My Sensual Lady

C230 He Watched a Movie with Nalan Yi

C230 He Watched a Movie with Nalan Yi

0It's her?    


Grabbing the handkerchief that she gave me, my expression couldn't help but change. The handkerchief that she gave me was very soft and slippery. It seemed to be a handkerchief made of silk, emitting a unique fragrance from a girl.    


However, I am not in the mood to pay attention to her handkerchief. Instead, I held her handkerchief tightly in my palm and looked at her with an ugly expression. "Nalan Yi, who exactly are you?"    


"I am me, Nalan Yi." She smiled and her pretty face looked very cute.    


"I didn't ask for your name. I want to know your identity." I said.    


"I saved you. Are you using this tone to speak to me?" Nalan Yi looked at me with a smile.    


"Ye Shuang, he is the head of the four big families in the province, the eldest son of the Ye family. He is the strongest expert in the province, and his strength is very strong. His power is very great. But, he is actually afraid of you. I beg you, please tell me, who exactly are you?" I asked.    


"Is he afraid of me? He is clearly very afraid of you?" Nalan Yi's smile deepened.    


"Nalan Yi, you!" Seeing the slyness in her eyes, my chest instantly becomes clogged.    


It was obvious that Ye Shuang was afraid of Nalan Yi. Seeing her was like a mouse seeing a cat. He left dejectedly. This also confirmed my guess. Nalan Yi's status is higher than Ye Shuang's. And much higher. But no matter how I ask, she never tells me who she is.    


I can't imagine what Nalan Yi's family does, and why Ye Shuang is so afraid of her.    


But no matter how I ask her, she never tells me. This makes me very anxious, so anxious that I want to scold her. But no matter what, she was the one who saved me. If it wasn't for her appearance, I might have been taken away by Ye Shuang.    


Looking at her playful expression, I helplessly sighed and said, "Since you don't want to say it, then don't say it."    


"Are you cold?" Suddenly, she smiled and asked me. Her beautiful eyes stared at my body as she sized me up.    


After hearing her words, I realized that I was only wearing a pair of small pants as I squatted in front of her. At that time, my face was red because my pants were dirty on the ground. It was so dark that it was embarrassing.    


Damn it, I'm most afraid of losing face in front of girls. But it just so happens that I always lose face in front of all kinds of beauties.    


"Put it on." Nalan Yi took off her camouflage jacket, revealing a pink vest.    


I didn't expect her to be so good to me. I was a little touched when I took her jacket. Then I couldn't help but look at her body and found that her chest was very big. Wearing a pink vest made her look very attractive.    


"What are you looking at?" She glared at me.    


"It's quite big..." I put on her camouflage uniform and smiled awkwardly.    


"I'm helping you because I don't like Ye Shuang bullying the weak. He is the eldest son of Ye family, the head of the four big families, and you are just a little big brother of City J. You are no match for him, the fight between you two isn't fair. There is another reason why I am helping you. It's because I know your father. Your father, he's a good man." Nalan Yi said with a flat mouth.    


"My father, he is a good man?" I asked.    


"Yes, he is a good person. However, I will not tell you anything about his whereabouts, and I won't tell you anything about him. That little lackey of yours, just let him go. Don't waste your energy investigating my background anymore. You won't be able to find out my background. As for the battle between you and Ye Shuang, I will only help you this time. I won't interfere in anything that happens to you after this. Because if our Nalan family messes in, we will use the strong to bully the weak. It's no different from Ye Shuang bullying you. Go to the south and find Zhang Yuhui. This place isn't suitable for you. "    


Nalan Yi used her slender white fingers to touch the scar on my shoulder. Then, she looked at me with a lazy expression and smiled before turning around and leaving.    


As for me, I just silently watched her back.    


From what she said to me, I seemed to have obtained a lot of useful information.    


She said that if the Nalan family were to deal with the four big families, they would be bullying the weak. Then, what kind of terrifying strength would the Nalan family, which had a mysterious background, have?    


Vaguely, I feel that there is another world hidden in this world. It is a world that we can't see with our naked eyes.    


I am curious about my father's concern and Nalan Yi's background. I feel that it is necessary for me to stay in the provincial capital. Even if this is the territory of the four big families, it is filled with danger. But I still want to stay here. At the same time, I have a very strong premonition. Following by Nalan Yi's side, perhaps there will be a turning point in the war between me and the four great families.    


She told me that she wouldn't help me. I believe that she wouldn't help me. But I have this kind of premonition. If I continue to stay in the provincial capital, I might be able to defeat the four great families.    


Nalan Yi, she said that I am not a match for the four great families. Then I will let her see that even if I do not have a background, I can still fight against the Four Great Families.    


The two month appointment with Ye Shuang has arrived. On the first day, we have a battle. I was almost captured by him, and was almost killed by him when he handed me over to the Crown Prince.    


