Tomin in The Alien World



0In the empty alley, not even a ghost could be seen. Not even a sound could be heard. It was terrifyingly quiet. If it were anyone else, they would definitely have it at this time and would have passed through without question. Furthermore, Tang Yin's naturally sharp intuition made him aware of its dangerous existence.    


He had just arrived at Shang Jing, and had not met many people, so there was no way that he would have enemies. He was not sure if the murderous aura ahead was directed at him. He paused for a short time, his feet tapping the stirrups, and he dismounted and moved slowly forward. As they walked, Tang Yin also pondered in his heart. Could it be that Li Dan realized that the relationship between him and Yin Rou was not simple, and sent someone to kill him?    


But that couldn't be, when eating with him, he didn't reveal any hint of it. If it was done intentionally, then Li Dan's acting skills would be too brilliant, and he himself would be too terrifying. Just as Tang Yin was pondering in his heart, suddenly, five black figures appeared out of thin air around his warhorse. Five spears that were as black as ink pierced towards Tang Yin from five different directions.    


It was too fast. No matter how strong one's eyesight was, it was impossible to tell where these five people had come from. Five spirit spears instantly pierced through Tang Yin's body, two of the spears pierced out from beneath the horse's abdomen, and even pierced through the horse's body.    


"Sloppy?" The horse cried out in pain and fell to the ground. Tang Yin who was still riding the horse strangely disappeared.    


"Spirit Cultivator of Dark!" Just as the five of them were stunned, they suddenly heard a voice from behind them, "If you want to use the Shadow Shift to kill me, it won't be that easy!" Hearing this, the five people turned around at the same time. Raising their eyes, they saw Tang Yin squatting at the foot of a wall in the shadows, his body completely unharmed. There were no injuries at all. In the instant that the five of them reached Tang Yin, Tang Yin also used the Shadow Shift to dodge the attack. It was just that the speed of the Shadow Shift was too fast and he had gone out, but he had still left behind afterimages.    


"Why did you plot against me?" Tang Yin slowly stood up from the corner. Due to the dark lighting, the green light that flickered in his eyes was especially eye-catching and strange.    


The five black-clothed men wore black spirit armor and held black spirit spears in their hands. They looked like five demons that had just drilled out from hell. Tang Yin, who was in front of them, was about the same as them. As the spirit armor covered him, both his blades appeared in his hands, merging into one, and turned into a long black sickle.    


The five Spirit Cultivator of Dark s did not answer his question. They looked at each other, then shouted out in a low voice, "Kill!" Following his words, the five of them moved at the same time and pounced at Tang Yin, the five Spirit Stab on Tang Yin's vital points.    


Their speed was fast, and Tang Yin was not slow either. He slid to the side, and moved two meters horizontally, avoiding all five pikes. Then, he turned his hand and cut straight towards the person's neck. That Spirit Cultivator of Dark's reaction speed was fast, and he lowered his head, allowing Tang Yin's sharp gaze to pass. At the same time, the longspear pierced towards his back, straight towards Tang Yin's throat.    


"Huh?" Tang Yin was also surprised by his opponent's techniques. He turned his body and dodged the tip of the spear, but just as the opponent was about to retrieve his spirit spear, the sickle in Tang Yin's hand took the opportunity and dropped down, landing on the spear's body. Then, he waved forward again, the tip of the sickle sticking close to the spear, slashing towards the opponent's finger.    




The sickle touched the spear body, causing a long streak of sparks to fly, the opponent was shocked, he dared not let go while grabbing the spirit spear, his ten fingers opened up, abandoning the spirit spear, he retreated, just as Tang Yin was about to go chase him, the other four people suddenly pounced in front of him, the four spirit spears cut towards him from the top, bottom, and middle.    


Tang Yin shouted loudly, he retreated two steps and used both hands to hold onto his blade, and then swung out with all his might. Weng! * A ray of Spirit Wave shot out following the sickle's trajectory, sweeping towards the four people in front. The four Spirit Cultivator s did not dodge, and the four of them moved their spirit spears at the same time, releasing their Spirit Wave to contend against Tang Yin.    


Boom! *    


When Tang Yin and the Spirit Wave collided with the other four's Spirit Wave, it immediately produced a muffled explosion like a rubber ball. The five Spirit Wave s shattered at the same time and scattered in all directions. The moment the six of them appeared in the distance, they started fighting again.    


The fights between Spirit Cultivator of Dark s were far less intense than the fights between Spirit Cultivator of Light s. At most, they would only release Spirit Wave s to each other, but most of the time they would just use Spirit Weapons to directly clash with the opponent, and from time to time they would even use Shadow Shift s to dodge their opponent's killing moves. Although the scene looked ordinary, it was actually extremely dangerous, and he could not afford to be distracted even a little, because the Shadow Shift was too strange. He did not know when the other party would appear next to him, and if he was not careful, he could lose his life and die a violent death.    


