Tomin in The Alien World



0Although the black clothed man had used Tang Yin to dodge the attack, he could still catch up to Tang Yin if he wanted to. But he felt that it was no longer necessary, as the other party did not have any intentions of talking to him, and even if he did catch up, they would still have to fight. Furthermore, he was not a person of the Ann Country, so there was no need to help them get rid of all the harm.    


Glancing at the direction that the black clothed man disappeared in, Tang Yin shook his head, he turned around and was about to leave when he suddenly saw a flash of black light from the corner of his eyes. He lowered his head to take a closer look. There was a jagged metal plate among the grass on the ground. Curiously, he picked it up and held it in his hand.    


The sign looked like it was made of black iron. It was heavy in his hand, and there were patterns and words on both sides. On one side, there was a painting of mountains and rivers, on the other side of the mountains, there were white clouds encircling the area, and waterfalls were flowing rapidly. On the other side, there was a painting of mountains and rivers, on the other side, there were white clouds, and on the other side, there were waterfalls flowing, and on the other side of the painting, there were ripples of water.    


Landscape painting, dark; chrysanthemums, flowers! What did that mean? Tang Yin held the plate, and could not understand no matter how much he thought about it. After pondering for a while longer, he shook his head, took off his spirit armor, and casually put the metal token back into his pocket. This tablet might have fallen from that man in black just now. Although Tang Yin could not understand what this man in black meant, but he reckoned that he belonged to an organization and not an ordinary thief who would fight alone. This tablet, seemed like it was also the badge that the man in black held.    


What kind of organization would want a baby that was only a few months old? He thought to himself as he walked out of the forest. There were many wonders in the boundless universe, but it seemed that the world outside the Feng Country was much more complicated than he had imagined!    


Just as Tang Yin walked out of the forest, he heard the sound of rushing wind in front of him. At the same time, three Spirit Cultivator s wearing spirit armor jumped out from the pile of grass in front of him.    


The three of them sized Tang Yin up without blinking, and their eyes shone with a strange light, it was the Arts of Clairvoyance of the Light.    


"Spirit Cultivator of Dark!" The three of them spoke at the same time as they examined Tang Yin.    


This is bad! Tang Yin was very smart, he immediately realised that there was a misunderstanding. The man in black was Spirit Cultivator of Dark, he was also Spirit Cultivator of Dark, but the man in black was running towards the forest, and he just happened to be coming out from the forest. How could there be such a coincidence in the world? "Without waiting for the three to answer, he forced out a laugh and raised his eyes to look at them." "Would you believe me if I told you I was someone who just happened to pass by?" Hearing this, the three Spirit Cultivator s were either amused or angered. All of them laughed at the same time, and the one in the middle took a step forward and said faintly, "Are you trying to fool a ghost?" The woman on his left sneered and said, "You are also a rare prodigy. Since you have the guts to do so, why don't you admit it?" Looking at Tang Yin's age, cultivators with Spirit Heaven Stage could definitely be called peerless geniuses. However, his cultivation was not obtained from cultivation, but through the absorption of the Fire of Darkness, which had nothing to do with his own talent. After hearing what the other party said, Tang Yin understood that he would not be able to get rid of the trouble, so there was no point in speaking any further, he could only fight with the three of them.    


"It's hard to believe, but I did track that thief down here, but I know you won't believe me. Since you won't believe me, then do it!" Tang Yin waved to the three of them with a relaxed expression. At the same time, he covered his arms with his spirit armor.    


To only cover his arms with Spirit Armor, this was half a Spirit Armored Materialization, with the opponent's cultivation, of course it would not be so weak, then why only half a Spirit Armored Materialization was completed? The three men looked puzzled. The man in the middle said, "Show me your sword!" Tang Yin shrugged and said: "There's no need for that, just make your move!" What an arrogant tone! Regardless of whether Tang Yin was the thief who stole the baby, just his words alone made everyone feel infuriated. The three Spirit Cultivator s looked at each other, then fanned out and trapped Tang Yin in the center. Without any warning, the three of them attacked at the same time. Three Spirit Swords pierced towards Tang Yin's chest from the front and back, under the left side of his ribs.    


The three of them attacked from three different directions at an astonishing speed. They felt that even if they couldn't harm their opponent, they would at least be able to fluster him around.    


But unexpectedly, Tang Yin stood at his original position, the ground beneath his feet seemed to be rooted to the ground, he just swayed left and right, first moving back and dodging the Spirit Sword by his side, then leaning to the side, dodging the deadly attack behind him, when the Spirit Sword in front of him stabbed towards him, Tang Yin did not dodge, but directly extended his hand out to grab, and instantly caught the Spirit Sword in his hand.    


