Tomin in The Alien World



0She leaned against the wall and slowly sat up. Her eyes were wide open as she glared at Tang Yin without blinking.    


She couldn't see where Tang Yin was, but she could see his two green eyes.    


Tang Yin moved closer to Xiao Xiang, and said in a low voice: "Killing you like this is too much of a pity, after all, you can also be considered a great beauty!" While he was speaking, he raised his hand to unbutton Xiao Xiang's collar.    


Xiao Xiang looked like she had been bitten by a snake, she anxiously grabbed Tang Yin's hand and bellowed: "You dare?!"    


Tang Yin was amused, and asked back: "Do you think there is anything that I don't dare to do now?" He used only one hand to easily clasp both her wrists while his other hand continued to unfasten the buttons on her clothes at a steady pace.    


This time, Xiao Xiang could no longer pretend to be calm. She struggled fiercely, twisting and turning her body, trying to struggle free from Tang Yin's control. However, his big hands were like a Iron Forceps's, making her unable to struggle free.    


Xiao Xiang screamed out like a madman as she raised his legs to kick Tang Yin wildly. But the latter had only turned over and completely suppressed her legs, making it impossible for her to move a single inch.    


At this time, Tang Yin was already pressing all over Xiao Xiang's body, even though she was using all his strength to struggle and roar, he was unable to struggle free. Instead, the buttons on her own body had already been undid by Tang Yin several times, the collar wide open, revealing the undergarment underneath.    


Gradually, Xiao Xiang no longer had the strength to resist, and gave up as she sobbed. Tang Yin stopped what he was doing, went close to her ear and said softly: "It's still not too late to say it."    


Xiao Xiang choked with sobs as she asked intermittently, "You ? What do you want me to say? "    


"Where's the exit?" Tang Yin was not sure whether or not there was an exit to this tunnel, he had carefully examined it just now, but he did not find anything. However, he believed that Xiao Xiang probably had some tricks up her sleeves since she was able to detonate the explosives here.    


"There is no exit at all! "As you can see, the tunnel has collapsed ?"    


"It seems that you still don't want to speak the truth, so you're the one suffering." As he spoke, Tang Yin's hands began to move again, this time to untie Xiao Xiang's clothes.    


"Don't ? ?" Xiao Xiang shouted loudly, and her body subconsciously bowed.    


"I've already warned you, it's still too late to tell the truth now. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to control what will happen later."    


As he spoke, Tang Yin's hand was not idle either, reaching down to her waist, touching the smooth skin beneath, his breathing started to become heavier.    


Xiao Xiang realized what was happening next. She quickly shivered and bit her lips, but due to using too much strength, her lips were bleeding.    


Just as Tang Yin's hand was about to touch her, she made up his mind and shouted: "Stop!"    


"What is it? You finally figured it out? " Tang Yin gently said with a smile.    


"Let me go first!" Xiao Xiang stared at Tang Yin, and shouted with an commanding tone.    


Tang Yin had no interest in his, he only needed to get out of his predicament.    


He stared at her for a moment, then slowly got up from Xiao Xiang's body. At the same time, he released her hands. Xiao Xiang, who had regained freedom, crawled backwards as if she was avoiding a devil. After retreating for a good distance, she finally stopped and quickly buttoned up again.    


"Speak!" Where is the exit?! " Tang Yin was not in the mood to enjoy Xiao Xiang tidying his clothes, so he asked while raising his head.    


Xiao Xiang did not reply immediately. Only after she had tidied up all the clothes on her body did she raise her head and look right into Tang Yin's green eyes.    


After waiting for a while, seeing that she still had no intention to speak, Tang Yin shook his head helplessly, sighed lightly, and laughed bitterly: "You seem to have already decided to go against me until the end." After he finished speaking, he slowly walked towards Xiao Xiang.    


This was the so-called "once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of the rope,". Seeing Tang Yin coming over, Xiao Xiang's body trembled, gritted her teeth and shouted: "Barbarian, bandit!"    


Tang Yin was confused by her scolding and looked at her in puzzlement. Xiao Xiang continued: "You only know how to bully a weak girl. If you are not a barbarian, then what are you? You think you are worthy to be the ruler of a nation? "    


"You scolded quite happily." Tang Yin was so angry that he laughed. He didn't know if Xiao Xiang was powerless, but it was precisely this woman who had dragged her Feng Army inside for several months, and had lost so many soldiers in order to take down the Guankou City.    


Seeing that Tang Yin was about to walk closer to him, Xiao Xiang stopped her cursing, changed the topic, and said weakly: "It's on your head."    


"What?" Tang Yin stopped in his tracks and looked at her in confusion.    


Xiao Xiang yelled snappily: "The exit is right above you."    


Tang Yin glanced at her suspiciously at first, then raised his head and looked at the top of his head. There was no exit at the top of the tunnel, and not even the shadow of a mechanism could be seen. After patrolling for a while, he lowered his head and asked with a smile, "Are you kidding me?"    


