Chat Groups in the Immortal Realm

C178 Perfection of Foundation Establishment Female Cultivator

C178 Perfection of Foundation Establishment Female Cultivator

0Ann Sudong could not understand at all, the person who was sending a sound transmission to him was obviously a man, why was it a woman who appeared?    


This was troublesome, just as Ann Sudong was about to release his Spiritual Consciousness s to defend himself, the woman spoke up.    


"You are quite punctual, moreover you are excessively young, don't waste your time. Just cripple one of your legs and I will leave!"    


When Ann Sudong heard that her words were still from that man's voice, he was rather surprised. After pondering for a moment, he finally understood that she didn't want others to know her real voice, it was just that he had changed his voice.    


"This fairy, I don't think you are someone who doesn't understand reason. Why would you go against me for a trash?"    


This was the first time Ann Sudong saw a Immortal Cultivator with Foundation Stage above his. From her appearance, he didn't seem to be a bad person, and he was truly curious why this woman would offend him for that Kang Tong.    


As for her falling in love with Kang Tongyun, he would definitely not believe it. Immortal Cultivator's arrogance was extremely high, how could she fall for such an arrogant and despotic rich second generation?    


"Humph!" I don't care whether he lives or dies, so you don't need to be long-winded and let your companion out. What's the use of hiding at the foot of the mountain?    


This fairy that did not fall into the mundane world seemed to find Ann Sudong too long-winded, and directly spoke harshly.    


Then, let's see what we can do. Mr. Song, come out!    


Ann Sudong knew that this battle was unavoidable, if it was unavoidable, then he could only fight!    


"Bang!" Bang! "Bam!"    




Ann Sudong slapped his storage bag, took out a low levelled talisman paper, low levelled up Fireball Technique and flew towards the lady, he took out his Invisible Sword and Green Demon Set and followed the fireballs!    


The girl was startled by the fireballs that filled the sky. She thought they were high-grade spells, but when she saw that they were low-grade fireballs, she immediately opened her Spiritual Qi Shield and dodged to the side. Then, she took out a red Hairpin from her black hair.    


The Hairpin was thrown into the air by the beautiful woman, and transformed into a fiery red phoenix.    




When the formless sword touched the phoenix, the phoenix's claws directly grabbed the formless sword, emitting a deafening sound!    


Mr. Song was still surprised that he had revealed it. He had been using the Qi Concealment Method to hide his presence the entire time.    


Mr. Song immediately rushed out and took out his mid quality spirit sword to block the attack. Right now, even if he rushed forward, he would not be able to help, as the difference in cultivation was too great and his own strength was insufficient.    


Just now, Ann Sudong had already sent a sound transmission to Mr. Song, telling him to not advance recklessly, and to rush to the side first, only after seeing the opportunity.    


At this time, the Invisible Sword was tightly grasped by the blazing phoenix. Ann Sudong controlled the outside attacks of the Invisible Sword mission, and after a few unsuccessful attempts.    


At this time, the female cultivator across him took out a blue fan out of thin air. Ann Sudong could feel a strong sense of crisis from this fan!    


"This is …" "The aura of a Soul Treasure!"    


Ann Sudong could feel the aura of a battle shield spirit treasure from this fan. To be able to unleash an attack that was close to the level of Core Formation Period, it seemed that it was also a consumable.    


Ann Sudong never thought that a Earth where spirit energy was scarce could have such a precious Immortal Cultivator.    


He had not been able to see what kind of magic item that girl's Hairpin was, but he had seen its power. In just a single exchange, it had managed to control his Invisible Sword.    


Ann Sudong placed the battle shield and spirit treasure in front of him. He believed that with the battle shield and spirit treasure outside, and the Green Hellish Set inside, he would definitely be able to block the next attack.    


The female cultivator on the other side was also shocked when she saw the Battle Armor Spirit Treasure that Ann Sudong had taken out, and was extremely curious about Ann Sudong's identity. She had previously investigated Ann Sudong's identity previously, but this Ann Sudong did not have any background, he was not from a few cultivation holy grounds in China.    


She thought that Ann Sudong would be easy to deal with, but who would have thought that the moment the battle started, Ann Sudong would take out a top quality spirit sword and a set of armor, now he even had a spirit treasure, it seemed that it would take a lot of effort to take care of this young man.    


She thought it would be effortless to take care of Immortal Cultivator without any background. That old man had indeed helped her before, so she might as well repay his kindness. Furthermore, there was no need to kill anyone.    


From the looks of it, not only did he expend a lot of energy, but he also consumed a lot of spiritual energy. He could only use his fan spirit treasure a few more times. This time, the expenses were huge!    


Now was not the time to hesitate. Since things had come to this point, let's end it quickly!    




Ann Sudong saw that the female cultivator opposite him had casually waved her fan, three blue dragon opened their jaws and bit towards him, but before Ann Sudong had the time to dodge, she had already clashed with the battle shield and spirit treasure!    




Ann Sudong shook his head, feeling a little dizzy, he slowly stood up from a deep hole a few meters deep, Mr. Song took out his battle shield and spirit treasure, standing beside Ann Sudong with a face full of fear.    


The shield in front of Ann Sudong had already been broken into three pieces, and there were even three cracks on the Green Hellish set. He had still underestimated the power of the opposing female cultivator.    


At this time, no matter how foolish Ann Sudong was, he knew that the lady in front of him was a grand achievement Foundation Establishment Immortal Cultivator, and was not someone he could handle right now. It seemed that he had to use that Lightning Scissors!    


Ann Sudong saw that the female cultivator on the other side didn't have any intention to kill him. If she had insisted on killing him, she would have taken the chance to slap herself twice just now to make sure that she was dead.    


In fact, the woman seemed to be fanning herself quite casually. In fact, with this one slap, half of her spiritual energy was drained out. If she were to lose more spiritual energy, this fan would probably suck her dry.    


Indeed, she had no intention to kill. She had only killed a single Immortal Cultivator in her entire life and because he had killed several of her family, she was definitely a good person in the cultivation world.    


"I didn't expect you to have a Soul Treasure too. However, I think that you won't be able to withstand my next attack. You should break your own leg. If you break it completely, I can go back and report to you."    


The opposing female cultivator stood quietly in the air. Towards Mr. Song who was a little afraid, she directly ignored him.    


"This fairy, do you really have to put me to death?"    


As Ann Sudong spoke, he hinted to the Mr. Song with his eyes so that the Mr. Song could act accordingly.    


"I have already said that I will give you my last chance. Since you are adamant on not realizing your mistake, then I will be the only one to take action!"    


But in the next moment, the opposing woman was completely stunned. She put the Phoenix which was a Hairpin in front of her, and out of nowhere, a few layers of protection.    


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