The Romantic Soldier King



0To Ye Cheng, putting down these guards was a piece of cake. In less than two minutes, he had beaten them all down. Song Liangjun saw that the situation was bad and ran away as fast as a rabbit.    


Ye Cheng didn't pay attention to Song Liangjun. He pointed at his own lips and said smilingly to Annie: "Now you should take the initiative and throw yourself into her arms. First, give her a kiss to taste it!"    


"You still have the nerve to take my kiss when the main culprit has already run away." Annie charmingly looked at Ye Cheng. Do you want my kiss? I just won't give it to you.    


"Let's hurry up and leave. We'll be in trouble when the security guards call the police." Meng Suying urged.    


"Right, let's escape first!" Annie walked two steps, then directly took off his high heels and stood on the ground with his bare feet facing Ye Cheng: "Hey, can't you act a little more like a gentleman and carry me on your back?"    


"Ye Cheng, you should still carry Annie on your back! If she walks barefoot, she'll be in trouble if she gets stabbed. " Meng Suying said.    


"You should be more sincere in your pleading. Don't tell me you foreigners don't even understand the least bit of courtesy?" Ye Cheng deliberately made things difficult for them.    


"Mr. Ye, I beg of you, can you carry me?" Annie said in a spoiled manner.    


"Alright, I'll be the Thunder Fist!" When she acted so coquettishly, Ye Cheng could no longer hold on, so he squatted down and patted her shoulder: "Come up!"    


"Thank you!" Annie laughed sinisterly, tightly hugged Ye Cheng's neck and jumped up.    


"You want to strangle me!" Ye Cheng immediately felt his back being tightly pressed by the two lumps of meat, but due to the strangling of his neck, he was unable to breathe.    


"Don't touch him, he's a hooligan!" Annie was so embarrassed that she was angry. Her delicate body struggled as the two deformed lumps of meat moved back and forth on Ye Cheng's back.    


"Then why are you in such a tight spot, did you think I was your boyfriend!?" Ye Cheng supported her perky butt with her hand and hummed honestly.    


"If you dare touch me again, I will make you vomit blood!" Annie warned her as she relaxed her arms. Xiao Ying, accompany me to buy another pair of high heels. You can't wear this pair. "    


Ye Cheng carried Annie as he walked towards the entrance of the hotel in joy and pain. With every few steps he took, he would use Annie as an opportunity to pinch two big peach buns. The softness carried an astonishing elasticity, and the feel of his hands was quite good.    


After sending the two great beauties to the shopping mall at the center of the city, Ye Cheng found an excuse to leave and took a taxi to the Zhong Tian Entertainment City's underground gambling den.    


When Ye Tianliang first came to the Eastsea City, Ye Cheng could not ignore him. He let Wu Jingyi arrange for him to stay at a casino, since there were a lot of rooms on the first floor of the dorm.    


"Bro, you're here. You can accompany us for a drink!" Ye Tianliang and Wu Jingyi were drinking.    


The three of them grew up in an orphanage, so they didn't have the chance to get together and drink when they became adults. They had finally reunited after some difficulty, so of course they had opened their mouths to drink and chat merrily.    


"Daybreak, you will temporarily manage the casino's logistics department. If you follow me out, I definitely won't treat you unfairly." Ye Cheng said.    


"Brother, don't worry, I'll definitely work hard." Ye Tianliang patted his chest as he promised her.    


"But there's one thing I have to warn you about. No more gambling." Ye Cheng said seriously: "I will have Little Wu send people to watch over you, if you dare to gamble, then scram home, don't say that I am ungrateful."    


"I will definitely fix this problem." Ye Tianliang felt itchy in his heart. Wandering around the casino every day and being able to watch and not play, wouldn't that make me want to die?    


Ye Cheng arranged for Ye Tianliang to stay in the gambling house for a reason, to stop him from gambling. "Don't you like gambling? I'll let you watch every day." If you can stop gambling within two months, I'll give you ten percent of the gambling stake as a reward. "    


"Thank you brother!" Ye Tianliang was happy, the gambling house has to earn at least over a million every month, I only have 10% of the share, in a year, I can easily earn over a million! How could he find an opportunity like this?    


"Don't thank me. You won't be able to stop gambling for two months. Not only will you not get any share, I'll even chase you away." Ye Cheng threatened and added enticing words, "I know which is lighter and which is heavier. If I didn't say it, you would understand it as well."    


"Of course, the casino's share is more important. I'm not stupid enough to go against money!" Ye Cheng hardened his heart and promised, "Within two months, I will definitely not touch a single thing to gamble with. If I dare to touch it, then there's no need for me to rush there.    


"I'm doing this for your own good, and also for our mother's. Although our mother and I treat you equally, you are her biological son. She definitely hopes for your future the most, so you might as well let our mother down. " Ye Cheng said sincerely and sincerely.    


"I understand, I understand everything! "I was confused before, but now that we've found a good development platform, I will definitely do my best. After we've made a fool of ourselves, the three of us will return home in high spirits." Ye Tianliang lamented.    


"Come to our bro for one! To make a living, go back to your hometown and visit our mom!" Wu Jingyi raised his cup and said.    


After drinking for most of the afternoon, the three of them were drunk and were resting on the bed.    


