Tomin in The Alien World



0Deep into the night, Chang Feng walked out of his own tent and took a stroll in the Feng Army Army Camp to relax.    


Although he could not see with his eyes, but the aura of the people around him could not be concealed from his ears.    


Through his stroll, he heard that there were actually many secret sentries inside the Wind Camp. This showed how heavily guarded the camp was and from this, he could tell that Feng Army were really afraid of being secretly camped.    


While he was thinking about this, he suddenly heard footsteps from the side. Following that, someone laughed loudly: "I thought I was the only one who could not sleep, so it turns out Mr Chang also did not sleep."    


It's Tang Yin?! Chang Feng was surprised, he focused and immediately determined that there were four people walking towards him, and one of them was a woman. He could smell the faint scent of a woman's body.    


He stopped and stood up straight, then turned and cupped his hands and bowed to Tang Yin.    


Even though he was already blind, he was still able to act like a normal person with discernment. Just this point made Tang Yin admire Chang Feng.    


He stood firmly in front of Chang Feng and said: "Mr Chang does not need to be so courteous." Pausing for a moment, he continued, "Since neither of us can sleep, it's a good opportunity to have a chat."    


Chang Feng declined to comment and remained silent. Tang Yin smiled and patted his arm, and they walked together. He asked, "How did Mr Chang's eyes get injured?"    


"Your Highness should know."    


"Oh?" Tang Yin could not help but turn his head to look at him, and ask: "How should I know?"    


"His Highness is on good terms with the Young Master. Moreover, Junior Brother Huangfu, Junior Brother Lu, and Junior Brother Ye all died in his hands. Your Highness should know me like the back of your hand."    


It was rare for Chang Feng to say a long sentence, the only difference was that it sounded very awkward, the words did not fluctuate at all, as though he was reciting a scripture.    


Tang Yin blinked his eyes, then laughed and nodded: "Regarding Mr Chang, I do understand a bit, but there are many things I do not understand."    


After pausing for a moment, he suddenly thought of something and continued to ask: "Oh right, three of Mr Chang's junior brothers all died by my hands, does Mr Chang hate me to the extreme?"    


Chang Feng slowly shook his head and said, "Not really. I'm not an easy person to get to know. "    


That's right! Through Huangfu Yucheng, Lv Yong, and Ye Zhuo's memories, they did not have a good impression of their senior brother. Thinking up to here, he laughed and asked, "Mr Chang would like to know what your impressions towards these three junior brothers of yours are?"    


Chang Feng shook his head, and then said: "Fire of Darkness, not good, using Fire of Darkness to explore other people's secrets, is even worse."    


Tang Yin was startled, and started to seriously think about what he had said. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "Perhaps, what you said is true."    


"What does Your Highness want to know?" Chang Feng asked bluntly.    


"Mm ?" Tang Yin hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Mr Chang should know about the Shadow-illusion Prison, right?"    


"I have known him before, but I have never seen him before. His Highness has really given me an insight."    


"You failed to break through the Shadow-illusion Prison, but were not affected by the illusion. Why?" This was a question that Tang Yin could not answer no matter how much he thought about it.    


"It's very simple. The illusions are very easy to distinguish." Without waiting for Tang Yin to ask any more questions, Chang Feng continued, "At least for a blind person."    


Tang Yin raised his eyebrows, and said: "Your junior brother had blinded himself to break the Shadow-illusion Prison, but he still died inside."    


"That's different."    


"What's the difference?"    


"To a blind person, what he sees will always be darkness. Once a person or object appears in front of him, he can immediately determine that it is an illusion." To a blind person, what he sees will always be darkness.    


"So that's how it is!" Tang Yin nodded as if he understood something, and asked, "So, the Shadow-illusion Prison is ineffective against blind people?"    


"Of course not." Chang Feng shook his head: "It's just that my cultivation is profound enough, at least, not weaker than Your Highness."    


Hearing the low chuckle from his side, he said earnestly: "It's precisely because my cultivation is higher than Your Highness that my Spirit Pressure is able to spread outside of the Shadow-illusion Prison and sense the location of Your Highness' real body."    


Tang Yin retracted his smile and said seriously: "That means, even if Mr Chang isn't blind, he can break the Shadow-illusion Prison that I released?"    


Chang Feng shook his head and said, "Absolutely not! If I were a normal person, I would definitely be affected by the Shadow-illusion Prison. Even if I were to allow the Spirit Pressure to break through the Shadow-illusion Prison, I wouldn't be able to sense Your Highness real body. "    


Tang Yin listened intently, while nodding his head. The two chatted very interestedly. One of them would nod his head, while the other would shake it.    


Unknowingly, the two of them had actually walked from the vicinity of Central Army Tent to South Camp.    


Tang Yin stopped walking and said: "Mr Chang, please wait. If you continue walking, we will reach the Guankou City. Talking about the Spirit Force with the Mr Chang has truly benefited me greatly! "    


Chang Feng also stopped and asked: "Your Highness met me by chance tonight, is it really just to discuss about the Spirit Force?"    


