Tomin in The Alien World



0"Xiao Min looked at Tang Yin and said," Your Highness and Li Dan will be married in March next year. " After pausing for a moment, she suddenly changed the topic and asked curiously: "Tang Yin, are you really going to be the Sovereign King of the Feng Country?" After knowing the date of Yin Rou's wedding, Tang Yin was a little absent-minded. He casually replied and was silent for a moment, before raising his head and looking at Xiao Min, he smiled: "What?" Can't I be king? " Xiao Min shook his head and said faintly, "I just didn't think that your ambition would be so big ?" When she spoke, she was slightly disappointed.    


Tang Yin sighed, then laughed bitterly: "If I didn't come, and were another person come, I'm afraid the Feng Country would be even more chaotic. "By that time, many of the windmen will be in trouble, and the north of the empire will be in turmoil." Xiao Min looked at Tang Yin in shock and asked, "Do you really think that way?" Tang Yin asked, "What else?" "The man who fights for the throne wants nothing more than wealth and prosperity and a high and mighty position." Xiao Min said as if she had hit the nail on the head.    


What she said was the truth, but Tang Yin did not care about that at all. He was willing to fight for the position of the Feng King, and only thought that he could do whatever he wanted without any restrictions on her Feng Country.    


He shook his head, his eyes narrowed, and he said coolly, "I've never thought about that." Xiao Min looked at Tang Yin, and after a long while, she secretly nodded her head, it looked like Tang Yin's way of life had changed, but in essence, it had not. She asked, "You only called me here to reminisce about the old days?" "One more thing, I want you to do me a favor." Oh? "What is it?" "Take me to the palace, I want to meet the princess." Tang Yin spoke word for word.    


Hearing this, the complexions of both Xiao Qingfeng and Xiao Min changed at the same time. Moreover, they still had to go see the princess. If they were to be discovered, that would be a dead end, and even Xiao Min would be implicated.    


"You ?." You want to see the princess? "Why?" Xiao Min asked in surprise.    


Tang Yin laughed and said: "Persuading the Son of Heaven to bestow me the throne, I am afraid that just relying on the Master Xiao's strength alone is not enough. If Her Highness the Princess can stand by my side and speak for me, I believe that this matter is certain." Xiao Qingfeng nodded his head repeatedly. That was right, if the princess was willing to speak up for him, even if it was just a sentence, it would be more effective than speaking a hundred words for him. He looked at Tang Yin with suspicion, then turned his gaze back to Xiao Min.    


Xiao Min asked: "You want to see the princess just for this?" If Tang Yin answered yes, she would definitely refuse her on the spot, but Tang Yin was silent for a moment, then said with a bitter smile: "The most important thing is, I want to meet Your Highness." As Yin Rou's Guard Captain, Xiao Min had been attending to her all year round, so she was naturally very familiar with her. She was very clear that even though the princess hadn't said it on the surface, she wasn't very happy about her marriage with Li Dan. Since she was young, she had never seen Yin Rou acting especially intimate with any man, with the exception of Tang Yin.    


After leaving the Feng Country and returning to the capital for so long, Yin Rou would still frequently ask her about the situation with regards to the Feng Country. Xiao Min understood that the Princess was not truly concerned with the Feng Country, but with Tang Yin.    


Yin Rou might not even be aware of Tang Yin's heart, but as someone who was close to her, Xiao Min's sharp senses allowed her to sense it. If Tang Yin went to see the princess, just to scheme for his position on the throne, Xiao Min would definitely not agree to it. In her opinion, this was also a form of injury to the princess, but Tang Yin's reply was satisfactory to him.    


Furthermore, if Tang Yin could really become the Feng King, maybe he could disrupt the marriage between Princess Huang and Li Dan. Of course, this was only Xiao Min's imagination.    


"All right!" "I will help you with this. Tomorrow, I will find a way to bring you to the palace." Xiao Min took a deep breath and said seriously.    


Hearing this, Xiao Qingfeng's jaw almost dropped. Such an unselfish and unselfish niece actually dared to take the risk of death to bring Tang Yin into the palace. He suspected that he had misheard her. However, when Tang Yin cupped his hands in gratitude, he finally confirmed that he did not hear wrongly, Xiao Min was indeed going to bring Tang Yin into the palace.    


No matter what, Xiao Min was his niece, the risk was too high to bring an outsider into the palace. He pondered for a moment, then reminded Su Yun in a low voice, "Xiao Min, this..." "Is it too dangerous?" Xiao Min waved her hand and said, "Uncle, when I come out, no one will be able to tell if it's real or fake. Furthermore, I'll be there to protect you, so there won't be any problems." "Oh!" Seeing that Xiao Min was filled with confidence, Xiao Qingfeng did not say anything more. In the end, his gaze returned to the silver notes in her hands and the golden sand in front of him. "Since Master Tang gave it to uncle, uncle will accept it. But uncle, please do not let me down, you must do your best to help me." Xiao Min said with a smile.    