After that, I went back to the dormitory to wash my body. When I saw Nalan Yi lending me a brand new camouflage jacket, I thought about it and secretly smelled the jacket that she lent me.    


The jacket was very fragrant and it had the faint fragrance of Nalan Yi's body. At the same time, there was an indescribable fragrance. That scent was elegant and light. It was a scent that I had never smelled before.    


After smelling it for a while, I imagined the appearance of this jacket on Nalan Yi's snow white body. Gradually, my face turned a little red and I washed her coat. Then, I borrowed an iron from an iron capper classmate and ironed Nalan Yi's coat neatly.    


The next morning, I called Nalan Yi and asked her to have breakfast at the school canteen. Nalan Yi actually agreed and then came at 6: 30 in the morning as promised.    


When she came to the canteen to look for me, I saw that she was wearing a pair of jeans with holes. There was also a very fashionable fashion top. She was wearing a ponytail and a baseball cap on her head. It made her look pure and lively, and her snow-white face looked very cute. She seemed to have deliberately put on some light makeup, and her delicate mouth was red. Her eyelashes also brushed a little. She just took a few more glances. When she sat across from her... I said to her, "What do you want to eat? I'll go buy it for you."    


"Let's eat a pancake." She said.    


"One?" I asked.    


"One." She said.    


"You only eat this much every day. No wonder you're so thin." I muttered to myself, then went to buy her breakfast.    


When she was eating breakfast, she used her slender, snow-white fingers to pick up the pancake. Then, she gently tore it into small pieces and put it into her mouth. Her eating posture was very elegant, and her delicate mouth was always red.    


Then I took out the camouflage uniform that I washed for her and said to her, "Thank you for saving me yesterday. Your camouflage uniform, I've already washed it for you."    


"You even ironed it?" She took out the camouflage uniform and looked at it with a smile. She didn't expect me to be so attentive.    


"Yes." I nodded lightly.    


"You like me?" She smiled at me.    


"I didn't..." I quickly shook my head.    


"That's good." She lightly nodded and looked at me with an ambiguous expression. "Then, what about my handkerchief?"    


... "" Hearing her words, I frowned and didn't say anything.    


"Hehe, you still like me." She smiled.    


"I didn't!" Hearing her words, I immediately became anxious.    


After a moment of silence, I thought about it and asked her: "Nalan Yi, what do you think Ye Shuang will do to me? The Crown Prince is no longer a match for me. Now, it's Ye Shuang who has come into direct contact with me. Do you think he will deal with me first or my brother first? I can't really figure out who Ye Shuang is. I thought about it for the whole night yesterday, but I still can't figure out how to deal with him."    


" Wang Yue, can I ask you something? " Nalan Yi asked me.    


"Go ahead." I asked.    


"Excuse me, is this how you flirt with every girl? You don't treat yourself as an outsider at all, yet you have the nerve to ask a girl out, and then talk about things that other people might not be interested in?" She smiles at me.    


"I don't think so. I, I just think that you're very smart. I want to discuss it with you. Now that I am in university, I think Young Master Qian and Leng Shi will feel good about it. I don't want to disturb them. I want them to experience life in university again. But there's no one around to discuss, so I found you." I said.    


" Oh. " She pursed her lips and looked at me as if she was blaming me.    


" What about Ye Shuang's matter? Can you help me make the decision? " I asked.    


"Hehe, since you already have an idea, why do you need to ask me?" She smiled.    


Hearing Nalan Yi's words, I think that she is really smart. She told me everything that was on my mind, making me feel a little embarrassed. After thinking for a while, I took her hand and walked out of the canteen. When I held her hand, I felt her hand move slightly as if it had been electrocuted. I also felt an electric shock. But she didn't reject me and allowed me to pull her hand out of the canteen. Then she walked out of the school.    


When we walked out of the school, very quickly, I felt countless pairs of eyes staring at me from outside the school. There were two business cars parked outside our school, at a roadside stall not far from the school. A few strong men who ate tofu head were sitting there. When my eyes look at them, they immediately avoid my gaze. These people were all people sent by Ye Shuang to keep an eye on me.    


After that, I held Nalan Yi's hand and walked towards the direction of the Bathing City. When I walked to the rubbish bin where I hid my gun yesterday, I reached into it and flipped it. Very quickly, I found a cold pistol.    


It had already been a night, but this gun was still there.    


Then, I put the gun back at my waist and brought Nalan Yi to the bathroom to find my clothes and car keys. Then I took her into my car and took her shopping in the provincial capital.    


"Is my umbrella useful?" On the way, Nalan Yi lazily sat in my car and asked me.    


"It's useful." Hearing her straightforward words, I smiled embarrassedly.    


"Hehe, you actually let a girl like me protect you. This is the first time I've seen someone like you." Nalan Yi said.    


