My Sensual Lady

C349 Return to the Provincial Capital

C349 Return to the Provincial Capital

0Zhao Laohu, he was a smart man with a rough appearance but a delicate heart. His intelligence allowed him to clearly see what other people were thinking. Otherwise, he would only be brave and strong, but not smart enough. He would not be able to reach his current state. He was the overlord of the underworld in Lin Province, the leader of the Seven-star Gang, the number one gang in Lin Province.    


A reshuffle? You want me to be the big brother of the province?    


The conditions he set tempted me, and my heart was moved. And this time, he did not force me and Tang Yuxin to break up like before. He still allowed me to be with Tang Yuxin. He only wanted Zhao Xier to be my big wife. Zhao Laohu is clearly trying to support me, this son-in-law, to be promoted. If I refuse again, then I will be a fool.    


"You are tempted." Zhao Laohu smiled at me.    


"Dad!" After hearing Zhao Laohu's words, I immediately stood up and respectfully bowed to him.    


Looking at this scene, all the brothers knew what was going on. Then, smiles appeared on everyone's faces. They couldn't help but clench their fists in excitement.    


As for Zhao Laohu, he immediately let out a hearty laugh. He laughed loudly and said, "Wang Yue, you can't call me daddy just because you want to. If you want to be my son-in-law, you have to have the ability. And have to be able to drink. Wang Yue, where's your wine!? "    


" Wine, I can have as much as I want! " I said.    


"Alright then, take out all your wine and let us get drunk!" Zhao Laohu said.    


Zhao Laohu liked drinking wine, and he liked drinking white wine the most. That night, we started drinking at the best hotel in the city. What Erguotou, Sanguotou, Wuguotou, what Three Grain Liquid, Five Grain Liquid, and Eight Grain Liquid. Top scholar Hong, daughter Hong, Daqu, special song.    


After swallowing a large bowl of white wine, I felt a burning sensation in my stomach as if it was being cut by a knife. After the second bowl, my head started to faint. After drinking the third and fourth bowl, the originally spicy white wine gradually became sweet. After the fifth and sixth bowl, I am unable to differentiate north, south, east and west anymore.    


That night, I only know that I drank a lot. This is the time I drank the most in my life. Beside me is the beautiful Little Xi, and across from me is my heroic father-in-law.    


In order to defeat Zhao Laohu, a large group of us brothers took turns to fight. He really can drink, and he single-handedly took down a large group of us.    


In the end, when we fell, I only heard Zhao Laohu say to me: "Wang Yue, that Zhang Yuhui was able to become the big brother of the province. It started with 30 billion. I will give you 30 billion, and the big brother of the province will be yours. "    


Then, how am I going to become the big brother in the province with 30 billion?    


This matter is a bit complicated, but it is also very simple. When I woke up the next day, it was already past 12 o'clock in the afternoon. I don't know how I got home, but when I woke up, my whole body felt numb. I was reeking of alcohol from head to toe. Then I lit a cigarette, and after I finished smoking, I recovered a bit.    


Then he walked out of the room and saw his brothers lying in a mess in the living room. Gao Dali, Feiloong, Mr Haonan, and a few others had woken up. They were sitting on the floor, smoking a cigarette and staring blankly like me.    


After that, I felt very tired, so I sat on the sofa and rested for a while. After thinking for a while, I lightly kicked Guang, who was lying on the floor. I woke him up. "Guang, it's time to do something. Go and spread the news to let everyone know that my father-in-law has given me 30 billion."    


"Yes!" After hearing my words, Guang immediately got up and left.    


After that, everyone started to work and help Guang spread the news that I have 30 billion. At around 2 PM in the afternoon, someone starts to look for me.    


This person was called Boss Chen, the owner of the renovation material market in the city. When he comes to my house, Boss Chen asks his subordinates to carry a large pile of gifts at the same time. Not to mention the gifts, they were all gold and antiques and other treasures. Then, he gave these gifts to me and said to me kindly, "Mr Yue, I heard that your father-in-law gave you 30 billion?"    


"What's the matter?" I looked at him with a smile.    


