Tomin in The Alien World



0The person who saved Wu Mei at the most critical moment was indeed Spirit Cultivator of Dark, and it was the hidden archer. Wu Mei was already Tang Yin's fiancee, and there was a portion of people from the hidden arrows protecting Wu Mei. It was just that there were not many people, and there were only three people in charge of protecting Wu Mei, so their power was limited. If they wanted to save someone, they could only save Wu Mei.    


As the area outside was surrounded by Sanshui Army, the moment Hidden Arrow Crew carried Wu Mei over the walls of the residence, they were immediately surrounded by the Sanshui Army soldiers outside. One of the Hidden Arrow Crew s immediately reached into his pocket and took out the badge for the Dark Arrow. The reputation of Dark Arrow was not something to brag about. Forget about ordinary soldiers, even if all the Regiment Chief s in the army were to commit a grave mistake, Hidden Arrow Crew s would have the right to first inspect and report. Seeing that the other party was from Hidden Arrow Crew, the Sanshui Army soldiers instinctively retreated, automatically opening a path for him. The three Hidden Arrow Crew disciples did not dare delay any longer. Carrying Wu Mei, they ran out with big strides.    


Just as they were about to leave, Liu Gang, who was chasing them from behind, arrived as well. Seeing the soldiers let them go, he was angry and shouted at the soldiers, "Who told you not to let them go? "What are you still standing there for? Chase after him!" But it was too late to chase now, so the Hidden Arrow Crew and Wu Mei had already escaped into the distance without a trace.    


Wu Mei was lucky to be saved by the Hidden Arrow Crew, but Wu Yu, his wives and Wu Ying did not have that much luck. These people were all captured by the Sanshui Army and temporarily imprisoned in a large house in the residence. At the same time, outside the Prime Minister's residence, everyone's Yan City had been thrown into chaos.    


Liang Xing who had obtained the military power was like a wild horse that had escaped the battlefield. He completely vented all of the anger and depression he had after losing his power, and even somewhat couldn't control his own emotions. At the same time, on the other side, Ziyang Haochun was also not idle either. He gathered all the Domestic Servant s and henchmen, himself, Liang Xing and the two trusted ministers together, forming a army of thousands, going to Tang Yin's residence, and besieging, who was the leader of the Tianyuan Army,    


Even if he had the Sanshui Army's Soldier Symbol and General's Crest, it would still not be possible for him to have the Sanshui Army go and exterminate Qiu Zhen's group. The Sanshui Army would not dare to do so, so after exterminating Qiu Zhen and the others, he could only rely on their own strength.    


As one of the four great nobles of Feng Country, Liang Xing's mind and conduct during battle were not ordinary. His style was also swift and decisive, his methods were sinister and there was even Ziyang Haochun, who was good at leading soldiers and battling, assisting him.    


Although Liang Xing's order was only to capture ministers loyal to Wu Yu, but the situation had quickly lost control. How could the ministers be willing to be captured, and their Domestic Servant s and henchmen be willing to fight with the Sanshui Army soldiers, because once they made a move, death or injury was inevitable, and once they saw that their brothers had died in the hands of their enemies, the Sanshui Army soldiers were no longer courteous. At this time, they no longer cared if they were capturing survivors or not, they would kill anyone they saw.    


The capture of the Sanshui Army had become a massacre, which was not surprising to Liang Xing. The ministers themselves all thought that they had Wu Yu as their backer, and that if Sanshui Army were to capture them at all, they would not be willing to do so obediently. As long as there was a fight, death or injury, the situation would immediately become tense. In fact, it was exactly as he had expected.    


Liang Xing snickered in his heart, kill! Killing all of Wu Yu's lackeys and minions would be good as well, as it would save him a lot of trouble in the future. Very quickly, news came again. Wu Yu and his family were captured alive by their side, and they were all imprisoned in the Prime Minister's Estate. This news made Liang Xing extremely excited. He never thought that capturing Wu Yu, this old cunning fox, would be so successful! He could not suppress the excitement in his heart and immediately sent someone to the Right Prime Minister Palace to bring Wu Yu to the palace.    


Right now, the Sanshui Army that Liang Xing commanded was already approaching the main entrance of the palace and what was in charge of guarding the palace were ten thousand Pingyuan Army.    


Seeing that there were so many Sanshui Army s in front of them, the Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army s were still confused as to what was happening.    


Liang Xing was immediately escorted by his many hanger-ons to the front of the carriage to call out the commander of the Pingyuan Army to speak. The person in charge of these ten thousand people was a regiment commander, called Cai Yuhu. He was born and bred in Pingyuan County, and he was tall, courageous and warlike. He could be considered one of the few fierce generals in Pingyuan Army.    


He knew Liang Xing, but he felt that it was precisely because of this that he felt that it was even more strange. He cupped his hands towards Liang Xing and said, "It turns out to be the Prime Minister Liang. This general is here to pay her respects." He said this without even bowing, much less kneeling.    


