Tomin in The Alien World

C2015 Final volume

C2015 Final volume

0Tang Yin and the rest avoided the People of Zhen Country's chase through the forest. If they continued forward, they would reach the west side, which was northwest of the screen. However, once they reached the water of the season, they would be able to endure the Heping County controlled by the Windmen.    


It was a good thing that Xiao Zhu was very familiar with the terrain of the Pi Xi area. Through his guidance, the small boat that Tang Yin and the rest were on was able to safely avoid the numerous waves of People of Zhen Country hunting.    


That evening, the sky was covered by dark clouds and it started to rain heavily. Ah Si stayed at the stern of the boat to lead the way, while Ah San used the oars to row, with Tang Yin, Xiao Xiang and Xiao Zhu all hiding in the awning. Seeing that Xiao Xiang was shivering from time to time, Tang Yin considerately took off his jacket and passed it to him.    


Xiao Xiang hesitated for a moment, but still accepted it. She turned her head and looked outside. Behind her, she revealed a sad expression and said, "I don't understand why People of Zhen Country hates me so much and wants me to die!"    


Tang Yin laughed, then patted Xiao Zhu and said: "Previously, his big brother's name was Li Peng, because of the beauty of his wife, the local People of Chuan Country officials took a fancy to her. In order to take over his wife, the People of Chuan Country official plotted to frame his entire family, but in the end, he was lucky enough to escape, and after that, Li Shu started a rebellion. Although he did not join the rebel army, his brother still joined the army, but in the end, he died in Cuihuan Mountain when he was sent out to fight for the Chuan Country."    


All that he had said was obtained from the memories of Luan Peng. Xiao Zhu also nodded as he listened, showing that Tang Yin was right. Tang Yin looked straight at Xiao Xiang, and said: "Although People of Chuan Country always emphasize etiquette, in Zhen Country, one does not do many good deeds, People of Zhen Country already hates People of Chuan Country to the bones. Now that we have the chance, naturally we can pass this hatred on to you, and the reason why Ling Peng treats you like this, is of course because of a reason."    


So that's how it was! It was no wonder that Lai Peng looked at him as if he wanted to swallow him whole. God knows how many People of Zhen Country had suffered the same fate as Lai Peng.    


As she thought about it, Xiao Xiang swallowed a mouthful of saliva.    


She faintly said, "I had originally thought that someone was secretly playing tricks on the people of Linqiao County this time around ?"    


Hearing her words, Xiao Zhu immediately raised his head, as though he wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, only a Ah sound came out.    


Tang Yin didn't notice him and shrugged. "In my opinion, People of Zhen Country has too deep of a grudge towards People of Chuan Country. Once there's a chance, it will immediately explode out. Last time was Li Shu, but this time, it was a citizen of Linqiao County. In the future, I'm afraid there will be even more. "    


He said that, he paused for a bit, looked straight at Xiao Xiang, and said in a serious tone: "People of Chuan Country is no longer suitable to treat Zhen Country, and it is also unable to treat Zhen Country. You should just let go, give all of Zhen Country to Feng Country, in the future, you won't have to face those mob people anymore, no matter what happens in the future, Zhen Country will naturally have to bear this burden!"    


Xiao Xiang looked at Tang Yin and revealed a bitter smile. Regarding Zhen Country, People of Zhen Country, she had no emotions in the first place. The reason why he had been fighting with Tang Yin for the ownership of Zhen Country was because he didn't want to let him have his way, and secondly, for the sake of the Son of Heaven and himself. Through what had happened with Linqiao County, she was completely disappointed in Zhen Country and even the People of Zhen Country. The mountain range that occupied half of Zhen Country was not only unable to raise one's strength, it was also a great danger that could cause the destruction of People of Chuan Country at any time. She had already reported the division of Zhen Country to the Son of Heaven, so if she wanted to give up half of the territory of the Zhen Country, it was no longer a requirement for her to agree, but a requirement for the Son of Heaven to agree.    


She lowered her head, and faintly said: "Long ago, one month ago, I had already reported the results of Zhen Country's division to the Son of Heaven."    


Tang Yin was startled for a moment, then helplessly shook his head, and sighed: "Your movements are really fast to take credit for!"    


Xiao Xiang asked in a low voice: "Are you blaming me?"    


Tang Yin was happy, he pondered for a moment and said: "Since I have already reported to the Son of Heaven, then I will think of a way to get half of the Zhen Country from the Son of Heaven, but, I still need your cooperation on this matter."    


Xiao Xiang frowned, and asked: "What do you want me to do?"    


Tang Yin said straightforwardly: "Speak clearly to the Son of Heaven, the conflict between People of Chuan Country and People of Zhen Country is too deep, we are now unable to manage the Zhen Country, nor can we manage the People of Zhen Country. The People of Chuan Country officials will leave Zhen Nan, as for who will manage Zhen Nan from now on, let the Son of Heaven choose a different expert!"    


Xiao Xiang blinked her eyes, and laughed: "Royal Brother is asking me to force the Son of Heaven to merge Zhen Nan into your Feng Country, ah!"    


Tang Yin also laughed, and asked back: "Could it be, sister Wang, you have a better way?"    


Xiao Xiang was silent. After thinking for a while, she murmured, "Maybe, that's the only way." Although she was unwilling, but after what happened this time, Xiao Xiang understood that she had to let go. Otherwise, she would be dragged to death by the People of Zhen Country sooner or later.    


