The Romantic Soldier King



0All the customers who came to the commercial city stopped at the same time and looked at the bustling scene with their heads stretched out. He had never seen a living person castrated, so the operation was quite fresh. In any case, it had nothing to do with him, so it was rare to see someone who did not want to watch for free.    


The security guards of the commercial city stood far away and no one dared to stop them. If this ruthless person accidentally cut off our thing, we wouldn't even be able to cry if we wanted to.    


"Grandfather, just take us as fart and let us go!"    


"Grandfather, we are bastards with three levels, just treat us as balls and let us get lost!"    


"Ancestral Ancestor leaf lord, we can't even count as balls, at most, we're just an egg, let's get the hell out of here!"    


What dignity! Compared to the Lao Er, any dignity was worthless. The three young men who killed them kowtowed and begged for mercy.    


"It's fine if you want me to let you off. You should lie down side by side first!" Ye Cheng laughed casually, with a harmless look on his face.    


"Yes, yes, yes!" Matt didn't dare to hesitate at all when he was killed by the three of them. They quickly lied down next to each other. As long as he could save the Lao Er, let alone lie down, he would even be able to stand straight if he wanted to.    


"Open your legs!" Ye Cheng ordered.    


"Yes, yes, yes!" The three of them followed suit, crossing their legs wide, afraid that Ye Cheng would be dissatisfied with them. After they separated, the three of them felt that something was not right, this was f * cking cutting the rhythm of the Lao Er!    


"Don't be afraid, it's just a single stab. It'll be over after a bit of pain."    


Ye Cheng's words scared the three of them witless, as expected, they wanted to cut Lao Er apart.    


Ye Cheng slowly raised his switchblade, the surrounding men and women all stared with their eyes wide open. Some of the women did not dare to look as they covered their eyes with their hands, while there were others who opened their fingers a bit to peek.    


Ah Duo and Xiao Tao wanted to speak up to stop her, but after opening their mouths, they did not say anything in the end.    


Seeing that the three young men were scared out of their wits, Ye Cheng did not waste any more time and quickly waved his blade three times in a row, stabbing them in the crotch area. One after another, hysterical howls resounded throughout the hall, and a pool of blood flowed out from the pockets of the three young men who had killed Matt.    


Cutting three of them in one go, this was indeed the master of Lao Er who did not bat an eye!    


Maybe the executioners in his previous life came from the body purification room of some dynasty. This technique was too skillful!    


Too fierce! In such a short amount of time, there would be four more eunuchs in China, and they would be working together to produce a public drama to guarantee a great fire. They would be able to speak with their true colors! He didn't need to find a substitute, and he didn't need to be afraid of getting a fake 315.    


"I'll spare your dog lives and be a good person in the future!" Ye Cheng reprimanded her, he threw away the switchblade and stood up to leave.    


A man in the crowd rushed over and picked up the switchblade on the ground before turning around and running. That speed was so fast that even rabbits couldn't catch up to him. He was secretly overjoyed: China's last knife to cut a eunuch, its collection value is equivalent to the night pot used by the emperor. It is priceless, and can be considered a family heirloom!    


"You didn't really do anything to those four hoodlums did you?" Ah Duo asked curiously.    


"If you want to know, you can go and take a look." Ye Cheng laughed.    


"Pei, Pei, Pei!" Ah Duo spat out three mouthfuls of blood, her small face became serious, and she said angrily: "Big pervert, why don't you go and take a look!" As she said that, she raised her leg and kicked Ye Cheng.    


"It hurts!" Ye Cheng quickly covered his arms.    


"I'll kick your leg, what's the pain in your arm?" Ah Duo rolled his eyes at him.    


"I got a cut on my arm. Of course it hurts." Ye Cheng gritted his teeth.    


Ah Duo stuck out her cute little tongue, "I forgot, hurry up and come with me to the hospital!"    


"Wait a minute, your clothes are torn. I'll go buy you a new set of clothes." Ye Cheng said.    


"No need, your knife wound is more important." As Ah Duo said this, he muttered in his heart: I've been stabbed once, and I haven't forgotten my clothes. I'm so touched!    


"Ye Cheng is rather meticulous, it is good that I can meet such a person who cares about me so much!" Xiao Tao was secretly envious.    


Using the reason of compensation, Ye Cheng insisted on buying a dress with rose flowers on it from his own pocket. The three of them left the market and rushed to the hospital.    


Actually, Ye Cheng's injury was not really serious, it was just a shallow wound, but in order to show that he was severely injured, he went to the hospital and bandaged it.    


When the three of them came out of the hospital, it was already dusk. Ah Duo insisted on treating Ye Cheng and Xiao Tao to dinner.    


When he was pretty much done eating, Shen San called Ye Cheng and informed him that Wu Jingyi had disappeared. He couldn't find the place he should be looking for, nor was he able to reach her on the phone.    


Ye Cheng sensed that something was wrong. He had just killed Luo Li last night to take revenge for Wu Jingyi and Wu Jingyi had disappeared today.    


"You guys continue eating. I have something important to do so I'll be leaving first." Ye Cheng hurriedly stood up and said.    


"Wherever you go, I'll go too!" Ah Duo quickly followed.    


"I'll go with him and see if I can help!" Seeing that Ye Cheng had picked up a call, Xiao Tao was anxious to leave. She also helped Ye Cheng with another objective, which was to complete the matter of him allying with the Cheng Yi Gang in the Four Seas gang.    


