Tomin in The Alien World



0Hearing the sarcasm in Xiao Xiang's words, Tang Yin did not get angry, but nodded his head and said with a smile: "That's right, how can a six step thick wall be smashed by a few stone bullets!"    


"Since Your Highness knows, why did you still ?"    


"The Outer Wall is six steps thick, it is abnormally hard, but the Inner Wall is temporarily constructed, it is far from being as thick as the Outer Wall, and it is even less solid than the Outer Wall. Furthermore, it is constructed so high, so Princess, do you think that the Inner Wall can withstand the heavy blows of the Trebuchet?" Tang Yin asked back with a smile.    


Hearing this, Xiao Xiang's face changed, her eyes stared straight at Tang Yin, but she did not say anything for a long time.    


On the battlefield, the Trebuchet s of the Feng Army had already activated at the same time, and the large and small stone bullets passed the Guankou City one by one, smashing onto the Inner Wall ruthlessly.    


As the concentrated amount of stone bullets hit the walls, the Inner Wall walls were filled with dust and stone chips that flew everywhere.    


Those archers and Spirit Arrow Bowman s guarding the Inner Wall were also shocked to the point that they could not stand anymore. They cried out in fear, sprawled on the ground, and looked through the gaps in the arrowheads, at the incoming stone bullets that were constantly flying in the air.    


The Feng Army was unreserved, constantly pulling the Trebuchet to fire stone bullets, pouring all the stone bullets that had been collected over the past few days out. They only had one goal, and that was the Inner Wall of the Guankou City.    


Just as Tang Yin had said, the Inner Wall was temporarily constructed, and its width was not even three steps. It was mainly made of wood and stone, so it was not hard to imagine how strong it would be, and as a Inner Wall cultivator, no one would have thought that it would suffer a direct blow from the Feng Army outside the city.    


The tactics that the Feng Army used this time could be said to have greatly exceeded the expectations of the defending troops. Under the continuous impact of the stone bullets, the Inner Wall within the city had already crumbled in many places, and there was a chance of it collapsing soon after.    


Only now did the defending troops see through the intentions of the Feng Army, the Generals on the Outer Wall shouted one after another: "Release the arrows! Launch the rocket! Burn the enemy's Trebuchet! "Quickly release the rocket ?"    


Under the command of all the generals, the Ann Army on the Outer Wall began to draw their bows and arrows, aiming at the Trebuchet s with their arrows.    


Weng! * A sky full of rockets rose from the city walls, drawing a fiery arc in the air, falling into the Trebuchet camp.    


When the arrow arrived, there was no sound of the arrow hitting the wood, only the crisp tinkling of the metal.    


The Trebuchet that were placed in front of the Feng Army were all set up with Steel Armor. At such a long distance, arrows would not be able to penetrate through them at all, and they would either hit the ground or cut through from both sides of the Steel Armor. They were not a threat to the Trebuchet.    


The Trebuchet continued to move forward and very soon, with a loud rumbling sound, the piece of Inner Wall within the Guankou City finally collapsed due to the heavy burden. The archers above also fell down while screaming.    


The collapse of this section of the city wall had opened the door to the collapse of Inner Wall, and not long after, another section of Inner Wall had collapsed as well.    


The stone balls continued to shoot out from the Feng Army s, while the collapse of the Inner Wall s continued. Looking ahead, the Inner Wall s that had originally been towering into the clouds had now become convex and undulating, as though they were intersecting canines.    


Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang who were spectating from the back could see everything clearly, but their expressions were completely different.    


Xiao Xiang's face darkened, his little hand had unknowingly grabbed onto the reins of his warhorse tightly, even his joints had started to turn white. On the other hand, Tang Yin was grinning from ear to ear, his eyes shining brightly.    


He ordered the soldiers on the left and right of him, "Command the Trebuchet s in my army to continue firing stone bullets. No need to leave any backup plans, just shoot as many stone bullets as you can.    


"Yes sir!" The messenger immediately responded to Tang Yin's order. Raising the command flag high up, he urged his horse to run out and report to the front.    


The Inner Wall of the Guankou City did not last long, and under the continuous attacks of the Feng Army Trebuchet, they started to collapse piece by piece.    


Although the defending troops had also used Trebuchet to counterattack, which had also dealt a certain amount of damage to the Feng Army's Trebuchet, they were no longer able to change the overall situation.    


Seeing that the Guankou City in front of him had been smashed into pieces, Tang Yin felt that the time to attack was already ripe. This time, we will not retreat until we break through the enemy walls! Kill! "    


"Kill!" Amidst the yells that shook the skies, the official advancement of Feng Army began. Tang Yin did not stay behind to block the attack, he held his sword, and took the lead to rush out.    


Xiao Xiang subconsciously wanted to follow along, but the three middle-aged men guarding her extended their hands and pulled on the reins of her warhorse, urging her in a low voice: "There's danger in front, the princess has a golden body, you mustn't take such risks so easily!"    


In a chaotic battle, who would be able to tell who was the enemy and who was the enemy? If they rashly rushed forward, they would most likely become the target of the garrison's arrows.    


Xiao Xiang did want to rush to the center of the battlefield to see what was going on, but the persuasion of the three middle-aged men made sense. She took a deep breath, suppressed the impulse in her heart, and said while gritting her teeth: "I refuse to believe that Tang Yin can break through the Guankou City with just this kind of small trick!"    