This time, Xiao Xiang's predicament in Linqiao County made her decide to give up her Zhen Country and she also made Xiao Xiang feel grateful to him for saving her in such a critical moment. At this time, Xiao Xiang no longer wanted to argue with Tang Yin, and since Tang Yin really wanted the ownership of the entire Zhen Country, she decided to help him out and give him Zhen Nan as well.    


The fate of the Zhen Country and even the People of Zhen Country, was decided by Tang Yin and his unremarkable little boat.    


Without saying anything on the way, Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang safely arrived at the Heping County, and then, the two of them started to return to the Xi Tang. After arriving at Xi Tang, Xiao Xiang took the initiative to give the order for all the Chuan Army stationed inside and outside the city to evacuate.    


Afterwards, Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang did not stay at the Xi Tang for long, and returned to Shang Jing together.    


After arriving at Shang Jing, Xiao Xiang had indeed followed Tang Yin's instructions, and proposed to Son of Heaven Yin Zhun that they should leave Zhen Nan at all costs, returning to Chuan Lu.    


After hearing what Xiao Xiang said, Yin Zhun's face changed. She subconsciously stood up and asked dumbfoundedly, "Why does King Chuan say that? Didn't your letter to me not long ago say that Zhen Country is extremely important to us, that we absolutely cannot let them go and allow Feng Country to swallow them all? Why is she suddenly giving up on Zhen Country now? "    


Xiao Xiang shook her head and sighed, then said: "The hatred that the People of Zhen Country has towards me for my People of Chuan Country is so deep that it cannot be resolved no matter what, This subject went to the Linqiao County to help. This subject not only failed to obtain the support of the local people, but also caused a rebellion. I think I have already lost my life in the Linqiao County! "    


Yin Zhun anxiously paced back and forth in front of Xiao Xiang, and said: "We have also heard about the matter of the Linqiao County mob causing trouble, and it's only a small number of people causing trouble. King Chuan absolutely cannot be discouraged because of this, and the thought of giving up on Zhen Country surfaced in our minds!"    


"A few troublesome people?" Xiao Xiang laughed and shook her head: "At that time, His Majesty was not present, and it was understandable that he did not understand the situation then. That was definitely not done by a small number of citizens, but by the citizens of the entire city and county, all of the five thousand guards by this subject's side were actually all killed. Even the elders of Divine Pool were unable to stop the mob, does Your Majesty think that it was only done by a small number of people?"    


"This ?" Yin Zhun was at a loss for words. He wanted to console Xiao Xiang and make her change her decision, but he didn't know what to say right now.    


"Your Majesty, your subject has made up your mind. Please grant me your grace!" Xiao Xiang raised her hand and bowed deeply.    


Yin Zhun's eyes turned, his words suddenly changed as he said: "The King Chuan was able to escape danger successfully, I heard that the Feng King did a great job!"    


Xiao Xiang's expression became serious and said, "Your Majesty is right. Brother Feng King knew that this subject was in danger at Linqiao County, so in order to avoid suspicion, she brought not a single soldier with him, pretending to be from Linqiao County to save me. If not for Brother Feng King, the consequences would be ? It's really unimaginable! "    


Yin Zhun secretly clenched his teeth. What he was most afraid of was the joint forces of Feng King and King Chuan. There were too many restraints, contradictions and conflicts of interest between the two nations of the Feng Country and Chuan Country, which resulted in the Feng King and the King Chuan to be like fire and water. But this time, he did not know what kind of medicine Tang Yin had taken wrong, and actually went to the Linqiao County to save Xiao Xiang. Seems like the relationship between Feng King and herself had greatly improved, if the two of them decided to work together, then the entire world would be theirs, how could she keep her title of emperor?    


Thinking about it, Yin Zhun shivered, his thoughts spinning along with it.    


After a long while, he laughed heartily and said to Xiao Xiang: "King Chuan must have been scared by the rampage of the Zhen Country this time, but it doesn't matter. King Chuan will first return to the Duke Palaces to rest, and after a few days, we will discuss this matter with King Chuan!"    


"Your Majesty, this subject has already said that there is no need to discuss this matter anymore ?" Xiao Xiang frowned.    


"Sigh, King Chuan should go back and rest first. With such a big matter, I need some time to think about it!" Yin Zhun said with a smile.    


Seeing that Yin Zhun did not want to talk about this matter anymore, Xiao Xiang could only bow and take her leave.    


Watching Xiao Xiang's back as she left, Yin Zhun's eyes became deeper and deeper. At the same time, she slowly clenched her fists.    


Tang Yin could not be controlled no matter what, and it was precisely because of this that he could not let Xiao Xiang out of his control. No matter what methods he thought of, he had to let Xiao Xiang stand on his side.    


His mind raced as he stood there motionlessly for a full half an hour. A bright idea suddenly flashed through his mind, and it could be said to be a world-shaking 'ingenious plan'.    


As for Xiao Xiang, after exiting the palace, she immediately saw Tang Yin who was waiting outside. With a smile, she quickly walked over and asked: "Did Royal Brother specially wait for me here?"    


Tang Yin nodded and asked: "Regarding the Zhen Country, how are Sister Wang and the Son of Heaven discussing?"    


Xiao Xiang spread out her hands, and said: "The Son of Heaven did not agree, but neither did he refuse on the spot. He only said that I should go back and rest, and that he would consider it carefully."    


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