Liang Xing was secretly angry in his heart, but his expression remained the same. He said seriously: "You all can return, the palace guards are now replaced by Sanshui Army." Cai Yuhu frowned. The palace was always protected by Pingyuan Army, when did it change to Sanshui Army? How come he hadn't heard anything at all? His heart was filled with doubt as he asked, "Does Prime Minister Liang have any orders or orders from the lord?" Liang Xing only had the command medallion for the Sanshui Army, how could he have a command medallion for the Tianyuan Army? Furthermore, Tang Yin had never made the command medallion for the Tianyuan Army nor the Soldier Symbol. Liang Xing was already prepared for this. He reached into his bosom and took out an oracle, passing it to one of his henchmen and asking him to pass it to Cai Yuhu.    


Cai Yuhu suspiciously took it and opened up the message. This was not written by Tang Yin at all, it was stamped by the Great General, and the one inscribed below was also Ziyang Haochun. After he finished reading, Cai Yuhu didn't even think as he waved his hand to throw away the letter and said to Liang Xing, "This is not an order from the lord at all. If not for your order, I'm sorry, I wouldn't have gone anywhere!" Seeing this, Liang Xing's old face darkened. He stretched out his hand and pointed at Cai Yuhu's nose and shouted, "How dare you disrespect Great General's imperial edict and disobey his orders. What crime are you going to take?" Other people might be wary of Liang Xing, but Cai Yuhu didn't care about him at all. He also didn't put him in his eyes. "I will only obey the lord's orders, and only accept lord's orders and orders. If Prime Minister Liang is unable to take them out, then please leave as soon as possible!" With that, he impatiently waved his hand and turned to return to the palace.    


Being humiliated in public by a mere regiment commander, how could Liang Xing endure it? He turned around and screamed: "This man disobeys the general's orders, his intention is to rebel, and capture this man for me!" Following his words, the Sanshui Army soldiers moved. It was all Liang Xing's hanger-ons who moved forward, ready to capture Cai Yuhu.    


Several hundred Pingyuan Army soldiers at the palace gate swarmed forward, blocking Liang Xing's hanger-ons. At the same time, a series of creaking sounds of bowstrings being pulled tightly rang above the palace gate, and on the palace walls, thousands of Pingyuan Army soldiers nocked and nocked their bows, aiming at Liang Xing and the others who were outside.    


Liang Xing was shocked, he stared at the Pingyuan Army cultivators in front of his, gritting his teeth he said: "It's the opposite, all of you are the opposite!" After saying that, he turned around and shouted at the deputy generals of Sanshui Army and the regiment commanders, "Do you see that? These people are all rebelling! All of you, charge! Kill all of these rebel soldiers!" It was fine to let Sanshui Army catch the ministers of the imperial court, but to let them fight with Pingyuan Army while one of their own fought against another, no one dared to do such a thing, and no one wanted to do it from the bottom of their heart. After hearing Liang Xing's words, all the generals looked at each other, and lowered their heads, but did not say a word, and even more did not give any orders to fight.    


Seeing that, Liang Xing raised his eyebrows, took out the Soldier Symbol from the Sanshui Army, looked at the generals, and shouted: "You dare to disrespect my orders?" "This general dares not ?" Seeing the Soldier Symbol, all the generals had ugly expressions on their faces, and all knelt down.    


"Since you don't want to disobey, then attack now and destroy all the rebels occupying the palace!" Liang Xing shouted.    


All of the Sanshui Army s looked at each other in dismay, but did not say a word.    


Unable to control the palace, there was no possibility of him being called king. The plan had completely failed, and Liang Xing was furious and anxious, his eyes were about to spew fire, he turned around and pulled out a Steel Sword from one of his henchmen, pointing at the generals, he shouted: "Whoever dares to disobey the order, I want his head now!" Seeing Liang Xing acting like a madman, all the generals felt a chill in their hearts. Under Liang Xing's coercion, they all stood up and looked at each other, shaking their heads and sighing. How was he going to fight this battle? He and Pingyuan Army were both one family, moreover Pingyuan Army was the strongest amongst them in terms of fighting strength. Now that they were relying on the palace walls for defense, even if their side had many people, they still wouldn't be able to fight their way in!    


Everyone looked at each other and nodded in tacit understanding. Then, they cupped their hands towards Liang Xing and said, "Yes! "As you command!" Seeing that the generals were finally willing to listen to his commands, Liang Xing's face relaxed a little. He rolled his eyes and said: "We have a lot of people, but the rebel army is small. Don't attack, spread out and attack from all sides!" Liang Xing was not an ordinary person with an empty stomach. As the Left Prime Minister, he had read through military strategies and was well versed in the way of the use of troops.    


This time, the generals of Sanshui Army did not hesitate and agreed. According to Liang Xing's orders, the entire army would be split into four parts, and be split into four different groups to attack the palace from the east, south, west.    


As the Sanshui Army attack unfolded, the inside and outside of the palace were instantly engulfed in a sea of shouts and cries of slaughter. It was just that the people were shouting so loudly, but not a single one of them actually stepped forward to attack. From afar, they only saw Pingyuan Army shouting on the palace walls and outside of the walls. Both sides had not fought, nor had they shot arrows at each other.    


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