Tomin in The Alien World



0"Ah, Feng King is too polite, I do not dare to accept!" Wei Biao cupped his hands.    


Ah San laughed and said: "Since my King requests an audience, there is no need for Mister Wei to be so courteous. Quickly, follow me!"    


"Yes, yes, yes!" Please lead the way, General. " Wei Biao followed Ah San to Tang Yin's tent.    


Along the way, Wei Biao also sighed emotionally, he himself had taken the initiative to request an audience with the King Chuan, but was rejected at the door without even seeing his face. He did not request to meet the Feng King, but the other party had taken the initiative to entertain him.    


brought him into the tent, and Wei Biao saw Tang Yin. There were not many people around him, only Ah Si and Yin Lan. Seeing Wei Biao, Tang Yin smiled and nodded. He waved his hand and said, "Mr. Wei, this king has been waiting for a long time.    


Wei Biao's face turned serious, he cupped his hands respectfully and bowed, then said: "This lowly one greets Feng King."    


"No need to be so polite, Mr. Wei." Tang Yin said while smiling. After Wei Biao took his seat, he said, "The conditions in the army camp are limited, and all the food that we have prepared is just plain food. I hope that Mr. Wei will not dislike it!"    


"Aiya, Feng King's words are like killing a villain." To Wei Biao, what Tang Yin invited him to eat, drink and other things were not important at all. What was important was that Tang Yin had the intention to invite him over.    


Tang Yin raised his wine cup and said: "It has been hard on you, Mr. Wei, to be able to successfully reach our army's main camp is not easy.    


Never would he have thought that the dignified Feng King would take the initiative to toast him. Wei Biao felt overwhelmed and hastily raised his wine cup, standing up and said: "This lowly one also pays his respects to Feng King."    


Tang Yin's smile became even wider and he waved his hand. He spoke with a calm tone: "Sit down and talk, just sit down and talk." With that, he finished the wine in his cup in one gulp.    


Wei Biao also drank all the wine in the cup in one gulp before sitting down again. Tang Yin put down the wine cup and poured another cup of wine. He looked at Wei Biao and smiled: "This king has admired Elder Nie for a long time, and right now, there are internal and external troubles in the Divine Pool City. Is Elder Nie well?"    


"Thanks to Feng King, my master is fine." Wei Biao grinned.    


"That's good." Tang Yin raised his wine cup and said: "In this duke's eyes, your master is a talented person who possesses both the arts and the arts. It's a pity that your master shows too much of his power everyday.    


Hearing that, as if he had found someone who understood him, Wei Biao could not help but nod his head and said seriously: "Feng King is right.    


"So, even if your master is a peerless genius, after Guanghan heard this, the elders would probably not choose to make your master New Holy King." Tang Yin drank his wine slowly as he watched Wei Biao's reaction.    


His words hit the nail on the head. Amongst the many elders, there were very few who could support Nie Zhen becoming Holy King. Of course, this had nothing to do with the talent that hated him. After Wei Biao heard this, his mind raced. Looking at it now, it was already impossible to get King Chuan to support Master, but from Feng King's point of view, she had quite a good impression of Master. If she could rope the Feng King over to his master's side, then this trip would not have been in vain.    


Thinking about that, his mind shook, she stood up and cupped her hands in respect to Tang Yin, and said: "Feng King recognizes heroes with her eyes, and this lowly one thanks Feng King for her appreciation. In fact, just as Her Highness had said, there are plenty of people amongst the elders who detest the master of the clan. If the elders were to nominate the New Holy King, there is a high chance that they would not pick the master.    


Tang Yin was overjoyed, and thought that Wei Biao was not bad, he was not stupid to the point of being stupid, and knew how to change the situation.    


He waved his hand towards Wei Biao and said, "Mr. Wei, please take a seat. This king has already said that this king has admired Elder Nie for a long time.    


Wei Biao was overjoyed, and bowed deeply once again as he said with a trembling voice: "With Feng King's words, my master and the other disciples, including the lowly one, will be deeply grateful to Feng King. In the future, as long as Feng King has any orders, I will do my best to help."    


"Good!" Haha ? "Tang Yin laughed out loud, and said," What this king likes the most is for you to help me, and when I help you, we can help each other. Mr. Wei, when you return to the city, you must convey this king's goodwill to your teacher. "    


"Of course, of course, of course! I believe that when my Master learns of His Highness' good will, he will also be very happy. "    


"That's great. Come, drink up!" Tang Yin lifted his cup and drank with Wei Biao.    


This feast could not be considered rich, but Tang Yin and Wei Biao were happy to enjoy themselves. Since they had to rush back to the Divine Pool City later on, Wei Biao did not want to drink too much, and he did not advise them to drink either.    


When he was full, it was already late, so Wei Biao got up to take his leave.    


