The Romantic Soldier King



0Ye Cheng's speed was extremely fast, as his salty pig's feet seemed to be close to An Ningxuan's twin peaks. He was afraid that if he dropped even a centimeter, they would really come into contact. He smiled maliciously and said, "Don't move, or else the consequences will be on your own."    


An Ningxuan was a little flustered, he was really afraid that the Sacred Twin Peaks that no man had ever touched would be taken advantage of by a reckless criminal. She raised her beautiful legs and mercilessly kicked Ye Cheng's groin, wishing that she could cripple him.    


A slender and beautiful leg shot up rapidly from between Ye Cheng's legs. In a split-second, Ye Cheng's right leg fiercely bent inward, her knee striking the beautiful leg, preventing her from losing all her descendants.    


"Ouch!" Ye Cheng let out an exaggerated cry as his body leaned forward and his dragon claw hands pressed down. He only felt as if he had pressed down onto two balls of energy, soft and elastic. Sweat started to form on his palms. Unexpectedly, his soft bosom looked quite impressive.    


An Ningxuan's body froze, he leaned against the wall and at the first moment he forgot to retaliate. Others might not know, but she knew in her heart that the Twin Peaks were the most sensitive part of her body. Normally, when he was taking a bath, he would feel it even if he touched it a few times, let alone when touched by a manly man.    


Her beautiful eyes shot out a cold gaze that seemed as if it would devour a person as she said slyly: "Have you touched enough?"    


"I didn't do it on purpose. You kicked me so hard that I lost my balance." Ye Cheng explained as he unwillingly let go of her hands, turned around and ran away. He did not forget to tease her: "Great policewoman, I truly want to say a few words in regards to those two lumps of things."    


An Ningxuan was so angry that she almost vomited blood.    


Ye Cheng did not want to be caught by the police again. Using his fastest speed, like a fleeing rabbit, he ran out of the police station in the blink of an eye.    


An Ningxuan chased relentlessly, and shouted angrily: "Stop right there."    


In front of him was an unending stream of cars on the road. Ye Cheng didn't stop his footsteps and directly rushed in like a runaway horse, nimbly dodging left and right.    


The sound of sirens and emergency brakes sounded one after another. A chauffeur stopped the car in a panic, stuck his head out of the window and cursed, "You're courting death!"    


Fortunately, the car following the car was far away, so it didn't cause any traffic accidents.    


Ye Cheng passed through the road on his side, jumped onto the fence in the middle, and said to An Ningxuan who had stopped by the side of the road to stomp his feet in anger: "Big Mistress, I won't see you."    


An Ningxuan viciously smacked his leg and said: "Crazy, it's fine if I crash you to death."    


A bus passed by, blocking An Ningxuan's line of sight. When the bus went past, she found that there was no longer any trace of Ye Cheng on the other side of the road.    


"If you dare to escape, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will catch you and bring you back." An Ningxuan turned and hastily returned to the police station.    


Ten minutes later, An Ningxuan got a statement and a file bag. She pulled out the file, and after reading through the information recorded on it, she frowned deeply. Ye Cheng, that crazy guy from the special forces? Judging from his movements, he must have undergone strict training. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to run so fast. "    


She immediately dialed a secret number, "Bureau Chief Zhao, I have something to report to you."    


On the other end of the line, Chief Zhao's amiable voice was heard, "Snowy, what's the matter?"    


An Ningxuan said calmly: "I seem to have met the Ye Cheng you mentioned in Eastsea City."    


"Is that so?" Chief Zhao laughed happily and said: "I was just about to get that Stinky kid to help you, but I didn't expect him to deliver himself to my doorstep. I'll give him a call and leave the recruitment to you. You have to bring this brat in. "    


Ye Cheng ran to a hidden alley before taking off his police uniform and throwing it in the trash. He then took out his phone and called Chen Luoxue.    


Without waiting for Ye Cheng to speak, Chen Luoxue hurriedly said, "Ye Cheng, don't be anxious. The lawyers team has already found you and are ready to file a lawsuit to get you out. "    


Ye Cheng's heart warmed, and he laughed: "Sis, I'm fine now, the police let me out."    


Chen Luoxue was surprised: "You've already come out?"    


"Yes!" Ye Cheng did not want Chen Luoxue to know that he had killed his way out of the police station.    


Chen Luoxue said joyfully: "It's good that you can come out, where are you? Big Sis will go and pick you up. "    


Ye Cheng said: "I don't know where I am either! "How about this, I'll take a taxi to your company and see you later." He hung up the phone and walked out of the alleyway. He hailed a taxi and went straight to Chen Luoxue's company.    


Halfway there, his phone rang. Ye Cheng took out his phone and discovered that his caller ID was "Unknown". It can't be that those old comrades remembered me, right!? "    


He picked up the phone and asked casually, "Which wolf cub is it?"    


"Head Wolf!" A voice that Ye Cheng was very familiar with came out from the phone.    


Ye Cheng was pleasantly surprised: "Old Company Commander, why did you think of calling me?"    


"Can't I just call you Stinky kid?"    


Ye Cheng tried to please her: "Sure, Old Company Commander's phone call is really timely, I just happened to have something that I need your help with!"    


"What is it?" Could it be that you've gotten into trouble again? "Remember that you've been discharged from the army and can no longer do as you once did."    