"You are a high and mighty young lady. The people you know are definitely elegant and graceful young masters. And what do I have? I don't have anything. I only have a father, and you still don't tell me where he is." I deliberately said that I was pitiful and wanted her to tell me where my father is.    


After hearing what I said, Nalan Yi only smiled and didn't answer my words. She is a very smart girl.    


After that, the two of us went shopping in the provincial capital and bought clothes for her. When you see what she likes, buy her anything. I can afford her, and she knows that I have money... So I bought a lot of things for her.    


And I am so good to her because I have already made up my mind. This is a big leg, as long as I'm with her, Ye Shuang definitely won't dare to touch me. Although she won't help me deal with Ye Shuang, it's enough to have her as my umbrella. I might be a bit naughty doing this because I found someone even more powerful to protect me. However, the Crown Prince is always fooling around. It would be unfair to me if I don't mess around.    


After that... We watched a movie together, and she chose a love movie. That movie was a bit artistic, and there weren't many people in the cinema watching it.    


Then, our movie theater was also filled with couples, sitting on a large sofa. The partitions on both sides were very high, so even if we did something, no one saw us.    


Because we don't have armrests in the middle, if we don't lean on something to sit on, it will be very tiring. Then she tilted her head and sat on the other side for a while, maintaining the same posture and feeling tired. Seeing that I've always been honest, she thought for a moment and leaned towards me.    


Leaning on my shoulder, she looked at the screen with her bright eyes and said, "Wang Yue, you know, you are the first guy who dared to touch me. The first guy who dared to hold my hand and take me to watch a movie. "    


"What is your family doing? They are so awesome." I started to cheat her again.    


"I won't tell you, but it feels good to be with you. Do you really not like me?" She asked me.    


"You like it a little, right? After all, you're a beauty, and your straightforward personality is quite interesting. Sometimes, you're quite lively and a bit naughty." I said.    


" Then, will you chase me? " She asked me.    


"No." I said.    


"Why?" She asked.    


"Because, I can't lift it... I can't get any advantage even if I chase after you, why would I chase after you..." I lightly hugged her body and said helplessly.    


"What!?" She looked at me in surprise.    


"I almost got bullied by the Crown Prince's little brother earlier, and that left a shadow in my heart. Ever since then, I've been getting worse and worse day by day, and I've been completely crippled." I'll say it.    


Nalan Yi and I were both adults and university students. There is nothing much to talk about between the two of us. After that, she looks at me in shock and looks at me in disbelief. She suspected that I was pretending to be impotent so that I could be sisters with her. She just took advantage of me.    


"If you don't believe me, feel it" I was quite helpless. I took her hand and touched it towards me.    


This action of mine gave her a fright. Just as she was about to touch me, she quickly took her hand back. Then her face turned red and she glared at me. I wasn't embarrassed at all. I looked at her with a helpless expression and said, " I really can't lift it. If you don't believe me, just touch it. Son, tiger, if I feel it, you'll castrate me. "    


" Then, I can't just touch you... "She was very curious about my secret, but she still seemed very embarrassed.    


"Touch me. I don't have any other intentions. I just want to show you that I really can't do it." As she spoke, I took her hand and touched my hand.    


It was also because my expression was too serious that she was touched by my hand a few more times. Driven by curiosity, she really touched my hand for a while.    


I really couldn't lift it, I didn't feel anything when she touched me. But to be touched by such a beauty, there was an indescribable feeling in her heart.    


Then she looks up at me in surprise and asks me, "Wang Yue, you really can't do it anymore?"    


"En!" I forcefully nodded at her.    


"Pfft!" She looked at me with a straight face for a while, then laughed loudly. She had the same reaction as Tang Yuxin and Lee Mingxi. Both of them looked at me with a gloating expression before laughing non-stop.    


After that, I looked at her helplessly. After a while, she hugged me as she laughed and said, "Wang Yue, you're laughing me to death. You're laughing me to death. You're too pitiful. You're only so young and you can't do it. From now on, you'll be my good sister. Haha... "    


"Scram!" After hearing her words, I forcefully pushed her away.    


This time around, I went shopping, causing the relationship between Nalan Yi and I to become very good. It was just that it was not as good as a couple, but as good a good friend.    


Damn it. Actually, if I don't use this move, just now, I tricked her to send me a shot at the movie theater, and it was basically a success. But I really couldn't do it anymore. Thinking about it, I got to know a new beauty, but I couldn't take advantage of her. This makes me very depressed.    


Then, when we came out of the cinema, we saw that the sky was almost dark. It felt the same as when we left school. I still felt that there were many pairs of eyes staring at me.    


At the same time, I saw Ye Shuang standing in the crowd and staring at me. With a cold smile on his face, he slowly raised his index finger towards me and made a shooting motion.    


Gradually, he disappeared into the sea of people...    



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