He did not know what kind of medicine his niece had taken wrong today, but she had suddenly turned out to be so 'sensible'. Xiao Qingfeng said seriously: "Of course." With that, he smiled at Tang Yin, cleared his throat, straightened his back, and said: "Don't worry Master Tang, I will do my best to help you complete the tasks that you have entrusted to me." "I am deeply grateful." Tang Yin cupped his hands towards Xiao Qingfeng.    


In this banquet, the happiest person was Xiao Qingfeng. Without using any effort, as long as he talked back to the Son of Heaven, he would easily get two hundred thousand silver and a thousand taels of gold. Where in the world would he find such a good thing? The Old Man was happy and he spoke a lot. He also toasted to Tang Yin from time to time.    


He did not know if it was because he was too happy that he drank too much, but after eating only half a meal, Xiao Qingfeng seemed to be too drunk, he laid on the table, and upon seeing that, Tang Yin was naturally unable to keep him, and had to be supported back to the house by Xiao Qingfeng's servants. Xiao Qingfeng looked like he was drunk, but he didn't forget about the silver notes and the golden sand. He took all the servants inside, bade farewell to Tang Yin and left for home.    


After Xiao Qingfeng left, Jiang Lou laughed dryly, "I never thought that Master Xiao's alcohol tolerance would be so low today ?" Xiao Min scoffed, and said: "Uncle is not drunk." "Oh?" Jiang Lou looked at her blankly.    


Xiao Min laughed and said: "He is afraid! "I was afraid that tomorrow, the matter of me bringing Tang Yin into the palace would be exposed and might have a connection with him, so I pretended to get drunk and went home first. I was just trying to avoid suspicion." How could Xiao Min not understand his own uncle's personality?    


"So that's how it is!" Jiang Lou could not help but laugh bitterly as he shook his head. He did not expect Xiao Qingfeng to be so cunning, to even think of scheming against his own niece. To be able to be an official in the imperial government meant that he wasn't an ordinary person!    


Tang Yin was not surprised, but he felt that it would be better if Xiao Qingfeng left, since it would be more convenient for him to talk with Xiao Min. He picked up his new wine cup, raised his head and gulped down all the wine in it, then asked, "Miss Xiao Min ?" "Tang Yin, I will call you by your name, you can also call me by it." Xiao Min's personality was straightforward and rather manly.    


Tang Yin smiled and replied: "Alright, I will call you Xiao Min!" Xiao Min rolled his eyes and muttered, "You're not my uncle ? "Forget it, whatever you want. What did you want to ask me just now?" Tang Yin squinted his eyes and asked uncertainly, "Does Princess still remember me?" "Xiao Min shrugged her shoulders casually and said ambiguously," "When you meet the princess tomorrow, you will naturally know." This was equivalent to not saying anything! But speaking of which, no matter how close the relationship was between Xiao Min and her, she didn't dare to casually bring a stranger into the palace to meet the princess. From this, it could be seen that the princess still remembered her. After coming to this realization, Tang Yin's mood inexplicably brightened. He laughed with his head facing upwards, and said: "When we enter the palace tomorrow, I'll personally ask the princess." After a pause, he could not help but ask, "What is the relationship between the princess and the crown prince?" "Li Dan?" Xiao Min shook his head and said, "In my impression, the Princess had only met him three times and we hadn't talked for more than ten sentences. The first time was when His Highness was five years old, and the second time was when His Highness was eleven years old. As for the last time, well ? "Yesterday!" Tang Yin's body trembled as he asked: "Li Dan is also in the capital?" "Yes, just arrived a few days ago." Xiao Min took the chance to laugh drunkenly and leaned towards Tang Yin, patting him on the shoulder and asked: "What? "You are not thinking of fighting Li Dan are you?" Tang Yin was startled at first, but then laughed leisurely, and said: "Of course not." If there was a chance, he could consider killing this person. He added in his heart.    


Xiao Min looked at him deeply, and said as if she was pointing something: "It's best not, if not the one who will be at a disadvantage will definitely be you. The guards by Li Dan's side were all extraordinary people, and it was said that there were many experts in Divine Pool. If you go and find trouble with him, you will never be able to return. " Tang Yin poured another cup of wine for himself and downed it in one gulp. was startled at first, but after that, he straightforwardly laughed. This was Tang Yin, you never knew what was going through his mind, and the next thing he knew, he was going to say something unbelievable.    


After Xiao Qingfeng left after getting drunk, Tang Yin and Xiao Min chatted for a long time. It wasn't until the fourth day that the two of them came to an end.    


Tang Yin ordered Jiang Fan to send him back to the palace while he brought Jiang Lou and Le Tian back to the tavern.    


After bandaging the wound on his palm and lying on the bed, it took Tang Yin a long time to fall asleep. When he thought of how he would be able to enter the palace and see Yin Rou tomorrow, he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.    


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