Tang Yin greeted him for a while longer before ordering Ah San and Ah Si to send him back. After Wei Biao left, Yin Lan walked over to Tang Yin's side and sat down on his knees, then poured wine for him while asking in confusion: "Why does the King treat Wei Biao so generously?"    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders, and said: "Of course Wei Biao is insignificant, what I treat him with kindness is not him, but the Nie Zhen behind his back!"    


Yin Lan frowned, and asked: "Could it be that the King really wants to support Nie Zhen as the Divine Pool's New Holy King?"    


"Otherwise?" Tang Yin asked with a smile.    


"Nie Zhen is only interested in profit and selfish, he cannot be trusted at all. This subordinate thinks that the Dongfang Clan's elder is not bad, values friendship and honesty. He is a trustworthy person." Yin Lan said with a serious expression.    


Tang Yin looked at her with a smile for a moment, then laughed out loud and said, "It looks like you're the same as Xiao Xuan, thinking highly of Dongfang Yeyue."    


Yin Lan nodded her head in confusion. What was wrong with Dongfang Ye?    


Tang Yin slowly restrained his smile and said faintly: "You and Xiao Xuan are both wrong. Dong Fang Ye Huai was not greedy for money, was not lustful, and did not value power. As the saying goes, when there is no desire, one becomes strong. This kind of person was the hardest to control. It could be said that his entire body is filled with shortcomings, and only when there is a weakness, it will be easy to control. So, we support Nie Zhen now, and the moment he can become the New Holy King of Divine Pool, he will definitely be used by us in the future. "    


"Your Majesty, you mean ?"    


"Our country does not have any advantages over Chuan Country. On the contrary, we have many disadvantages, and if we want to annex Chuan Country again, we have to obtain the support of Divine Pool to achieve twice the results with half the work. This is the reason why I want to rope Nie Zhen in." Tang Yin said with a deep look in his eyes.    


Yin Lan sighed. It was only now that she understood, that the King did not care about how GuangHan's Divine Pool would change after hearing about her death. The King only cared about whether or not his Divine Pool could be used by her side, and whether or not she could stand by the Feng Country to deal with them.    


But King Chuan Xiao Xuan was completely different. He sincerely wanted to choose the most outstanding Holy King for his Divine Pool, so that she could lead his Divine Pool and restore its former holiness and glory.    


Both of them seemed to be the citation of his words. A gentleman would be magnanimous, while a vile person would be sorrowful.    


Xiao Xuan was undoubtedly a more righteous and upright gentleman, while Tang Yin was a sinister, treacherous, and scheming villain. Unfortunately, history proved that the final winner was not a righteous man, while the villain was always the last one.    


As for Peng Jun and Wei Biao, the two of them stayed at the Allied Army of Feng Country And Chuan Country campsite until the fourth fragment of the night before returning to Divine Pool City.    


There were already people waiting on the walls of the Divine Pool City to receive the two of them. After the two smoothly entered the city, they parted ways. Peng Jun went back to rest while Wei Biao went to the Nie Palace to meet with Nie Zhen.    


At this time, Nie Zhen and the rest of the disciples were still awake, all sitting in the study room waiting for news from Wei Biao. Hearing that Wei Biao had returned, everyone shuddered and stood up at the same time. Not long later, Wei Biao walked in from outside.    


Nie Zhen walked up quickly and asked anxiously: "How is my trip?"    


Wei Biao first bowed, then said: "Very good, disciple has already met Feng King and King Chuan at the Wind Camp."    


"Oh?" Nie Zhen's eyes immediately lit up, he could not wait and asked: "Bian'er, quickly tell me, does King Chuan support me?"    


"This ?" Wei Biao's face became ugly, and he lowered his head.    


Seeing that, Nie Zhen could not help but crease his eyebrows, and asked: What's going on, quickly tell me!    


"Master, I have seen the King Chuan before, but it was within the Feng Army of the Feng Army. At that time, the Feng King and all the elders were present.    


"Didn't you secretly ask to see the King Chuan?" Nie Zhen asked.    


"Disciple left, but ?" It's just that King Chuan was already tired as an excuse and did not receive her disciple. " Wei Biao said carefully in a low voice.    



"How preposterous!" Nie Zhen was startled, but immediately became furious, and fiercely stomped his foot. At the same time, he turned to look at his second disciple, Qin He, meaning, look at what you are scheming, isn't that just asking to be humiliated?    


Qin He was deep in thought, and did not say a word, but Wei Biao immediately said: "Master, please calm your anger, although King Chuan did not receive me, but, Feng King did entertain me."    


"Oh? Feng King has a banquet for you? " Nie Zhen's face was full of confusion, he had never met Feng King, nor did he have any relationship with him, it was rather surprising that Feng King would treat Wei Biao this well.    


"Exactly! And it was even Feng King who took the initiative to send someone to invite disciple. " Wei Biao told the full details of his meeting with Tang Yin.    


When he finished, before Nie Zhen could even react, Qin He suddenly laughed out loud, shook his head and sighed: "Smart! Feng King is truly a smart person! "    


Nie Zhen raised his eyebrows and asked: "What do you mean by that, He'er?"    


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