Tomin in The Alien World



0As long as Sanshui Army and Chifeng Army arrived, the total strength of their side would approach five hundred thousand, and at that time, when they attacked Zhangyu City again, victory would be as easy as flipping his palm.    


Xiao Muqing's calculations were good, but things were unpredictable. An unexpected event had completely disrupted Tang Yin's plans.    


According to Sky Eye and Earth Web's investigation, Mo Country's two hundred thousand strong army had already begun to gather at the Feng Country And Mo Country's border, and were ready to attack Ba Pass at any moment.    


Ba Pass was the southern gate of the Feng Country, and its importance is equivalent to Tong Gate. No matter what, Ba Pass could not have any form of loss, and right now, the defending army of Ba Pass is only a mere thirty thousand people, so how could they resist the Mo Army of two hundred thousand people. Under such a situation, Tang Yin could only call for Le Tian to pass on a command to Sanshui Army, telling Liang Qi to stop his entire Sanshui Army from advancing towards the Zhangyu.    


As he passed down two orders in a row, although it would temporarily relieve the crisis of the Ba Pass, the reinforcements he had been counting on had also disappeared. At this time, he could only rely on his current hundred thousand odd troops to attack the Zhangyu alone.    


Facing such a situation, Tang Yin was of course very depressed. Back then, he took such a huge risk and sneaked into the Mo Country in order to prevent the Mo Country from mobilizing troops at the most critical moment, but whatever he was afraid of the result, the Mo Country now seemed to really have the intention of launching a war.    


After Tang Yin thought about it, he had Le Tian send a message to Sky Eye Scout, who was hiding in the capital of the Mo Country, to meet Shao Fang and ask him why he did not stop the Mo Country court from fighting him.    


Now, the imperial government of Mo Country was also in the midst of a dispute over whether or not to use wind soldiers.    


Both Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi were generals of the Ning Country, and Yan Chu was his right-hand man, so of course Yan Chu would save him. Yan Chu followed Zhan Wushuang's orders and gave the order for the officials stationed at the Mo Country to immediately pay respects to the king, requesting him to attack the Ba Pass and help the two brothers escape. Yan Chu also promised them that as long as the Mo Country was willing to save the Zhan brothers, the Ning Country would offer ten thousand gold and give up five seats in the city. This condition was sufficiently generous, and from this, it could be seen that they had spent a large amount of resources to protect Zhan Wushuang and her.    


Ten thousand gold was nothing to him, but the fact that the Ning Country was willing to give up five cities was simply too enticing. The border of the two countries of NingMo was a flat land with a thick land, abundant in food, rich in business and resources, and the Ning Country could cut off five cities. It was equivalent to having the Mo Country's territory expand outwards by several tens of miles, with an additional ten miles of fertile land appearing out of nowhere, causing the Mo Country's national power to increase by a large amount.    


With regards to Yan Chu's suggestion, Shao Ting was indeed moved, and without much thought, he agreed to it. He patted his chest and guaranteed that the Mo Country would send out troops, and could even attack the borders of the Feng Country to help the Zhan Clan brothers escape from the tight encirclement of the Feng Army.    


Seeing that Shao Ting had agreed straightforwardly, the Ning Country Historian cupped his hands in thanks and left contently. The next day, at Morning Meeting, Shao Ting explained everything that had happened, and when the Minister of Imperial Court heard it, they were all shocked.    


When everyone came back to their senses, they couldn't help but secretly shake their heads. Regardless of whether Shao Ting was right or wrong, for such a huge matter to be directly accepted Ning Country's request without even discussing it with the ministers; this was simply too reckless.    


However, Grand Preceptor Zhang Rong was extremely happy, he had always been close to the Ning Country, and after Shao Ting finished speaking, Zhang Rong was the first to stand out and express his stance, bowing to the ground, and said repeatedly: "The King is wise, accepting the Ning Country request, not only will it allow me to add five more cities, but we will also have to send out our Feng Country, and we can also seize the opportunity to seize the Ba Pass. With the Ba Pass in our hands, in the future, we will no longer have to fight against Feng Country, and we will be in an invincible position. "The King is wise!" Seeing that Zhang Rong had stood up and expressed his stance, all the ministers who were close to Zhang Rong also stepped forward, cupped their hands and bowed, then called Shao Ting wise.    


Seeing that, Shao Ting could not help but laugh.    


He had just laughed twice when he heard one of the ministers whimper. Shao Ting and the other officials were all startled. They didn't know who was so blind to cry at this time. Everyone turned to look, only to see that the one crying was none other than the Right Prime Minister, Dong Sheng.    


If it was anyone else, Shao Ting would have long been furious, even if he was not punished, he would have been expelled from the hall. The person crying was Dong Sheng, the anger in his heart had disappeared, and was replaced with confusion. "What are you crying about?!" It would have been better if he hadn't spoken. With that said, Dong Sheng took two steps forward and sat on the platform in front of the throne. Zhang Rong watched on from the side, gritting his teeth to the point that the roots of his teeth were itchy. What was this Dong Sheng pretending to be crazy for, what was he pretending to be stupid about?    