The three middle-aged men grinned as they subconsciously looked left and right. It was fortunate that there was no one else around, otherwise they would have been in trouble if they had listened to the princess' words.    


Tang Yin led his Feng Army and charged towards the Guankou City. At this time, although the Guankou City had already been damaged to the point of being riddled with holes, the Outer Wall was still well-preserved, and there were no casualties on the defensive Ann Army, thus the counterattack he received from Feng Army was still abnormally vicious.    


Just like the Feng Army attack earlier, once Feng Army was attacked, a wave would be repelled by the defending army. Hundreds of thousands of troops were blocked outside the city, unable to cross even a single inch of the lake. But to Tang Yin, the current situation was vastly different from before.    


Inner Wall was not used to block the advancement of Feng Army, nor was it used to directly attack the Feng Army outside the city. Its main function was to defend against Outer Wall. Once the Outer Wall was broken through, the might of the Inner Wall could be unleashed at this time, and the archers above could deal the most fatal blow to the Feng Army s. This was also the main reason why Tang Yin, Shangguan Yuanyu, and Jiang Fan had all attacked the Outer Wall s back then but had all retreated helplessly in the end.    


Now that the Inner Wall had been destroyed, the main factors that posed the greatest threat to Tang Yin, Shangguan Yuan Jean, Jiang Fan and the others were no longer present, and they could finally relax and boldly fight on the walls of the Guankou City.    


Just like last time, it took Tang Yin a lot of effort to reach the city wall, but he still managed to reach it in the end.    


This time, there were no longer any enemy troops occupying the highest point to shoot him cold arrows.    


Wielding his spirit sword, he slaughtered his way back and forth across the city walls. Everywhere he passed, the miserable cries of the Ann Soldier General of Ann Country s would accompany him and white spirit mist would condense in the air.    


It could be said that Tang Yin's attacks were vicious enough, but when Shangguan Yuan got close to the city walls, the damage he dealt to the enemies was devastating.    


Shangguan Yuanyu's cultivation had long since reached Spirit Space Stage, and was in the same stage as Tang Yin. However, as a Spirit Cultivator of Light, he could unleash skills that were much more powerful than Tang Yin's.    


Tang Yin killed the enemies one by one, but in front of Shangguan Yuan, the number of casualties could only be calculated based on numbers.    


When he unleashed this skill, the enemy troops on this part of the wall would no longer be able to find anything undamaged. Looking around, there were broken limbs all over the ground, corpses, blood, broken weapons, and even wails and moans.    


In terms of Feng Army, Tang Yin, Shangguan Yuanyang, Jiang Fan, Qi Heng, and the others would become sharp blades, slicing open a few holes in the defensive line of Ann Army, and after that, the Feng Army outside the city took advantage of the chaos to attack upwards, causing the hole in the defensive line of Ann Army to grow larger and larger. In the end, it became uncontrollable.    


The resistance of the Ann Army was also very strong, especially since there were a large number of rangers mixed in with the Ann Army.    


The battle between the two sides was still very stalemate, even though a portion of their Feng Army had already reached the top of the city walls, they were still unable to push their Ann Army down.    


The battle continued endlessly, the fierce battle between the two sides continued from morning until night.    


The sky had already darkened, but the Feng Army did not withdraw. The soldiers on both sides were fighting with their lights on. Looking up and down the city walls, there were lanterns, torches, and bright pine trees, lighting up the dark night as if it were day.    


The soldiers on both sides of the city wall were fighting with their lives on the line, and the Feng Army beneath the city wall was still unleashing wave after wave of attacks. The Ann Army on the city wall that did not engage in close combat with the Feng Army was still resisting the ferocity, obstructing the entry of the Feng Army.    


In the darkness of the night, shouts of battle, and screams of agony rose and fell one after another. The stench of blood on the battlefield made everyone feel nauseous. The entire battlefield had turned into a giant meat grinder, tearing apart the lives that had fallen into the battlefield one after another.    


Until now, Feng Army was exhausted, and wasn't Ann Army the same as well. Both sides grinded their teeth and persevered on. Feng Army could not be retreated. Once he chose to retreat at this time, the morale would immediately drain and there would be no possibility of breaking through Guankou City anymore in the future.    


It was not because they did not want to, it was because there was no way out. Feng Army surrounded and attacked from all sides, blocking all paths of retreat for Ann Army.    


In a situation where neither side had a way out, there was no choice but to fight to the death.    



During the battle in the day, both sides suffered heavy casualties, and the rangers in the defending army were severely injured, so much so that most of the surviving rangers had used up most of their Qi. By night time, the Spirit Pressure on the wall was already extremely weak, and had become the stage for the Spirit Cultivator of Dark to use its might.    


Tang Yin, who had been fighting fiercely for an entire day, led Cheng Jin and the others Hidden Arrow Crew to begin their counterattack. On the city walls, the figures of people from the Ann Army camp continuously flickered. Every time a shadow passed by, there would be a scream of pain and a Ann Soldier or General of Ann Country would fall into a pool of blood.    


What was even worse was that Tang Yin's and Hidden Arrow Crew's attacks continued. In this kind of situation where they could not see the enemy at all, the defending troops were forced to retreat, unable to retaliate at all.    


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