The Romantic Soldier King



0When such a captivating beauty suggested for him to stay behind to accompany her, Ye Cheng suddenly had three choices: To stay, or to stay, or to stay? There was no choice! Am I going to be an animal again tonight?    


"Don't misunderstand, I'm really afraid when I'm at home alone. I'm afraid that damn fatty will send someone to take revenge." Meng Suying explained in a hurry, afraid that Ye Cheng would misunderstand what kind of woman she was.    


Ye Cheng was startled, then suddenly felt that he was very despicable, and took advantage of the situation to enter. She was so frightened, what am I thinking? He abandoned his enchanting daydreams and nodded: "Okay, with me here, you don't have to worry and be afraid."    


"Thank you!" Meng Suying heaved a sigh of relief, the events that happened tonight had truly frightened her, and she had pretended to be strong. If Ye Cheng really left, she definitely wouldn't dare to go home alone. " By the way, have you eaten yet? "    


Ye Cheng rubbed his stomach, "No, you didn't eat it either, right? I'll take you out to eat. "    


"There's no need to go out. I have some food at home. I'll go cook it quickly."    


Just as Meng Suying was about to stand up, Ye Cheng immediately stopped her. "Since you are currently a patient, it's better if I do the cooking and have a good rest."    


"This little injury is really not a big deal. Exercise is good for the recovery of the wound. Besides, you saved me once, so it's natural for me to give you a small thank you meal. " Meng Suying absolutely refused to let Ye Cheng cook, so Ye Cheng could only enjoy it.    


"Wait a moment, I'll cook quickly." Meng Suying put on his apron and started to get busy, "But let me first say, it's not tasty, don't mind it."    


"Of course not, the food made by a beautiful woman is definitely delicious." Ye Cheng replied with double entendre.    


"How am I a beauty? I'm just an ordinary woman." Meng Suying said with a faint voice.    


"If you can't be considered a beauty, then there's no such thing as a beauty in this world!" Ye Cheng stared at Meng Suying's back, the more interesting he became.    


Which woman didn't like to be praised as pretty? Meng Suying was overjoyed, as if he had received the best of encouragement, and his hands moved even faster.    


Not long after, the fragrance of the frying pan floated over, Ye Cheng took a deep breath. "It smells so good. You don't need to taste it to know that the food you make will definitely be delicious. I didn't expect you to be so good at cooking!"    


"I seldom go out to eat. I feel unhygienic. I make my own dishes. Besides, I've always lived alone, and since I'm bored, I'll study how to cook. When I get married in the future, I'll definitely grab my husband's stomach. " Meng Suying relaxed his emotions.    


"Then who would be lucky to marry you!" Ye Cheng laughed.    


"By the way, if you don't come home tonight, won't your wife be angry?" Meng Suying suddenly realized the problem and blurted out a question.    


Ye Cheng thought for a moment: "They won't be angry, they're used to it!"    


"That's good!" Meng Suying felt that something was wrong and said in shock, "They? How many wives do you have? "    


"To be exact, it should be several women." Ye Cheng didn't plan to hide it and spoke frankly.    


"Then you really are flowery!" Meng Suying felt even more relaxed.    


One by one, the dishes were served and dinner was ready. Surprisingly, the two of them did not speak during the meal. Ye Cheng's appetite was sparked, and he tried his best to eat the food, because the food was truly delicious.    


After he finished eating his fill, Ye Cheng rubbed his stomach and said: "It's delicious, I have never eaten such a delicious meal, it's even more delicious than a 5-star chef."    


Looking at the four empty plates, Meng Suying was ecstatic. "If you really like it, I can make it for you more often in the future." Only after she said those words did she realize how wrong those words were. It was easy for others to misunderstand them, so she couldn't help but blush.    


"Alright, then I'll have another place to scrounge for food in the future." Ye Cheng was overjoyed: Is this considered a hint to me?    


After tidying up the dishes, the two of them got onto the bed. It was pitch dark inside the room. The two of them consciously lay on both sides of the bed. There was a wide gap between them.    


How could Ye Cheng sleep with a top quality beauty lying beside him? He opened his eyes and looked at the dark ceiling.    


Similarly, Meng Suying couldn't fall asleep either. After a long period of silence, she could not help but ask, "Ye Cheng, are you asleep?"    




"Then why don't you accompany me for a chat?"    




"I wonder who you are?" Meng Suying turned his body and slowly said: "You won so much money at the casino, I was worried that the casino would not only not give you any money, they would also resort to underhanded means. I never thought that you would actually take down the entire casino. I've been in the casino for a year, and I know that the boss of the casino was changed to Brother Wolf of the Five Lakes gang a while ago. I heard that he was very powerful, a gangster, but I didn't expect you to be even stronger. Don't tell me you're also from the underworld? "    


Ye Cheng also turned to face Meng Suying, and then he could see her face clearly from the light shining through the window. Do I look like one? "    


"It doesn't look like it. I just can't guess who you are." Meng Suying asked curiously.    


