The Romantic Soldier King



0Seeing that the small blade in Ye Cheng's hand was about to cut into the delicate skin of the Big Sis, the muscular man said angrily: "Brat, don't take too much advantage of me, if you dare hurt the Big Sis, I swear that I will not rest until you are dead."    


Ye Cheng stopped the small knife on the delinquent's pretty face, "Big Bro, what are you arguing about? Don't forget that your life is still in my hands. "You won't stop until you die. You don't seem to be qualified."    


muscular man clenched his teeth and threatened: "You dare to hurt Big Sis, even if I die, Ming Shan Martial Arts School and the people of Black Tiger Gang will not let you off."    


"I'm so scared!" Ye Cheng patted the delinquent girl's pretty face with the side of his knife and giggled: "If you scare me again, maybe my hand will tremble, and there will truly be scars on my face that I can finally see through. If I'm not careful, your Big Sis will become ugly * * *."    


The delinquent girl's nose was almost crooked from anger. However, she could not speak, yet she did not dare to move recklessly. She felt a burst of powerlessness in her heart as she went crazy.    


The muscular man said angrily: "Bullying women is nothing, if you have the guts then cut me twice."    


Ye Cheng had a helpless look on his face, "I never bully women, she forced my hand."    


It's not the right thing for a man to use a knife to scare a little girl. Those who don't know anything will think they're robbers!" As he thought of this, Ye Cheng withdrew his saber and secretly placed it on the delinquent's waist, saying, "Little girl, hurry up and get me the cheque, don't think about playing any tricks.    


The delinquent girl's pants were ripped off. If she were to make a move, it would definitely reveal everything she had done. She hurriedly nodded in embarrassment and anger.    


Ye Cheng brought the little girl to the red sports car and opened the car door. The little girl picked up a red satchel from the driver's seat, opened the lock and took out a brand-new cheque that was exactly one million.    


"Thanks. In the future, if you want to spar, I'll accompany you anytime. But prepare your winnings." Ye Cheng happily extended his two fingers, pinched the cheque, and released the delinquent girl. He no longer cared about her gnashing his teeth as he turned and walked back to his own Mercedes-Benz.    


"Wait!" muscular man shouted, "You have already received the money, shouldn't you treat my injuries now?"    


The delinquent girl pointed at her own mouth anxiously. She was really afraid that she would turn into a mute.    


Ye Cheng turned around and said: "If you gave me the money earlier, I would have cured you immediately. "Just you wait. You'll be back to normal in an hour."    


The delinquent girl stomped her feet in anger, feeling a chill under her body. She hurriedly closed her legs and stopped moving. Her small face puffed up as she glared at Ye Cheng hatefully.    


Right at that moment, three vans sped over, screeching and screeching as they came to a halt. The doors of the car opened, and more than twenty people came down, all carrying big machetes, iron rods, and baseball bats in their hands.    


When the three men who came with the muscular man saw that the Big Sis had come alone, they were afraid that she would suffer a loss so they secretly informed the Black Tiger Gang's brothers. Someone pointed at Ye Cheng and shouted, "It was him who bullied Big Sis. Everyone go cripple this kid."    


"Stinky kid, you dare to bully Big Sis to your death!"    


"Take revenge for the Big Sis!"    


These people raised the fellows in their hands like fiends and ran towards Ye Cheng.    


The delinquent girl revealed a proud smile as she thought to herself, "Being beaten to death by my subordinates is such a lucky bastard. If I don't capture him alive, I will slowly torture him."    


Halfway through her glee, she felt something flash in front of her eyes, and a big hand grabbed her by the throat. A voice filled with demonic disgust rang in his ears, "Wake up, stop dreaming about beautiful things."    


The delinquent girl was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood. She just wanted to torture Ye Cheng and didn't notice Ye Cheng's sneak attack on her.    


When these people surrounded Ye Cheng, Ye Cheng had already taken control of the delinquent girl as a hostage. All of them pointed their weapons at Ye Cheng and shouted: "Kid, quickly release Big Sis or I will kill you."    


Ye Cheng said fearlessly: "Little girl, make these people move out of the way quickly."    


The delinquent girl could no longer hold herself back and opened her cherry lips. A bunch of trash. Even if there were so many of them, they still wouldn't be able to protect Big Sis.    


"I remember now, you can't talk." Ye Cheng raised his hand and opened the little girl's acupoints: "When you're talking, go through your brain, if you dare to speak rudely to me again, I will make sure that you will never be able to speak anymore and suffocate you to death."    


The delinquent girl thought she still couldn't make a sound as she shouted, "A bunch of trash! Didn't they see that Big Sis was kidnapped? Hurry up and f * ck off!"    


The sharp shout made Ye Cheng's ears buzz, "Can't you be a little softer, a bit like a lady."    


"The delinquent girl felt overjoyed when she realized that she could finally speak." "Big Sis, I'm happy to shout loudly. It's none of your business."    


"Yes, what did you say?" Ye Cheng looked at the delinquent's red lips with ill intentions.    


The delinquent girl immediately shut her mouth and became well-behaved as she said tenderly, "Big Sis didn't say anything about you!" "Her almond-shaped eyes rolled as she scanned through the crowd." Hurry up and get out of the way, didn't you guys see that I was kidnapped! "    


Ye Cheng was speechless, she was truly a hundred little chilies, a type of personality after a second.    


"Big Sis ordered, hurry and get out of the way." The delinquent girl had great prestige in the eyes of these people. With her words, the crowd immediately dispersed, opening up a path for her.    


