Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C176 Chenk's Arrival

C176 Chenk's Arrival

0Du Mingyi probably put his mouth close to Qin Yue's ear when he said that, so Lu Lee, who was behind him, didn't hear it. However, Lu Lee's heart had already started to sink. If it was really as Du Mingyi had said, and his father had not taken precautions, then the consequences would be severe.    


Most importantly, it seems like Du Mingyi has already planned something, it should be related to Hilo Family and Lu Family, no, he must think of a way to clarify it. Lu Lee didn't act rashly. He held his breath, hoping to hear more.    


After Qin Yue heard Du Mingyi's words, he laughed, "Oh, Old Du, why didn't I notice that you were originally so vicious?"    


Du Mingyi said, "How is that evil?" "It's the right thing to do at the right time.    


Qin Yue laughed and scolded: "Screw your bullshit, aren't you just thinking about that girl Xiang Family? It's not bad to be able to become the son-in-law of Xiang Family. "    


Xiang Family? Lu Lee was stunned. The Xiang Family of the capital, their prestige was not below the Lu Family, but wasn't Xiang Family on good terms with the Lu Family? The two families were allies, why did they suddenly become enemies? Lu Lee was in disbelief. Xiang Family and a few other kids of his generation had deep ties with Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee made a decision. He must find a way to get more information from the two of them. How? To him, the easiest method was to grab hold of the two and interrogate them. However, he himself had no confidence. If he fought one against two, would he have any chance of winning?    


Lu Lee felt a bit sad. He had always felt that apart from a few seniors, there weren't many who could surpass him, especially after his breakthrough. However, the appearance of Wang Zhibinn and Hee Kai had dealt a huge blow to him.    


Compared to his other brothers, he was even more worried. After all, there was no organization or discipline in the past, so even if he followed Lu Lee, in his heart, no matter if it was organization or discipline, it would all be up to Lu Lee. Now, he did not know where they were being controlled.    


Lu Lee's worry was not unreasonable. Not long after Lu Lee and Hilovina left Hilo Family, Little Wolf received a phone call. After answering the phone, Little Wolf's face turned ugly, telling everyone that the China's military Bureau of Investigation sent people to investigate them.    


Since Little Wolf was an old secret service agent, he naturally knew that it would not be that simple. But since the order was like a mountain, he had no choice but to bring everyone out of Hilo Family's manor and get on the cars parked outside.    


Xing Zi didn't want to leave. He even wanted to go to Lu Lee and ask him what was going on. Little Wolf pulled him back, "Xing Zi, don't act recklessly. Otherwise, you will bring Lu Lee trouble. I think the root of this matter should be in Hua Xia."    


Faang Shaojun was also someone who understood: "Looks like someone couldn't hold it in anymore, and wants to deal with Lu Family!" After hearing everyone's persuasion, Yukiko followed them into the car. But in his heart, he secretly made up his mind. Once he found out what danger Lu Lee was in, he would definitely think of a way to escape.    


Of course, Lu Lee didn't know that. After listening to Lu Lee for a long time, the Qin Du duo did not mention anything about Lu Family anymore.    


"Brother Qin, look, it's so late and we haven't eaten yet. How about this, you stay here and rest. I'll get someone to bring some food over."    


Du Mingyi said. Qin Yue replied, "Alright! You can go. Be careful." Du Mingyi said, "Don't worry, we will only take two steps."    


Qin Yue said, "I have an ominous premonition that Lu Lee will definitely come. Don't let him down." Du Mingyi smiled and said, "I was afraid that he wouldn't come."    


Lu Lee was prepared to make a move on Du Mingyi after separating from Qin Yue and capture him to interrogate him. Hearing Du Mingyi's words, he was a little confused. Didn't Du Mingyi say that he had set up a trap for him?    


He carefully looked around and did not find anything abnormal. Could it be that he had already discovered his presence and intentionally made things look different?    


Du Mingyi walked out. Since Du Mingyi had nothing to fear, then he will make a move against Qin Yue. When Du Mingyi walked a little further away, Lu Lee rushed into the house in a flash. When Du Mingyi rushed into the house, he found that there wasn't just one person inside, but six people. As soon as he entered the room, the door closed behind him.    


"Hahahaha, Lu Lee, I've finally got you here."    


Lu Lee was stunned. It was Du Mingyi's voice. Didn't Du Mingyi go out already?    


Du Mingyi said, "Lu Lee, you can't really think that I've gone out, right? How could I dare to go out alone with you? But I'm sure you won't do anything to me, because you can't be sure what I've prepared for you. "    


Lu Lee glanced at everyone in the room, "Do you think you can keep me here?" His gaze stopped on a small and frail looking man in the room. He didn't know why, but although this man looked very uncomfortable, a strong killing intent emanated from him.    


The man also stared at Lu Lee.    


Du Mingyi said, "Lu Lee, I know you are powerful, but you should understand the principle that having two fists is difficult to beat four hands, right?"    


Another tall and sturdy man who looked very quiet walked forward two steps and said to Lu Lee with a smile: "Lu Lee, as long as you obediently follow us back for investigation, I guarantee that you won't get hurt."    


