The Romantic Soldier King



0"When we were in university, Annie was the department's best drinker. It was fine even if each of us drank a dozen of beers!" Meng Suying no longer had the face to openly persuade her, but instead hinted at Ye Cheng, telling her to drink openly, even three hundred thousand was not enough.    


Annie gave Ye Cheng a look that said 'I'll let you go', and smiled like a flower: "Drinking red wine is very romantic, two bottles would be enough."    


As the food was served, Annie ate happily. The two bottles of red wine were mostly in her stomach.    


After eating his fill, Annie went to the bathroom to settle the bill.    


The meal had cost Ye Cheng more than sixty thousand yuan. Adding the two bottles of Lafite red wine together, it was already close to sixty thousand yuan. Take an integer, even if it's 60,000, a whole 60,000 hits, you big foreign girl!    


"Ye Cheng, I will let you spend a lot of money. Annie has this kind of character, don't mind it." Meng Suying said in embarrassment.    


"It's nothing, I don't think much of this small amount of money." Ye Cheng took the opportunity to ask: "What is your classmate doing?"    


"She works for a trading company in the United States. This time, she came to China to finish her work and also to travel for a while..."    


From Meng Suying's words, Ye Cheng found out that Annie's father was American and his mother was Chinese. He grew up in the United States. He went to school with his father in high school and didn't return to the United States until he graduated from college.    


When Annie came out of the bathroom, he met a man who was drunk. The man wore a famous suit, but he looked decadent, with a stubble on his beard and messy hair.    


"Beautiful lady, can I buy you a drink? How about we get to know each other?" The dispirited man blocked Annie's path, borrowing the alcohol to glance wildly at her chest.    


"Not interested!" Annie's face revealed disgust, and unrestrainedly refused.    


The decadent man burped as he said unhappily: "What, are you looking down on me? "You slut!"    


"Scram!" Annie reached out and grabbed the man's hair, and then pulled him in front of him. He took the opportunity to raise his knees and placed it on the man's abdomen, and then flung him out.    


The decadent man fell to the ground and shouted with a pained expression, "Security, where the hell are you all going? Arrest that ninny for me."    


Hearing the shouts, the two security guards standing in the corner immediately came over.    


"Young Master Song, what's wrong with you?" A unconscious security guard ran over to support the decadent man.    


"Young lady, please wait!" Another guard blocked Annie's path. Seeing her figure and beauty, he could not help but feel warm inside. This foreign chick is really pretty. Just look at her figure and face. I wonder which pig will pounce on her.    


"Why did you stop me?" Annie asked.    


"Since you beat Young Master Song, you must apologize to him!" The security guard straightened his back and said forcefully. Anyway, this matter was under Young Master Song's control, what was there to be afraid of?    


"How laughable. He was the first to insult me." Annie snorted, and changed his direction slightly, continuing onwards.    


The security guard took a step forward and stopped Annie. Seeing that you're a foreign friend, let me remind you that you'd better apologize to Young Master Song, otherwise you'll be in big trouble. "    


"Trouble? I've never been afraid of trouble! " Annie, on the other hand, did not leave, as though he wanted to see what you guys can do to me.    


"What are you still standing there for? Arrest her. If you dare to hit me, the consequences will be severe." Young Master Song rubbed his belly. Even with help, he couldn't stand up straight.    


"Hey, beauty, quickly apologize to Young Master Song, or else we won't be polite." Ye Zichen said as he supported Young Master Song's security.    


"If you want to be rude to me, then come at me. Two men are so sissy." Annie was eager to give it a try, but the anger of having his bath broken by Ye Cheng had not disappeared yet, hence he used the security guards to vent his anger.    


Being looked down upon by a foreign beauty, the two security guards were not satisfied. They looked at each other and rushed forward together, one hugging his waist and the other the upper half of his body.    


Annie did not dodge. Instead, she raised her beautiful legs and kicked the security guard who was rushing over to the ground. She still couldn't calm herself down, so she turned around and whipped her leg, kicking Young Master Song over.    


"You two, still want to be rude to me!" Annie then kicked Young Master Song a few times, causing him to lie on the ground and scream.    


Ye Cheng noticed the small disturbance around him and turned to look. He saw a man who was kicked furiously by Annie. This foreign chick is really a rose with thorns, she caused an accident so quickly. " Seeing that Annie was not in any danger, he happily watched and did not go to help.    


After kicking them, Annie's mood became good. She arranged her long golden hair and gracefully turned to leave.    


"Annie, who did you kick just now? You're not going to be in trouble again, are you? " Meng Suying worriedly asked, who could come here was either rich or noble, who knows what kind of trouble Annie's actions would cause.    


"He's just a hooligan!" Annie intentionally looked at Ye Cheng with provocative eyes.    


"There's a hoodlum trying to take advantage of you, why are you glaring at me? It's not like I'm molesting you!" Ye Cheng returned the provocative gaze back. If you don't accept it, continue fighting with me? Next time, it won't be so easy to let you go.    


Annie made a fist with his hand, glaring at Yue Yang. Just you wait, there will be a day when I will beat you until all your teeth fall out.    


