Tomin in The Alien World



0Under the discussion of Zhan Wushuang, Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao, Jiang Fan and the others, Xiao Shang finally agreed to the strategy of launching a sneak attack on Feng Army Camp.    


Based on Hao Zhao's intent, they should start their sneak attacks as soon as possible, and could not drag it out any further. But Zhan Wushuang felt that it was inappropriate, and felt that they should prepare the appropriate preparations before their sneak attacks, so as to confuse the enemy, and only then would they be able to win.    


Hao Zhao frowned and asked: "What is the general's plan? The enemy reinforcements may arrive at any time, and we have no time to lose. " Zhan Wushuang said in a serious tone: "I understand this, but General Hao should not underestimate Tianyuan Army. I have fought against Tianyuan Army several times, so I am well aware of Tianyuan Army's tricks. What dogshit ambush?! Hao Zhao disapproved of his words and was about to mock when Xiao Shang cut in: "Hao Zhao, let this General Wushuang finish talking and listen to her opinions." "Yes!" Hao Zhao unwillingly answered and waited for Zhan Wushuang to continue. Others may be afraid of Zhan Wushuang's reputation, but he did not care about it. He thought that Zhan Wushuang only had an undeserved reputation, if he was truly powerful, how could he have been beaten up so badly by Tianyuan Army?    


Zhan Wushuang did not care about Hao Zhao's contempt for him, he turned his eyes and looked at everyone, and finally smiled at Xiao Shang, and said: "Master Xiao, I have a plan." "Tomorrow morning, we will be able to send a capable general out of the city on our own initiative to invite the enemy into battle ?" Zhan Wushuang quickly explained his plan to them, then asked with a smile: "What do you think of this plan, everyone?" After everyone heard this, they looked at each other and fell into deep thought. After a while, Xiao Shang took the lead to clap his hands and said: "Good plan! "I think this plan of General Wushuang's works!" Although Hao Zhao did not reverence Zhan Wushuang, he had to admit that his thoughts were extremely meticulous. He muttered to himself for a moment, then said faintly: "I wonder who General Wushuang thinks should be sent to fight tomorrow?" Zhan Wushuang said: "I am not familiar with the generals of Your Army. Of course, the decision of who to fight should still be decided by the generals of Master Xiao, Hao and Jiang. However, I must remind all of you that even if this person's martial prowess is not the strongest, it must not be too weak. Otherwise, not only will it be ineffective, it will also arouse the suspicion of the enemy. " Xiao Shang nodded his head and replied: "Yes, yes, yes! "General Wushuang is right!" After he finished speaking, his eyes rolled back and forth, trying to decide who to send out for battle. Hao Zhao and Jiang Fan were definitely not suitable, the two of them were the pillars of their side, they must not be lost, and the two of them had already fought before, if they fought again, it would be difficult for them to achieve any results. After thinking for a while, he asked tentatively, "Hao Zhao, Jiang Fan, what do you think about sending Gu Feng out to fight?" He said that Gu Feng was an old general of Gaochuan County, only in his early forties, but he had already joined the army for more than twenty years. In terms of military age, he definitely had the most qualifications for him, and his Spiritual Martial Cultivation was not weak either.    


Jiang Fan was a taciturn person, he did not have much of an opinion, and upon hearing Xiao Shang's question, he did not reply. Hao Zhao did not even think about it, and nodded: "Master understands, this subordinate also has the same intentions." Hearing his words, Jiang Fan turned his head and looked at him strangely, sighing in his heart at the same time. On the other hand, Gu Feng was a veteran in the army. He had high prestige, with one standing at the peak and the other at the peak, there were many contradictions between the two. Now that Xiao Shang had proposed for Gu Feng to fight, Hao Zhao did not even think about it before nodding his head in agreement, which showed how deep the gap between the two of them was. Honestly speaking, Jiang Fan felt that sending Gu Feng wasn't appropriate, but the words that came out of his mouth in the end were stuck, and he swallowed them back down.    


Seeing that Hao Zhao agreed with his suggestion, Xiao Shang then asked Jiang Fan: "Jiang Fan, what do you think?" Jiang Fan cupped his hands and said: "I am willing to listen to sire!" Hearing that Jiang Fan did not have any objections, Xiao Shang nodded his head and said: "Alright! "Tomorrow morning, General Gu Feng will leave the city and lead the enemy out to fight!" "Yes!" Hao Zhao and Jiang Fan responded together, especially the former, who revealed a smile with the corners of their mouths raised.    


The next morning, the Zhangyu City door opened and a troop of horses surged out of the city. There were around ten thousand people leading them, and they were led by a middle-aged general who was riding a jujube red horse, wearing a gold chain armor, wearing a red robe, and wielding a crescent halberd in his hand.    


The Peng Army was a good battle formation, the middle-aged martial general urged his horse to the front of the formation, pointed his halberd at the Feng Army Camp, and called out Tang Yin's name to welcome him.    


Very quickly, Feng Soldier returned to the Central Army Tent and reported to Tang Yin.    


Right now, Tang Yin was still waiting for reinforcements, but when he suddenly heard that someone was taking the initiative to challenge him after leaving the city, he was startled and asked: "Who is the enemy?" "The other party claimed to be Gu Feng!" The soldier answered truthfully.    


