The Romantic Soldier King



0At Eastsea Television Station, Ye Cheng took the note that Station Head Huo had approved and went to the Finance Department to collect the money. Eastsea Television was only responsible for 60% of the loss he had claimed, while the rest was due to the media.    


Ye Cheng had been running around the entire afternoon, rushing from one media outpost to another without stopping. He had finally gotten all the compensation fees before each unit got off work. The process was arduous, but he was happy to get a million yuan. After all, he could finally put an end to the discovery of drugs at the Yichun bar.    


Of course he would not forget Qin Li's great help, so he would invite her to dinner together. Qin Li hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded and agreed.    


Just as he hung up, an unfamiliar number called Ye Cheng's cell phone, and he immediately picked it up.    


"Hello, may I ask if you are Mr. Ye?" A pleasant voice came over the phone.    


"Yes, may I ask who you are?" Ye Cheng's voice sounded a little familiar, but he suddenly couldn't remember where he had heard it before.    


"I'm Shiman, host of Eastsea Television Station's Food Show. Station Head Huo has arranged for me to give a special report on your Emotion bar, which we would like to go over right now. Do you have time?" The voice on the phone was clear.    


"Oh, so it's Miss Shiman. Of course I have time." In Ye Cheng's mind, he recalled the appearance of the beauty who was a little flirtatious with him at Eastsea Television. He did not expect her to be the one to conduct an interview. "I think it's almost time for dinner. How about I treat you guys to dinner and then conduct an interview?"    


"Alright, then do as Mr. Ye says!" Shiman thought: At least you know how to do things, it was worthwhile letting us interview you.    


Ye Cheng told Shiman the address of a restaurant near Yiran's bar in detail and then hung up. He had previously made an appointment with Qin Li, so he hurriedly informed her that there was a change in the location of the meal. In any case, he and Qin Li could be considered to be old acquaintances, so he did not feel that there was anything wrong with it.    


Arriving at the restaurant he had agreed upon, Ye Cheng waited a bit before arriving. He quickly left his private room to welcome them.    


Seeing Shiman, who was dressed in fashionable and beautiful clothes, walk down from the interview car, Ye Cheng walked a few steps forward and smiled: "Hello, Miss Shiman. I am the boss of Yiqing bar, Ye Cheng. As he spoke, he extended his hand.    


"It's you?" Shiman immediately recognized the man in front of him as the big pervert who took advantage of him two days ago at the television station. Extremely unwilling, he stretched out his white and tender jade hand and shook hands with Ye Cheng lightly. In her heart, she had already labeled Ye Cheng as a big pervert, she had no choice but to be on guard!    


"It's me. I didn't think we would meet again so soon. Could this be fate?" Ye Cheng pretended to be surprised and happy.    


This person was truly hateful. No matter how Shiman looked at him, he did not like Ye Cheng's gaze.    


"That may not be so!" Ye Cheng looked at Shiman who puffed her cheeks up, and was secretly angry, and laughed: Some fates are fated, if you want to hide, you can't!    


"Is that so?" Shiman coldly snorted, "Fortunately, it's not someone as big as you and me ? "Boss!" She was about to say big pervert, but she felt that she had lost her image when the words came out of her mouth, so she quickly changed her words.    


"Let me correct you a bit. I'm not some big boss." Ye Cheng then gestured politely, "Please come in, I have already booked a private room, if there's anything you need to talk about, we can talk about it slowly."    


He maintained a polite attitude and invited the angry Shiman and the middle-aged photographer into the restaurant.    


"If I knew that it was this pervert, I wouldn't have been so active in interviewing him!" Shiman muttered in his heart, "If you take advantage of me, you will definitely ruthlessly beat him up and take revenge on him. Otherwise, it would really be too bad for yourself."    


Arriving at the private room, Ye Cheng handed the menu over to Shiman and said politely, "I don't know what you guys like to eat, but I didn't order anything. Let's see what you guys want to eat."    


"Then I'll accept it!" Shiman unceremoniously received the menu, flipped through it a few times, picked up the most expensive four dishes, and then handed the menu over to the big photographic brother. "Master Wu, please order a few dishes as well. Since Boss Ye is so passionate, we can't let you down."    


Master Wu and Shiman's partner had been interviewing for more than half a year, and was extremely familiar with Shiman's personality. He only ordered two very ordinary dishes and a bottle of Maotai.    


Ye Cheng did not really care about the meal, as long as Shiman did her duty well and did not cause trouble for him later on.    


After the two of them finished ordering, Qin Li rushed over to the restaurant. Ye Cheng welcomed her into a private room and introduced her to him.    


Qin Li was immediately excited when she saw Shiman. Even if Ye Cheng did not introduce her, she had already recognized the beautiful host. You must be the famous food show host Shiman, to be able to see you in person is really too happy, I must watch every episode you host. "    


Shiman did not expect to meet his own fans, and happily chatted with Qin Li. Both of them were interested in delicious food, so they found a lot of common language and acted as if they had just met an old friend.    


