The Romantic Soldier King



0"Then I'll thank you first." Dai Chen smiled charmingly at Ye Cheng, capturing his soul.    


"There's no need to be polite. You are Sister Yi's friend, so you are naturally my friend as well. As long as Miss Dai doesn't mind that my temple is small, it's fine." Ye Cheng waved his hand in a rather gentlemanly manner.    


Ye Cheng guarded four great beauties, especially the four beauties who had completely different temperaments. Zhang Kewei was a weirdo, Zhang Kejia was gentle and kind, Yin Fangyi was mature and sexy, filled with a feminine charm, and this Dai Chen was even more charming and alluring.    


The more he drank, the hungrier he got. Especially since Ye Cheng had not eaten breakfast this morning, and fought a huge battle with Chen Luoxue for more than an hour, and had not eaten lunch at the inn, he had toyed with Zhang Kejia for an entire afternoon, and did not eat a single mouthful of food.    


Thus, the four of them ate under Ye Cheng's suggestion. Of course, as the only man, they would naturally be invited by Ye Cheng.    


Thus, a group of five people walked out of the coffee shop under the envious gazes of the men.    


Fortunately, Ye Cheng's Mercedes-Benz 500 was a commercial car, so the five of them were not crowded.    


Walking out of the coffee shop, Dai Chen lit up a cigarette and waited for Ye Cheng who was behind him to finish paying the bill.    


Ye Cheng took out the car key and unlocked the car, but Zhang Kewei and the rest did not discover anything, they just pulled their sister and got into the car.    


Ye Cheng looked at Dai Chen who had fallen behind everyone, and also casually lit a cigarette, and slowly walked over.    


"Mr. Ye, Sister Yi can't really be your woman, right?" Dai Chen said while grinning.    


"Oh? "What do you mean?" Ye Cheng asked as he took a drag from his cigarette.    


"Intuition, the way Sister Yi looks at you is different. I feel that her relationship with you is definitely not ordinary." Dai Chen seemed to be chatting with him.    


"Women are a terrible thing, especially the intuition you speak of." Ye Cheng did not admit nor deny it, he did not know what was going on with this Dai Chen who suddenly appeared. What a joke, Ye Cheng did not believe it.    


"Hehe, Sister Yi is the aunt of the two sisters. I'm guessing that they still don't know about your matters." Dai Chen said casually.    


"What do you mean? Can I see it as a threat? " Ye Cheng looked at Dai Chen, a cold glint flashing past his eyes.    


Hehe, think what you want, Xiao Wei is right, you are really a man with a man's personality, the first time we met, I liked you a little, if you also take me in, then wouldn't we be family? As if she didn't feel the coldness in Ye Cheng's words, she said with a beautiful smile.    


Heh heh, a beautiful woman like you, I don't mind doing bed exercise with you." Ye Cheng's lips curled up into a lewd smile as his big hand pinched Dai Chen's raised bottom without leaving a trace. Dai Chen could be said to be wearing a simple dress with a short lower body.    


"You man! It's really vulgar, but I like it, hehe. " Dai Chen twisted her butt and spread Ye Cheng's big hand, threw away the tip of the cigarette and walked towards the Mercedes-Benz.    


"There really are some problems. Since there's a problem, it's best to keep her by her side and see what she has in mind ?" Ye Cheng looked at Dai Chen's sexy and graceful back, he mumbled and took a deep breath, then threw away the cigarette butt and got into the car.    


After the five of them finished eating, it was already around four in the afternoon. Yin Fangyi found a reason to leave, so Ye Cheng didn't say anything.    


Dai Chen and Ye Cheng left a call with each other and said that they would report to the company in the next few days.    


On the way back, the more Ye Cheng thought about it, the more he felt that it was not simple at all. He could not help but look at Zhang Kewei who was sitting in the front passenger seat and ask, "But, who is that Dai Chen person? How do you know each other? "    


"Hehe, Master, you can't have really fallen for her, right? What a playboy, my sister is still listening from behind." However, he could only laugh as he spoke.    


"But, what nonsense are you spouting?" Zhang Kejia said angrily.    


"That's not necessary. I just feel that something is wrong with her. Furthermore, if we are to talk about beauty, she cannot compare to either of you sisters." Ye Cheng laughed, and Ye Cheng was not lying, that was the truth, it was just that Dai Chen looked a little more enchanting and sexy.    


"That's right, didn't she just wear an extremely short skirt to expose her legs? Actually, my sister's legs are also white and thin, and feel that they're so elastic, her skin is definitely better than Dai Chen's, and her chest is also not small, and is also very soft. I've touched it, hehe." Zhang Kewei nodded and laughed.    


Zhang Kewei's words hit the nail on the head. Zhang Kejia's figure was indeed slender, and nodded with deep thought: "It's like this."    


Zhang Kejia who was seated at the back saw the two of them talking about himself in unison, he was extremely embarrassed and angry, "But, when did you ever touch me?!"    


