Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C262 Why Should the Flower Fall

C262 Why Should the Flower Fall

0Actually, Lu Lee was thinking of the men's restroom just now. When Yin Tiezi said "toilet", an image of a "fountain" appeared in Lu Lee's mind. However, when he thought about it, that woman shouldn't be making fun of him like that. However, he couldn't get rid of this thought. In the end, he decided to go to the men's room and try his luck.    


Lu Lee stood up and started chasing the string. Seeing that Lu Lee had caught up with him, the string laughed, "Elder Brother Lee, what happened to you?" Lu Lee only smiled. He would not tell this matter to Yin Tiezi as he could not afford to lose this much face.    


Lu Lee didn't stop after entering the toilet. Instead, he carefully looked around, which attracted everyone's attention. Lu Lee made people blush, but he still continued his search.    


At this moment, a child came over and stopped Lu Lee: "Are you called Lu Lee?" Lu Lee nodded and squatted down. The child said, "Someone asked me to tell you something." Lu Lee asked, "What do you mean?" The child said, "There's no point in falling." The child was about to leave when Lu Lee pulled him back and asked, "Is it over?" The child said, "It's over. That's right, and I almost forgot. That person said you will definitely give me money."    


Lu Lee smiled as he took out a large bill and passed it to the child: "Thank you!"    


When he got back to the car, Lu Lee smiled. "What are you laughing about?" Lu Lee said, "This woman has made an interesting joke with us. Yinzi, do you know what the fountain in the central square means?" The string didn't see the scene where Lu Lee was talking to the kid. He shook his head and Lu Lee said, "The men's restroom, her so-called fountain is actually …" String almost laughed out loud when she heard this.    


Although he was smiling, Lu Lee's mind was immersed in the second stage of the game.    


"There's no reason for the flower to fall." Lu Lee naturally knew this sentence, it was one of the famous sentences in "The Witch Kew". However, what did a woman want to express with these words? A woman was actually using Song Ci. Lu Lee felt a little sarcastic. Wasn't this just playing with swords in front of Master Guan?    


However, Lu Lee's thoughts disappeared not long after because he realized that this simple phrase contained too many things. It was so much that he felt like he had walked into a maze where he couldn't find a way out. String noticed that Lu Lee became silent. He saw Lu Lee smoking one cigarette after another. He wanted to ask, but didn't dare to. He was afraid that it would disturb Lu Lee's train of thought.    


String drove the car back to the hotel, and Lu Lee followed after her with a blank expression on his face.    


When he returned to his room, Lu Lee didn't even greet everyone as he sat down on the sofa. Hua Ziyu was about to say something, but the string stopped him: "Don't disturb him, he's thinking about something." Yan Xiaoxue asked, "What kind of things have you been so engrossed in?" When they heard about the fountain, they all burst out laughing. Lu Lee then looked up and asked, "What are you guys laughing about?"    


Hua Ziyan said, "It's all thanks to you. Only you would be able to think of this' fountain '." Lu Lee shook his head with a bitter smile: "I should say that this woman is too tough." Yan Xiaoxue said, "What were you so engrossed in?" Lu Lee said, "Didn't the string tell you about Central Park? I got the second hint there, but after thinking about it for a long time, I still couldn't come up with anything. "    


Hua Ziyan became interested when she heard this. "Tell me about it. Let's think about it together." "With your little IQ?" Hua Ziyan said in annoyance, "What's wrong with me? At least I'm stronger than you. " Lu Lee said, "All of you, stop quarreling. The prompt for the second test only has one sentence, 'The flower cannot fall'."    


Hua Ziyan was amused when she heard that. "You don't even know that? "This is from Yan Xiu's' Raccoon River Yarn '." Lu Lee said, "Who doesn't know about this, but what does it mean? I mean to us." Yan Xiaoxue said, "This woman seems to have some understanding of Chinese culture."    


Lu Lee didn't say anything else. He took out a pen and wrote down the whole word on a piece of paper.    


After looking for a long time, he still could not find a solution. Yan Xiaoxue looked at him for a long time before she said, "I don't think we should consider it from the perspective of the poem itself." Lu Lee glanced at her: "What do you mean?" Yan Xiaoxue said, "Think about it, she replaced the Morse code with binary code in the previous question, and this time it should be impossible to use the proper word to solve the riddle.    


Lu Lee shook his head: "I'm sure this question is related to Chinese characters. It should be a location, just like the previous question, a place." "Where are the flowers?" Hua Ziyan said, "Do you think that having a flowery character is where there are flowers?" Yan Xiaoxue said, "Let's try it out with pinyin." Lu Lee immediately translated it into pinyin. He looked at it for a while: "I still can't see anything."    


Victoria said, "What if we only leave behind the capital letters?" Lu Lee left the capital letters again: wknhlq. After a long period of confusion, they could not find a suitable place to say their names. At this moment, Hua Ziyan said, "Lu Lee, didn't you say that it should be related to Chinese characters?" Lu Lee nodded. Hua Ziyan said, "I feel like these letters are the input method for the document."    


