The Romantic Soldier King



0Ye Cheng sighed, he had accidentally gotten involved in the strife between gangs, it was truly impossible for people to control themselves! He didn't want to discuss the alliance with Sang Huihui anymore, so he changed the topic and started to ask about the sisters' background.    


In Sang Huihui's opinion, since he had already successfully dragged Ye Cheng into the water, it was only a matter of time before he would form an alliance with the Cheng Yi Gang.    


Shen Yu and were from the East Ocean, and their parents were normal citizens. They were in bad health, and both of them had younger brothers. However, their younger brother was a fool, which resulted in his family being poor and destitute.    


Two years ago, when Shen Yu and his sister was just a model, they were chosen by a rich businessman. They were almost raped by this wealthy businessman and Sang Huihui saved two of them. After that, Sang Huihui had helped the two sisters in both material and life aspects, so the two sisters were deeply grateful to Sang Huihui and trusted him greatly.    


What Sang Huihui did not tell Ye Cheng was that in order to allow the two sisters to follow Ye Cheng, she had given them a large amount of money.    


After understanding the background of the Shen Yu sisters, Ye Cheng felt that it was impossible for them to contact an assassin organization with their background, thus he dispelled his suspicions towards the two sisters and shifted the target to Bai Lu.    


"After eating, Ye Cheng wiped his mouth. elder sister Hui, thank you for your big meal, I will be leaving first. The next time you treat me to a meal, you'll have to do it in the evening.    


He didn't forget to tease Sang Huihui and happily walked out of the private box.    


Ah Duo and Xiao Tao were already full. When they saw Ye Cheng coming out, the two of them stood up and went to welcome him.    


"Where are we going next?" Ah Duo asked.    


"Go home and sleep." Ye Cheng said casually as he stabbed his toothpick into the flesh between his teeth.    


"Sleep after you've eaten your fill, you're a pig!" Ah Duo shot Ye Cheng a look of disdain and said: "I have already discussed this with Big Sister Xiao Tao. She has accompanied me to shop and buy clothes, you must also go with her."    


"On what basis? I'll go home and sleep, and you guys can go out on your streets and not interfere. " Ye Cheng flicked his toothpick out of the ground and walked towards the exit of the restaurant with his hands in his pockets.    


Neither Ah Duo nor Xiao Tao noticed that the toothpick that Ye Cheng had flicked out had coincidentally fallen into the trash can.    


"Hey, stop right there." Ah Duo caught up with Ye Cheng in just a few steps. He firmly grabbed onto's arm and said unreasonably: "You are not allowed to go home to sleep. You must go shopping with me, even if you don't want to, you must go."    


"Are you being unreasonable?" Ye Cheng continued to advance.    


Ah Duo tightly hugged onto Ye Cheng's arm without letting go, both of his feet scraped against the smooth floor, and he was dragged out by a large chunk. She could not hold Ye Cheng back at all, and anxiously asked for help: "Sister Xiao Tao, help me quickly."    


"Xiao Tao stepped forward and naturally wrapped his arm around Ye Cheng's other arm. Let's go, the two beauties are going shopping with you, are you not satisfied? "    


A pleasant fragrance wafted into Ye Cheng's nostrils, causing him to feel refreshed and his body to unconsciously move closer to Xiao Tao, his arm pressing down between two round and soft peaks. If the two of you stick to me like this, I can consider it. "    


Xiao Tao naturally felt the strangeness in her chest. This pervert was even shamelessly rubbing his arms against her breasts, causing her to feel numb and numb. She glared at Ye Cheng as she steered clear of him without batting an eyelid, not allowing the big pervert to take advantage of her.    


"I also want to hug you like this, so why don't you come with us? "I'll keep my word." Ah Duo also imitated Xiao Tao's actions and intimately held Ye Cheng's arm. The masculinity of a man wafted into her nose, causing her to be infatuated with this smell and feeling.    


"Fine, I'll sacrifice my life to accompany a beauty." One on the left and one on the right, the two beautiful women were holding each other, making Ye Cheng very happy.    


"Sister Xiao Tao said that there's a great home in the vicinity, let's go there on foot, and take a look at the scenery!" It was Ah Duo's first time in a big city, and he had not had the time to walk around. It was not easy for him to find Xiao Tao who was willing to accompany her, so he naturally would not miss this opportunity.    


"I don't mind." Ye Cheng would obviously prefer to walk over there.    


The three of them walked side by side, leisurely walking towards the location of the Thousand Glorious World's Merchant Shop. Ye Cheng casually moved left and right from time to time, taking advantage of the two women's breasts from time to time. It was very obvious that Xiao Tao's chest was two or three times bigger than Ah Duo's chest, and it felt even more comfortable to touch.    


"Big pervert, you knew that you'd take advantage of us just like that? You really aren't a good person." Xiao Tao scolded in his heart as he twisted his waist to warn Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng was in pain, he pretended to be unconscious and leaned on Xiao Tao with half of his body. This time, her entire arm was pressed against Xiao Tao's proud chest, making it feel even more intimate.    


However, Ye Cheng felt as if he was pressing down on two spring balls, and thought in his heart: So flexible, it must feel even better when I touch it. He purposely moved his arms a few times, causing the two mountains to shake as if they were trying to jump out from under his clothes.    


Peaches was half a head shorter than Ye Cheng, who had lowered his eyes slightly so that he could see from the collar of his shirt the hard fold of his black-patterned underwear. The white curve of her breasts stirred the hormones of men, and a seductive chasm formed between the peaks. To be exact, it was no longer a ravine, but a crack in a piece of paper.    


