My Sensual Lady

C44 The First Brother

C44 The First Brother

0Try to move my arm a little bit and it hurts like hell. Although Lee Mingxi smeared some medicinal wine on my body yesterday, my body was still in great pain. All the muscles in my body were taut.    


After thinking for a while, I immediately raised my eyes and shouted at Chen Jianming, "Chen Jianming, I know you have always looked down on me. Today, I admit that I have fallen into your hands. If you let go of Han Xiyin, I will let you do whatever you want to me!"    


"Wang Yue!?" After hearing what I said, Han Xiyin looked at me in shock.    


In Han Xiyin's eyes, even though she had taken advantage of me quite a bit, she even slept with me at her house the whole night. However, Han Xiyin had never put my abilities in her heart. She just felt that I'm not bad and was willing to play with me. After she got into university and graduated, the two of us were just like that. If fate brings us together, she doesn't mind giving me a chance to take advantage of her.    


But at this moment, the way she looks at me is different.    


She didn't expect that when we met with danger, the first person I would think of in my heart would actually be her!    


As for me, when I met danger, the first person I thought of in my heart was indeed her. Because I have never been a selfish person.    


At this moment, a special feeling welled up in Han Xiyin's heart. The way she looked at me changed slightly. Han Xiyin thought for a moment and grabbed my hand. In front of Chen Jianming and his classmates, Han Xiyin held my hand tightly and said, " Chen Jianming, you dare not touch me. If you touch a finger of mine today, I will definitely make you die an ugly death in this school. Wang Yue is my younger brother. If you dare to touch a finger of his, I will also make you die an ugly death!"    


" Are you trying to scare me?! "    


Chen Jianming's eyes quickly widened, and his face became indescribably fierce. Then, Chen Jianming looked coldly at the hands of the two of us holding hands and said, "Han Xiyin, don't think that I don't know what relationship the two of you have. Isn't Wang Yue the gigolo you raised? F * ck, why are you pretending with me? Last time at the concert hall, the two of you were searching there. Do you think I didn't see it?"    


Hearing Chen Jianming's words, Han Xiyin's expression instantly changed. My expression also changed.    


It seems like I can't be too presumptuous in the future. Last time when Han Xiyin and I were in the music hall, she deliberately sat beside me. She placed my hand under her skirt. The two of us thought that the music hall was very dark and everyone was playing so happily that they wouldn't notice us. But we didn't expect that everyone wasn't a fool. Everyone could clearly see what we did. It was just that he didn't say it in his heart.    


Chen Jianming's words immediately made Han Xiyin and I feel embarrassed. After that, Chen Jianming looked at me coldly and said, "Wang Yue, you are just a trash who relies on women. Without women, you are nothing. Initially, I didn't want to meet you, but in the end, you... You actually found Han Xiyin to climb onto my head. I'm not a trash like Guang. I, Chen Jianming, am someone who wants to be the boss of this school. "    


" Second brother, third brother, f * ck him! "    


When Chen Jianming gave the order, his muscular subordinates immediately walked towards us. Seeing that Chen Jianming was really going to attack, Han Xiyin bit her lips and stared into his eyes. "Chen Jianming, you are an ingrate. I, Han Xiyin, treat you well. You have completely forgotten!"    


"Hehe, I am called an ingrate to begin with." Chen Jianming looked at Gao Dali behind him with a proud expression.    


At this time, Chen Jianming's subordinates also walked in front of Han Xiyin and me. Looking at my two green arms, it is already difficult for me to even lift them up. Han Xiyin knows that I definitely can't point them out today.    


"Don't be afraid, elder sister will protect you." Her hand quickly grabbed a book by the side and Han Xiyin threw it towards the face of a hooligan.    


With a splash, that hoodlum saw a book fly over and used his hand to hit it. Then, Han Xiyin grabbed something from the table next to her and threw it at him. The hooligan saw the book and pen flying over and thought for a while before rushing towards Han Xiyin. He held Han Xiyin in his arms with the book and pen flying towards him.    


Han Xiyin was not Lee Mingxi. She was an invincible existence no matter where she went. She was just an ordinary girl because she was beautiful and liked a lot of people. She also had a little bit of courage to mix around.    