"Hehe, I took advantage of your sleep a few days ago." Zhang Kewei said complacently.    


"You! Don't just talk about me, aren't you the same? Your butt is even more perky, and your chest is also quite big and elastic. There's even a small mole on your chest. " Furthermore, Zhang Kewei had said it in front of Ye Cheng, and just today afternoon, his own legs and those two treasures were the main targets of Ye Cheng's care. Zhang Kejia was so angry that he did not show any weakness as he said that.    


Hehe, it's not like you didn't touch it, so how do you know? You're just making it up, so what if you have a mole? This is called having a small ambition. I also know that sister has a small mole on the inside of her thigh." "Zhang Kangwei turned around and made a face at his sister, then said with a smile.    




"Is there? Why didn't I see it? " Ye Cheng casually asked.    


"Hee hee, next time you need to take a good look, just a little more in there. Un, on the right ?"    


"Stinky girl! Say it again! " Zhang Kejia blushed and started scratching under Zhang Kewei's armpit. Obviously, in terms of arguing and comparing their skin, the ten good-natured Zhang Kejia could not even compare to one of the weird Zhang Kewei, so he could only attack.    


Ye Cheng shook his head helplessly. He had originally wanted to ask about Dai Chen, how did the war between the two sisters start so quickly, and why is this daddy a man?    


However, Ye Cheng really didn't notice that there was a small black mole on the inside of Zhang Kejia's thigh, and the reason was naturally because the shy Zhang Kejia didn't want him to see it. This won't do, Ye Cheng had to see what that small black mole looked like one day, thought Ye Cheng shamelessly in his heart.    


"Alright, you still haven't answered my question, how did you know that Dai Chen?" Ye Cheng stopped the two and asked.    


"I met her through my aunt. I don't know how she met her, but I've only known her for three days. It's my second time meeting her today." Seeing Ye Cheng's serious face, Zhang Kewei decided not to ask her anymore.    


"What's wrong?" Zhang Kejia asked.    


"Mm, it's nothing. I feel like there's something wrong with this woman. Don't stay with her since you have nothing to do. Especially not someone like her. If you see her, just let me know." Ye Cheng said in a serious tone.    


"Oh." Seeing how serious Ye Cheng was, the two of them agreed to the request.    


In a luxurious inn, Dai Chen gracefully kicked off her sandals, sat on the sofa, and called her.    


"Hey, Ye Cheng is awake ?"    


"How do you feel?" The voice on the other end of the phone was simple and hoarse.    


And the person who was speaking to Dai Chen was naturally the cold man that almost killed Ye Cheng on their journey to the northwest of Qiao Rubing.    


"This person is not simple. I feel like I'm not his match in a fight, and looking at him, it looks like he's not injured at all." Dai Chen thought for a while and said.    


"Impossible!" The person on the other side of the phone immediately denied it. His tone was mixed with a bit of anger.    


After a long silence, the husky man suddenly asked, "How did he wake up?" Who's he been spending these days with? "    


"I don't know how he woke up, I felt that he was a little wary of me, I did not dare to ask, I only know that he was always at president Qiao's place, as for that president Qiao, he should be the target of our assassination attempt, Qiao Rubing." Dai Chen thought for a while and said.    



"At Qiao Rubing's place? You should investigate this woman and not alert her. Killing Qiao Rubing is secondary, Ye Cheng is the main culprit. " The cold man instructed.    


"Yup, I've already spoken to that Ye Cheng today. I can go to work with Mrs. Qiao at any time." Dai Chen said.    


"Alright, you be careful, and I'm guessing you'll lose soon." cold man said darkly.    


"When did you come to the East Sea? I missed you." Dai Chen said in a flirtatious tone.    


"I've suffered some injuries. I'll head over in a few days. That's it, I'll be hanging up now." cold man said before hanging up the phone.    


Dai Chen held his phone and called another number.    


"Ding ling ling ?" When the call connected, Dai Chen suddenly discovered that her phone was ringing right behind her. The moment Dai Chen turned around, a pair of arms hugged her tightly, and a tall and sturdy man with a sickly pale face fiercely threw Dai Chen onto the sofa. He rubbed both of Dai Chen's breasts that seemed to be about to come out, while wildly kissing her snow-white neck and face with his big mouth.    


"Mm ?" The strange stimulation caused Dai Chen's body to stiffen, but he still used his small hands to strongly reject the man's invasion, gasping for breath: "Wait, wait, I have something to tell you."    


If that dog doesn't come to the East Sea soon, I already know. What I want to do the most right now is your slut, I want to kill you every time I see you. You've been suffocating me in the East Sea for the past few days ? One of his hands reached into Dai Chen's tight-fitting T-shirt and grabbed onto both of Dai Chen's breasts as he kneaded them wantonly. The other hand directly reached into Dai Chen's miniskirt and rubbed it between her legs to feel the softness of her skin. He immediately pulled Dai Chen's insides to the side as his big hand covered her entire peach garden ?    


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