The only female out of the three Spirit Cultivator made the move in front of him. Seeing Tang Yin grabbing onto her spirit sword, she secretly thought that he was courting death, so he channeled all of his strength into his arm and thrusted forward. The sharpness of the spirit sword far surpassed that of the spirit armor. In her opinion, it was impossible for the opponent to grasp onto her spirit sword with just the spirit armor in her hand.    


Her assumption was not wrong. Spirit Weapons were indeed much harder than Spirit Armors, but there was a prerequisite. Both sides' cultivation levels were roughly equal. Furthermore, her cultivation was only around the Spirit Origin Realm, which was a huge gap compared to Tang Yin, so how could her spirit sword escape from Tang Yin's grasp?    


Even if she had used all his strength, Tang Yin's palm was like a Iron Forceps, grabbing onto the spirit sword's body without moving at all. The other two Spirit Cultivator s also realized that she was in danger and rushed forward to rescue his, but before the two could reach Tang Yin, the latter had already pulled back the Spirit Sword in her hand at an extremely fast speed, causing the to be unable to stand still and fall into Tang Yin's embrace. Taking the chance when she was shocked, his body froze for a moment, and then Tang Yin seized the Spirit Sword in her hand and twisted it into a ball. Tang Yin was joking, but after the female Spirit Cultivator finished listening, her face was red and purple. Fortunately, she was wearing the spirit armor, so no one could see her face, otherwise she would have had to find a hole to hide in. At this time, she did not know what he was feeling, but with a laugh, he waved his fists towards Tang Yin's smiling face.    


Tang Yin did not have any spirit armor on his, if she really struck him, his head would probably be shattered too, but she was fast enough to punch, so Tang Yin's movements was even faster. With a sudden sweep of his feet, the Spirit Cultivator's fist had not even reached him, but he had already fallen down horizontally. Just as he said that, a group of Black Fog s rose up around him, and he had already disappeared into thin air. In the instant that he disappeared, the two Spirit Swords had also arrived from behind, but of course they did not pierce Tang Yin, but only the Black Fog s that he had released while he was using his Shadow Shift.    


"Yu, are you alright?" dodged, the other two Spirit Cultivator s rushed forward and pulled the up from the ground, sizing her up, and seeing that he was not injured, the two of them heaved a sigh of relief.    


The Spirit Cultivator also had lingering fear ashe broke out in a cold sweat. After standing up, she subconsciously touched his face and sighed in relief. The two Spirit Cultivator s glared at Tang Yin, gritting their teeth as they roared and charged towards Tang Yin again.    


At this time, the Spirit Cultivator reached out and grabbed the two of them by the arms. He shook his head and said, "He is not the same Thief from before. There is no need to fight anymore." Hearing her words, the two Spirit Cultivator s were shocked. They turned to look at her and asked, "Why do you say that?" If he really is that Thief from before, she definitely has the chance to silence me. But, he ? "He did not do so." It was not easy to admit that his skills were inferior, but she had to admit that the young man in front of his was unbelievably powerful. If he was a Thief, he wouldn't even need to run, and even if they tied him up, they wouldn't be able to hurt him.    


After hearing what she said, the other two Spirit Cultivator s frowned. Thinking about it, her words made sense, the three of them had already seen his true appearance, if he was really a thief, they had to kill him.    


Without waiting for the two to speak, Tang Yin who was over ten meters away chuckled and said: "This lady is much more understanding than my two friends, how about it? Do you want to try again? " "Hmph!" The two Spirit Cultivator s could not stand Tang Yin's arrogant attitude. Both of them snorted and said, "Even if you are not a thief, that does not mean that you are not related to that person!" Tang Yin laughed, but it was just a laugh from anger, he muttered: "Looks like you guys have lived a peaceful life for too long, even your brain will degenerate. If people with Ann Country are idiots like you guys, sooner or later their nation will be destroyed." His voice wasn't loud, but it was loud enough for the three people in front of him to hear him clearly. The expressions of the three Spirit Cultivator s changed as they asked in unison, "Who are you?" "Tang Chu, Ranger!" Tang Yin then gave them his usual fake name, along with the fact that he had added a ranger to hide his identity. He smiled to the three of them and said: "Everyone should put more effort into becoming a real thief. After he finished speaking, Tang Yin's figure disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already twenty meters away, and then his figure had once again disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already left with a tiny back amidst the darkness.    


It was too fast, so fast that the three of them didn't even have the desire to chase after it. With three flashes, Tang Yin's body disappeared from their line of sight, looking at the direction he left in, the three of them muttered at the same time: "Tang Chu ?."    


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