Being hugged by that hooligan, Han Xiyin immediately struggled. At this time, the other hoodlums also walked towards me. Just as I was about to raise my hand to resist, one of the hoodlums kicked me out.    


"F * ck you, you don't have any combat strength at all?"    


Seeing that I was sent flying with a single kick, those hoodlums were instantly stunned. I lay on the icy cold floor, looking at those hoodlums' shocked expressions, I really wanted to die.    


If I hadn't practiced martial arts yesterday, Chen Jianming and I would have been able to maintain it. At least I wouldn't have been knocked down by a single kick. I could have even kicked each other. Or I can cause a ruckus in their class and open the door to escape.    


But now, because of practicing martial arts, my original combat strength of nine has become zero. Han Xiyin can at least throw a few more books, but I am actually inferior to a girl like Han Xiyin.    


"I have never seen such a trash person. It seems that without Han Xiyin, he would not have been able to deal with a few dogs." A hooligan's eyes lit up as he said with a smile.    


"Kill him!" Chen Jianming smiled and said to him in a strange tone.    


"F * ck you!"    


In an instant, Chen Jianming's underlings roared and rushed forward. A whole group of people were in high spirits. Their fists and kicks were like a violent storm as they landed on the ground.    


I was sent flying by their violent punches and kicks. My body was in great pain as I lay on the ground. However, I was too ruthless in my martial arts training yesterday. At this moment, I really don't have the strength to fight back at all. I could only use both of my hands to hug my head and tighten the muscles all over my body so that they could ruthlessly hit me.    


One kick, two kicks, when those people don't know how many kicks I've kicked. Gao Dali, who was standing beside Chen Jianming, could not help but clench his fists and move a little.    


Feeling that something was wrong with Gao Dali's appearance, Chen Jianming frowned and slapped him on the face. Gao Dali was too tall. Even if Chen Jianming slapped him, he would still jump up and slap him.    


Chen Jianming then kicked him hard and said, "Do you want to follow Wang Yue? Do you want to be the school's boss with Wang Yue? If you want to follow me, just say so. I'll help you!"    


... "" After hearing Chen Jianming's words, Gao Dali's tightly clenched fists gradually loosened.    


Standing in front of him was the famous Second Senior Brother of Second Senior High, Seven Wolves. He was the boss who could shout out more than a hundred underlings at the top of his voice. In the future, he would become the boss of the entire Second Senior High School.    


If Gao Dali makes a move because of me, then he will thoroughly offend Chen Jianming. The ingrate Chen Jianming, he understood in his heart how ruthless his methods were.    


From today onwards, he will be endlessly bullied by Chen Jianming in the class. From now on, he will be endlessly bullied by Chen Jianming in this school.    


However, Wang Yue, who was curled up on the ground and getting beaten up, was beaten up because of him. He had said that he liked his brother. What he wanted was not his little brother but his best brother.    


If he continued watching like this, would he feel at ease?    


However, even if he made a move, what could he change? Would he be able to beat this entire class of hooligans?    


Seeing me curling up on the ground and getting beaten up, Han Xiyin bit her lips and cried. After struggling a few times, she looked at Chen Jianming hatefully with her beautiful eyes. "Chen Jianming, if you don't let go of Wang Yue, I, Han Xiyin, will not let you go."    


How many women could be regarded as the boss?    


Chen Jianming smiled. He looked at Han Xiyin's good figure and said, "Sister, you have already said this sentence 800 times. My ears have calluses. I will touch Wang Yue now. Let me see what you can do to me."    


"If you have the guts, let me call. Let's set it!" Han Xiyin said coldly.    


After hearing Han Xiyin's words, Chen Jianming could not help but frown. He knew Han Xiyin's standards. It was not a problem to find a few hundred people to fight.    


He frowned and looked at Han Xiyin for a few seconds. Chen Jianming's face gradually became gloomy. Suddenly, he picked up a chair and kicked the crowd aside. Then, he smashed the chair hard at me.    


I have already been beaten up badly enough. This time, Chen Jianming almost made me vomit blood. I felt that the bones on my back were almost broken, and I immediately let out a roar in pain.    