"Famous program host. Why haven't I heard of it?" Ye Cheng normally did not watch television, nor did he watch catering programs. Of course, he had never seen Shiman on television before.    


continued to liven up the atmosphere of the meal. He realized that Master Wu was a good drinker, and he was not able to cut in on the conversation between Qin Li and Qin Li anyway. He continued to urge Master Wu to drink. Before long, half of the bottle had entered Master Wu's stomach.    


"Master Wu, you're really magnanimous! Come, let me respect you one more time!" Ye Cheng lifted his wine cup and took a small sip.    


"After a few cups of wine, Master Wu began to talk a lot." "I can't do it now, it's not like I'm bragging. When I was young, drinking two catties alone was definitely not a problem. Right now, it's at most one catty."    


"Master Wu, I think you're only in your thirties. You're still very young and have no relationship with your elder!" Ye Cheng chatted with Master Wu until his eyes fell on Shiman's chopsticks.    


Shiman chatted with Qin Li while maintaining a graceful posture to vent the anger in his heart towards Ye Cheng. At this moment, her chopsticks picked up a round piece of meat that had eyes like copper coins, and she gently placed it into her mouth. After chewing a few times, she praised, "This dish is quite delicious, it's spicy and delicious. You try it too!"    


As she said that, she picked up a piece and placed it onto Qin Li's plate. She didn't notice that Ye Cheng's eyes were staring straight at her, his gaze filled with ambiguous feelings.    


Qin Li picked it up and placed it on her lips. She felt that it was quite flexible and the taste was good, so she asked curiously: "What dish is this?"    


Master Wu could not stand it any longer and subconsciously tightened his legs. The way these two beauties were eating the meat was too alluring, and the ambiguous atmosphere made it easy for him to recall a certain scene when he was in bed with his wife.    


"I think it's called spicy meat!" Shiman replied.    


"What is this? Tendon?" Qin Li asked again.    


"I'm not too sure either!" Shiman shook her head. She didn't know what kind of meat this was, she decided to order it since she felt it was expensive.    


The two great beauties were discussing about money and meat, Ye Cheng couldn't help but want to laugh. He also picked up one piece and flipped it over. "I know what kind of meat this is!"    


"Then what do you think?" Shiman said unhappily.    


"You made me say that!" Ye Cheng said with a smile that was not a smile: "Money is a donkey's whip!"    


Shiman and Qin Li's beautiful face instantly flushed red. They were extremely embarrassed and wanted to vomit after eating this in front of these two men. Although both of them were interested in delicacies, they were not interested in learning donkey whips. At the same time, they also understood why Ye Cheng and Master Wu were looking at them dubiously.    


"It's more suitable for a man to eat!" Ye Cheng picked up a plate of vegetarian food and changed the place with the spicy and rich meat, "Master Wu, this is a good dish, you should just eat it!"    


Master Wu laughed secretly, this Ye Cheng was too evil, he knew that money was nothing but a mule, yet he still fought with two beauties.    


After eating the meat, Shiman and Qin Li both had no appetite. Ye Cheng went to settle the bill in time, and the four of them left the restaurant.    


Arriving at Yiran bar, Ye Cheng handed over the heavy responsibility of accompanying her to Wu Jingyi. He could tell that Shiman was dissatisfied with him, but who knew that he would be unable to resist teasing her a little? It was better if he didn't flirt around in front of her tonight.    


He led Qin Li to the booth that they had drank in together two days ago. After the two of them sat down, they smiled and said, "I have already obtained my compensation fee, thank you for your help, Lawyer Qin!"    


"You and I are old friends, no need to be so polite." Qin Li had already let the matter of Ye Cheng helping him change his clothes go away. Since Ye Cheng did not molest him while he was drunk, this meant that his character was not bad.    


"This little bit of money can be considered as Lawyer Qin's reward!" Saying that, Ye Cheng took out the large manila envelope he prepared beforehand and handed it to Qin Li, "I wonder if it's enough?"    


Qin Li felt that the interior was thick, it had to be at least 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, so she anxiously pushed the envelope back. It's too much. I can't take it. According to the rules of our industry, the most I can charge you is 10,000 yuan. No matter what, you and I are friends, so I can only charge you half. "    



"If you truly view me as a friend, then accept me. I have no other merits and would never treat a friend unfairly. If you don't accept it, don't treat me as a friend. " Ye Cheng forced the envelope into Qin Li's hands, blocking her way to continue rejecting it.    


"This is indeed a bit too much. I will feel bad if I accept it all." Qin Li felt very troubled.    


"Just take it. If I find you for a lawsuit in the future, wouldn't it be fine if you didn't take my money?" Indeed, Ye Cheng did not treat Qin Li unfairly, and there was fifty thousand gold in the envelope.    


"How about this, I'll take the money. In the future, I'll be your free legal advisor in your bar and hotel. You can come look for me whenever there are any related legal issues." Qin Li could not refuse anymore and thought of a plan that could achieve the best of both worlds.    


"I wish I could have a beauty like you be my free legal advisor!" Ye Cheng laughed.    


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