Ye Cheng said in all seriousness: "I am a good citizen who follows the law. I will actively contribute to the people and build a harmonious society."    


"Who would believe you. Tell me, what trouble did you encounter?"    


Ye Cheng laughed out loud: "I just came to Eastsea City and met with some trouble, so I was invited to the police station. As a result, the police abused me for lynching and assaulted me personally. I defended myself against it and beat the police. "    


The driver looked at Ye Cheng with admiration and muttered: "Little brother, you dare hit the police, you are really awesome!"    


Ye Cheng revealed a simple and honest smile, and explained in a small voice: "It's not a fight, I'm forced to defend myself and resist."    


Old Company Commander's threatening voice came out of the phone, "You dare to assault the police, this is no small matter, I'm afraid I can't help you."    


Ye Cheng craftily said: "Old Company Commander, I was once a capable subordinate. Although you have changed your career and I have left the army, you are still my Old Company Commander. Do you have the heart to watch your soldier get bullied? "    


"Stop playing the love card for me!" The other side of the phone went silent for a moment before saying with some awkwardness, "How about this, I'll give you a number. Contact him and tell him that I introduced him and he should be able to solve the problem for you."    


Ye Cheng said gratefully: "Thank you, Old Company Commander! One day, when you come to the East Sea, I'll treat you to a meal. "    


After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng felt a lot more at ease. He had heard that Old Company Commander had changed industries and entered the Public Security Department. Furthermore, he was a high ranking official in charge of the national public security system.    


Before long, Old Company Commander sent Ye Cheng a message. The message only had a set of cell phone numbers on it.    


Ye Cheng immediately called him using his cell phone, but the other party hung up and sent him a message. Who are you?    


He replied: I am Ye Cheng, Zhao Hongwu introduced me, I would like to ask for your help.    


In less than five seconds, a text message arrived. What kind of help?    


The text message is not clear, can I meet with you?    



At 8 PM, Peace Road, Eastsea Grand Pearl Hotel.    


Actually, Ye Cheng did not want to look for others to help, but when he received Old Company Commander's call, he unconsciously told everyone about it. Since he had troubled the Old Company Commander, at any rate, he would meet with the people from the Old Company Commander.    


The taxi arrived at the bottom of Winning Group, and when Ye Cheng got off, he immediately saw Chen Luoxue waiting anxiously at the door. He quickly walked forward and said with a mischievous smile, "I'm sorry to have to trouble you to welcome me with such a welcome gift!"    


Chen Luoxue pulled Ye Cheng's hand, and carefully sized him up with one glance. Only after seeing that Ye Cheng was indeed completely unharmed did he completely relax. "Big Sis has implicated you. The police aren't making things difficult for you, right?"    


Ye Cheng lied, "No, the police are easy to deal with."    


"Let's go, Big Sister will treat you to a meal to calm down." Chen Luoxue very naturally grabbed Ye Cheng's arm and brought him to a restaurant near the company.    


Ye Cheng enjoyed the feeling of beauties at his side. He leaned towards Chen Luoxue intentionally or not, and when their skin touched, he felt an itch in his heart.    


During the meal, Ye Cheng pretended to casually ask about Wang Zhongqiang's situation. He finally knew that Wang Zhongqiang was the vice manager of the Winning Group's PR Department, it wasn't because he had great ability, but because of his father's influence as the Deputy Director in the Inland Revenue Department, he was able to successfully climb up to the position of the deputy manager.    


After finishing his meal, Ye Cheng found an excuse and went to Winning Group to have a look. Only then did Chen Luoxue bring him into the company.    


After arriving at Chen Luoxue's office on the sixteenth floor, Ye Cheng crossed his legs and sat down on the sofa. "Sis, I still don't know what position you hold in the company."    


"Assistant CEO!" Chen Luoxue was like an obedient little wife, brewing a cup of tea and bringing it in front of Ye Cheng. He then took out an unopened box of cigarettes from the drawer under the tea table, opened it and took one, putting it into Ye Cheng's mouth, he even lit it for him.    


Ye Cheng was so beautiful that he almost couldn't find a place to go. He had never received the treatment of being personally served by a top quality beauty who wore professional attire. He said with a bit of jealousy, "Your CEO couldn't be a grizzled old man, right?"    


Chen Luoxue blinked, "Our CEO is a great beauty, ten times stronger than me."    


Ye Cheng became more relaxed, "How can there be a woman more outstanding than elder sister? In my eyes, regardless of beauty or ability, Sis is the best. "    


Chen Luoxue laughed happily: "You must have learnt something bad after going to the police station, it's like your mouth is smeared with honey."    


Just then, the phone on the desk rang. Chen Luoxue hurried to answer the phone. After a phone call, she said apologetically, "The CEO asked me to come over because I have something to do, so I won't accompany you."    


Ye Cheng laughed: "Work is important, I am a living person, there is no need to accompany me."    


When Chen Luoxue left the company, Ye Cheng slowly stood up from the sofa and tidied his clothes. Two rays of light shot out of his eyes. It's time to get down to business. "    


He casually strolled along the stairs and arrived at the office of the Deputy Manager of Public Relations on the 12th floor. During dinner time, he had already asked Chen Luoxue clearly, this was Wang Zhongqiang's office.    


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