Xiao Xiang straightened her body and stood up, walking up to Tang Yin. She first touched the walls on her left and right sides to confirm that it was correct, and then said with certainty: "It's here! Do you know what's up here? "    


Tang Yin shook his head slightly. Xiao Xiang said proudly: "Up here is a deserted little village."    


"And then?"    


"Give me your sword!" Xiao Xiang did not reply. Instead, she stretched out her hand, directly touching Tang Yin's waist, to grab his sword.    


Tang Yin did not stop his, and allowed his small hand to reach his waist, and pull the sword out. He never thought that Tang Yin would give him his sword so easily. As Xiao Xiang held onto his sword, her heart was moved and her eyes started to spin.    


The tunnel was so dark that he couldn't even see his own fingers. Xiao Xiang couldn't see Tang Yin's expression, but the latter could clearly see the change in her expression. He gently reminded her, "I advise you not to do that. Even if you have a weapon and I am unarmed, you are definitely not my match." His words were still considered polite, even with ten Xiao Xiang s and ten peerless treasured swords, he was still not a match for the one person who was barehanded.    


After her thoughts were exposed, Xiao Xiang blushed, making her look a little embarrassed. However, her mouth was still firm, and she said unhappily: "You're not an ascetic in my stomach, how do you know what I'm thinking?"    


With that, she hefted the sword in her hand, and then spoke to Tang Yin: "Watch carefully!" As soon as she finished speaking, she used all her strength and thrust the sword in her hand towards the top of her head.    


With a "pu" sound, the entire blade of the sword sank into the earth above the tunnel, leaving only the hilt exposed.    


Eh? Tang Yin who was at the side saw everything clearly and could not help but frown. Although the sword was made of cold steel, but with Xiao Xiang's strength, it was inconceivable for him to suddenly insert the sword into the stone ground, could it be ? Is it empty? Thinking about that, Tang Yin squinted his eyes, and pulled Xiao Xiang away, and then, holding onto the sword hilt, he pulled the sword out from the soil.    


As his sword was pulled out, he acutely felt a gust of fresh air floating in. Now he was sure it was empty, just a thin layer of earth.    


He straightforwardly put away his sword, covered his spirit armor, and said to Xiao Xiang while shaking his head: "Get out of my way!"    


After Xiao Xiang heard this, he hastily retreated. Tang Yin took a deep breath, raised up both palms, and stabbed them straight into the top of her head.    


His hands that were covered in the spirit armor were as sharp as knives. His palms were all inserted into the ground, and immediately afterwards, he fiercely pulled downwards. With a crashing sound, a large amount of dirt fell down, and at the same time, light also seeped into the tunnel.    


Tang Yin revealed a happy expression, his hands grabbing forward, and before long, a round hole that was more than a metre wide appeared above his head. At this time, when he looked up, he couldn't help but be stunned. Because the exit was so ingeniously designed, it happened to be at the bottom of a dry well.    


No one would have thought that the bottom of a dried up well was just a layer of floating soil, and that there would be a hidden tunnel underneath that layer of floating soil.    


Looking at the depth of the well, it was at least five to six meters. In other words, this tunnel was at least five to six meters deep. If it weren't for this dried up well, they wouldn't be able to go out in this lifetime.    


Tang Yin raised his head and looked at the dried up well above him for a while before he snapped back to reality. He slowly turned his head, looked at Xiao Xiang, and asked: "You designed this place too?"    


After staying in the pitch black tunnel for a long time, suddenly the light shone onto Xiao Xiang. Xiao Xiang was still not used to it, so she placed her hand in front of her and casually said: "While digging the tunnel, I just happened to be passing by the village above, so I had them dig the tunnel under the dry well. If there was an accident and they were trapped inside, there would be a way out."    



This woman was truly amazing! Tang Yin did not like Xiao Xiang, but he couldn't help but admire her brain. The ingenuity of this way of escape was also unexpected.    


Seeing Tang Yin staring straight at him, Xiao Xiang immediately recalled his previous actions. His face reddened as he coldly said: "Why are you looking at me like that for? "Do you really admire me?"    


"That's right!" Tang Yin was also honest, he nodded and said: "If you weren't a princess of Chuan Country, and instead were an ordinary People of Chuan Country, I would have ?"    


At this point, he did not continue. Xiao Xiang could not help but ask: "What will happen to you?"    


"I will kill you without any hesitation!" However, Xiao Xiang's identity was extraordinary and she was King Chuan's most beloved princess. Killing her was equivalent to declaring war on her own Chuan Country, and the current Feng Country was not prepared for that. Tang Yin's threat towards Xiao Xiang was actually only an empty word. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he couldn't possibly hurt her.    


Xiao Xiang was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and said complacently: "I originally thought that Feng King was not afraid of the heavens or the earth, so it turns out that it's not much more than that ?"    


Seeing that her tail was about to rise up again, Tang Yin interrupted her and said, "Don't misunderstand me. I will try my best to avoid any disputes that I can avoid, and if I really can't avoid it, I won't be afraid either.    


The smile on Xiao Xiang's face immediately froze, and then coldly rolled her eyes at Tang Yin. She snorted, and did not speak anymore.    


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