Tomin in The Alien World



0Aiya! Hearing that, Nie Zhen heaved a long sigh of relief, turned his head and told the disciples: "You wait here, no one is to wander around, understand?" In the Serene Hall forbidden area, a single mistake would be a death sentence that would cause one's head to fall, and Great Elder Gao Ge was an example of this.    


All the disciples bowed and replied, "Yes! Master! "    


Nie Zhen led the way in front with the Guard Leader and entered the Serene Hall. Speaking of which, it was also the first time he had entered the Serene Hall, and he couldn't help but exclaim at the scale of the Serene Hall.    


To make a long story short, Guard Leader led Nie Zhen all the way to the second level of Serene Hall. At the entrance to the third level, he stopped in his tracks, did not dare to continue walking further in, and said in a low voice: "Elder Nie, Holy King is inside. This lowly person is not allowed to enter, so I can only wait here."    


Nie Zhen craned his neck to look inside the path, only to feel that the path was narrow and dark, all the way down, and there were bursts of cold wind, which would occasionally rush towards him. He asked, "Will we be able to see the Holy King after passing through this path?"    


"Yes!" "How long is this tunnel?" "This little one does not know." "What is the end of the tunnel?" This little one doesn't know either. "    


Nie Zhen curiously asked a few questions, but the leader of the guards didn't know any of them. Nie Zhen shook his head helplessly, he was too lazy to bother with him anymore. Just as he was about to walk in, the guard leader handed the torch to Nie Zhen and said softly: "Elder Nie, the corridor is very dark, it's better to bring a torch along."    


"Yes!" Nie Zhen took the torch and walked into the path.    


The deeper they went in, the colder it became. In the end, even Nie Zhen could not hold on, and could only use his spirit armor to defend against the cold.    


~ Is Holy King staying in this place to cultivate? This was too unbelievable. This was an extremely cold land, and it was not suitable for people to live here for a long time!    


His mind was filled with confusion. After walking for an unknown amount of time, he finally walked out of the passageway and the world in front of him instantly opened up.    


Nie Zhen looked around in shock, and couldn't help but exclaim in his heart: What a world of glaciers! He never thought that there would be such a wondrous place in the Four Seasons like Spring's Divine Pool.    


"Elder Nie, why are you looking for me so urgently?"    


After hearing the voice, Nie Zhen finally recovered from his shock. He noticed a white-clothed person, Guang Han who was currently walking towards him. He was covered in white from head to toe, almost blending into the entire glacial world. If one did not pay close attention, it would be difficult to discover his existence.    


"This humble subject pays my respect to Holy King!" Nie Zhen's body trembled, following that, he knelt down obediently to kowtow and pay his respects, and said sternly: "Holy King, it's not good, the house elders have been killed, the other elders have all ? has already turned the tables on the Feng Army ? "    


When GuangHan heard this, a hint of surprise surfaced on his face, but it disappeared in a flash. He nodded and asked with a smile, "Is this it?"    


Seeing his calm expression, as if an ordinary thing had happened, Nie Zhen secretly grinned, and said anxiously: "Holy King, right now Huangfu, Dongfang, and the other elders have all gone over to the Allied Army of Feng Country And Chuan Country, there's no need to send an army to attack, it's just sending a bunch of elders, it's just that my Divine Pool City is hard to defend against them!"    


"Ha ha!" GuangHan leisurely smiled and said, "They're just a few fickle villains, there's no need to be afraid. Elder Nie only needs to be at ease to defend the city. There's no need to think about other matters."    


How could he not think about it! At most, he would just join hands with the elders and contend against them. But now that the elders had all run over to Huangfu and Dongfang Wenyi's side, how could he, himself, defend against so many elders?    


He swallowed his saliva and carefully asked: "Does Holy King have a plan to defeat their enemy?"    


Guang Han heard it and said calmly, "Soldiers come and block. Tathagata's Hill. The Divine Pool City's terrain is steep and is easy to defend and hard to attack. Even if the enemy has Chiliarch's ten thousand horses, it would still be difficult to unleash it. What's there to be afraid of?"    


"Holy King, what if the enemy does not attack but instead is trapped?"    


Didn't you see that when you came in, there was a large hoard of grain inside the Dark Palace? As long as the people in the city lived frugally, it would not be a problem for them to spend a year and a half. With so many troops from the two kingdoms, they wouldn't be able to afford it.    


After all, there was no concrete way to retreat! Nie Zhen sighed in his heart. While he did hoard quite a few grains from the first and second floors of Serene Palace, the population of the city numbered three hundred thousand. How could these grains last for a year or so? If he ate as much as he wanted, he would be able to finish it in less than a month. With a frown, he asked, "A long period of time isn't a good idea. Do you have any other methods, Saint Ruler?    


Guang Han shrugged, turned around, and walked to the side. He said faintly, "Rather than obsessing over meaningless matters, This King might as well think about the person I miss."    


Nie Zhen summoned up his courage and looked up, only to realize that there was a beautiful immortal lady sealed inside the glacier. For a moment, he stared blankly. Only after a long while did he regain his senses and couldn't help but ask: "Holy King, she ? "She is ?"    


Before he finished speaking, he saw Guang Han suddenly turning his head and staring at him with an exceptionally sharp gaze. Nie Zhen was frightened to the point of shrinking his neck, hurriedly lowering his head, and said with a trembling voice: "Forgive Holy King for his sin, it is ? "This humble subject has been impolite ?"    


