Tomin in The Alien World



0"Your Highness means ?" Zi Yue looked at Tang Yin in puzzlement.    


Tang Yin changed the topic and asked: "What is the relationship between Miss Zi Yue and Ling Ye?"    


Zi Yue lowered her head, muttering to herself for a moment, then replied: "Actually a husband and wife."    


Tang Yin raised his eyebrows and asked: "Did Guanghan hear about it?"    


Zi Yue shook her head and said: "Holy King doesn't know."    


Tang Yin asked again, "GuangHan heard that you were sent to assassinate the King Chuan with him, as well as a spy who exposed her identity?"    


Even now, he still could not understand why Guang Xuanling wanted to kill Xiao Xuan. If he really wanted to do this, Xiao Xuan would have died a long time ago.    


Zi Yue was silent for a moment, then raised her head and asked: "Will Your Highness really let us go?"    


"This King has already said it, as long as you are willing to cooperate."    


Zi Yue took a deep breath, steeled her heart, and said in a serious tone: "This time, Holy King had only sent Night Walker to assassinate me, and I am only here to watch him do it. Also, Holy King did not want to assassinate King Chuan overnight, but wanted to assassinate Red Sleeve Princess."    


Oh? So it turned out that Ling Ye's target was not Xiao Xuan, but Xiao Xiang. Tang Yin asked curiously: "That's strange, the Red Sleeve Princess and Guang Han should not have any connections, why would Guang Han take such a huge risk just to kill a mere princess?"    


Zi Yue shook her head: "I, your servant, do not know the specific reason, but I have heard from Night, that the King Chuan intends to pass on his position to the Red Sleeve Princess, and that the Holy King does not wish to inherit the position of King Chuan's successor, is a woman."    


Tang Yin was startled for a moment, but after thinking about it, he understood what Guang Xuanling was thinking. He was still not sure if he would be able to destroy the winds or extinguish the winds. Once the Chuan Country was swallowed, then the King Chuan would be the ruler of the world. When that time came, Guang Xuanling would use his soul to swallow all of them.    


Understanding this point, Tang Yin's mouth curved up subconsciously, revealing a trace of a cold smile.    


He said: "Guanghan heard that since he sent you to monitor Ling Ye, it means that he doesn't trust him. Furthermore, with the assassination attempt in King Chuan Palace, even if they succeed, it would be hard to escape. Guanghan heard that it's basically sending him to his death!"    


Zi Yue replied in a low voice, "Yes ?"    


"Why?" Tang Yin said: "Cultivating a Inner Sect of Dark Spirit Cultivator is not an easy task, then who knows how many lives will be sacrificed. Grand Han heard that it wasn't easy to nurture Ling Ye, so why did he send him to his death?"    


"This ?" Zi Yue bit her lips and said hoarsely, "Holy King said before that Inner Sect of Dark Spirit Cultivator ? Absolutely do not believe it! "    


So it was like that! Tang Yin had long predicted that Guang Xuanling would have a knot in his heart and that he wouldn't be able to trust Spirit Cultivator. Now that Zi Yue had said the same thing, it even verified his conjecture.    


He looked at Zi Yue with a smile and asked happily: "Guanghan heard that he is giving up Ling Ye, and you and him are actually husband and wife. I wonder what Miss Zi Yue will choose in the future?"    


Zi Yue's body trembled as she said anxiously, "As long as Your Highness is willing to let us go, the servant girl can guarantee that we will stay far away from the Divine Pool, far away from the Holy King, in a place where no one can find us, and live in seclusion."    


Tang Yin had always been looking straight into Zi Yue's eyes, so he could tell how sincere she was. When she finished, he shook his head indifferently. Zi Yue replied anxiously: "Didn't Your Highness say you will let us go?"    


"This King can spare your lives, but I can't let you go now."    


Tang Yin said faintly, "This king needs you to do something. Once you complete this task, not only can you leave, go wherever you wish to go, you can even go to the Feng Country to live, become an official, and enjoy wealth and prosperity."    


Zi Yue swallowed her saliva and asked: "What does Your Highness want the two of us to do?"    


"Kill Guang Han and listen!" Tang Yin said word by word.    


"His Highness wants us to kill Holy King?" Zi Yue's face changed greatly, her small mouth opened, her face was filled with fear.    


Tang Yin was amused and shook his head. "With just the two of you, how could you kill Guanghan? "If Ben Wang requests this of you two, it will be equivalent to sending you two to your deaths.    


After a pause, he continued, "This King only needs the two of you to return to Guanghan's side, monitor his every move, and secretly investigate his secrets."    


Zi Yue was shocked: "Your Highness... Your Highness wants us to return back to the Holy King and act as spies? "    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders and said, "GuangHan listened to me, if I don't die, the two of you will never have a good ending. Guang Han wouldn't let Ling Ye go, nor nor would he let go. Even the travelling adventurers of the world would think of ways to kill Ling Ye. You and Ling Ye can only help this king get rid of Guanghan hearing, and make up for what I have done. Only then can this king properly take him in and protect him. Even if Miss Zi Yue doesn't think for himself, he must think for his lover! "    


Once people found out about the existence of the Inner Sect of Dark and Spirit Cultivator s, they would definitely think of ways and means to get rid of them. Although Tang Yin was a Spirit Cultivator, but he was also the king of the Feng Country, no one dared to find him trouble, but Ling Ye was different.    


