Unparalleled Sword Emperor

C177 Saint Tier Low Tier Pill Refiner Qian Yun

C177 Saint Tier Low Tier Pill Refiner Qian Yun

0In the examination room of the Alchemist Association's branch, Lingyun took out a few elixirs in front of the young girl who was watching quietly. He released the Purple Cloud Flame from his body and started to absorb the elixir.    


Seeing this scene, the girl's beautiful eyes were filled with disbelief. Her small mouth slightly opened as her shocked voice slowly came out, "This is actually the Divine Soul Fire!"    


Although the girl's voice was very soft, Ling Yun could still hear it. He was puzzled by the other party's description of his Purple Cloud Flame as Divine Soul Fire, and thought to himself, "This is only a spiritual flame. It might be very rare in the Sky Roar Continent, but there must be a lot of people who own this ancestral land."    


If he had heard the words in his heart at this moment, other people who were also alchemists would have scolded him like a dog that was drenched in blood. Even though the Pavilion Master of the Heavenly Pill Pavilion had traveled all over the place, he was the only mid-grade Hollow Rank alchemist in the ancestral land. His reputation was well-known throughout the world and his rallying power was greater than anyone else.    


Although there were many people in the Ancestral Land who possessed divine fire, not many could actually use it to refine pills or have perfect control over them. At the very least, other than the famous Pavilion Master of the Heavenly Pill Pavilion and the old man from the Holy Ruins, there was no one else who could do so for the time being.    


The young girl beside him was probably just a medium-grade heaven-step alchemist, which was discovered by Ling Yunfan when he first came in contact with her. However, the young man was still very young, and his talent in alchemy was probably not below his own.    


After a while, the temperature inside the furnace had reached an extremely high level. It was time to engrave the Spiritual Array and insert it into the furnace to help the essence of the medicine condense into a pill.    


Seeing this, Ling Yun did not let anything happen and immediately began inscribing the Alchemy Spiritual Array he learned from Mu Bingyun. In about the time it took to drink a cup of tea, he inserted four more Spiritual Arrays before he stopped.    


In the blink of an eye, another ten minutes passed. The Spiritual Array that Lingyun had inserted into the furnace had completely disappeared.    




Following a gust of white mist, the fragrance of the medicinal pellet was completely released. This also meant that the medicinal pellet had been formed, and that the quality was quite good.    


At the same time, Ling Yunfan also dispelled the Purple Cloud Flame that was released, and quietly sat at the side, waiting for the girl to come examine him.    


Sure enough, just as he recalled the Purple Cloud Flame, the girl had already hopped over. She lifted the lid of the pill furnace and quickly took out the pill.    


"It's actually a middle grade spirit rank pill! There are seven of them in total, and one of them even has a spirit pattern on it!" Looking at the seven pills in Yu's hand, the young girl screamed in shock.    


Then, as if he had discovered a new world, he turned and spoke to Ling Yunfan with glowing eyes, "Just you wait, I'll go call my master over. When that happens, you'll be able to obtain your Alchemist nameplate."    


Finished speaking, he did not care about whether Ling Yunfan agreed or not, and immediately left with the elixirs.    


Seeing this, he shook his head helplessly.    


"However, the Alchemy Spiritual Array that Bingyun gave me is quite useful. Although I feel a little repulsed by the Purple Cloud Fire in my body, it's much easier to refine than before. Especially the pill that grows a spirit pattern." He was very satisfied with the results of his alchemy, especially when he thought about the reason why his alchemy skills had improved so much. He felt a little happy and he thought to himself.    




After a while, the young girl walked in with a bearded man.    


When the big guy saw Ling Yunfan, he looked at the young girl beside him with a puzzled expression and asked, "Is this the young man that you told me was able to refine a medium-grade spirit pellet?"    


"Yeah, he's only a little older than me, and he can even refine pills with spirit patterns on them." Hearing this, the young girl nodded her head and responded.    


As he said this, he handed the seven Nine Winding Spirit Recovery Pills that were hidden in his hands to the other party.    


After receiving the pill and taking a look, even the pale burly man suddenly revealed an astonished expression. Not long later, he immediately arrived in front of Ling Yunfan and asked with glowing eyes, "I am the branch president of the Alchemist Association, Qian Yun. Is little friend the one who refined these Nine Rhythm Spiritual Replenishment Pills?"    


"Junior Ling Yun Fan greets the President." Hearing this, Ling Yun Fan also indifferently replied with a bow and replied: "These pills were indeed refined by this junior."    


Seeing Ling Yun's performance, the man who called himself Qian Yun felt a burst of admiration from the bottom of his heart. One must know that when ordinary people knew that Ling Yun had met with his juniors in the past, they would all be flattered and try to leave a good impression on him. However, not only did the person before them not put on any airs, he only showed a hint of respect.    


Although this kind of attitude appeared somewhat cold, it was undoubtedly the best display. It was neither purposefully fawning nor being impolite.    


"Here is a copy of the Nine Recovering Spirits Pill. Please try to concoct it again for me to see." After a moment of contemplation, Qian Yun took out a bunch of elixirs from his Cosmic Bag and placed them in front of Lingyun.    


Seeing this, Ling Yunfan did not say anything. After all, this request was not excessive. Furthermore, he had yet to obtain the Alchemist Token, so it did not matter.    


He then started to talk about the spiritual medicine in his hand. He released the Purple Cloud Fire and quickly absorbed the essence from it, and slowly injected it into the furnace.    


"… …" Soon, he had finished concocting the pills.    


Qian Yun who was watching the entire process, had a pair of old eyes filled with joy, as if he had seen a treasure. This made Ling Yunfan feel a bit uncomfortable, and even secretly regretted revealing the secrets of the Purple Cloud Fire.    


"Very good, the result is the same as before. One of the seven pills has a spirit pattern. This is truly blessed by the heavens to be able to meet such a genius." After inspecting the pills in the furnace, Qian Yun suddenly cried out in joy.    


After a long while, Qian Yun first gave Lingyun a silver nameplate with the word "Spirit" engraved on it, then pulled the young girl beside him to Lingyun and said, "This is my disciple, Yue Xin, a medium-grade heaven-step alchemist."    


"Then I'll have to ask Miss Yue Xin for her advice." Hearing the introduction, Lingyun put away his alchemist identity plate and went over to Yue Xin, smiling faintly as he greeted her.    


"Yes." Upon hearing this, a blush appeared on her face as she nodded.    


Perhaps it was because she was faced with someone from the same generation who had a greater talent for alchemy than her, so she felt a little embarrassed. After all, she had underestimated him before.    


However, Lingyun did not care much about this. After all, Yuxin was a girl who had yet to experience life. She was just a blank sheet of paper, so even if it was just a small mistake, it was understandable.    


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