Then, I felt someone lift me up. My blurred vision gradually became clear, and I saw Chen Jianming standing in front of me, staring coldly at me.    


Suddenly, he punched me hard in the face. Then, he kicked me in the stomach. "Han Xiyin, I will hit him now. Get someone to hit me!"    


"Chen Jianming!" After hearing his words, Han Xiyin immediately shouted with red eyes.    


When Chen Jianming saw Han Xiyin cry, he became even more excited. As he muttered in his mouth, Chen Jianming kept whispering. "I am not a person who can be scared. I am a person with ambition. I, Chen Jianming, have never been afraid of anyone. I have never been afraid of anyone... "    



After muttering for a long time, Chen Jianming suddenly punched me in the stomach. Then, he learned from the people in the martial arts movies and punched me with his fists and legs. After that, he punched me in the face and said, "I'll hit ~ ~ ~!!!"    


Pain is secondary. The most important thing is that I feel like my personality has been insulted.    


Not only did he beat me up, he even teased me in front of Han Xiyin and everyone else.    


The bell for class suddenly rang at this moment. When I heard the bell for class, my expression changed. I stared fixedly at Chen Jianming, thinking to myself, After school, I'll find my cousin to take revenge for me.    


I wasn't the only one who thought it was over. Han Xiyin and her brothers also thought it was over. However, Chen Jianming did not plan to end it just like that.    


As if he did not hear the bell for class, Chen Jianming pulled out a metal rod from a desk behind him. When he heard someone knocking on the door from outside, Chen Jianming shouted, "Knock on your door!"    


At this moment, the outside of the classroom suddenly became quiet, and the entire classroom became quiet.    


Chen Jianming held the stick and gestured at my face. Then, he said to his underlings, "Do you know why I can be the boss? You can't be the boss. Because I'm ruthless enough. I'm even more ruthless than Wang Meng in my third year of high school. As long as someone dares to provoke me, I will definitely not let him off. Ever since I was young, I have never seen anyone who dares to act cool with me. Today, I must teach this person who acts cool with me a lesson."    


" Mighty White Lang! "Hearing Chen Jianming's words, his little brothers immediately became excited.    


"Today, none of you can plead on his behalf. I have said that I will kill him, so I must kill him. Whoever dares to oppose me will become the enemy of the entire school." After Chen Jianming finished speaking, his face suddenly became ferocious.    


In an instant, he swung his iron rod at my face.    


When his iron staff landed on my face, a large amount of blood gushed out from my mouth. Han Xiyin's eyes instantly changed. She covered her mouth and cried loudly.    


As for me, this is the first time I have been beaten so ruthlessly. At that time, I felt the teeth in my mouth loosen and half of my face suddenly swelled up.    


With this strike, Chen Jianming has beaten me until I have never eaten sugar in my entire life. Because from now on, every time I eat sugar, I feel an indescribable pain in my teeth.    


And Chen Jianming didn't plan to let me go. It seemed like he really wanted to kill me. When he held the iron rod and gestured at my face again, some of his underlings started to be afraid. "Brother Ming, forget it. Don't let anything happen to me. Because of this kid, it's not good to get expelled from the school. "    


"F * ck you, shut up. Didn't you hear what I said just now? I said, whoever dares to plead on his behalf is going against the entire school. If anyone stops me today, I'll make them the same as him. "    


" Damn it, anyone dares to climb onto my head " After saying that, Chen Jianming once again held the iron rod and rubbed it a few times on my face.    


Suddenly, the iron rod in his hand swung over fiercely!    


It was at this moment that I felt the sound of wind coming from his metal rod. The pupils in my eyes instantly shrunk. My heart almost fell into despair at this moment. I knew that if he swung this rod, he would definitely beat me to death.    


However, when he swung his rod at me, I clearly saw that his feet were lifted off the ground by someone. Then, that metal rod flew past my scalp.    


Behind him, a huge black shadow with red eyes said coldly, "Even if I have to make the entire school my enemy, I, Gao Dali, will still fight you today."    


"From today onwards, Wang Yue will be my big brother. Whoever dares to touch my big brother, die!"    


With a loud bang, the huge black shadow threw Chen Jianming away.    


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