"Gu Feng?" Tang Yin had no impression of this name, so he turned to Le Tian and Ai Jia and asked, "Who is Gu Feng?" Le Tian hastily replied: "Master, Gu Feng is an old general of the Gaochuan County County, not only is he well-known in the army, he is also an extremely prestigious figure even in the entire Gaochuan County!" "Oh!" Hearing Le Tian's introduction, Tang Yin nodded his head, it seemed that the other party had not sent out such an old general to fight, but rather to fight with them.    


Before he could say anything, Shangguan Yuan had already stepped forward. She cupped his hands and said, "Sir, this general is willing to fight against the enemy!" "Yes ?" Tang Yin muttered to himself, and did not immediately agree. A good blade was going to be used on the blade, although Shangguan Yuan was indeed powerful, Tang Yin was also not willing to let him continuously fight.    


Just then, Shangguan Yuanbiao spoke out: "Master, this general is willing to fight Gu Feng!" If it was someone else fighting with him, Shangguan Yuan would still be able to mock him. Now that he saw his brother asking him to submit, he frowned and didn't say anything.    


Tang Yin nodded and smiled, then said to Shangguan Yuanbiao: "Alright! Yuanbiao, I will fight with you this time, I will help you suppress the formation. However, since Gu Feng is an old general from the enemy army, he must be extraordinary too. You should be extra careful and not let down your guard. "Don't worry, milord, I understand!" Shangguan Yuanbiao took the order, and turned to walk out.    


Tang Yin did not waste any time in the tent, he immediately led the rest of the generals out of their own camp, to help Shangguan Yuanbiao fight the enemy.    


As for Shangguan Yuanbiao, after leaving the camp, he spurred his horse to charge straight to the front of the two lines, and when he was near the middle aged general, he reined in his horse, and sized him up, pouting his mouth, he raised his hand and took the bullet in his hand, and asked: "You are Gu Feng?" That's right! "Who are you?" The middle-aged general asked coldly.    


"Shangguan Yuanbiao!" Oh! "So it was Shangguan Yuan's brother!" Gu Feng scoffed, "Your brother does have some skills, but I wonder if he can compare with your brother by ten to twenty percent." Gu Feng understood that since Shangguan Yuan was so powerful, Shangguan Yuanbiao would definitely not be weak. If he wanted to win, he had to first anger his opponent, and only if his opponent lost his reason and made a mistake, would Shangguan Yuanbiao have the chance.    


Indeed. What Shangguan Yuanbiao hated the most was for others to use second brother's halo to judge him. After hearing Gu Feng's words, he was so angry that his eyes were wide open, his face flushed red, and he shouted: "Old Thief deserves to die, look at my spear!" As he spoke, he thrust the spear in his hand forward. When the spear stabbed out, it still maintained its original form, but when it arrived in front of Gu Feng, it also turned into a white spirit spear.    


Seeing that his opponent's spear was fast and fierce, Gu Feng did not dare to be careless.    


Just as he threw out Shangguan Yuanbiao's spear, the latter immediately retracted it and released his Soul-chasing Thorn.    


He secretly exclaimed in his heart. The two skills collided on the battlefield, and the muffled sound of collision rang out. Spirit waves also shot out in all directions, the wind whistled, and the dust on the ground flew up into the air.    


The two were of similar strength. In a battle, they were on par with each other, and the fight was especially intense. Shangguan Yuanbiao's heart was filled with resentment, he released his Spirit Martial Skills continuously, dodging whenever he could, dodging whenever he could, but on the surface, Shangguan Yuanbiao held the advantage and often put his opponent in a sorry state, but the spectators could tell with a glance that Gu Feng was intentionally accumulating spirit energy, in preparation for the later stages of the battle.    


Sigh! Tang Yin who was watching the battle secretly shook his head, during the battle, he was most afraid of leaving empty-handed, and the current Shangguan Yuanbiao was in this state, he reckoned that before long, he would not have enough strength left. At that time, he would definitely be able to harm the opponent's halberd. Thinking about this, he turned his head towards Shangguan Yuanwu and said, "Yuanwu, go and replace Yuanbiao." Although Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan Yuanbiao were twin brothers, his personality was much more stable than Yuanbiao's. He was worried for his brother's safety, so Yuanwu did not dare hesitate and immediately agreed, urging his horse to rush out of the formation and join the battle.    


Shangguan Yuanbiao, who was still immersed in his joy, saw Third Brother suddenly enter the battlefield, and was both anxious and annoyed. "Third Brother, why are you here?" "My lord is asking you to go back, I will accept the challenge!" Shangguan Yuanwu said.    


How could he be willing to let Shangguan Yuanbiao leave at this time? Yuanbiao did not look back, nor did he respond. He pretended not to hear anything, only that the spirit spear in his hand was as fast as lightning, thrusting towards Gu Feng's vital points one after another. If he did not retreat, Shangguan Yuanwu would definitely not retreat. Now, the two Shangguan brothers were fighting together with Gu Feng alone.    


No matter how powerful and experienced Gu Feng was, he could not withstand the combined efforts of Yuanwu and Yuanbiao. The two brothers and the two spirit spears caused Gu Feng's mother to be flustered and he did not even have the chance to speak words of mockery.    


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