Lu Lee didn't say anything, nor did he move. His eyes were still fixed on the short and thin man.    


Qin Yue followed Lu Lee's gaze, paused for a while, then smiled and said, "Oh right, Lu Lee, let me introduce you. Cheng Xin, you must have heard of this name, right?"    


Lu Lee's heart sank. Of course, he had heard of Cheng Xin before. He was Lu Yuv's senior brother, but he looked like he was only 30 years old. If it wasn't for Qin Yue's introduction, how could Sun Tie have known that this unassuming man in front of him would be a god of death?    


Cheng Xin was known for being cruel and merciless. Lu Yuv had once told Lu Lee that if he met Cheng Xin in the future, he would avoid him as much as possible. Even Lu Yuv himself was only slightly better than Cheng Xin. Who knew where they invited Cheng Xin over, Lu Lee sighed in his heart, they really think highly of him.    


Lu Lee suddenly thought of an idiom, "A beast trapped battle", but could he fight with them? Putting aside the fact that there were six of them, they already had the advantage in numbers. He couldn't handle Cheng Xin alone. Cheng Xin and Lu Yuv were on the same level, so how could Lu Lee be his opponent?    


It seemed like they did not want to take his life immediately. Otherwise, there was no need to play so many tricks. Lu Lee's face revealed a smile, and even at this moment, he could still laugh. Even Cheng Xin's eyes were full of surprise.    


Qin Yue said, "Lu Lee, Young Master Lu, how is it? Do you still want to make your last stand? "    


Lu Lee lightly said, "Cut the crap, what do you want?"    


Qin Yue said, "Hand over all your weapons."    


Obediently, Lu Lee stripped himself of all his weapons and stood quietly. Du Mingyi said loudly to his opponent, "Tie him up."    


At this time, Cheng Xin opened his mouth: "Why are you so troublesome? Besides, can you two pieces of broken rope hold Young Master Lu back? "    


Du Mingyi listened to Cheng Xin's words with a flattering look on his face, "Mr. Cheng, in your opinion …"    


Cheng Xin walked in front of Lu Lee and glanced at him. "I heard that you're Lu Yuv's favorite disciple. Let me weigh your worth!" Lu Lee didn't say anything. He didn't even look at him, as if he was listening to something that had nothing to do with him.    


Cheng Xin did not look like much. He was about 1.6 meters tall, thin and skinny. His hands were like chicken claws, and were covered in a layer of bone. However, his eyes were very energetic and had a strong penetrating power.    


Cheng Xin waved his hands at high speed, Lu Lee felt his hands being lifted up and then broken, the ankles of his feet were also in severe pain, he lost his balance and fell to the ground. When he looked at Cheng Xin again, he had already retreated, as if nothing had happened.    


Everyone stared with their eyes wide open. This speed, this strength, this accuracy, was this person even human?    


Although Cheng Xin cut Lu Lee's hands and feet, he knew Cheng Xin only dislocated his hands and feet and didn't hit him hard. It seems like they didn't intend to hurt him yet. That pair of eyes looked at Cheng Xin coldly.    


Cheng Xin laughed, "Brat, don't be unconvinced. Even if you let Lu Yuv do this, it won't be as good as mine."    


Qin Yue sighed and said, "Young Master Lu, I'm sorry for offending you. We don't want to do it, but don't be afraid. As long as you don't do anything rash, we won't hurt you."    


Chen Ke arrived in Cairo, but he didn't know where to look for Lu Lee. When he arrived at the liaison office, it was already empty.    


Without contacting Lu Family, he knew that since Lu Family told a little girl to send him a message saying that it would be inconvenient for Old Master Lu and Lu Lei to contact him, he had to rely on himself to find Lu Lee. He found a small inn and stayed at for the time being, preparing to go to Hilo Family later to inquire about the news.    


Hilovina pounded on the door with all her might, "Let me out, father. You can't do this, Lu Family is a favor to Hilo Family."    


Hilodias was right outside the house, he sighed and said: "Vina, I know you have feelings for Lu Lee, but the development of Hilo Family Clan has reached a bottleneck. It's not like you don't know, even the words of your father have started to make a ruckus. To have the right to speak in a clan is not only about the position of the clan head, but more importantly, it is to bring greater benefits to the clan. "    


Hilovina sneered, "Interest? Father, you want to sell your savior for profit? Aren't you afraid that others will laugh at you if you spread the news of Hilo Family? Furthermore, are you really so sure that your Lu Family will suffer this time? If Lu Family is still the final winner, have you thought about what kind of disaster Hilo Family will face? "    



Old Xi Luo naturally understood that Hilovina was right, but Hilodias was dizzy in front of benefits. It was impossible for him to go back on his words now.    


Hilodias said: "No matter what you say now, you cannot go out. I cannot let you harm the entire Hilo Family."    


Chen Ke heard the conversation between father and daughter. Although Chen Ke's Greek was not that good, he roughly understood through guessing that Chen Ke was not impulsive. He was waiting, waiting for Hilodias to leave, he believed that Hilovina would tell him the whereabouts of Lu Lee. Although he hated the Hilo Family for betraying Lu Lee, it was not the time to settle the score.    


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