When the three of them woke up, it was already night. That expert in gambling techniques, Ge Lin, had come to find him. He had something to discuss with Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng came to an office and met Ge Lin.    


"Mr. Ye, I want to resign." Ge Lin went straight to the point.    


Ye Cheng's mind stirred. There were no experts in gambling techniques in the casino, he would definitely lose if he met anyone who dared to mess around. Mr. Ge Lin, how did you treat me in the past? If there is anything you are not satisfied with, we can discuss it. "    


He had already asked Wu Jingyi to investigate who were the employees of the Five Lake Gang and get them to leave. Ge Lin was only invited over by the original Black Tiger Gang to take control of the situation, and did not belong to any gangs.    


"I don't have any objections to the treatment. I just feel that my gambling skills aren't up to standard and I'm preparing to return to Las Vegas to study." Ge Lin explained the reason.    


"Actually, your gambling skills are very brilliant. It's just that you met me a few days ago. Losing to my hands, you don't have to feel any psychological burdens. " Ye Cheng laughed: "I am not boasting, if it were any other gambling king in the world, they might not have the confidence to win against me."    


"Oh!" Ge Lin's eyes lit up, then you are an expert at listening to dice?    


"I guess so. My hearing is quite abnormal." Ye Cheng modestly added on top of ridiculing himself.    


After obtaining Ye Cheng's personal acknowledgement, Ge Lin had also solved the doubt in his heart. To be able to meet an expert like you in China is my greatest fortune. I have a request. I would like to make a bet with Mr. Ye again. "    


"Anytime! "However ?" Ye Cheng changed the subject and said: "If Mr. Ge Lin loses, please be at ease and stay at work. If you win, you can stay. "    


"Alright!" Ge Lin nodded his head in agreement, "We're still betting on the dice? What do you think?"    


"How do you want to bet?"    


"We shook the dice at the same time, and yet you're still guessing if it's big or small. Just guess the exact number that the other party shook out."    


"No problem!" Ye Cheng directly guessed the number of points he had and increased the difficulty by several times. He then excitedly ordered people to prepare the two dice Gu.    


When Ye Tianliang and Wu Jingyi heard that he was going to bet with a foreign expert, they came over to watch the show. He had heard Wu Jingyi say before that Ye Cheng had won over 700 million in one go. The original owner of the casino didn't have the money to pay it back, so he could only give the entire casino to Ye Cheng.    


To be able to win 700 million in a single round was simply a legendary existence. He opened his eyes wide in an attempt to broaden his horizons.    


When the dice Gu was delivered, Ye Cheng and Ge Lin took one each and made their preparations.    


"Please, please!" Both of them shook the dice at the same time.    


Ge Lin took out his unique skills. His dice shaking movements were sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes hurried, and sometimes slow. The dice Gu kept changing its shape in his hands, flying up and down. There was a sense of beauty to it when he raised his hands, it was extremely beautiful.    



No one in the room spoke. It was exceptionally quiet, with only the sound of the dice being opened. If it was on the gambling table, it would be very attractive.    


"Expert! This is a true expert! His actions are a match to the God of Gamble from the movies!" Ye Tianliang secretly praised, his eyes not leaving Ge Lin's hands, ecstatic.    


On the other hand, Ye Cheng's movements were much simpler, it merely swayed a few times, and then suddenly put it on the table. He then lit up a cigarette and looked at Ge Lin who was shaking the dice with interest.    


Ge Lin's movements suddenly sped up, and the dice continued to spin quickly in the dice Gu. Suddenly, his hands went still, and the sound of the dice hitting each other came to a sudden stop. Then, he slowly placed the dice on the table.    


This dice shaking technique was one of his best techniques. The dice inside suddenly stopped under the constant high speed collisions. Even he didn't know whether it was big or small.    


"Mr. Ye, do you want to guess first or should I?" Ge Lin asked.    


"Let me guess first, yours is big, twelve o'clock!" Ye Cheng laughed, with absolute confidence.    


"Then I guess it's a small one, four o'clock!" Other than being good at dice, Ge Lin was also an expert when it came to listening to dice. That night, because his gambling skills had caused his former boss to lose the casino, he was extremely unhappy. He felt that his skills were still lacking, so he decided to return to his hometown and continue his studies.    


"Open it!" Following the voice, Ye Cheng opened the dice Gu.    


Ye Tianliang and Wu Jingyi both looked over, wanting to know who had guessed correctly. Neither of them saw Ye Cheng's gamble, and they also wanted to see if he was as strong as the rumors said.    


With a single look, not only the two of them, even Ge Lin was stunned on the spot. This was because the three dice in Ye Cheng's die Gu were stacked together, with one on top of the other. This miraculous technique could only be seen in movies. The three of them didn't expect to be able to witness it in reality.    


"High, it's really high!" Ge Lin gave her a thumbs up. It didn't matter if he guessed correctly or not, he lost this match again.    


Ye Tianliang looked at Ge Lin's die Gu, the three dice's worth of points added up, it was exactly twelve points. Brother, you're too awesome! "    


"Bro, I finally know what a true expert is!" It's so awesome that it could explode the heavens! " Wu Jingyi also gave a thumbs up.    


Ye Cheng laughed as he took one die after another, placing them together. The three dice were all single, which made the three even more surprised.    


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