The Romantic Soldier King



0general history looked at the dance floor where the shadows were moving, he did not see Ye Cheng's figure, so he was completely at ease. He was not clear about the relationship between Ye Cheng and the unconscious Ah Duo, as long as Ye Cheng did not come to stop him, he could successfully bring him away.    


"You're blind!" general history excitedly walked forward. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, and the two of them bumped into each other. He looked up and his heart couldn't help but thump. What was there to be afraid of? Why did this brat suddenly appear like a ghost?    


Ye Cheng stared at general history coldly and questioned: "What happened to Ah Duo, where are you bringing her?"    


He had a premonition that this old man didn't have any good intentions. While dancing, he would look at the bar from time to time, but suddenly, the old man and Ah Duo had both disappeared. He hurriedly left the dance floor to look for them.    


"I don't know why she fainted. I'll take her to the hospital." general history explained and said confidently: "Hurry up and move aside, you won't be able to bear the burden of delaying Ah Duo's illness."    


"Humph!" Ye Cheng scoffed, why would Ah Duo fall unconscious for no reason? There must be something fishy going on. " Leave my sister to me, and you can go away. "    


"Ah Duo doesn't even recognize you, you were the one who dodged it." Once he walked out of this door, Ah Duo would be at his mercy. How could general history give up so easily?    


Ye Cheng was too lazy to waste time with this old man, he directly grabbed onto general history's arm and used a bit of strength. The old man screamed miserably in pain and released Ah Duo in a hurry, taking the chance to hug Ah Duo.    


"You're really barbaric, how can you hit someone?" general history gritted his teeth in pain, "Hurry up and give Ah Duo back to me, or else I'll call the security."    


"Calling for the public security is useless." Ye Cheng reached out and grabbed the general history's neck, and said with an unfriendly tone: "Speak, what did you do to Ah Duo?"    


"Let me go!" general history struggled to answer: "I didn't do anything, I just chatted with her for a bit before she passed out."    


"You're still being stubborn!" Ye Cheng moved the general history forward as he raised his knee, and fiercely smashed into the general history's lower abdomen a few times.    


The general history continued to wail, his stomach was in a mess, his Qi and blood was surging, and he almost threw up at dinner.    


"I'm warning you, hurry up and let go of general history!" Xiao Lin, who was at the side, pointed at Ye Cheng's neck and threatened: "Otherwise, I won't be courteous to you anymore."    


"You're not a good person either." Ye Cheng lifted his leg and kicked general history's calf. With a 'putong', general history kneeled down. At the same time, Ye Cheng took a step forward and stood in front of Xiao Lin, punching him in the face.    


Xiao Lin staggered a few steps, held onto a table of wine, and did not fall down on the spot, half of his face immediately becoming swollen.    


There were often people fighting in the nightclubs because of various conflicts, so people were not surprised by it. They gathered around to watch the show.    


"Xiao Lin was flustered and exasperated, he grabbed a bottle of wine from the table and smashed it onto Ye Cheng's head. "F * ck, f * cking don't know what's good for you."    


Ye Cheng quickly raised his leg high up into the air. The moment the bottle in Xiao Lin's hand fell, he kicked at his chest, causing it to fly up onto the sofa, and then heavily fell onto the ground, unable to get up for a short while.    


Just as general history wanted to escape, he was kicked down by Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng walked over to general history in two steps and stepped on his head. general history's entire face made intimate contact with the cold marble floor, and his facial features were a little deformed. Speak, what did you do to Ah Duo? "    


"I didn't do anything!" The general history stuttered.    


"I won't cry until I see the coffin!" Ye Cheng used more strength in his legs, causing general history's face to become stuck to the ground, completely deformed.    


"Stop, stop, I say!" general history felt as if a huge stone was pressing down on his head, he felt as if his head was about to be crushed flat, and hastily begged for mercy.    


"Speak!" Ye Cheng lifted his leg a little.    


"I... My assistant drugged the wine, this had nothing to do with me, he had ulterior motives towards Ah Duo. " general history just pushed him a little to the side and tried to get rid of his relationship with Yue Yang.    


"Oh, so it has nothing to do with you. Did I beat the wrong person?" Ye Cheng laughed in ridicule.    


"Yes, yes, it has nothing to do with me, after knowing about this I am also very angry, and was about to bring Ah Duo to the hospital to investigate." general history said while pretending to be a good person.    


"Damn, do you fucking think I'm a three year old child!" Ye Cheng stepped down heavily, like a sledgehammer, he landed right on top of general history's head.    


With a 'bang', general history suddenly felt the world spinning around him. His vision went black, his facial features shifted, and his nose became sore.    


Ye Cheng took a glance and saw a black leather bag lying beside general history's assistant, revealing a bottle of wine. He went to pick up his purse and pulled out a bottle of red wine.    


"What's going on, move out of the way!" At this moment, the security guards rushed over and separated the crowd as they walked in. What exactly is going on? "    


"Where's the elder sister Hui?" Ye Cheng asked.    


"Oh, mister, it's you!" One of the security guards recognized Ye Cheng, upon seeing that he had been to the ballroom with elder sister Hui twice, he immediately became courteous. What happened? Do you need our help? "    


Ye Cheng handed the bottle of red wine to the security guard, "Go and tell elder sister Hui that these two guys used knockout drugs on my friend and got her to give me a satisfactory answer. This is material evidence."    


