My Sensual Lady

C76 A Man Should be Strong

C76 A Man Should be Strong

0Like last time, I'm still playing mahjong for a dollar. This time, I'm the one playing mahjong. I'm Huang Mao, one of Gou's and Huang Mao's little brothers. Gao Dali and Guang are sitting next to me, watching the game.    


After we played for about ten minutes, Uncle Lei opened the door and came in. He is the expert in charge of this casino. When he saw Uncle Lei, we immediately stood up and greeted him politely.    


"Another one?" Uncle Lei looked at the chips on our table and asked.    


"Yes." Gou smiled and nodded.    


Hearing Gou's words, Uncle Lei looked at me strangely. "You always play together. You might as well touch your fingers if you lose. If you want to learn real gambling skills, you can play with a hundred dollars. "    


"F * ck!" After hearing Uncle Lei's words, Guang's eyes instantly widened.    


Although we are in the north, many people play mahjong in big casinos like this. Because mahjong is big enough, one dollar can sometimes be worth more than a hundred dollars.    


Then what about a hundred? A win or loss of more than ten thousand dollars per game.    


Even Gou and Huang Mao held their breaths when they heard such a big mahjong game.    


"You are already one of the Four Heavenly Kings. How can a one-dollar mahjong match your status? In the future, you can play anything for a hundred. Otherwise, you don't have to play anymore." Uncle Lei stared into my eyes and said before leaving.    


When Uncle Lei left, I frowned and thought about it for a long time. Huang Mao and Gou asked me, "Mr Yue, do you want to play a hundred? ”    


"I want to play!" When she thought about how she had a million in her card, she thought that she would have enough money to spend. Making up my mind, I gritted my teeth and agreed.    


When we played cards again, the atmosphere in the private room was a little different. Huang Mao no longer looked at his phone from time to time. Gou was no longer joking with us while playing. They also had that little brother, and the three of them had very serious expressions on their faces. Not long after he washed the cards, Huang Mao immediately pushed the cards. "Hu!"    


"F * ck, Hu's so fast!" Gou, I, and that little brother all widened their eyes.    


After hearing what we said, Huang Mao's face turned red and said, "F * ck, playing a hundred rounds? This is going to cost us our lives. I can't let you guys go. Otherwise, if I lose tomorrow, I won't even be able to afford to eat fried dough sticks. "    


"Hu!" Soon, Gou also pushed the mahjong ball.    


"Hu!" Not long after he touched the cards, that little brother also pushed the cards.    


"Mr Yue, you have to work hard with them." Seeing the three of them continuously playing cards, Guang and Gao Dali sat beside them and said nervously.    


"I know." Holding the mahjong, my hands began to tremble.    


"You guys play mahjong? How big is it?" Young Master Qian had almost finished resting outside. He walked in and saw the tense atmosphere in the private room.    


"One million. Mr Yue has already lost seventy to eighty thousand. Come and help Mr Yue." Guang said to Young Master Qian.    


"Playing such a big game of mahjong? My mom only played mahjong for ten yuan! Damn, and it's a mahjong game. " Looking at the chips on the table, Young Master Qian once again felt dizzy and sat down on the chair.    


I don't know how to play mahjong anyway, so I played with hooligans like Gou and Huang Mao. When we came out of the casino, I felt my heart ache so much that I couldn't breathe.    


That night, I lost more than 200,000 dollars.    


"More than 200,000 yuan. Damn it, Mr Yue played mahjong all night. It's enough for my parents to earn for a year. My heart aches. It was still Mr Yue who had the ability. He was Zhang Yuhui's Four Heavenly Kings. Otherwise, ordinary people wouldn't be able to afford to lose so much." Sitting in the car, Guang's heart ached for me.    


" Mr Yue, I don't want to be the boss anymore. Why don't I let you be the boss?" Young Master Qian held the steering wheel in his hand and said to me after thinking for a while.    


"Why?" I asked.    


