The Romantic Soldier King



0Two black gun muzzles were pointed at Ye Cheng and Lei Zihan's heads, "Don't move, don't move!"    


What big scene hadn't Ye Cheng experienced? Despite facing these policemen with guns and bullets, he remained calm and composed, staring at Hao Tengda and asking: "Why are you capturing me?"    


"I'm a police officer!" Hao Tengda's face was dark and cold. His precious son had been beaten up so badly, that he had lost his looks and descendants, and he had even coaxed Ye Cheng out of his hatred. He shouted coldly, "Capture him and bring him back to the police station for questioning."    


The police took out handcuffs and locked Ye Cheng and Lei Zihan up, then escorted them to the police car.    


Finally, someone managed to take care of Ye Cheng. Before Lei Zihan even had the chance to take joy in his misfortune, he himself was also handcuffed. This was the first time someone had pointed a gun at her head. She did not dare to move, so she shouted angrily, "Let go of me! Why do you want to capture me?"    


Hao Tengda was filled with rage, "Be more honest, I suspect that you are a criminal's accomplice, so I have the right to capture you."    


Lei Zihan was so angry that she almost choked, "You suspect that I'm this guy's accomplice? What evidence do you have? I'm not even friends with him. You're abusing your power and framing good people. I'm going to sue a lawyer for you. "    


"Catching you doesn't need any evidence. If you want to sue, go away." Hao Tengda was currently infuriated, he only wanted to quickly take revenge on his son's behalf. Together with the culprit who beat up his own son, he didn't care who you were.    


"You dare to arrest me? Just wait for me to sue you!" This was simply a sudden disaster. Lei Zihan was so angry that he was about to die, he glared at Ye Cheng. "Damn you, I was implicated by you. Ever since I met you, I haven't had a good encounter with you."    


Ye Cheng said with a sullen face, "I'm even more wronged than Dou Er. If the police want to capture you, it has nothing to do with me. If you want to hate them, you have to hate them."    


"Brat, you have a day where you can go to the police station and see how I'll deal with you!" Seeing that Ye Cheng had been captured, Hao Feihuang finally let out his anger. His resentful gaze swept over Ye Cheng as he said to his father in a low voice, "Father, this brat has something on his phone that could threaten me. It would be best if you take his phone away right now."    


Hao Tengda nodded and followed Ye Cheng in two steps, forcefully taking away Ye Cheng's phone. He said righteously: "In order to prevent you from informing your other comrades, the police will temporarily keep your phone in their custody."    


How could Ye Cheng not understand Hao Tengda's intention? However, he was not worried, even if the secret device were to fall into Hao Tengda's hands, he would not be able to decipher the fingerprint verification password. He said coldly, "I'm warning you, you'd better take my phone seriously. Maybe one day when you hand it back to me, you can save your life."    


Hao Tengda put the phone back in his pocket and sneered: "Threatening to threaten a police officer is even worse."    


Ye Cheng shrugged his shoulders and laughed: "Being a threat is good, but being a warning is good. If you dare to touch my phone, be careful of your official position."    


"You still dare to be stubborn? I'll deal with you later at the police station." Hao Tengda hated that he did not immediately teach Ye Cheng a lesson, but he could only endure it in front of everyone, so as not to let himself be too rash.    


The police took Ye Cheng and to the police car and sounded the siren as they majestically left the hospital.    


When Zhang Yuchen arrived at the entrance of the inpatient courtyard, he saw Ye Cheng being escorted into the police car. How did the police capture Ye Cheng? "    


Not only did Ye Cheng help her solve the problem of the usury, he also took out five hundred thousand to let her mother be cured. Zhang Yuchen was extremely grateful, and his impression of Ye Cheng had completely changed. He has helped me time and time again, and whether he has eyes or not, I must give myself up to reporting. "    


Zhang Yuchen immediately took out his phone, turned it on and called Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin, I have something that I need your help with. "    


"Director Zhang, you've finally started." Xiao Lin asked: Did you encounter any trouble? Don't look at how strict Zhang Yuchen usually was with her subordinates. If she really met with a problem, Xiao Lin would be too embarrassed to not help.    


"It's not me. The new Supervisor Ye is in trouble. He was taken away by the police." Zhang Yuchen pleaded: "Don't you have a friend who is a lawyer? Can you ask her to help the police station to understand the situation and rescue Ye Cheng?"    


"Ah, Chief Ye was taken away by the police?" Xiao Lin was shocked, and immediately said: "I'll call my friend right now."    


Zhang Yuchen said with heartfelt gratitude, "Thank you!"    


Hao Feihuang got onto his father's car, and impatiently took Ye Cheng's phone over. He played with it for a long time, but still couldn't unlock the fingerprint password. He was most worried that his indecent video would leak out, so he said, "Dad, ask your police department's expert to help me unlock the fingerprint password for this broken phone."    


"This is still not my problem. Get someone to solve it once we get to the station." Hao Tengda didn't even ask his son for the reason to break the lock on his phone, he only agreed with all of his promises. Son, come to the police station and father will avenge you. "If you dare to touch my son, I will make him regret coming to this world"    


When he thought about how Ye Cheng had treated him, Hao Feihuang's anger mixed together and he felt so much hatred that his teeth hurt. "Dad, I want him to spend his life in prison. It's better to die than to live."    