Half an hour later, the three of them arrived at the Yating Bar. Shen San and Jin Dongbo were anxiously waiting.    


"elder brother Ye, you came! Brother Wu has been missing for an entire day, Luo Li's men must have tied him up, bring us to him!" Shen San said.    


Yes, bring us to kill them, save Brother Wu, and also take care of that bastard Luo Li. Jin Dongbo had misunderstood him a little, this was the right time to show his loyalty.    


"Don't worry, I've been missing for a day. If something were to happen, I would have been in trouble long ago." Ye Cheng said calmly, but in his heart, he was more anxious than anyone else.    


The conversation between the two of them did not shy away from Xiao Tao, she heard it clearly and commented in a timely manner: "I think this may not have been done by Luo Li's subordinates, it is very likely that A Lang from the Five Lake Gang. After all, his subordinates were severely injured by your slash, so if he doesn't come out now, it'll be hard to convince the masses. "    


"I've heard of this person before, but no matter who did this, we must fiercely teach them a lesson and establish the might of our righteous faction." Jin Dongbo knew how powerful the Five Lake Gang was. If it was him, he would not even dare to fight against the Five Lake Gang, but he had joined the Cheng Yi gang.    


"Right, elder brother Ye, you are the Sect Leader of our Cheng Yi Gang. Give the order, we brothers will listen to you." Shen San knew that the more he met with things, the more he would have to show his sincerity.    


"Bringing too many people might not help. Just stay put and listen to my next orders." Ye Cheng did not want it to become a fiery fight between two gangs. No matter how one looked at it, the Cheng Yi Gang was not on the same level as the Five Lake Gang.    


"Then, elder brother Ye, what good idea do you have?" Shen San asked.    


"Do any of you know where the main hall of the Five Lake Gang is in Eastsea City?" Ye Cheng asked.    


Shen San and Jin Dongbo shook their heads. The Cheng Yi Gang had just been formed, many things had not been settled, and the information was still incomplete.    


"I know!" Xiao Tao said: "It's in the underground gambling den of the ZhongTian Entertainment City."    


"I'll go check the situation first. You guys wait for my instructions." Ye Cheng said.    



"elder brother Ye, bring me along! I'll go too! " Shen San and Jin Dongbo both expressed their determination to follow them, as they were full of confidence.    


Ye Cheng waved his hand: "No need, I'm going to check if Wu Jingyi has really been kidnapped by A Lang's people. Bringing more people along would make it difficult to move.    


"Then I'll go with you. Take care of whatever happens." Xiao Tao said.    


"No matter where I go, I have to follow." Ah Duo was not interested in what Ye Cheng was doing, and insisted on the principle of not moving an inch away from Ye Cheng.    


"The two of you don't want to join in the fun. It's not like I'm going to play, just wait for me obediently at the bar." Ye Cheng coaxed.    


"I don't care what you say, I'll follow you wherever you go!" Ah Duo said without backing down.    


"Ah Duo and I will go with you, but we won't go into the gambling den. We will meet you outside, is that okay?" Xiao Tao suggested.    


"Alright, let's go!" Ye Cheng compromised.    


After understanding the situation, Ye Cheng left the bar with Ah Duo and Xiao Tao, and headed straight for the Central Heaven Entertainment City.    


Ye Cheng had the two of them wait outside while he walked in alone. As they walked, he wiped a few times on his face and temporarily changed his appearance.    


He took the elevator to the second level of the underground building and let the security guards check if he was carrying any weapons. Then, he walked into the casino.    


The underground area was quite large, and the decorations were luxurious. There were slot machines, Russian roulette wheels, cards and cards, Texas poker cards, spindles, and all sorts of other gambling methods. Three or five groups of gamblers surrounded the gambling table, shouting and shouting, bustling with noise and excitement.    


"Sir, welcome!" As soon as Ye Cheng entered, a pretty woman took the initiative to welcome him. She was dressed in a red qipao, had a voluptuous figure, with a protruding front and back, and greeted him warmly and courteously: "Sir, are you here to play? If you are right, please exchange your chips first. Money is not available in this casino. "    


"Then let's try our luck at the exchange point." Ye Cheng pretended not to come much as he said a little stiffly.    


"I wish Mister luck was on your side tonight. Please follow me!" The lady made a gesture of invitation and brought Ye Cheng to the counter to exchange for chips.    


"Hello, may I ask how many chips would you like to exchange?" The pretty girl at the reception desk asked sweetly.    


"Five thousand first!" Ye Cheng felt around in his pockets for a while before he took out a bank card.    


"Alright!" A look of disdain flashed across the eyes of the pretty girl who exchanged their chips. The people who came here were all straightforward gamblers, she had never seen anyone exchange less than 10,000 chips. Sir, don't you have a lot of exchange points? "I can't even play with five thousand yuan!"    


Ye Cheng was originally here to cause trouble, so he immediately said angrily: "I haven't even started gambling yet and you're already cursing me to lose, what's going on with your casino?"    


"Sir, that's not what I meant!" The girl felt even more contemptuous of him: pretending to be a grandpa without money, cursing him for not winning a single round tonight and losing everything.    


"Sir, you misunderstood her. Our casino's smallest bargaining chip is a thousand. What she means is, if you want to win more, then you have to exchange for more chips. " The red cheongsam woman also quickly explained.    


"Excuse me, why are you still wasting time exchanging 5000 chips. Don't come and gamble if you don't have money." Someone pushed Ye Cheng a bit, and said with naked disdain.    


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