Chat Groups in the Immortal Realm

C9 School Belle Blushing

C9 School Belle Blushing

0Mu Lingyan and Ann Sudong then walked out of the library and towards the school gate.    


Walking on campus, they naturally became the focus of attention on the road. Especially the envious gazes of the male students.    


Mu Lingyan himself already had a very high chance of turning her head back, not to mention that she was accompanied by a boy, who seemed to be happily chatting with him.    


At the gate, the driver had already arrived.    


This teacher was most likely Qiu Mingshan's god of war had watched too much. The car sped along the road at a lightning speed. One after another, they were left behind.    


While passing by the car, he muttered to himself, "You naughty kid, the driver's license must be painted, right? Why are you driving so slow, don't you think you're wasting time."    


"F * ck, you dare to race against laozi. If I don't teach you a lesson, you won't know what a god of cars is!"    


"Turn around and fight! Sooner or later, I'll run into you and kill you!"    


He suddenly turned around and sped up when he saw the gap between them. He felt as if he was pushing his back forward!    


Even Ann Susheng felt that this was too damn exciting.    


Mu Lingyan had never ridden in a car this fast, she nervously grabbed onto the armrest on the side while her other hand unconsciously grabbed onto Ann Susheng's hand on the side.    


Ann Susheng, who was enjoying his master's scolding, suddenly felt his hand being held, and was slightly startled. As he lowered his head to look, he could not help but feel his heartbeat quicken!    


She looked at Mu Lingyan who was at the side, as if she did not notice anything, and continued to stare outside the window nervously.    


Ann Susheng's excited throat felt a little dry, and he couldn't help but lightly clench the hand that was holding his.    


Thin and slender, smooth and delicate.    


Although Ann Susheng had just been wounded in love, he did not have any illusions about Mu Lingyan, nor did he intend to start a new relationship.    


There was a saying: Once bitten by a snake, one should fear the rope for ten years.    


However, it had to be said that this sort of feeling was truly marvelous and intoxicating.    


There was a squeak and a quick spin.    


Following an "ah" sound, Mu Lingyan's hand that was tightly holding onto the armrest was flung away.    


Ann Susheng only felt a soft body jumping onto his body. Subconsciously, he clasped his hands together and hugged Mu Lingyan to prevent her from falling down. A faint fragrance instantly rushed into his nose.    


Ann Susheng took a deep breath. The young girl's fragrance was refreshing to the heart.    


"Huh?" Ann Susheng felt that the left hand that was hugging Mu Lingyan was slightly throbbing, as if it was the regular rhythm of her pulse, flop flop.    


It was soft and gentle.    


Ann Susheng was startled. Even if he was an ignorant chick, he already knew what that was.    


"About that, Master, slow down a bit, just a bit more." Ann Susheng gently helped Mu Lingyan up, and in order to ease the awkwardness, he said to the driver.    


Looking at Mu Lingyan, her face was already as red as an apple because of her bashfulness.    


She had felt the embrace of both of her hands just now. What was even more embarrassing was that she had actually been squeezed lightly.    


One had to know that she had never had such close contact with a boy in her entire life!    


"Last time was my lower abdomen, but this time …"    


Ah!" Why am I not angry at all? On the contrary, I'm looking forward to interacting with him!    


"He clearly isn't my type, but why does he always want to get close to me? I can't help but think of him!"    


"Are you okay?" Ann Susheng carefully pulled Mu Lingyan back from her thoughts.    


Mu Lingyan shook her head, feeling that her face was burning.    


After getting off the carriage, Mu Lingyan led Ann Susheng to a western restaurant.    


The young people's awkwardness was easy to resolve. During dinner time, Ann Susheng would occasionally lower his head and give a light smile as he was teased by some of the jokes.    


His eyebrows were curved, and his eyes were like crescent moons. The boys eating at the side couldn't help but be stunned. Naturally, he couldn't help but be viciously kicked under the table by his girlfriend.    


After dinner, they went back to the bookstore. Mu Lingyan wanted to buy some learning materials.    


Ann Susheng could not help but sigh: "He could have relied on his looks to earn money, but she relied on his talent instead."    


With the sudden attack, Ann Susheng walked to the public restroom to settle his internal emergency.    


After he finished everything, Ann Susheng saw that Mu Lingyan had also come out from the bookstore.    


However, the few bullies around her all had frivolous expressions.    


Strange clothing, colorful hair, and there were even people with earrings. It was obvious that they were out of the ordinary.    


One of the hoodlums even extended a hand to pick at Mu Lingyan's chin.    


With so many of them, there was no point in courting death.    


Mu Lingyan dodged the hand that was under her chin, and when she saw Ann Susheng, who was not far away from him, she immediately looked over for help.    


Ann Susheng was enraged from the bottom of his heart, in a few steps he was already in front of the few men.    


The delinquent raised his knee, stretched out his leg, and gave a side kick. Just as he was about to extend his hand to grab at Mu Lingyan's shoulder, the delinquent was sent flying with a kick.    


Ann Susheng reached out and pulled Mu Lingyan behind him, staring coldly at the few people who had just reacted.    


"Where did this little brat come from? Who did not hide everything when they went to the toilet and leaked you out? Who still wants to play the hero to save the beauty?" The leader of the yellow hair lackeys scolded Ann Susheng as he looked at him viciously. His hand had already pulled out a handful of card spring from his pocket.    


"You dare to hit my brother? I'll teach you a lesson today!"    



"Brothers, kill him. Then, let's take this girl and have fun."    


As he spoke, a few delinquents took out their weapons. They didn't dare to underestimate someone who could send him flying with a single kick.    


Mu Lingyan tugged at Ann Susheng's arm in fear. Although she had seen Ann Susheng's martial arts before, he was a gangster in society.    


Ann Susheng patted the hand on his arm, signalling to Mu Lingyan not to be afraid.    


The leader of the lackeys did not waste time with words, he immediately took a big stride and stabbed at Ann Susheng's arm with the reed. The other people also attacked Ann Susheng from various angles with their weapons.    


Because he was worried about injuring Mu Lingyan behind him, Ann Susheng did not dodge. First, he kicked the hoodlum, then punched him a few times, causing the others to fall to the ground.    


However, he was also hit on the head by the swing of the rod. It left behind a faint red scar.    


Mu Lingyan looked over nervously and asked, "Are you alright?"    


Ann Susheng shook his head lightly, pulled Mu Lingyan a little, and turned to leave.    


"I owe him another favor." Mu Lingyan thought as she looked at Ann Susheng who was walking in front. His eyes were now filled with gentleness.    


After that day, Mu Lingyan felt that her longing for Ann Susheng grew even stronger. Sometimes, on a script, when something was written on it,'s name would involuntarily be written.    


What Ann Susheng did not know was that, other than Mu Lingyan, there was also a group of people who had their eyes on him.    


The people who were concerned about Ann Sudong, were all the fairies that were far away from them.    


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