With such a tempting scene in front of his eyes, it made Ye Cheng's entire body turn hot, and he was ready to make a move.    


"Pervert!" Xiao Tao noticed the burning expression in Ye Cheng's eyes as he looked at her chest, as if he wanted to swallow down the two lumps of meat in one go.    


"Aiya!" Ye Cheng shouted through bared teeth, "How are you walking, are you planning to only step on my feet?"    


"Serves you right!" Xiao Tao scoffed.    


Ah Duo was only paying attention to the scenery around him, he did not notice the movements between the two, and also said: "Serves you right!"    


"What business of yours is it?" Ye Cheng snorted in dissatisfaction, he stood on his tiptoes and jumped forward, the majority of his body weight pressing onto the two women's bodies. If I don't take advantage of them by purposely trampling on me, wouldn't I be at a disadvantage?    


Xiao Tao quickly pulled out his arm from Ye Cheng's arm and said snappily: "Go by yourself."    


Seeing that Xiao Tao had pulled back his arm, and that she was about to do the same, Ye Cheng anxiously said: "If you don't hold onto me, I won't be going."    


"Alright, alright, I'll hold you back!" Ah Duo pulled his arm back.    


Ye Cheng seized the opportunity and hung half of her body on Ah Duo's body. Naturally, her arm wouldn't let go of Ah Duo's small chest.    


Ah Duo thought that Ye Cheng did it unintentionally, hence he was embarrassed to go berserk.    


"Ah Duo, quickly let go of this pervert." Xiao Tao reminded.    


"I'll let him go. He should take the opportunity to run away. It's better to hurry." Ah Duo did not think that Ye Cheng had taken advantage of her deliberately.    


Xiao Tao was not too clear about the relationship between Ah Duo and Ye Cheng, she was willing to take advantage of Ah Duo, so she did not say much, and twisted her small waist to pull two steps away from Ye Cheng, leading the way.    


It would be easier to fool him if he was just simple! Ye Cheng laughed sinisterly, focusing on enjoying the fun of Ah Duo supporting him alone.    


intentionally or unintentionally rubbed against her chest, giving Ah Duo a very strange feeling. It was as if Ye Cheng's entire body was charged with electricity, occasionally releasing numbing electric currents to pierce through her body. That feeling was somewhat wonderful.    


After arriving at the shopping mall and looking at the dazzling array of clothes, Ah Duo was as happy as a child. He completely displayed his innocence and chattered non-stop. Two eyes were not enough. Everything was beautiful.    


The heavy responsibility of helping Ah Duo choose his clothes, naturally fell to Xiao Tao.    


In the end, Ah Duo chose a Rose Small Blossom Belt with a fluffy dress around the waist, and put it on, looking elegant and cute. With her large, spirited eyes, long eyelashes, straight, pretty nose, rosy little mouth, and slim, well-proportioned figure, she looked like a flower fairy. She wanted to pick her up and kiss her.    


"Not bad, it's pretty good. No one is more suitable to wear this outfit than you." Ye Cheng praised her repeatedly.    


Xiao Tao rolled her eyes at him, "If you don't see who picked it, how can you not be beautiful?"    


The most important reason is that our Ah Duo is beautiful and looks good in whatever she wears. If she grows up to be two years old, who knows how many men she will bewitch, so she will definitely be more popular than you. Ye Cheng attacked Xiao Tao and praised him.    



Being praised as beautiful, Ah Duo was happy in his heart, but he continued to say: "Go, go, who's from your family, don't try to get close to me. Whether I'm pretty or not has nothing to do with you, it was Sister Xiao Tao's good judgement in the first place."    


"You brought trouble upon yourself, didn't you?" Xiao Tao laughed complacently.    


Ye Cheng curled his lips and said to Ah Duo in dissatisfaction: "If we can't differentiate between good and bad, what should we do? Even Xiao Tao called you a 'horse', yet you still called her so intimately, your brain must have been kicked by yourself! "    


"Ah Duo opened her large eyes, baring her fangs, as if she was about to bite Ye Cheng. Stop trying to sow discord between us, and break the relationship between me and Sister Xiao Tao. You even dared to scold me like that, you're asking for a beating! " With that, she raised her leg and kicked Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng took a few steps back to avoid it, and then said with a not too loud voice: "Xiao Tao is right, I've just lost!"    


"You ?" Ah Duo angrily picked up the wrapped up clothes and threw it at Ye Cheng. Ye Cheng turned and ran, Ah Duo chased after him, and the two of them started fighting.    


"Hey, it's Xiao Tao who said you're a horse, why did you hit me? If you want to hit her, then go and hit her. "    


"You still say, stop right there."    


Xiao Tao laughed until his branches trembled, watching the two play like children, he could not help but recall the vague memories he had when he was young, playing with his friends in the orphanage, as the figure of a seven or eight year old appeared in his mind.    


She muttered to herself, "Brother Little Treasure, where are you right now? How is it? Remember when I was a kid, I always liked to stick behind your back, like a little imp, and always like to cry? When we have time, let's go back to the orphanage and take a look. I wonder if Brother Little Treasure came back when he was a soldier? "    


Xiao Tao revealed an intelligent smile on his face, and slowly caught up to the footsteps of the two. In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. Even if I were to face him face to face, I'm sure that he wouldn't be able to recognize me! "He might have long forgotten about me ?"    


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