The Romantic Soldier King



0"Hey, Ah Duo, you promised to drink with me, why did you leave just like that?" The duck in his hands flew away, how could general history let this go and quickly chased after it.    


The young man, Xiao Lin, quickly paid the bill and chased after him.    


When general history went out of the restaurant, Ah Duo got on Ye Cheng's car. He jogged all the way to the car, knocked on the window and shouted: "Miss Ah Duo, you left a contact number, we'll contact each other from now on."    


"I don't have a phone." Ah Duo apologized.    


Ye Cheng would never give this old man the chance to come into contact with Ah Duo again. He stepped on the accelerator and drove away, causing general history to be filled with anger.    


The general history stomped his feet in anger and urged: "Xiao Lin, hurry up and bring me to chase them. Follow them.    


On the way, Ye Sheng noticed a car following closely behind him. Through the rearview mirror, he could make out the old man in the passenger seat." "It really is like a bastard eating a heavy burden. You've made up your mind. If you want to follow me, you can do so.    


"elder brother Ye, is this your girlfriend?" Shen Yu who was seated in the front seat asked.    


"I have a distant relative who insisted on playing with me." Ye Cheng made it up and introduced the three of them.    


Shen Xia said to Ah Duo who was beside him in a low voice: "That man is not a good person. It's best for you to avoid him."    


"I think he's pretty good. At least he's better than some people." Ah Duo glared at Ye Cheng, his heart still angry. Ye Cheng is treating these two beauties to a meal, and actually doesn't allow me to go over to eat. You are the biggest suspect in the murder of my mother, and you should be nicer to me.    


Shen Yu and Shen Xia were suspicious in their hearts: Why didn't Ye Cheng call Ah Duo over to eat when he treated them to a meal? Were they really just relatives?    


Chief Shen had always been relentlessly chasing after him. After following Ye Cheng to Youlan Club, Ye Cheng did not pay attention to this old man.    


Arriving at the dance hall, Ye Cheng brought the three girls and sat at the bar counter. He asked Ah Duo if he would like a drink and ordered three cocktails and a drink.    


Chief Shen found Ah Duo's figure in the crowd and quickly walked over, feigning surprise: "Miss Ah Duo, you're also here, it seems like we're destined to meet somewhere!"    


There were no longer any empty seats around, Chief Shen gave a meaningful glance to Xiao Lin who was behind him. Xiao Lin understood and started to chat with the man and woman beside Ah Duo. In the end, he paid five hundred dollars to let the two of them sit.    


Ah Duo still did not know that Shen Zhui had been following him the whole way, and was extremely surprised to see him here. He laughed: "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here again. I was in a hurry to leave just now, so I didn't have the time to thank you for treating me to a meal. "    


This is a natural destiny, a destiny that comes a thousand miles to meet." For me to be able to reunite with Miss Ah Duo in just a short hour, it means that we were good friends in our previous life. We might even be husband and wife. Chief Shen said in a numb tone.    


Hearing that, Ye Cheng wanted to puke, so he said to Chief Shen unceremoniously: "Hey, she's my younger sister. If you want to hit her, move to the side, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."    


"Who's your sister? I don't even know you." Ah Duo turned his face around and turned to look at Chief Shen, showing his back to Ye Cheng.    


"Did you hear that? Miss Ah Duo doesn't even know you. Don't come and disturb our reunion." Chief Shen complacently sent a provocative gaze towards Ye Cheng, bringing two girls and trying to pick up a girl.    


"Kindness is like the liver of a donkey." Ye Cheng sighed, and no longer paid any attention to the two.    


Shen Xia said in a low voice: "elder brother Ye, Ah Duo is definitely angry at you, you just need to go and coax her and she'll be fine."    


"Ignore her, let's chat. When we leave, she won't be angry anymore." Ye Cheng laughed.    


"We didn't know she was your sister, or we would have called her at the restaurant. elder brother Ye, you are in the wrong. We don't care how many people you bring if you eat with us. " Shen Yu said.    


"My little sister has a weird temper. I'm afraid she will disturb your mood." Ye Cheng said.    


"Don't worry, we're not petty girls, she won't mind anything she says to us." Shen Xia said.    


Shen Yu said: "elder brother Ye, are you really not going to discipline your little sister? I think she's pretty simple, she might be tricked by that old man with a few words, and she might even suffer a loss. "    


"Don't worry, she's smart, don't worry about her." Ye Cheng said indifferently. He knew that Ah Duo had the highly toxic Bamboo Leaf Green. Who would want to take advantage of her?    


After drinking a cup of cocktail, Ye Cheng invited Shen Yu and Shen Yu to dance. They stood up and pulled one of the girls with each hand towards the dance floor. After all, the two of them had already been given to Ye Cheng to be women.    


There were two more model body and beautiful women on the dance floor, which immediately attracted a lot of attention. Ye Cheng, on the other hand, acted as the "Flower Protector" properly as he protected the Shen Yu sisters beside him.    


He didn't want to take advantage of her, how could he let other men take advantage of her and take advantage of the opportunity to lay their hands on these two sisters? The two sisters gladly accepted Ye Cheng's help. It was something that would happen sooner or later anyway.    