He was very clear that he shouldn't ask too many questions in front of Holy King.    


He waved his hand and said, "You can go. Now, you just need to set up the city's defenses, as for the rest of the things, you don't need to think about them, and you don't need to ask. When the time comes, I will help you."    


"Yes!" Holy King, this humble subject ? "I'm leaving!" Nie Zhen cupped his hands and bowed, then slowly retreated.    


Passing through the long and steep passage, Nie Zhen returned to the second floor of the Serene Hall. At this time, the leader of the guards was still waiting at the entrance.    


Nie Zhen slightly nodded his head, without saying a word, he walked towards the exit with big strides.    


Leaving the Serene Hall, he reunited with the disciples guarding outside. Nie Zhen remained silent, silently waved his hand at the disciples, jumped onto his horse, and galloped away.    


On the way back to the Nie Mansion, all the disciples shot Wei Biao meaningful glances, indicating that he should go ask Master about the results.    


Wei Biao was the head disciple of Nie Zhen, and was also the disciple Nie Zhen relied the most on. There were some things that others did not dare to ask, and he could only ask.    


Seeing his junior brother's signal, Wei Biao urged his horses to catch up to Nie Zhen and walk shoulder-to-shoulder with him. Soon after, he carefully asked, "Master saw Holy King, what did Holy King say?"    


"The momentum is gone, the momentum is gone!" Nie Zhen could not help but sigh as he shook his head.    


After pausing for a moment, he suddenly thought of something and said to Wei Biao in a low voice: "Tonight, go and find Peng Jun. Remember, do not let anyone know.    


"Master ?" Wei Biao's face suddenly changed, now that he has gone to find Peng Jun, master is undoubtedly accepting his advice! Master, this is a very important matter, so you must think twice before acting! " Wei Biao said with a trembling voice.    


"Holy King is too disappointing. Master has already thought it through, there is no time to lose, if I do not make a decision now, I will regret it too late."    


"I am worried that after the fall of the Holy King, Huangfu and Dongfang won't be able to tolerate Master!" Wei Biao was emotionally moved.    


"I can't care so much now. If I drag this on any longer, I'm afraid my life will be in danger."    


"Master, is there really nothing that can be done about it?" Wei Biao asked in disbelief.    


"Humph!" Nie Zhen sneered and did not speak further. In his opinion, the Holy King was already at the end of her rope, what was the use of closed door cultivation? If she could avoid Allied Army of Feng Country And Chuan Country by relying on seclusion, then she should also go into seclusion herself.    


Peng Jun was invited to the Nie Mansion. According to Nie Zhen's wishes, he brought Peng Jun to the study in the backyard of the Nie Mansion.    


At this time, Nie Zhen had already been waiting in the study room for a long time. He stood up and took the initiative to welcome them. With a face full of smiles, he said, "Nephew Peng, inviting you to come here late at night is truly a big bother!"    


Nie Zhen's initiative and enthusiasm instead made Peng Jun feel uncomfortable. He cupped his hands in a polite manner and said, "Elder Nie, you're being too courteous. "Nephew greets Elder Nie."    


"Please sit down!" Nie Zhen smiled as he waved his hand. Then, he shot Wei Biao a look. The latter understood, turned around and left the study, guarding outside the door.    


After Wei Biao left, Nie Zhen went straight to the point: "Nephew Peng, you came to persuade me to turn the tables on you, is it because of Feng King and her intentions?"    


Nie Zhen nodded and said: "That's right! And it's a letter personally sent by the Feng King. "    


"Oh?" Nie Zhen's eyes instantly lit up, extended his hand, and said: "Quickly show me the letter from Feng King."    



"This ?" Peng Jun had also heard about the letter from Zi Yue, so where did she get that letter from?    


He bitterly smiled and said: "Elder Nie, Feng King's letter had long since been burnt by my nephew. Elder Nie should understand that after reading this kind of letter, you can't leave any more."    


"Yes." Nie Zhen sank into deep thought, after a while, he raised his gaze, and looked straight at Peng Jun, and asked: "Once the current Holy King is impeached, then who will take over the position of New Holy King from Divine Pool?"    


Peng Jun secretly grinned when he heard it, how could he participate in this matter? He didn't know how to answer in his heart, but he still said: "After Holy King stepped down, the one who succeeded Holy King was naturally Great Elder, and right now, only Elder Nie, Elder Huangfu, and Master remained. Naturally, New Holy King had to be selected from the three Great Elders."    


You don't need to say that! Nie Zhen scoffed coldly in his heart. He did not beat around the bush and directly asked, "Then, who will be the one to take over the position of Holy King among the three Great Elders?"    


"This ?" This time, Peng Jun was completely unable to answer.    


Logically speaking, the most powerful out of the three Great Clan Elders was Huangfu Xiutai, but Huangfu Xiutai was not someone that was taken seriously, his personality was arrogant and conceited, he had a domineering attitude towards everyone, and was not considered pleasing to the elders, and Nie Zhen was not much better off than Huangfu Xiutai, or even worse, if it was really because of the elders' elections, it was undoubtedly his master who had shouted the highest, but these words were not suitable to be said in front of Nie Zhen. Peng Jun pondered for a good while, then said: "Elder Nie, this matter ?. Nephew doesn't know either. "    


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