"Mr Yue, don't ask me why. Your question makes my face turn red. You don't know how to drive, so I'll help you drive in the future." Young Master Qian said.    


After hearing Young Master Qian's words, I looked at his serious expression and smiled. At this moment, I know that this brother of mine respects me from the bottom of his heart.    


I smiled and touched his leg. "I told you long ago, there is no distinction between us brothers. What I want is brothers, not little brothers. From now on, we don't care who's rich or who's in trouble. We share fortune and difficulties together!"    


" A brother, a lifetime brother! "    


From that night onwards, the four of us became even more united. What I made was not an ordinary friend, but a friend that I could rely on to survive.    


It was also from that night onwards that our power became even greater.    


No matter which student in our school, they all know that I have a big brother outside, Gao Dali can fight, Guang can fight, Young Master Qian has money in his pocket.    


In an instant, there were even more hooligans who sided with us. If I was the ambiguous boss in the school before, then I am now the real boss.    


Guang's ability to communicate made him attract a lot of mobsters. If we fight with someone a little more, we don't need to beg anyone, we can recruit more than 200 people to help us fight.    


After being silent for 18 years, he had endured the loneliness for 18 years. This year, I finally broke out.    


When the four of us walked through the school, we heard Mr Yue's voice all along the way.    


My mother loved me, and she gave me the name of Wang Yue, who was close to being a girl. And now, this name sounded so domineering and loud.    


Hou Shaofei called me once and asked me, "Wang Yue, are you playing tricks on me?"    


"Young Master Hou, I don't understand what you mean." Of course I'm playing tricks on him because I can't compare to his background. He's the Crown Prince's younger brother, and I'm just the younger brother that Zhang Yuhui watched grow up.    


"You guys purposely came early and left when we agreed to fight. That Young Master Qian is brave but not scheming. You must have thought of this plan, right? "Hou Shaofei asked me.    


"Because I am afraid of you." I remember Lee Mingxi taught me to be honest.    


"Hehe..." After hearing what I said, Hou Shaofei smiled very happily. After laughing for a long time, Hou Shaofei coldly said to me, "But I must get Young Master Qian."    


"Young Master Hou, that Bai Zhuang has an ordinary relationship with you. He is just a little brother of your good brother, Young Master Jia. Why don't we just let this matter go? Is that okay?" I asked.    


" Hand over my brother's account book and I'll let Young Master Qian go. " Hou Shaofei said coldly.    


Hearing Hou Shaofei's words, I finally understood what he meant. It seems like as long as I don't hand over the Crown Prince's account book, Hou Shaofei will never let us go.    


Holding the phone, I started laughing like Hou Shaofei. Of course I'm afraid of Hou Shaofei, but compared to the Crown Prince, Hou Shaofei is nothing.    


After a few rings, I hung up the phone.    


"Wang Yue, we still have a long way to go. Wait for me, I will play with you." Hou Shaofei sent me this message.    


I did not reply to his message. Because my current strength is indeed very weak. I am still not a match for Hou Shaofei.    



Hou Shaofei's phone call made me feel a sense of danger. In order to survive under the hands of these powerful young masters, I brought Young Master Qian and the others to work harder in their martial arts. In the blink of an eye, a week has passed. Our daily lives are learning. Practicing martial arts, occasionally going to the casino to play. We don't dare to leave the school. Hou Shaofei and the others can't see us outside the school. There has never been any conflict between us.    


And this week, my strength has also increased. Except for Wang Meng, the entire school is now ours.    


On this Friday night, Han Xiyin called me, "Wang Yue, do you want to miss me?"    


"Yes." She was about to take the college entrance exam and was studying hard every day. To be honest, I really miss her. I miss the feeling of being with her, and I also want to take her down.    


Maybe it was because Han Xiyin was too good to me, but when I received her call, I would reflexively respond.    


"My junior brother is amazing. He is now the real boss of the school." Han Xiyin was in a slutty mood. Her voice was unusually low.    


