Tomin in The Alien World



0Seeing Tang Yin walking in from the outside, all the girls stood up with faces full of joy, and quickly walked up to him.    


Tang Yin's gaze swept across their faces one by one.    


Yin Rou, the sister of the Son of Heaven, was also her most beloved woman. Wu Mei, born of a traditional noble family of Feng Country, was straightforward and heroic; Fan Min, born of a wealthy family of merchants, was smart and intelligent; Yuan Qianyi, the widow of a previous dynasty, was mature and considerate; Shauna, the Princess of a foreign land, even if she wasn't pretentious, it could be said that they all had impeccable statuses and backgrounds.    


His inner thoughts did not show on his face as he smiled and nodded at the girls, pulling them into the hall and sitting down one by one. He asked, "In the days I was gone, did anything happen in the palace?"    


"It's just too peaceful, so it's boring every day!" Wu Mei pouted.    


Tang Yin laughed, his thoughts changing, the topic changed, and said: "This time in the capital, I have also brought back two esteemed guests."    


The girls were all startled, but Wu Mei was the one who could not hold it in the most, and asked curiously: "Who is it?"    


Tang Yin said slowly: "They are two elders of the Divine Pool. One is Huangfu Xiutai, the other is Jin Xuan." At this point, he paused for a moment, carefully observed everyone and said: "I intend to let them stay in the palace for a period of time ?"    


Before he could finish his sentence, he heard a clinking sound as the cup fell to the ground. The cup did not fall from Yin Rou's and the few ladies' hands. Instead, Jiang Banxue, who was serving by the side, could not hold onto the cup properly and it fell to the ground.    


Yin Rou hastily turned her head to look at Jiang Banxue, and then looked at Tang Yin. She lightly pulled his sleeves and complained in a low voice: "Yin, it's not like you don't know the relationship between Half Snow and her master, how can you let Elder Huangfu stay in the palace for long!"    


After getting along with Jiang Banxue for such a long time, Yin Rou had long since developed a deep relationship with him and was like a sister to him. Naturally, she understood the relationship between Huangfu Xiutai and herself very well.    


Tang Yin had mentioned Huangfu Xiutai and Jin Xuan in a probing tone, to see if he could scam them. After all, these two were elders in Divine Pool, if there really was a spy, the two of them might have met before.    


He never thought that the girls would not have any reaction. They had all scared Jiang Banxue quite badly, their little faces pale and their bodies uncontrollably trembling.    


Tang Yin secretly sighed, turned and smiled at Jiang Banxue: "Miss Qianxue, you don't have to worry, the current Elder Huangfu is no longer the same as before. Furthermore, he is no longer an elder of Divine Pool."    


Jiang Banxue's expression softened a little as she looked at Tang Yin with an expression of disbelief, and asked: "Your Highness, you mean to say ? Isn't Master the Great Elder of the Divine Pool? "    


"Yes, he has already been expelled out of the Divine Pool, or should we say, out of the Divine Pool."    


Never would he have thought that his master would encounter such a huge change while he was still in the palace. Jiang Banxue's previous fear immediately turned into worry, and she could not help but take a step forward, and ask: "Your Highness, what exactly happened? Everything is fine, why did Master get expelled from the Divine Pool? "    


"This is a long story." Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "When I have time, I will explain it all to you." While talking, he looked towards Yin Rou, Wu Mei and the others. When they heard that Huangfu Xiutai and Jin Xuan were going to live in the palace, they all looked calm, and did not display any surprise or unnaturalness.    


Of course, this was only a small test, it did not mean that they would be fine. If they wanted to confirm, they could only imitate Xiao Xuan and let them consume the Spirit-gathering Pill and see what reaction they would have.    


Thinking about it, Tang Yin already had a plan, and was in high spirits. He happily chatted and laughed with the girls.    


It was only until night did Wu Mei, Fan Min, Yuan Qianyi and Shauna finally leave one after another. In the huge palace, only Tang Yin and Yin Rou were left.    


Seeing that the sky was already getting dark, Tang Yin yawned, and pulled Yin Rou to stand up, with a smile he said: "Rou Er, let's go rest!" As he spoke, his hand also moved unintentionally to Yin Rou's slim waist.    


Understanding his intentions, Yin Rou blushed and asked timidly: "Aren't you tired after travelling for such a long time?"    


"Of course I'm tired, but ?" Tang Yin moved closer to her ear, and said with a low smile. "I want a child that belongs to us more!"    


Yin Rou's face became even redder when she heard this. On the other hand, Jiang Banxue tactfully waved her hand towards the palace maids around them before quickly exiting the chambers.    


The next day, Morning Meeting.    


In the imperial court, the refreshed and energetic Tang Yin was sitting in the middle of the hall with the Feng Country located on both sides. As Tang Yin had arrived too early, the ministers had not arrived yet, and the imperial court was especially quiet.    


Tang Yin was half lying on the table, his expression was focused, he was writing furiously, no one knew what he was writing about. Below, Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji looked at each other, then looked at Ah San, and asked him what the two kings wrote silently.    