"Miss Ah Duo, shall we have a drink at the Red Bar?" Seeing that Ah Duo had finished his drink, general history hurriedly asked the waiter for a bottle of red wine.    


"Give it to me, I'll open it." Xiao Lin had been following beside general history all day, and immediately understood when general history shot him a look. He took the red wine from the waiter and slowly uncorked the bottle.    


The general history turned to the side and blocked Ah Duo's line of sight, covering Xiao Lin behind him. Ah Duo, where are you working? "    


"I'm not working, I just came to Eastsea City a few days ago." Ah Duo rarely left the village, he was not involved in worldly affairs, he was completely different from the dangerous people in the world outside, and spoke the truth.    


"Yeah, I just happen to be short of a secretary, how about you become my secretary? The salary is at least 10,000 yuan per month, and the job is well paid with dividends and extra rewards. " general history smiled and hinted.    


"I have other things to do in the Eastsea City, I'm not interested in going to work." Ah Duo refused.    


"Oh, if there's anything you need, tell me. I have a wide network in the Eastsea City, and might be able to help you." general history said with a warm tone.    


"I'm looking for a group of people with Asura tattoos on their backs. One of them wears sunglasses. A week ago, he went on a trip to Zhang family." Ah Duo had the mindset of testing his luck, when he first came to Eastsea City, other than Ye Cheng, no one else knew him, and it would be best if there was someone willing to help him.    


general history pretended to be deep in thought as he muttered: "A person who wears sunglasses and has a tattoo of an Asura on his back."    


He pondered for four or five seconds before his eyes lit up and he excitedly said, "I remember now. I know a man who wears sunglasses and has an Asura tattoo on his back. He's probably the same person as you described."    


"Really?" Ah Duo was overjoyed, and excitedly grabbed general history's hand. Do you really know this person? "    


general history also grabbed onto Ah Duo's hand and touched it softly a few times. Her skin was smooth and exquisite, better than any woman's skin that he had touched before. At this time, Ah Duo's heart was only filled with excitement and excitement, he didn't feel the slightest bit of the general history's actions.    


"I do know such a person. As for him, I don't even know if he came to the Zhang Family's residence a week ago." general history was ecstatic. A simple little girl was tricked by me in just a few sentences.    


"Can you take me to him now? I have something very important to ask him. If you can help me complete this task, I will definitely thank you properly. " Finally knowing the truth of his mother's death, Ah Duo was so excited that he could not speak anymore.    


"That person's residence is quite far from here, and now it's too late. It's not appropriate to disturb him. "Why don't we wait until tomorrow? I'll definitely bring you there." general history promised solemnly.    


"Alright!" Ah Duo was a little regretful, but luckily he finally had a goal, and waiting an entire night was not much. general history, thank you so much. "    


"You're welcome. It's no big deal. I'm happy to be able to help you, haha!" general history laughed out loud, his eyes were like a scanner as he scanned across Ah Duo's body non-stop.    


Her face was pretty, her chest was not small, her waist was straight and thin, her buttocks were straight and her legs were long. It's another place, I have to get down to business as soon as possible. Thinking of this, a part of the general history began to rapidly rise, and it swelled to an unbearable extent.    


After his excitement, Ah Duo finally reacted, his hand was still holding onto general history's hand, and he hurriedly pulled back, but in the end, he was unable to pull it out from general history's hand. general history, please let go of me. "    



The majority of the Miao girls were simple and generous, neither soft nor fake. Ah Duo realized that general history was not embarrassed at all when he held her hand.    


"Oh!" "I didn't mean it. The main thing is that since you were so excited, I followed the chicken. It didn't hurt you, right?" general history pretended to be concerned but he did not let go of Ah Duo's hand. Instead, he pinched her lips as if he was relieving pain, and took the opportunity to take advantage of her.    


Ah Duo hurriedly retracted his hand, "You didn't pinch me."    


"It's good that there isn't any. It's good that there isn't any." general history took the red wine from Xiao Lin's hand, "In order to celebrate your successful completion in Eastsea City, we should drink a cup."    


Saying that, he poured Ah Duo half a cup of red wine. He still had some wine in his cup, and for this reason, he did not pour any for himself.    


Ah Duo was unable to refuse as he raised his cup and said: "I'll thank general history first. If the person we meet tomorrow is really me, I'll have to find someone else to thank as well."    


"Sure, sure. Cheers!" general history raised his wine cup and clinked it with Ah Duo's, then straightforwardly drank his wine.    


Ah Duo also finished all of the red wine in one breath, his heart looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow. Suddenly, she felt dizzy and dizzy. Her head felt heavy. She held onto the bar to prevent herself from falling down.    


"Miss Ah Duo, what's wrong?" The general history asked anxiously.    


"I suddenly feel good about my head ?" Concussive! " As the words left his mouth, Ah Duo's body fell to the ground, unconscious.    


general history took the opportunity to hug Ah Duo. It was a great success, I had to find a place to be carefree and carefree immediately, I almost couldn't hold it in anymore. He was extremely excited, and wished that the dance hall would become a hotel, so he grabbed Ah Duo and rushed to the door.    


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