My Sensual Lady

C13 The Mysterious Black Bag

C13 The Mysterious Black Bag

0Bang! With a muffled sound, Mr Liu's fat body flew out like a ball and landed heavily on the ground.    


I couldn't help but widen my eyes in shock.    


Could it be a car accident? Did Mr Liu do too many bad things and receive retribution?    


Then, I saw the door of Accord's Toyoda open quickly. Four middle-aged men quickly ran out from inside. They rushed over and gave Mr Liu a random kick. Then, a middle-aged man in a flowery shirt picked Mr Liu up. With a big slap on his face, he said, "I followed you all the way. Didn't you see my car?"    


"Gao Guili! Brother Li!" He looked confused and angry. When Mr Liu saw the face of the man in the flowery shirt, he fell to his knees with a thud. He looked at Mr Liu with fear in his eyes.    


"F * ck you! When will you return the five hundred and fifty thousand?" The man in the flowery shirt cursed fiercely and kicked Mr Liu to the ground. He then lit a cigarette and looked at ___ ferociously.    


"Brother Li, the principal didn't approve the school's project. Give me some time, I'll take care of it. As long as the principal approves, I'll have the money to return it to you. " Mr Liu's voice was very soft, and there was an indescribable weakness in his tone.    


"Granted? Granted what? The principal did the project for the Crown Prince. Don't talk about that project. That project isn't something you are qualified to do. I don't care, you have to pay me back. Even if you don't pay it back, you still have to pay it back. If you don't take out the money today, I'll take your left hand as interest. " The flowery shirt said fiercely.    


"Brother Li, I only borrowed 50,000 from you. How long has it been? The interest has already reached 550,000. Furthermore, I have already returned two hundred thousand. The tigress at home is very strict. Where do you want me to go to collect so much money? Brother Li, I beg you to make an exception and let me rest for a while. When I find a good project, I will definitely return the money to you..."    


Not far from them, I can hear their conversation clearly from the shadows.    


I understand, this is not a car accident, it was a car accident that happened on purpose. And these people, should be the so-called loan sharks. It was Mr Liu who owed them money. Now they were here to collect the debt.    


Seeing Mr Liu being hit hard by the car in the flowery shirt, his face, arms, and legs were all scratched, and then being beaten and kicked by the man in the shirt, Mr Liu knelt on the ground and begged him with a pitiful look.    


I just want to say, I really want to f * cking vent my hatred!    


In an instant, the anger in my heart disappeared. Seeing Mr Liu kneeling down and begging like a dog, I couldn't find any words of joy in my heart.    


Then I smiled and hid in the dark to continue peeking. I wished I could beat Mr Liu to death with my flowery shirt. That way, I would have one less enemy.    


"Mr Liu, you should have forgotten what my big brother's name is, right? My big brother's name is Gao Guili, so his interest is naturally high and expensive. As for you, you are the head of the Education Bureau. Not to mention your external income. I'm afraid your annual salary is also quite a lot, right? In my opinion, if you go home and steal the deposit book, you will have everything. It'll save us the trouble of always looking for you!" A young man with dyed yellow hair said.    


After hearing the young man's words, Mr Liu's expression immediately became awkward. "Mr Huang, if I could steal the family's deposits, I would have stolen them long ago. Why wait until the interest has increased so much? My child is still in school. I don't want the tigress at home to get angry. I don't want to cause any family conflicts. Furthermore, the tigress at home is well hidden. I don't even know where it is."    


"Sigh, I really regret it now. I shouldn't have wasted my time. Pursuing an extravagant and exciting life, going to the Crown Prince's casino to gamble. Oh right, it was all because of Tang Yuxin, that slut. She caused me to become like this. That woman was very beautiful, she could simply be called a stunner. I can give her to you. Please, let me go. I really don't have any money. Don't affect my life..." Mr Liu seemed to have thought of something and begged them in a low voice.    


Hiding in the dark, I heard Mr Liu's words and my expression changed drastically. However, before I could get angry, the flowery shirt kicked Mr Liu again. It was his face that was kicked, causing Mr Liu's teeth to bleed. "F * ck you, is it made of gold? A woman can reach 550,000?"    


"Brother Li..." Mr Liu's expression was ugly.    


"Let me tell you, I want the money, and I want the women too! I have heard about you a long time ago. Damn it, I heard you have several female teachers. So cool? Later, give me all of your lovers and introduce me to a few of my schoolgirls to play with. Did you hear that?" The flowery shirt said.    


" Okay, okay, you can give it to anyone you want. Then, this money..." Mr Liu said in a low voice.    


" I want money as well, and I want it today. If you can't take out the money today, I will chop your hand off! " After saying that, he took out a machete from his shirt.    


Mr Liu almost peed his pants when he saw the machete in the flowery shirt's hand. Then he cried and said with snot and tears, "Brother Li, I really don't have money. Please let me go..."    


"F * ck you. I think you won't cry until you see the coffin." Seeing Mr Liu not paying, the shirt man no longer had patience.    