Meng Suying led the way, and the two of them fought openly and secretly at the back. After they got on the elevator, the two of them looked kind and amiable, as if nothing had happened.    


When the three of them got out of the elevator, they were surrounded by a group of security guards.    


The security manager looked at Annie with his dark and passionate eyes, then ordered the security guards: "It's her, catch her and wait for Young Master Song's order."    


Ye Cheng forcefully pulled Meng Suying aside, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.    


"Ye Cheng, didn't you know the manager of the hotel? Hurry up and help Annie. Meng Suying said anxiously.    


"It's fine, she can take care of these security guards, don't worry." Ye Cheng consoled, and smiled as he looked at the plaza.    


Annie had already started fighting with the security guards, and wearing the 10 cm high heels did not affect her movements at all. She dodged left and right, hitting her feet with punches and kicks, and in the blink of an eye, she knocked down two of the security guards. Her martial arts were not a threat in front of Ye Cheng, but against these security guards, she was strong enough to be considered an expert.    


"Xiao Ying, Annie learned martial arts?" Ye Cheng saw that her movements were mixed, her Tai Chi, Taekwondo, Interception and a few other skills had all fused together.    


Meng Suying nodded and praised: "When she was in university, she was a President of the Taekwondo Association.    


"Then you don't need my help either!" Ye Cheng could tell that Annie had definitely been guided by an expert before, if not he would not be able to execute all kinds of punches and kicks so smoothly.    


"I'm not asking you to help her fight. I want you to stop her and make a big mess for her." Meng Suying said.    


"At most, I'll just go to jail for a few years. It's nothing!" Ye Cheng said in a relaxed manner.    


"You don't mind the big deal just to watch the show!" Meng Suying shook Ye Cheng's arm and acted like a spoiled child: "Annie is my best classmate, can you stop him for a while?"    


"Rest in peace and watch the show. I'll take care of her mess." Ye Cheng hoped that Annie could make things a little bigger so that he could be the hero and save the beauty, and take her down at the same time. If he appeared now, he wouldn't receive any benefits.    


Annie completely treated these guards as Ye Cheng, and attacked mercilessly. Seeing that they had all fallen to the ground one by one, she was overjoyed.    


"Why is this foreign girl so powerful?" When the security manager saw that the security guard he brought with him was lying down, he immediately picked up his walkie-talkie and called for someone.    



The elevator door opened again, and two security guards walked out, supporting the beaten up young master Song.    


Ye Cheng was secretly amused. I was wondering why the back of the fellow who was beaten up by Annie looked so familiar. Turns out it was Song Liangjun.    


In these past few days, Song Liangjun's life had not been very well. On the royal family ship, he lost 50 to 60 million bet with Ye Cheng. After being scolded by his father on his return, he lost all authority over his family property, and his position as the successor of his family was in danger.    


When Song Liangjun saw Annie, his blood boiled and he shouted angrily, "You bunch of useless people, hurry up and capture her."    


The security manager immediately walked over, nodding and bowing as he said: "Young Master Song, calm down. I have already notified Kou Yong, wait for him to come and capture this foreign girl, and then we will wait for your orders."    


Song Liangjun rubbed his body, and started to grit his teeth in pain. "What are you still standing there for? Go get a chair for me, let me sit down!"    


"Immediately!" The security manager moved a chair over eagerly for Song Liangjun to sit on.    


Song Liangjun endured the pain as he straightened his back and crossed his legs to watch the show as well. His gaze was focused on the white rabbit, which was shaking from the intense movement, and he did not notice Ye Cheng at all. It's not like I've never played with foreign girls before, but I've never played with a woman with such a big chest and such a body. F * ck, you dare to hit me! I'll make you go to bed and have fun!    


Annie who was fighting noticed Song Liangjun from the corner of his eyes, and when he saw acting as if he was enjoying the show, he immediately got angry. She faked a move and kicked one of the security guards in front, causing him to jump and rush towards Song Liangjun.    


"Stop her!" Suddenly, he realised that Annie rushing towards him scared Song Liangjun and made him jump.    


The security manager pulled out his baton and braced himself to face her. He did not clash with Annie head on, but instead walked back and forth to fight with Annie. He also knew that he was far from being this foreign girl's match, and only hoped to keep her waiting for Kou Yong's arrival.    


Often the ideal is beautiful, the reality is cruel. The security manager and Annie fought for a long time before they met again, and Annie easily broke through. Caught off guard, he was kicked in the groin by Annie's kicks.    


Annie's 10 cm tall heel was like a nail, directly kicking on it and almost breaking the security manager's Lao Er. Immediately, he clutched his crotch and wailed miserably.    


Song Liangjun could no longer continue pretending. He jumped up from the chair and ran.    


Annie hurried over, her beautiful long legs jumping, she landed on Song Liangjun's back with a heavy kick. Song Liangjun threw himself forward, and fell flat on his face like a dog fighting for its feces.    


"Stop!" At this time, three men wearing black vests walked into the hall. The one who shouted was a burly man with a robust stature.    


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