Even with Tang Yin's high cultivation, he did not dare to be careless when fighting against the Spirit Cultivator of Dark.    


The five opponents were all skilled fighters. Their movements were quick and quick, and their coordination was very good. Both sides clashed back and forth, and after twenty rounds of fierce battle, Tang Yin was not able to get even the slightest bit of advantage, and was instead attacked by the opponent.    


Tang Yin frowned, he suddenly waved his blade three times, forcing the surrounding Spirit Cultivator of Dark to retreat, following that, he activated Shadow Shift, dodging out of the opponent's attack range, but he did not retreat too far, he was only retreating about five meters away from his opponent.    


One of the Spirit Cultivator was the closest to Tang Yin. Without even thinking, she turned and pounced towards Tang Yin.    


Just as he was running around, he saw a dense Black Fog suddenly rising from Tang Yin's body. The Black Fog congealed in front of him but did not dissipate, quickly congealing into a strange humanoid shape, which was naked with short lower limbs and long limbs. It squatted on the ground and looked at its face with its arms on the ground.    


This is... Shadow Clone? The Spirit Cultivator of Dark who was charging towards Tang Yin, simply could not believe her eyes. This meant that when the Shadow Clone was released, the user would no longer have any spirit energy. On the battlefield, where would the Spirit Cultivator of Dark be able to use the Shadow Clone? Unless he didn't want to live anymore!    


The black-clothed man didn't fully understand Tang Yin's intention. Instead, he suddenly crouched down in front of Tang Yin, using his spiritual energy to form a humanoid monster. It let out a strange cry and pounced towards the black-clothed man. The black-clothed man instinctively thrust his spear forward, aiming for Tang Yin's doppelganger. However, the doppelganger's body was abnormally nimble; even in the air, with a twist of his waist, he managed to dodge the black-clothed man's deathblow. When the latter realized that the situation was bad and tried to use Shadow Drift to dodge it, it was already too late. The doppelganger moved past the black-clothed man like a bolt of lightning, and in the instant it passed through, the doppelganger opened his mouth and bit onto the black-clothed man's neck, and with a snapping sound, the spirit armor on the black-clothed man's neck along with the skin, blood vessels, and throat below was bitten by the doppelganger. The doppelganger then bit into a huge piece of the black-clothed man's neck, and blood immediately gushed out from the black-clothed man's throat.    


Aiya! The other four men in black watched as their companion was bitten to death by Tang Yin's Shadow Clone without even having the time to save him. The four men were shocked and angry at the same time as they roared in unison, and rushed towards Tang Yin's true body.    


At this time, the humanoid monster formed by the Shadow Clone turned back into spirit energy and quickly returned to Tang Yin's body. The latter dragged his sickle and fought with the four Spirit Cultivator of Dark s again.    


This time, Tang Yin also used his full strength in this fight. His blade moves were sometimes fierce, sometimes feminine, sometimes clashing head on with his opponent, and sometimes borrowing strength to fight with them. The four Spirit Cultivator of Dark s and Tang Yin had already fought for twenty rounds, and thus, he did not hold any advantage in the battle.    


Just as the opponent was fighting, he heard a long and low whistle from not too far away. Hearing the whistle, the four Spirit Cultivator of Dark s simultaneously jumped out of the circle, and then, one by one, they activated their Shadow Shift and scattered in all directions.    


Tang Yin frowned. Before he figured out the other party's identity and intentions, how could he let him leave? He did not even think about it, and suddenly, Black Fog s appeared around his body, and his figure disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already five meters away behind a black-clothed man.    


"If you want to escape, you can, but you have to survive!" Tang Yin let out a cold laugh as he took two large strides forward, and was only two meters away from his opponent. This was already within the range of his attack, so Tang Yin raised the scythe in his hand high up into the air, and with a whoosh, the scythe was engulfed by the burning Fire of Darkness, and continued to swing down fiercely.    


At the same time he killed his enemy, he also wanted to find out what exactly was going on. He lazily grabbed the living person and interrogated him, Tang Yin planned to directly use the Soul Combustion to absorb his opponent's soul.    


The terror of Fire of Darkness was not inferior to any kind of poison in the world. As long as they were stuck to the black flames, it would be difficult for even deities to live. Taking advantage of the continuous somersault, he finally managed to dodge Tang Yin's blade. Before his body completely stopped, he used the Shadow Shift to run up to the roof again, and used all of his strength to fly outwards.    


His movement technique was fast, but not as fast as Tang Yin's. The latter used Shadow Shift and with the help of Ru Ying, he appeared behind the black clothed man's back once again. This time, he lifted up with one leg and fiercely kicked the black clothed man's lower back. The black clothed man had only just finished using Shadow Shift, he did not think that Tang Yin's speed would actually be so fast.    


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