Hao Tengda laughed sinisterly: "Don't worry, I will use some methods so that he will never be able to leave his cell."    


Arriving at the police station, Hao Tengda went to find the police officer Hou Dezhi who was proficient in deciphering codes to bring Hao Feihuang to decipher the password on his phone, while he himself went to the interrogation room to personally interrogate Ye Cheng.    


Hou Dezhi took Ye Cheng's cellphone and went into the Exhibits Department. He took out a special code breaking tool and started to crack the fingerprint password forcefully. He just felt that this phone was a little heavier than normal. It looked no different from normal smartphones on the outside. Breaking the password was a piece of cake.    


Hao Feihuang was a little curious about how to crack the password. "Bro, as long as you can break the password, my dad will give you a promotion later."    


Hou Dezhi knew of Hao Feihuang's identity. When he heard that unlocking the password would allow him to level up, he was overjoyed. He patted his chest and said, "This lousy phone, I can uncode it in less than a minute."    


However, in less than thirty seconds, there was a "bang" and the phone exploded into smoke. Broken parts flew all over the place. Although it didn't cause much damage to Hou De Zhi and Hao Feihuang, it gave them a shock.    


After coming back to his senses, Hou Dezhi looked at the scattered handphone parts in deep grief. It was not easy for him to find an opportunity to be promoted, but it was all for nothing. He frowned worriedly and said, "Young Noble Hao, this isn't my fault. You didn't say that this phone also has a self-destruct mechanism."    


The phone was completely destroyed, Hao Feihuang was even more at ease, now his indecent video could no longer be spread out. He was in a great mood as he patted Hou Dezhi's shoulder and said, "It's fine. Even if it's broken, you've still made a big contribution. You'll definitely get my dad to give you a promotion."    


"Really?" Hou Dezhi's worries immediately turned to happiness. If he broke his phone, he would be promoted. This opportunity to earn merits was simply too easy.    


Just as Ye Cheng's personal phone was destroyed, an alarm rang from a room in the secret base of the Department of State Security. Every secret service phone had a Global Positioning System, and once the self-destruct protection system was activated, it would alarm the police. In less than a minute, they had locked onto the location of the last phone that was distributed to Ye Cheng.    


The destruction of the phone meant that someone was trying to decipher the code, and even the owner of the phone could be in danger or captured. The staff at a secret base in the Ministry of National Security did not dare to be careless and immediately reported this matter to the police.    


Very quickly, a phone call without any number was notified to Zhao Hongwu. Number 7's phone activated its self-destruct mechanism, and the last place that it appeared at was the Eastsea City's police station.    


Isn't number seven Ye Cheng that brat! Could it be that his phone had fallen into the hands of the Eastsea City police? Zhao Hongwu was not worried that Ye Cheng would be in danger, so he immediately contacted him to investigate.    


Inside the interrogation room, Ye Cheng's hands and feet were manacled tightly to the chair, preventing him from moving.    


Hao Tengda controlled a lantern that shone as bright as day, piercing straight into Ye Cheng's eyes. He stared at Ye Cheng with eyes filled with rage, and scolded: "Be honest, be lenient. Ye Cheng, if you still don't admit your wrongs, don't blame me for getting nasty. "    


Ye Cheng closed his eyes in satisfaction, and laughed complacently: "I met a second generation prodigal son who took advantage of my sister, and taught him a lesson, it was purely to eliminate the harm, what crime is this?"    


A cold smile appeared on Hao Tengda's face, he slapped the table and roared: You hurt people, you tried to kill my son, and you dare to argue? If I don't give you a taste of my power, you'll be out of your control. "    


Ye Cheng said with a smile that was not a smile: So Hao Huang is your son, why are you trying to use your private punishment to force me to confess?    


"Pah!" Hao Tengda slapped the table again angrily, "At this point, you still dare to be so arrogant?! Even if I wanted to lynch you, what can you do?"    


He revealed his true form and laughed sinisterly as he took off his police uniform and walked towards Ye Cheng, holding onto his baton. A criminal like you who maliciously hurts others and tries to kill them, even if I were to beat you half to death, it would still be justice. "    


If he could just rely on the rope on his body to tie Ye Cheng up, he would really be wasting his time, but he did not plan to fight back. If you want to add to your crimes, why bother saying it out loud when you want to use torture to force a confession? Why waste your time trying to beat around the bush? If you have any tricks up your sleeves, just use them. If you can force laozi to confess, then consider it your ability. "    


"I want to see how long you can continue being so arrogant!" Hao Tengda had never seen such an arrogant "prisoner" before, so he swung his baton and smashed it onto Ye Cheng's body.    


"Bang, bang!" Even though he had been whipped a few times consecutively, Ye Cheng was still able to resist it, and didn't even bat an eye. He disdainfully said, "With such strength, how can you be like a girl?"    


"He's really courting death." Hao Tengda's anger flared up, and he used all of his strength to viciously strike. This is just warming up. There will be something better to take care of you later. "Since you dare to hit my son, it's too late for you to admit your wrongs now. I'll beat the crap out of you then."    



"Comfortable!" Ye Cheng circulated his Innate Qi to resist the pain. Although Hao Tengda had put in a lot of effort in his attack, he did not sustain much damage. I will endure it for now. I will return this baton to you tenfold.    


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