Tomin in The Alien World



0"Yin ?" Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar fire in Tang Yin's eyes, Wu Mei became a little nervous.    


Sensing that her body had visibly stiffened, Tang Yin sighed secretly and did not make any further movements. He gently let go of Wu Mei and spoke with a slightly hoarse voice, "There's still a war tomorrow, Xiao Mei. Let's go back to our tent and rest early!" When Tang Yin was intimate with her, Wu Mei was both afraid and looking forward to it, but when Tang Yin suddenly stopped, she was also disappointed. Sometimes she hated her cowardice.    


Seeing her upset look, Tang Yin couldn't help but laugh, the blush on Wu Mei's face extended all the way to his neck, just as he was about to speak, he suddenly remembered something, took out a small cloth bag from his bosom, and stuffed it into Tang Yin's hands. Tang Yin was startled, he picked up the cloth and looked at it carefully. The cloth was high quality silk, but the workmanship was very rough, and the threads were also crookedly stitched. Tang Yin asked curiously: "What is this?" "This is a personal amulet that I made myself, I'll give it to you!" Wu Mei had a proud look on her face, as if he was a benefactor.    


"I can see that the charm was indeed made by Miss Wu." Tang Yin said half-jokingly. It was fine for Wu Mei to brandish his blade and use her spear, but as a female worker, it was a tragic sight to behold, just like the protective talisman in front of her.    


Wu Mei's face immediately darkened, and said: "You don't like it? "Then give it back to me." As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to snatch it. Tang Yin's hands were swift as she grabbed onto the protective talisman and pulled it back. Then, she returned it to her chest and restrained her smile as she faintly said: "As long as it was you who did it, no matter what it was, I would like it." "Really?" Wu Mei looked at him suspiciously.    


"Yes." Tang Yin nodded heavily.    


Seeing that, Wu Mei's anger turned into a laugh, her beautiful face was like a ripe apple, making people have the urge to pounce on her and bite her fiercely. Tang Yin, who was that mature and calm, could not help but stare blankly.    


Wu Mei stood up and said: "I'll go back first." "Wait a minute!" Tang Yin called out to her, then stood up and slowly tied up Wu Mei's embroidered hair, putting the jade hairpin back on. His movements were unfamiliar, but it caused Wu Mei's heart to feel warm and sweet.    


After Wu Mei left first, Tang Yin could no longer sit still and walked out of the tent. Seeing that Tang Yin had come out, the Guard Captain guarding outside hurried over and asked carefully, "Where is Master going?" Tang Yin squinted his eyes and said leisurely: "It's too hot, I'll go take a shower ?" Guard Captain blinked his eyes. The Gaochuan County is located in the mountains, it is true that it is hot and humid during the day, but it is night now.    


The next day.    


The army of the four paths that Tang Yin had arranged began to gather in front of the Forbidden City one after another. Looking to the south, there were many banners with the words' Shangguan 'embroidered on them. The soldiers were like trees, and even the army had wind s, along with' Tianyuan 'and' Plains'. The most eye-catching one was the flag with the word 'Shangguan' embroidered on it.    


Without even looking at the people, just the appearance of this Flag was enough to shake one's soul, causing the opponent's heart to tremble. Currently, no one did not know Shangguan Yuan's name, and no one did not know of it. His Flag was just a talisman for urging people to live.    


Looking towards the south, the forty thousand Pingyuan Army were lined up into a battle formation. The red tassels above the soldiers' heads were pressed down like a layer of maple leaves on top of their Zhangyu City. A red tassel represented blood, black armor represented toughness, and a red tassel black armor also best illustrated the style of Pingyuan Army.    


Without waiting for the battle to begin, the cold killing intent of the Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army had already pressured the guards on the city walls to the point that they couldn't breathe.    


Looking to the east, there were more than fifty thousand Heavenly Eagle Army warriors led by Zi Ying. Although they were not as strong and strong as the Pingyuan Army, the soldiers still looked full of fighting spirit, all of them brimming with energy. The people's eyes widened as they struck their shields with the spears in their hands. The muffled boom of the spears rang out incessantly as the wind howled.    


Looking to the west, it was Tang Yin's team who had the most military might and killing intent. This time, the forty thousand Pingyuan Army were commanded by Tang Yin personally, and all the warriors and soldiers were extremely focused, with their waists straight and legs straightened, like nails, they stood there motionlessly. However, the moment the order came out, the entire army moved together, quiet as Mt.    


Tang Yin rode on his horse at the very front of the army. On his left and right were Shangguan Yuanwu and his two bodyguards, behind him were Le Tian, Ai Jia and Cheng Jin.    


Seeing this formation of Tianyuan Army, the defensive Peng Army had already cooled down by half, without even needing to fight. Zhong Tian, who had heard the news, looked out from atop the city walls. After he finished looking, he was so scared that he was at a loss. His first reaction was to look for Zhan Wushuang, but the moment he saw Zhan Wushuang, Zhong Tian's heart immediately sank to the bottom of the valley.    