"What else?" Tang Yin asked casually, but his heart was moved.    


"I thought Your Highness would ask me about the Guankou City." Chang Feng said calmly.    


"There's nothing much to ask about Guankou City. However, I do have an important matter that I really want to ask Mr Chang." Tang Yin said with a serious expression.    


This made Chang Feng feel rather surprised. Other than Guankou City, he himself did not seem to have anything that could pique Feng King's interest. He asked, "What else does Feng King want to know?"    


"About this ?" Tang Yin patted his arm, indicating that Chang Feng should return. He clasped his hands behind his back and pondered for a moment. Then, he asked.    


"Very good." Chang Feng said without even thinking.    


Hearing that, Tang Yin was a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, if a Spiritual Martial Expert like Chang Feng was willing to stay by his side, he would also treat him as an honored guest.    


No matter how well Xiao Xiang treats Mr. Chang, she is still a woman. It's a pity that a man of seven feet should listen to a woman.    


Chang Feng shook his head, and said: "I am just a trivial cripple, for Princess to be willing to accept me, I am already very grateful. If not for Princess, who would accept a blind person like me?"    


"I will!" Tang Yin blurted out without even thinking. He stood still, and at the same time, pulled Chang Feng by the wrist, and said seriously: "In my eyes, Mr Chang is not a cripple, but a priceless treasure, a talent that cannot be bought with money."    


He continued: Mr Chang, I am sincerely inviting you, and in the future, you can follow me. Here, I will not restrict Mr Chang's freedom, and you can go anywhere you want to, cultivate your Spirit Force wherever you want, and fight on the battlefield as long as you want. You can even go to the Spiritual Martial Academy to live in seclusion, and there will be no war, no national affairs, and no chores. As long as he could teach his students along the way.    


Even if he could not see Tang Yin's expression, just by his tone, Chang Feng could tell that he was in a hurry. He slowly lowered his head and asked doubtfully, "Does Your Highness not care about my background when he wants to take me in?"    


"Even though I am not some Holy Lord Wise King, I still understand the principle of not doubting the use of others! Of course, Mr Chang need not rush to reply to me, you can think about it carefully, and the door to my Feng Country will always be open to you, Mr Chang. "    


Tang Yin was extremely thirsty towards Chang Feng, and he was even a little afraid of the answer Chang Feng would give him. For people like Chang Feng, if they rejected him now, it would be impossible to persuade him in the future.    



Although Chang Feng's eyes were blind, his heart was clear as a mirror. Whether Tang Yin truly had intentions towards him, he could immediately judge, and because of this, he was somewhat hesitant.    


From the bottom of his heart, he would naturally be more willing to stay by Tang Yin's side. However, the moment he chose to follow Tang Yin, it would very likely mean that he would become enemies with his own master, or even his entire Divine Pool.    


Was it worth it? Although Tang Yin and he had many feelings and feelings for each other, was he worth it for him to do this?    


Chang Feng secretly shook his head in his heart and for a moment, he too was indecisive.    


At this moment, someone laughed as he walked over. "Brother Chang always says that he's a cripple. Since he's a cripple, why should we worry so much?"    


Hearing that, Chang Feng's heart was startled, he immediately cupped his hands and said: "Young Noble!"    


"There is no need for Brother Chang to be so courteous. In here, we are of the same identity. We are both guests to His Highness."    


Ren Xiao walked over with a smile. He first nodded towards Tang Yin and said to him, "I think that I have more concerns than Brother Chang, but even I am willing to stay by your side. What is there for Brother Chang to hesitate about? As the saying goes, different paths do not work together. If Big Brother Chang is worried about Elder Huangfu, then I feel that there's no need for that. If the day of war really comes, then Big Brother Chang will at most avoid it.    


"That's right!" It was rare that Ren Xiao was willing to stand out and speak up for him. Tang Yin immediately followed up: "Mr Chang is Elder Huangfu's disciple, after all. I am not such an unreasonable person, Mr Chang need not worry about this."    


When Tang Yin sincerely invited them, Ren Xiao also came out to beat up others, but it was impossible to say that Chang Feng was not tempted. He lowered his head and was silent for a long time. Then, Fang said, "I would like to thank Your Highness for your kindness. Regarding this matter, I still have to consider it."    


Chang Feng did not immediately agree to Tang Yin's request, but from his self-proclaimed attitude towards him, one could tell the change in his heart towards Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin nodded repeatedly with a smile on his face. He patted Chang Feng with one hand and Ren Xiao with the other, and said: "No rush, no rush! It's rare for us to all gather together tonight. Come, let's go drink! "    


Ren Xiao laughed happily and did not have any objections, but Chang Feng was startled and asked: "Drink? Isn't His Highness going to attack the city tomorrow? "    


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