Ye Cheng controlled the delinquent girl, raised his head, stuck out his chest, and walked in front of the car while saying: "Little girl, make your people move back a hundred meters."    


"Hurry up and move back a hundred meters."    


As expected, they listened to him and obediently retreated, distancing themselves from Ye Cheng.    


The delinquent girl said to Ye Cheng with a straight face, "Hey, I'm not the little girl. I'm Big Sis."    


Ye Cheng knocked on the delinquent's head, "Your head isn't big, so don't pretend to be a big head."    


"You ?" The delinquent girl hurriedly gritted her teeth, not wanting to say the latter half of what she had said. She was afraid that Ye Cheng would turn her into a mute again.    


"You're pretty good, remember not to swear in the future." Ye Cheng pushed away the little girl forcefully, his movements extremely quick as he entered the car. Before he could even sit still, the throttle throttled loudly, and with the ear-piercing sound of tires rubbing against the ground, the Mercedes-Benz shot forward like an arrow leaving the bow.    


The delinquent girl crossed her hands on her waist as she looked at the silhouette of the car disappearing into the distance. She angrily scolded, "Bastard, bastard! I'm not done with you!"    


She fiercely stomped her foot. Not caring if she divulged the spring sunshine or not, she jumped onto her own sportscar, turned around and chased after Ye Cheng.    


The scumbags of the Black Tiger Gang picked up the muscular man and started the van to chase after them.    


Ye Cheng saw the little girl and the others chasing him relentlessly in the rearview mirror, laughing out loud as he muttered to himself, "If you want to catch up to me, just practice your driving skills for a few more years!"    


He steadily controlled the throttle, the direction, and the flow of traffic. After passing through several streets, he quickly turned into a small deviated path under the cover of the traffic flow. There were many cars parked on the two sides of the road. Ye Cheng drove the car for a short distance, and with a gentle and beautiful horizontal swing, he steadily parked his body in the parking lot.    


Ye Cheng leisurely lit up a cigarette and called Jiang Chuyao. Xiao Yao, did you go back to school? "    


"Yes, I just arrived at the campus." Jiang Chuyao asked worriedly: "elder brother Ye, where are you? You haven't been overtaken by those people, have you? "    


"No, I'm in a parking lot right now." Ye Cheng said: "Don't worry about me. Take care of your injuries, I'll come see you when I have time."    


Jiang Chuyao secretly rejoiced in his heart, "Alright, then you need to be careful!"    


The two exchanged a few more words before hanging up. Ye Cheng watched from the mirror as a red sports car sped past. After waiting for a while, three minivans passed by.    



"One million is just enough to buy a red BMW!" Ye Cheng flicked the cheque, and after he kept it, he slowly drove away from the small road and returned to the cars on the big road.    


Through the navigation system on the Mercedes-Benz, Ye Cheng arrived at a BMW 4S car store. After parking the car, he leisurely walked into the sales hall.    


The entire hall was built with steel frames, and the outside was covered with thick, tempered glass. It was an impressive sight, and inside were all types of BMW cars.    


Seeing that there was a customer coming to visit, all the sales staff's eyes lit up, immediately focusing on Ye Cheng. However, seeing that he was too young and his clothes were extremely ordinary, he didn't seem like a rich person that could buy a BMW at all, and the strange light in his eyes instantly disappeared.    


Only one girl greeted him with a smile and said in a friendly manner, "Hello, sir!" Saying that, she handed a few colored pages to Ye Cheng, "This is the latest model of the BMW, do you like it?"    


Ye Cheng took the colorful page and did not even glance at it, but stared at the girl and laughed: "Xiao Wei, why aren't you resting at home, and have come here to sell your car?"    


The girl was stunned for a moment before she immediately said politely, "Sir, you know my sister?"    


Seeing that the girl in front of him looked exactly like the nurse, Zhang Kewei, he subconsciously thought that she was Zhang Kewei. However, he quickly noticed the difference between the girl and Zhang Kewei. When she smiled, there was no charming dimple at the corner of her mouth. He asked doubtfully, "You are?"    


The girl handed a name card to Ye Cheng with both hands. "I am Zhang Kejia, Xiao Wei is my sister, we are twins."    


Looking at the name on the name card, Ye Cheng smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I thought you were Zhang Kewei.    


Zhang Kejia's appearance was as sweet as her elder sister Zhang Kewei. She wore a small black suit with the upper half of her body, her lower half a step into a skirt, and her hair was tied up high. The twin peaks were as tall as the elder sister's, causing one's heart to tremble at the sight of them.    


Zhang Kejia smiled sweetly, "May I know what sir's name is?"    


"Ye Cheng, Ye Wen of One Autumn, achieved what he wanted to accomplish."    


"Mr. Ye, since you know my sister, I won't be polite." Zhang Kejia laughed mischievously, "Do you want to buy a car?"    


Through a few words, Ye Cheng realized that his sister Zhang Kewei's personality was a bit quiet, while his sister Zhang Kejia's personality was a bit lively. Your sister and I are friends, you can just call me Ye Cheng, I want to buy a red BMW. "    


With the intention to buy a car, Zhang Kejia was overjoyed: "Then do you have a car model that you like? If not, I'll show you around. If you really want to buy a BMW, you will definitely give me the best price for it out of respect for my sister! "    


"Alright, take me to see it. Buy it immediately." Ye Cheng had decided to gift Chen Luoxue a red BMW, it didn't matter who he bought it from. He also knew that a salesperson selling a car would earn a certain percentage of the profit. It would be better to let an acquaintance earn money than to earn money.    


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