Zhan Wushuang was now without fighting spirit and without vitality, his face was haggard and sorrowful, almost like a zombie. It was hard to even take care of such a person, let alone command the battle. Unable to rely on Zhan Wushuang, Zhong Tian could only place his final hope on Zui Fengjian. He said to Zui Fengjian beside him in a low voice, "If your Feng Army breaks, you must protect this king with your life!" Zhong Tian thought of himself, but didn't think that Zui Fengjian was also injured right now, and protecting himself would become a problem. How could he protect? Zui Fengjian did not reply, his expression was still cold and detached, but he had already made up his mind. If Feng Army truly attacked the city, as long as there was a chance, he would take the lead and break out of the encirclement, in order to protect his own life.    


Outside the Western City.    


Feeling that it was about time, Tang Yin waved his hand and called for a guard to go up and persuade him to surrender his Peng Army.    


After that, he reined in his horse and shouted towards the top of the city: "Brother Peng Army, listen up, my master has good morals, as long as you are willing to take the initiative and leave the city to surrender, my army will not kill you, but if you resist until the end, then you will be like praying mantis trying to hold back a chariot, and only death awaits you. Brother Peng Army, quickly leave the city and surrender! " As the guards urged them to surrender, the Peng Army above the city walls began to whisper and the morale of the troops began to waver. However, no one took the lead, as even if they wanted to surrender, they did not have the courage to do so.    


At this time, the Peng Army Guardian General shouted loudly, "Do not listen to the words of the rebel army. No matter who it is, if they dare to surrender, I will kill them all!" Hearing these words, the restless Peng Army immediately calmed down, and everyone looked at each other, and finally lowered their heads.    


They were not regular soldiers, and they were not sly soldiers either. They were extremely fearful of the commanders up above, and did not dare to disobey the orders.    


Seeing that there was no response from inside the Zhangyu City, the guard shouted out a few more times, and returned back to his side, standing in front of Tang Yin. He cupped his hands, and bowed: "Master, the enemy is stubborn, and refuses to surrender!" "Hmph!" The corner of Tang Yin's mouth raised as he said with a cold smile: "Even if the heavens do wrong, you can still go against it. If you do wrong, you cannot live." "Since the enemy is seeking death, it is no wonder that we are merciless!" As he spoke, he tilted his head and shouted, "Beat the drum!" "Drum beating?" "Beep, beat, beat ?" The Herald passed down Tang Yin's orders one by one, and in that moment, the profound energy inside the Tianyuan Army was struck by thunder, causing rumbling sounds. First it was the western drum, then it was followed by the northern and southern drum, and finally, the eastern war drum started to beat as well.    


The sound of the drum resonating through the army was the most commonly used military order in the world.    


Amidst the sounds of the battle drums, the Tianyuan Army Arrays from all four directions started to press towards the Zhangyu City.    


"Wind, wind, wind?" As the great army moved forward, the soldiers and soldiers would shout out Feng Country's national number loudly and rhythmically. This was to cheer for their own side, and also to psychologically deter the enemy.    


When the army reached the enemy's range, the shouts stopped and the whole army charged.    


From all four sides of the Tianyuan Army, more than one hundred fifty thousand troops surged towards the Zhangyu City like a tide from all four directions. The speed of the soldiers was extremely fast, and the dirt on the ground was also lifted up high, raising a storm of dust.    


Aiya! Zhong Tian who was on the city wall was simply dumbstruck, and could not help but wail in his heart. Facing so many tigers and wolves' Feng Army, how could they resist them?    


When the Tianyuan Army had already entered into the range of the Zhangyu City, the shooting of the Peng Army had only just started, but, even at such a close distance, the shooting of the Peng Army still seemed weak, and there was no accuracy to it either. At the beginning, the Tianyuan Army soldiers had even used shields to block, and seeing that the enemy's archery formation was not too threatening, many of them threw away their shields and spears, took down their bows and arrows, and shot back at the same time.    


The power of the Feng Army from the bottom to the top was much greater than the opponent's. It was obvious that the Peng Army at the top of the city wall was insufficiently prepared, and was caught unprepared by the sudden appearance of the Arrow Rain. In an instant, the entire city top was filled with miserable cries, and a large number of Peng Soldier were destroyed by the arrows from the Feng Army. Even Zhong Tian was almost injured by the arrow, and retreated while being protected by a few guards.    


The Tianyuan Army surged, and rushed straight to the Zhangyu City with almost no effort at all. However, as he climbed the cloud ladder, he encountered a fierce counterattack from the Peng Soldier, causing the rolling wood, stone slabs, and Pyretic Oil s on the city walls to become as dense as rain, an unending stream, as though it was endless. This caused great threat and injury to the Feng Army.    


At this moment, the battle between the two sides had reached its climax. The soldiers on both sides did not budge an inch, fighting with their lives on the line.    


From time to time, some of the Tianyuan Army soldiers would be hit and killed by the rolling wood and stone slabs, and some would even have their flesh ripped open by the scalding Pyretic Oil s. Also, countless of the Peng Army soldiers on the city walls would die from the Arrow Rain s, their corpses littering the ground.    


With forty thousand Peng Army divided to defend four cities, no matter how strong the city's defenses were, it was impossible to defend four roads of Feng Army. The first to panic was Western City.    


With Tang Yin at the lead, the forty thousand Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army s all held back their strength. When they were climbing the ladder, most of the soldiers threw off the armor on their bodies and climbed bare-handed at the fastest speed, directly rushing up the ten-metre long ladder.    


Although the several thousand Peng Army s were tenacious and had sufficient defense, they were completely unable to withstand the violent attacks from the Pingyuan Army s.    


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