you insist on not accepting it, then forget it. "However, I cannot break my promise. As long as it's something that I can fulfill, I will definitely agree to it."    


The young man, Xiao Lin, quickly said: "Miss Ah Duo, you have met a noble today. Our general history controls over a hundred million assets, and is single.    


Does he have anything to do with me? Ah Duo said: "I don't have any requests."    


"Are you embarrassed to mention it? "How about this, when we're done eating, I'll invite you to drink and sing. If you have any requests, just say them slowly and clearly." The general history persevered.    


At this moment, the waiter walked over with a tray and placed the four exquisite dishes on the table one by one.    


"Come Ah Duo, try this crab!" The general history passionately called out, and personally picked up a crab, placed it on a plate, and brought it to Ah Duo.    


"I've really eaten."    


"A friend is a friend. You rejected my gift and rejected my offer to treat you to a meal because you looked down on me, your friend. "If you think of me as a friend, then hurry up and eat." The general history advised.    


"Alright then!" Ah Duo hadn't eaten for two days and had a meal at noon. Now that he was hungry again, he didn't reject it anymore. At least, it's better than Ye Cheng, I can't even be called when I'm eating by myself.    


"That's right." The general history was secretly happy, looks like under his tiny attacks, Ah Duo is beginning to accept me. I'll invite her to KTV later and put some medicine in the wine, but I'll do whatever I want with her.    


Ye Cheng seemed to be casually conversing with the Shen Yu sisters, asking them about the background in their families in detail. He didn't find anything suspicious.    


After he was almost done eating, Ye Cheng asked: "Are you guys busy tonight? If not, accompany me to the nightclub for a while. "    


"We have nothing to do, we can accompany elder brother Ye wherever she wants to play." Shen Yu said.    


"Then do you have any nightclubs that you're familiar with? Please recommend one to me." He didn't manage to get anything out of them after eating, so Ye Cheng thought to himself that he had to give the two of them a chance.    


"We rarely go to nightclubs, and if we go, we will go to elder sister Hui's s. Why don't we go somewhere?" Shen Yu minded.    


"Sure!" Ye Cheng called the waiter to pay the bill.    


After settling the bill, Ye Cheng stood up and said to Ah Duo: We're leaving, are you leaving?    


"Thank you for treating me to dinner, I have to go!" Ah Duo greeted the general history and chased after him.    


"No, what does that mean?" general history was so depressed that he vomited blood. The girl that he had worked so hard for was called away by someone else.    


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