Lu Lee's eyes lit up. He turned on the computer in his room and used the Pinyin Input Method to type out the seven letters. Then, he returned to the sentence. Every word was exactly the same. Lu Lee shook his head with a bitter smile. Hua Ziyan said, "Could it have been five?" Lu Lee said, "Where are the five strokes of seven yards?" Yan Xiaoxue said, "Ziyan's words make sense. Lu Lee, try again. Try using the letters 246 or 1357 to see what it will be."    


Lu Lee chose the letter on position 246 of 3 yards and came up with a "cup" word. Obviously, this wasn't the correct answer. Lu Lee then lightly tapped on the keyboard, w-n-h-q, but it was nothing.    


Everyone was at their wits end. The room was completely silent.    


Hua Ziyu saw that everyone was depressed, so he said, "Don't worry, there will be an answer." Although they said this, everyone clearly knew in their hearts what time meant to them. Wu Tie lit a cigarette, leaned his head against the back of the sofa, and closed his eyes to think.    


Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he leaned forward, "You guys should quickly check. There are a few Chinese porcelain shops in Islamabad." Hua Ziyu frowned and asked: "What does this have to do with Chinese porcelain?" Lu Lee said, "Do you remember the word 'cup' that we obtained by breaking through five strokes? Disassembling this word would be the meaning of China's utensils, and what is China's most famous utensil? It was porcelain! Although I don't know if this line of thought is right or wrong, since I have already thought of it, I should at least give it a try. "    


Yan Xiaoxue nodded. "I'll go investigate it immediately." Hua Ziyan also said, "I'll go with you." Hua Ziyu said, "Let's do it like this. Lu Lee, you should take a good rest at home. Yan Zi, take care of Bach. The rest of us will go. A little more people and we'll be able to find it earlier."    


Lu Lee nodded. "That's all. But you must remember one thing. You are only responsible for finding the location of the porcelain shop. I will handle the rest myself. That is the rule of the game." He looked at Hua Ziyan and said, "Look at what I'm doing. Am I the kind of person who doesn't know what's important?" Lu Lee smiled lightly: "Go quickly, I will wait here for your good news."    


Although they just left not long ago, Lu Lee's heart was still anxious and anxious. He was even worried that his train of thought was wrong, so he tried to calm himself down, picked up the pen and wrote this sentence over and over again on the paper, wanting to see if there were any other solutions.    


Two hours later, everyone returned. According to their investigation, there were only three exclusive shops for Huaxia Porcelain in Islamabad. They told Lu Lee where they were and Lu Lee hurried over with strings. But very soon, Lu Lee was disappointed. The two stores weren't big and they were very close. Most importantly, Lu Lee didn't find any valuable clues in the store.    


When he left, Lu Lee was in a bad mood and didn't say anything from the car. He knew that Lu Lee must be very anxious at the moment. He sighed lightly, thinking that if he could be smarter, maybe he could help, but then he smiled. Even if he was smarter than Lu Lee, could he be better than Lu Lee? Lu Lee couldn't do anything, so how could he rely on him?    


Lu Lee called Guan Lee again and told her to turn off the phone. Lu Lee thought Guan Lee would be on the plane. He felt relieved. Maybe she would have a solution if Guan Lee came. However, he still hoped that he had solved the riddle himself. He did not want to rely on himself too much.    


"Why did the flower fall? Why did the flower fall …" Lu Lee kept saying it.    


Suddenly, Lu Lee sat up straight as if he had been electrocuted. "Hurry, go back to the hotel." "What's the matter?" Lu Lee didn't answer, instead, he called Yan Xiaoxue. "Xiaoxue, wait for us at the entrance of the hotel. Our car will arrive soon." Before Yan Xiaoxue could speak, Lu Lee hung up.    


At this moment, Lu Lee said to the string lightly, "I have an idea, I don't know if it's right, but I can only try." "What do you think?" Lu Lee leaned his body forward and said to the string, "Think about it, what's the next sentence of 'why is there no chance of a flower falling'?" How could Yanzi remember? Lu Lee said, "I've met Yan and she's back." "But what does that have to do with Yan Xiaoxue?" Furthermore, it seems that this' Yan 'is different from the other' Yan '! "    


Lu Lee nodded. "For us, yes, but not for these foreigners. "Let's assume that if this woman knows Yan Xiaoxue, or if she knows Yan Xiaoxue, does she want me to bring her to her with me when she comes up with this riddle?" "Why do I feel so unreliable? If you're wrong, will it end the game early?" "Then it will be even more difficult for us to save Galin."    


Lu Lee said, "Since we have no other choice, why not take a gamble?" Actually, Lu Lee wasn't only betting on this. He believed that since the other party was willing to help him, even if the game ended, she would still help. This game was just a way for her to show off her intelligence.    


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