Ah San shrugged his shoulders in a daze, indicating that he did not know either, or perhaps it was more accurate to say that the two of them could not understand, as if the King was writing a heavenly book.    


After a while, the ministers were all gathered, Tang Yin kept the paper and brush, and began his discussion.    


Firstly, he and Xiao Xuan had decided to negotiate with each other, and secondly, the two of them had decided to join forces to suppress Divine Pool.    


When these words were spoken, the hall was silent for a moment, followed by a buzzing sound of discussion.    


To punish someone with Divine Pool, was simply an inconceivable thing in the hearts of the masses. If the King had gone mad, then so be it. But why did the King Chuan go crazy too?    


When the sounds of discussion gradually lessened, he explained the entire matter in full detail. When he finished speaking, he said in a serious tone, "Guang Xuanling has already made his move on Chuan Country, it is hard to say if he won't make his move on my Feng Country, if we let him do as he pleases, sooner or later, his Feng Country And Chuan Country will be destroyed. Thus, this duke and the King Chuan had no choice but to make a decision, to jointly send out the Divine Pool army to siege and eliminate Guang Xuanling, the scoundrel!"    


The great hall once again fell into silence.    


What he said was like a fantasy story. After a long time, people slowly digested his words. Finance Minister Zhang Xin grinned and asked, "Your Majesty, are you saying that the present Divine Pool Holy King Guang Han is actually the Holy King Guang Xuanling of five hundred years ago?"    




"This... This is unbelievable. " Zhang Xin spoke out the thoughts of everyone present. The Spirit Soul Devouring, something that he had never seen or heard before, was there really such a mystical technique in this world?    


"I know that you all find it hard to believe that there is such a mysterious and vicious spirit weapon skill like the Spirit Soul Devouring in this world, but the truth is that it is indeed true. It was also because they found out about Guang Xuanling's secret that the two elders from Divine Pool, Huangfu Xiutai, and Jin Xuan, were forced to escape the Divine Pool and hide in my Feng Country. " Saying that, Tang Yin nodded to Ah Si, who raised his head and shouted: "Xuan, Huangfu Xiutai, Jin Xuan is up!"    


Not long later, Huangfu Xiutai and Jin Xuan walked into the palace. If Tang Yin was the only one who said it, the ministers might not believe it all. Now that Huangfu Xiutai and Jin Xuan, the two Divine Pool elders, had said it in person, everyone could not help but believe it.    


It was only now that the people finally understood why the Great King and the King Chuan were willing to brave the world and risk their lives to send troops to suppress Divine Pool. If the Holy King of Divine Pool was truly as sinister and malicious as the Great King had said, and was also wholeheartedly plotting to get the world, then this person would not be able to get rid of him and the Feng Country And Chuan Country would never be peaceful again.    


"Great King!" Shangguan Yuanji took a step forward, cupped his hands, and said: "Even if what the King said is true, one must still be extremely careful when using soldiers with Divine Pool. Over the past thousands of years, the Divine Pool has already established an extremely high prestige among the citizens of the world. Even if the King and the King Chuan join hands and publicize Guang Xuanling's evil deeds, the citizens would not necessarily believe it. "    


"What if you add the decree of the Son of Heaven?" Tang Yin and Xiao Xuan had long thought of this point and thought of a way to deal with it. He said with a smile: "Just as Prime Minister Shangguan had said, sending troops to suppress Divine Pool s would definitely arouse the displeasure and opposition of the people of the world. Therefore, before doing this, we must first have the Emperor hand an order.    


Shangguan Yuanji lowered his head and thought for a moment, but did not say anything, and retreated back to his original position. Qiu Zhen immediately stood out and said: "The Divine Pool Land, are filled with many tall mountains and narrow ranges, wide and perilous peaks, although the number of people here is great, I'm afraid once you enter the Divine Pool, it will be useless."    


Tang Yin laughed and nodded, then said: "Regarding this point, I had already discussed it with the King Chuan when we were at the Chuan Country.    


The ministers present looked at each other and did not say anything else. From what they heard, the King and the King Chuan had already thought carefully about the suppression of Divine Pool, taking into account all possible problems. This was clearly something that had already been decided, and no matter how they said it, it would be useless.    


After thinking for a moment, Qiu Zhen asked: "When does the King plan to send out her troops?"    


"In the next few days." Tang Yin said: "Now, since the Chuan Country's forces have started to move towards the Divine Pool, of course our country cannot be left behind. When the day ends, I shall enter the palace to meet the Son of Heaven and request for an imperial edict from the Emperor to denounce Guang Xuanling. "    


"This is a serious matter, the King has to be careful. Think it over carefully!" Qiu Zhen reminded his worriedly.    


Tang Yin smiled and said: "I know what I am doing, Prime Minister Qiu need not worry." After saying that, he raised his gaze, looked around at the crowd, and asked in a trembling voice, "Does anyone still have any objections? If you do, then hurry up and bring it up. We will discuss it together."    


He knew that it would definitely be extremely difficult to deal with Divine Pool. The only way to deal with the difficulties in the future was to unify the opinions of everyone within the clan.    



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