"Well, the financial crisis has affected a lot of business. Especially our Oil City, which has the biggest impact. You should know that. Originally, my renovation material market business was pretty good, but now that it has been affected, the business of the merchants is not good. As for our city's five renovation markets, I alone took up three of them. Loans from the banks are constantly being transferred. They have demolished the east wall to make up for the west wall. Many bosses can't even make up for the losses. All of them collapsed. I don't want to fall. Please lend me some money for a bit. As long as you survive this crisis, there will definitely be generous gifts."    


" How much do you want to borrow? " I asked him with a smile.    


"Not much, 100 million" Boss Chen gestured with his fingers.    


"Okay, I'll lend you 100 million." I said.    


"Mr Yue, thank you. You are so lucky to have found such a good father-in-law. If I can survive this, I will treat you to a meal. Thank you very much." Boss Chen was so touched that he couldn't stop thanking me.    


Boss Chen was the first one. After that, my home was filled with people. These people were all bosses of different sizes in City J. Because of this financial crisis, everyone suffered a lot of losses. As I said before, whether it's me or some big bosses... In fact, we all owe a lot of money to the bank. They all tore down the east wall to mend the west wall, and lived a day and a day. The reason why I was able to pay off the bank's loans later on was because Zhang Yuhui gave me 1.3 billion. I used this money to pay off my debts, but when the financial crisis started, I went to borrow from the bank again.    


And their situation is much worse than mine, they already owe the bank a lot of loans. Those who are capable all rely on borrowing money to do business. Otherwise, who would have several hundred million in one go to do business? And the advantage of doing so is to become rich overnight. Otherwise, where did those big bosses that were worth tens of billions come from? Accumulate and become rich bit by bit? Exhausting him to death.    


Basically, this was how they did it. Those who were bold enough would starve to death and those who were timid would die.    


The downside of doing this was that these big bosses all seemed to have a lot of money on the surface. There was a lot of money on the account, but in fact, they all had a huge debt behind them. When one or two big events happened, they basically collapsed. From now on, they lived a life of tens of billions in debt. It was like when the financial crisis on TV came, some big bosses would directly jump off the building. It was because they owed loans that they could not pay back in a few lifetimes.    


If it wasn't for Zhang Yuhui giving me 1.3 billion previously, I would have basically fallen this time.    


All in all, many big bosses have come to borrow money from me. They all need me and follow my lead. Through the loans from my side, I will go to the bank to borrow money and at the same time maintain my daily losses.    


And among these big bosses, my uncle has also come. When he borrowed money from me, he changed his arrogance from the past and finally respected me from the bottom of his heart.    


"Wang Yue, thank you!" When my uncle left with the loan, he looked at me seriously and said.    


"Uncle, we are a family." I said with a smile.    


"Yes, we are a family. If you have time, go home and have a meal" Uncle said.    


"Okay." I nodded lightly.    


Not only my uncle, but also some of the consortiums in the Leng family as well as some of the other consortiums in the province came over to borrow money from me. The amount they borrowed was rather large. Basically, it was 500 million or 1 billion.    


Because of the 30 billion that Zhao Laohu gave me, in just two short days, I have basically won over half of the province's bosses over. They all owe me, so they naturally respect me.    


All of them rushed to my house and kept trying to please me. Many bosses still called me even after they took the money from me. Because they all realized that they needed me too much. The extent of their need for me has already far exceeded Zhang Yuhui's. In the next year, I will be their food and clothing parent.    


They all begged me sincerely and said, "Mr Yue, come to the province. The province needs you. You have helped us too much. Give us a chance to repay you."    


"How do you want to repay me?" I asked them with a smile.    


"Be our boss, be our guild leader. We have already discussed it. We are willing to be led by you, Mr Yue. From now on, we will listen to you no matter what. " They said.    


"Alright, prepare to welcome me." Smiling, I agreed to their request.    


As for me, just like how I was the richest man in the province and all the large consortiums supported Zhang Yuhui, I was now supported by more than half of the bosses in the province and moved the headquarters of Ming-Yue Corporation from City J to the province.    


They have prepared everything for us. When we drove a large group of cars to our new headquarters, I looked at the office building in front of me that was twenty floors high. I looked at the big and small bosses who were welcoming us. At this moment, a smile appeared on my face. I opened my arms and hugged the smile before me. "Wang Yue, you're finally back..."    


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