He took a deep breath, cupped his hands, and said to Shao Ting: "King, Dong Sheng is rude, for causing trouble in the imperial court, he should be punished!" Shao Ting had a lot of trust and support towards Dong Sheng. He sighed, stood up, walked up to Dong Sheng and pulled him up, then asked: "Why is My beloved deputy Dong crying?" At this time, Dong Sheng wiped the corner of his eyes, and faintly said: "I am crying for the King, crying for my Mo Country!" "What do you mean?" Great King, this is a wild ambition of the Ning Country, the entire world knows, today it gave us five cities, tomorrow it will take fifty from our hands! If the Great King accepts Ning Country's request today and helps us, then tomorrow the one suffering will be us! "This ?" After hearing what Dong Sheng had said, Shao Ting's initially excited mood immediately dropped to the bottom, his face revealing a serious expression.    


"Hmph!" At this time, Zhang Rong let out a heavy snort, and said: "Don't listen to Dong Sheng's nonsense, my great king. We have always been brothers, how can we be enemies ?" Before he finished speaking, Dong Sheng had already interrupted him with a loud voice: "All the merchants of my Great Mo Nation have travelled the entire world, and have only been expelled from their respective Ning Country. In the lower trading cities, all the generations of Sovereign Kings have spied on us and if they want to annex us, they will all die because of the obstruction of our Ning Country. What kind of brother's kingdom is Ning Country? The Lower Merchant Shop was not one of the Nine Great Dukes, it was an independent city whose Mayor was personally conferred by the Emperor of the Haotian Empire. In terms of status, it was one level lower than the Nine Great Marquis' Sovereign King and their territory was very small as well. The location of the Lower Merchant Shop was very interesting, situated between the Wind, Ning and Mo countries. Logically speaking, this kind of small city should not survive for long under the encirclement of the three powerful countries, but the Lower Merchant Shop had existed for hundreds of years. It was not because the Lower Merchant Shop had many armies and generals, and no one dared to invade it.    


When the Ning Country was about to attack it, it moved closer to the Mo Country, and when the Mo Country was about to attack it, it took the initiative to rely on the Ning Country. It wavered and wavered, and its history officials were also able to communicate and talk, resolving many crises in the lower merchant city. As a result, the lower merchant city miraculously survived for hundreds of years in a situation where it was weak yet surrounded by powerful countries.    


At this time, Dong Sheng proposed to go into the trading shop, causing Shao Ting to secretly take a deep breath. His brows slowly furrowed, his gaze floating towards Zhang Rong from time to time.    


Zhang Rong is also an old official, he has worked by Shao Ting's side for many years and is well aware of Shao Ting's personality. His heart skipped a beat as he hurriedly cupped his hands together and said, "Great Wang Mingwen, this old official has never received one piece of gold or one piece of silver for imparting Ning Country. Great Wang Ming, ah!" "Hehe!" Dong Sheng chuckled and said: "If Master Zhang has a clear conscience, there is no need to be so nervous!" Pausing for a moment, his gaze turned as he looked at Shao Fang, indicating that he should stand out and say a few words.    


Shao Fang understood and stepped forward, cupping his hands: "King Father, this son agrees with Prime Minister Dong's words. Using troops against the wind now, is not a wise move." "Oh?" She did not expect Shao Fang to say something like this, but Shao Ting was interested, and wanted to know what his views were. He smiled leisurely and said, "Fang, why don't you tell us why we shouldn't use the wind as soldiers?" Shao Fang took a deep breath, he looked around at the ministers and officials and said sternly: "In my opinion, Ning Country asking the King Father to send troops to save Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi is only a small reason, and it also has a much more important reason that it has yet to explain." "What is it?" "To drag our country into the water." Ah? When he said that, everyone present was shocked, they all looked at Shao Fang in disbelief, including Shao Ting.    


Shao Fang continued to speak: King Father, the current situation of the Feng Country seems to be extremely chaotic, but in truth, the strength of the Feng Country is still strong, especially the fighting strength of the Feng Army, it is even more powerful than during the time of Zhan Hua. With Zhan Wushuang, Zhan Wudi and the four hundred thousand soldiers leading them into the Feng Country, they have been completely annihilated by the Feng Army. Do we really have to lift up the entire nation's forces to fight the Feng Country just for the five cities that Ning Country has promised? Even if we win in the end, our nation's strength will be greatly damaged. Our losses are not something that a mere five cities can replace. Furthermore, from my point of view, Feng Country can be used to restrict Ning Country. The more fierce the fight between Feng Ning and his country, the more mutual consumption they will have, and the more advantageous it will be for my country. We should sit on the shore and watch the fire, and not take the initiative to interfere. These words of his basically analyzed every aspect of the situation, and made all the ministers present clap their hands in secret while even Zhang Rong, who was inclined to using Ning Country, had no words left, and did not know how to refute this.    


Dong Sheng's eyes lit up as he nodded his head repeatedly. His second prince's brain was indeed more astute than others, far beyond what his third prince could compare.    


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