"Stop messing around. It is just that everyone treats me better. Our school does not have a boss." I heard Han Xiyin's voice becoming even more unpleasant.    


"Is your illness cured?" Han Xiyin asked me.    


"What illness?" I asked.    


"Your illness for a second." Han Xiyin said.    


Hearing Han Xiyin's words, my face instantly turns red, "F * ck me, why don't you give it a try?"    


"Okay. Recently, I have been too tired from studying. How about we have a party tonight? Go to the karaoke and sing, I'll treat you guys. Call all the bosses in the school over, let's have some fun, Wang Yao said. Then we'll go out and live together." Han Xiyin said to me.    


"Okay." I said.    


Han Xiyin liked the lively atmosphere and the feeling of everyone playing together. After hanging up the phone, I immediately called Guang, Young Master Qian, and Gao Dali. I asked them to call up the seniors in the school and we will go out and sing together.    


Thinking about how I could be with Han Xiyin tonight, I felt a little excited in my heart.    


Very quickly, a large group of us gathered at a KTV outside the school. There are a total of over 20 people, all of whom are characters that can be played in the school. The reason why I found so many people is also because I have recently become enemies with Hou Shaofei. With so many people around, I wouldn't be afraid even if Hou Shaofei came.    


I remember the first time I came to the KTV with Han Xiyin, I was still the air in everyone's eyes. The people in the eyes of all the hooligans who looked down on me. And this time, I became indescribably shameless. Almost everyone persuaded me to sing and pass the microphone to me.    


"Mr Yue, sing one."    


"Mr Yue, you are the boss of our school, sing one."    


"Mr Yue, sing one!"    


Seeing that everyone was trying to persuade me to sing, I held the microphone and my face turned a little red. Just as I was about to sing, the door to the karaoke room was suddenly pushed open.    


It's Wang Meng. Recently, not only has Hou Shaofei wanted to deal with me, Wang Meng has also been looking for opportunities to deal with me. Unfortunately, my life is too orderly. Every day after school, I go straight to the dojo to practice martial arts. When I go to school, I'm either surrounded by dozens of people, or I go to the student council to help write information.    


Today is the day for all of our school's bosses, and also the day Wang Meng deals with me.    


"Wang Yue, I finally got the chance to deal with you today!" When Wang Meng walked into the private room of the KTV, five gangsters followed him in.    


"What are you doing?" I was a little surprised with the microphone.    


"F * ck you, what are you saying!?" Wang Meng asked me.    


"F * ck me, did you only bring this few people?" I looked at the five hooligans behind him and said while blinking my eyes.    


"What?" After listening to me, Wang Meng saw that there were over twenty people in our private room. Furthermore, they were all characters that could be played in school.    


"F * ck you, you only brought five people with you, and you want to f * ck us, Mr Yue? Are you f * cking courting death?!" Guang suddenly stood up, and the more than twenty hooligans in the private room also stood up.    


"Wang Meng, do you want to die?" Young Master Qian also stood up. Gao Dali also stood up.    


Seeing Wang Meng's face turning paler and paler, I held the microphone and smiled helplessly. I am now the real boss of the school, and in his memory, I am still the paper tiger from more than a week ago.    


Ignoring him, I chose a song about a man being strong. Then, holding the microphone, I roar, "Arrogance, facing the Ten Thousand Heavy Waves! Hot blood, like the red sun! Courage like iron. Bones like steel, a thousand zhang wide chest, ten thousand li long eyes. I work hard and become a hero! "    


"Mr Yue sang well!"    


"Mr Yue is domineering!"    


"Mr Yue, I am a fan of yours! "    


Under the flashing lights, Han Xiyin's beautiful eyes were full of anticipation. Seeing my success, her eyes gradually became moist. As for me, I only smiled as I looked at Wang Meng. As I sang loudly, I looked at him and laughed.    


At this moment, Wang Meng's expression gradually changed, becoming indescribably ugly...    


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