"Right now, I'm just a jobless person who has nothing to do." Ye Cheng laughed.    


"Even more so, if you don't want to say it, then forget it." Meng Suying pretended to be angry.    


"I'm speaking the truth. I was a soldier in the past and worked as a security guard for a period of time. Half a month ago, I resigned." Ye Cheng explained simply.    


"No wonder you're so powerful!" When you saved me, the moment you threw your dagger at me, my heart almost jumped out of my throat, almost scaring me to death. " Meng Suying said with lingering fear in his heart.    


"If you don't have a hundred percent certainty, then I won't recklessly attack you. I don't want you to be harmed in the slightest."    


Meng Suying's heart warmed, it had been a long time since someone really cared for him.    


"Then why did you choose to work in a casino? Is it easy to find a better job on your own terms? " Ye Cheng asked.    


"Can you not ask me this? I don't want to say. " Meng Suying's heart stung, and Ye Cheng's words stabbed into her scar.    


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked these questions." Ye Cheng felt that there must be some sort of story behind this, but since Meng Suying didn't want to tell it, there was no need to pursue this matter further.    


"Can you hold me for a moment?" Meng Suying pleaded like an injured and lonely child.    


Ye Cheng turned over, opened his embrace, and tightly held her in his embrace. Their faces were almost touching as they stared at each other.    


When a man and woman were alone in a room, it was easy for their desires to explode. It was unknown who moved closer to their mouth first, as the two of them embraced and kissed.    


This kiss was like a torch burning on dry firewood to Ye Cheng, completely igniting his desire and turning it into a blazing fire in an instant. He greedily sucked on his warm and moist lips as his palms began to become dishonest.    


Meng Suying's long hair was in a mess, and her face was flushed red. Under Ye Cheng's caress, she hurriedly tried to pander to him, as the lilacs secretly stuck out and entangled Ye Cheng's tongue.    


Ye Cheng's hands caressed skin that was as thin as silk, and his flat stomach, he climbed up those plump, big, soft, and shockingly elastic mountain peaks. The grapes on the peak were stiff, and his hands felt perfect.    


Her body was like a water snake twisting in Ye Cheng's embrace, her two slender and beautiful legs tightly coiled around Ye Cheng, and then gently touched the fire hard surface through the thin layer of space in front of her.    


In the end, Ye Cheng couldn't take it anymore, so he spread her legs and straightened his back.    



"Ah ?" Meng Suying let out a happy and comfortable moan. Her body moved up and down following her, and her closed eyes started to tremble, and the thing in front of her chest started to surge even more violently.    


The two of them were like dried wood caught in a blazing fire, deeply engrossed in a feeling of ecstasy, oblivious to everything that was happening or asking for or responding to, moving or attacking, a fierce battle that lingered on for a long time.    


The twin beds creaked as if they could not withstand the impact of the battle and would collapse.    


A night of endless passion, ambiguous and charming.    


When Ye Cheng woke up in the morning, he found Meng Suying sleeping soundly, leaning against his chest with the naked body and a happy smile hanging from the corner of his mouth. The lingering smell of the room, the faint speckles on the disheveled sheets, all confirmed last night's madness.    


Ye Cheng recalled once, and clearly remembered that the two of them rolled from the head of the bed to the side of the bed. He was suspicious, but it seemed that Meng Suying and him, who had only known each other for a short while, would actually do that kind of thing crazily, as if it had been a long time since they last met. Perhaps it was because she hadn't been touched by a man for a long time, or perhaps it was because he was too fierce, causing her to do everything she could to please him.    


The woman in his embrace twisted slightly. Ye Cheng lowered his head to see Meng Suying open his eyes, and gently asked: "Did you sleep well?"    


Meng Suying blushed and nodded. She stretched her sexy body and felt a little sore. Because it was hard to say anything, her face became even more red, and she continued to crawl into Ye Cheng's embrace.    


The bed sheets quietly slid down to her waist, and her upper body was completely exposed before Ye Cheng. Ye Cheng was finally able to see the situation clearly now. The two lumps of meat were so shockingly big that he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.    


"I don't know who was tormenting who last night, but my back still hurts from the pain!" Ye Cheng stared straight at Wei Liang's chest, and said as if it was cheap.    


"You ?" The two of them became intimate, causing Meng Suying's state of mind to almost change. She glanced at Ye Cheng bashfully, then extended her jade hand to pinch his body.    


Her eyes carried an indescribable charm and grace. Ye Cheng's mind stirred, and she sealed her red lips. At the same time, she roughly turned her body around to press her down, causing her two naked fruits to overlap with each other. Then, a pair of hands began to wander around her fiery beautiful body.    


Meng Suying was unable to resist, she gasped for breath, and released a low sound from her throat. She moved her mouth away and incoherently begged for mercy, "Don't ?" Last night, I was being tormented by you to the point that I couldn't take it anymore, I'm begging you ? "You want to wait for another day ?"    


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