"Alright, I'll go now." The security guard took the red wine bottle and instructed the other security guards to stare at the two guests on the ground before turning around and leaving.    


Leave the aftermath matters to Sang Huihui, who will support Ah Duo and leave the clubhouse. Shen Yu and Shen Yu had personally witnessed the entire process of Ye Cheng lecturing these two fellows.    


Arriving outside the clubhouse, Shen Yu said: "elder brother Ye, bring Ah Duo to the hospital to have a look, we'll take a taxi back ourselves."    


After searching Ah Duo's body, Ye Cheng discovered that she wasn't really hurt. At most, she would rest for a night. "No need, she's fine, I'll send you two back."    


Not even three minutes after Ye Cheng drove away, he received a call from Sang Huihui.    


"I heard from my subordinate that something happened to your friend at the clubhouse. I'm really sorry." Sang Huihui apologized embarrassedly and said: "I never thought that there would be such scum in my clubhouse. How do you plan to deal with those two people?"    


"If I didn't discover it in time, my friend's innocence might not have been preserved. Of course, I would have to severely punish those two scum." Ye Cheng said angrily.    


"Understood. Leave this matter to me. The result will definitely make you satisfied." Sang Huihui promised.    


Ye Cheng sent the Shen Yu sisters home, then returned to his residence.    


Other than Lu Mengzhu and He Tong, Chen Luoxue and Zhang Kewei were also at home. In this period of time, Zhang Kewei stayed here every night because he was injured.    


"elder brother Ye, Master, Ye Cheng, you're back!" The four women greeted one another.    


"I was injured just in time, so I ran outside. I don't know if you should behave yourself or not." Chen Luoxue rolled his eyes at Ye Cheng as he complained.    


"Isn't there something wrong? If there's nothing else, I'll definitely accompany you at home." Ye Cheng laughed, looking at these women, he felt gratified, as if he was looking forward to his husband's return.    


"What happened to Ah Duo?" Lu Mengzhu asked.    


"I took her to a bar, but she just passed out after one glass of wine. Her alcohol tolerance is too low." Ye Cheng explained as he carried Ah Duo into his own bedroom. He definitely couldn't let Ah Duo live with the other girls anymore. The little green snake on her body was a ticking time bomb.    


"It can't be that big brother Ye Cheng is interested in Ah Duo, right? To take her to the bar after only knowing her for one day." Lu Mengzhu muttered.    



"What exactly is going on with this Ah Duo? Why did Ye Cheng bring her back home? " Chen Luoxue was also muttering in his heart, it was mostly because of her amorous nature, to think that she had taken a fancy to this Miao Clan girl. Seriously, his family had so many women, yet they were still unable to satisfy him. He had been asked to bring a woman to his house whenever he wanted, and his house was almost full. It seemed that he would have to hold a meeting to unite with the public.    


"I'm a bit sleepy!" Lu Mengzhu yawned: "Sister Xiao Wei, sleep in the same room as me tonight!"    


"Alright!" Zhang Kewei stood up and followed Lu Mengzhu to the bedroom.    


"I'm going to bed too!" He Tong carried the book and walked towards his bedroom.    


After the other three women left, Chen Luoxue returned to his bedroom to rest.    


By the time Ye Cheng had settled Ah Duo down and returned to the living room, he was shocked to find that everyone had left. He was troubled. Who should he sleep with tonight?    


Ye Cheng looked at the light in He Tong's bedroom. He was sure that he couldn't let He Tong accompany him. Sleeping. He took light steps to Chen Luoxue's bedroom, which was closest to him. He turned the knob, and upon discovering that it was locked, he said in a low voice, "Xiao Xue, open the door."    


After calling out a few times, Chen Luoxue answered: "I'm already asleep, go find another place!"    


"I have something important to tell you, open the door and let me in." Ye Cheng said.    


"If there's anything else, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Don't disturb me, I'm sleeping!"    


"This is extremely important, we must speak of it tonight ?" Ye Cheng talked for a long time, but Chen Luoxue did not reply, and was determined not to open the door for him.    


Oh, change targets! Ye Cheng then came to Lu Mengzhu's bedroom, the door was also locked. He knocked on the door and whispered, "Meng Zhu, open the door."    


"I'm in the same bed as Big Sister Xiao Wei, there's no more space for you. Big Brother Ye Cheng, you should look for another place!" Lu Mengzhu replied.    


Ye Cheng came up with all sorts of excuses, but Lu Mengzhu was determined not to let him in.    


"What a tragedy, no one opened the door for me. I only brought back a pitiful young lady!" Ye Cheng was depressed in his heart. Two days ago, he was eager for me to sleep with you two, but in the blink of an eye, he turned into a smelly dog shit and no one paid him any attention.    


Ye Cheng could only choose to stay on the sofa for the night, thinking: If you don't fight in the house, if you dare to rebel, I will definitely punish all of you, and my spear is not for show.    


In the middle of the night, Jiang Chuyao who was working at a bar returned home, and opened the door for her.    


"elder brother Ye, why are you sleeping in the living room?" Jiang Chuyao asked in confusion.    


"The bedroom has been taken, and no one else has allowed me to enter the other bedrooms. I can only sleep on the sofa." Ye Cheng sighed and complained.    


"You can't catch cold, go to our bedroom and sleep!" After Jiang Chuyao finished speaking, his face flushed red.    


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