The relationship between Zi Yue and her was very deep. The latter was willing to give up her life for her, but wasn't she the same!    


After hearing Tang Yin's words, she did not even think about it, and asked: "As long as the two of us are willing to work for the Feng King, when everything is settled, will His Highness really accept us?"    


"Of course, Jun Wu Yi is joking!" Tang Yin said in a stern voice, "This king has always thought that I am a lonely person. Now that I know that Ling Ye is a Spirit Cultivator, this king is very happy as well, but, he did, after all, kill Madam Zhirong and Rongrong, and also has the suspicion that they are assassins, so the People of Chuan Country will definitely not let him go. Only by accepting this duke's conditions can he escape from the Chuan Country.    


Zi Yue nodded her head heavily, and said anxiously: "I am willing, I am willing to accept your conditions!"    


"Very good." Tang Yin was amused. He stood up and said with his hands behind his back: "Then, I'll trouble Miss Zi Yue to come with me. I'll also go and advise Ling Ye so that he can accept this duke's conditions."    


Hearing that he could immediately see Ling Ye, Zi Yue's face was filled with joy, he immediately stood up and suppressed the excitement in his heart, and replied with a trembling voice: "Yes! Your Highness! "    


The cell that Ling Ye was in was not too far away from where Zi Yue was. When he saw Tang Yin walking in from the outside, he was slightly surprised, and what made him even more surprised was that Zi Yue actually followed Tang Yin in.    


He looked at Zi Yue, dumbstruck, unable to understand what was going on. Tang Yin did not speak immediately, he just shook his head at Zi Yue, and indicated for her to go over and report the situation to Ling Ye.    


Receiving his signal, Zi Yue couldn't hold back anymore and pounced forward to hug Ling Ye. Seeing that, Tang Yin felt that she was being unnecessary, continuing to stay was too much of an eyesore, he looked at the people around him, and then left the prison.    


Outside the cell, Huangfu Xiutai walked over with a gloomy expression and said softly: "Your Highness, you better be careful to let the tiger return to the mountain, or else you'll burn yourself by playing with fire!"    


He did not think that Zi Yue and Ling Ye would sincerely do things for their own side.    


Tang Yin wasn't worried at all. He said slowly: "They have no choice but to stand by our side and help us deal with Guang Xuanling. Otherwise, even if Ling Ye can escape this calamity, he will be killed by Guang Xuanling in the future!"    


Huangfu Xiutai scoffed at this thought, and said: "Ling Ye is a confidant that Guang Xuanling cultivated by himself, how could Guang Xuanling possibly harm him. This is most likely Zi Yue's nonsense!"    


"No!" Tang Yin shook his head and said, "You don't understand Guang Xuanling, his fear of Inner Sect of Dark and Spirit Cultivator is deeper than anyone else in the world."    


Huangfu Xiutai and Guang Xuanling had never even seen each other before, but had already been by his side for dozens of years, yet he said that he did not understand him?    


He shook his head in frustration and said, "No matter what, I still have to remind His Highness to be careful and let the tigers return to the mountains, and then play with them to set them on fire!"    


Tang Yin laughed, and said: "I understand what Mister Huangfu means. I appreciate Mister's good will."    


Seeing that Huangfu Xiutai wanted to continue speaking, Jin Xuan tugged on his arm and said softly: "Huangfu, since Your Highness has made a decision, then do as Your Highness says!"    


"Why are you always on his side!" Huangfu Xiutai turned his head and muttered in dissatisfaction.    



After waiting for around fifteen minutes, Tang Yin felt that the conversation between Zi Yue and the prison door should be more or less over, so he pushed open the prison door and walked in again.    


This time, Ling Ye's gaze towards him was clearly less hostile. After Tang Yin stood still, he first looked at Zi Yue who was beside him, and then said to him: "Your Highness, I've already heard your meaning, I just want to know, what exactly does Your Highness want Yue'er and I to do to return to Holy King? Is it really that simple to monitor Holy King? "    


Tang Yin secretly nodded, Ling Ye was smarter than him! He said indifferently, "What is the relationship between Guanghan and the Divine Pool Elders?"    


Ling Ye frowned, he did not understand why he asked that. Zi Yue replied: "No, no, no." However, the elders all respected Holy King very much, and Zi Yue could also feel that in the hearts of many elders, the Holy King was someone who stood at the top, unsurpassable, holy and noble. It was true that the elders did not have much contact with him.    


"That's good." Tang Yin slightly narrowed his eyes, and said: "After returning to the Divine Pool, your first mission is to think of a way to distance yourselves from the relationship between Guanghan and the elders. As long as you can complete this task, it would be a great merit."    


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