At this moment, Mr Liu suddenly roared like a pig being slaughtered, "Brother Li, I really don't have money!"    


After shouting, Mr Liu got up and slammed into the shirt man, then turned around and ran.    


Mr Liu was very strong, and knocked the flowery shirt upside down. The flowery shirt was immediately angry. It got up and roared, "F * ck you! How dare you resist?! If I don't kill you today, I won't be called Gao Guili! "    


"Big brother, kill him!" The three underlings in the flowery shirt immediately said.    


They saw that the four of them went to chase Mr Liu, but for some reason, the flowery shirt snapped back. He opened the car and took out a leather bag from the flowery shirt. He wanted to chase after Mr Liu with the bag, but after thinking for a while, the flowery shirt handed the bag back to the younger brother with yellow hair. "Huang Mao, there is our account book and a USB drive inside. Don't chase after him. Wait here with the bag. Don't lose the things in the bag. The Crown Prince's things are also in there. Watch carefully. I have to send them to the Crown Prince later."    


"No problem." Huang Mao nodded slightly.    


"Wait here. Take the bag. Don't be confused. Do you hear me?" The flowery shirt was worried and told him again.    


"I heard you, stop dawdling!" Huang Mao impatiently frowned.    


"How the f * ck are you talking to your brother? You'll be back when you come back. " After scolding Huang Mao, the flowery shirt and his hands went down to chase after Mr Liu.    


After they left, only Huang Mao was left downstairs. Because he was downstairs, I couldn't go home, so I could only hide in the dark.    


After waiting for more than ten minutes, I didn't see the flowery shirt and the others return. The sky began to turn dark, and my vision wasn't clear anymore.    


Staring at the blurry figure not far away, I saw him sitting by the flowerbed leisurely smoking a cigarette. That black leather bag is casually placed by his side.    


Recalling their conversation just now, I heard Mr Liu say that he wanted to sell Tang Yuxin to the flowery shirt. Although the flowery shirt hit Mr Liu, it made me feel very relieved. But the flowery shirt said that it wanted Mr Liu's woman, which made me feel uncomfortable.    


I must protect Tang Yuxin and never let anyone bully her again.    


When I thought of how arrogant Mr Liu was when he hit me and how he wanted to betray Tang Yuxin's disgusting face just now, I felt an indescribable anger in my heart.    


There seemed to be a lot of important things in that bag. The account book that Mr Liu owed the shirt seemed to be in that bag as well. If I get that bag and get the things in that bag... Will I be able to teach Mr Liu a lesson like how I spend the shirt?    


The flowery shirt and Mr Liu were both bad things. They were just two dogs biting each other.    


After thinking about it, a bold idea popped up in my mind. Taking advantage of Huang Mao's inattention, I quietly moved behind him. Then, I used the fruit knife that was prepared to deal with Mr Liu and pressed it against Huang Mao's back. I tried my best to use a deep voice to say, "The knife is quick, don't move!"    


"F * ck!" He did not expect there to be someone behind him. This gave Huang Mao a scare.    


Very soon, Huang Mao's body began to tremble. He didn't even dare to look back at me. His body stiffened as he said, "Brother, what do you mean? You, what are you doing?"    


"I'm Mr Liu's nephew. My name is Liu Si. I'm slightly stronger than him. The account book that Mr Liu owes you is in this bag, right? " I was nervous and my palms were sweating.    


"It's in this bag, but don't mess around. In this bag, there's something we want to give to the Crown Prince. Damn it, if you dare to take this bag... You will die for sure... " Huang Mao threatened me.    


These days, I felt like I was dreaming. Every day, I was muddle-headed and offended all the hooligans in the school. I even offended a tough nut like Mr Liu. Furthermore, Mr Liu had just betrayed Tang Yuxin and wanted to give her to the flowery shirt.    


Even though I know I'm playing with fire, I can't care about it anymore. Because I've caused too much trouble, I don't need this trouble anymore.    


As for what Crown Prince he's talking about, I've never heard of it before. I only want to protect Tang Yuxin and not let anyone touch her.    


After thinking for a while, I forcefully held back my trembling and said to Huang Mao, "What I want is the thing in your bag!"    



After saying that, I pushed Huang Mao forward. Then, I took the bag and ran away desperately.    


As I ran, I heard Huang Mao calling me from behind. I felt that he was chasing me. I was so scared that I almost died. I grabbed my bag and ran towards the school not far away from the community. I was very familiar with that place. In order to prevent getting hit, I had to climb over the walls of the school these few days. Then I ran to the place where the wall was always overturned and flipped over with my bag. Then, I ran to a nearby downtown area and squeezed into the crowd.    


Feeling that I had thrown Huang Mao away, I took my bag and hid in an internet cafe. When I sat in the internet cafe, I felt my whole body drenched in sweat.    


While no one was paying attention to me, I quietly opened the bag. When I opened the bag, my entire face changed. Then, both of my hands started to shake crazily...    


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