Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin said, and immediately stopped Wu Mei from talking. She changed the topic and said: "Then ? "Little Ying and I will stay at the camp." Hehe! Tang Yin snickered in his heart, but nodded with a serious expression on his face: "It's been hard on you two, although you guys are staying in the camp, you have to be careful!" "Don't worry, with me and Xiao Ying here, we will be safe!" Wu Mei patted her chest and guaranteed unwittingly.    


The surrounding generals looked at each other, silently laughing. Tang Yin's words could only fool Wu Mei, the Peng Army was currently trapped inside the city, how could he have the energy to arrange an ambush? Furthermore, given the topography of Zhangyu City, there was no place to set up an ambush.    


After he finished preparing the plan to attack the city, Tang Yin refunded and had everyone go back to prepare.    


That night, Tang Yin was still awake and was looking at the Zhangyu City map in the tent. At this time, a guard called out from outside the tent: "Master, General Ai requests an audience!" Not knowing how late it was, when Ai Jia had come to look for him, Tang Yin said: "Let her come!" Yes! "My lord!" Not long after, Ai Jia walked in from outside the tent with large strides. Seeing her walk forward and his charge, Tang Yin couldn't help but laugh. He collapsed on his side and asked: "Ai Jia, what's the matter?" "My lord!" "Ai Jia walked up to Tang Yin and handed a piece of paper over to him, saying:" This is what I just received. " Tang Yin curiously took it, opened the slip of paper, and his eyes brightened up as he exclaimed: "It's from Jiang Lou?!" "That's right!" Ai Jia replied seriously.    


Tang Yin sat up on the collapsed ground and observed carefully. The letter was indeed sent from Shang Jing by Jiang Lou. As it was a message sent by a pigeon, the letter was not big, and was sent from Yan City to Gaochuan County, it was only a small piece of paper with very few words written on it. Jiang Lou only stated that he had arrived in Shang Jing, and was about to pay his respects to one of the imperial court's important officials.    


After he finished looking, Tang Yin shook his head. He and the enemy had fought from the Wan City all the way to the Gaochuan County, and it had been such a long time since Jiang Lou had arrived at Shang Jing. He muttered to himself for a moment, then said to Ai Jia: "Write a reply letter to Jiang Lou, tell him... Traitor Zhong Tian, you can be eliminated in the next few days, so increase his speed, don't drag me down. " "Oh ?" Ai Jia asked uncertainly, "Should I write this book?" Such an important message, Tang Yin should be the one writing it.    


Tang Yin laughed, and asked: "Did you not hear what I said?" "No, no!" Ai Jia shook her head.    


"Just write it as I say, and when you are done, seal it with my seal." Saying that, he pointed to the County Head official seal on the table. Tang Yin's handwriting was not good, and he could not write properly, so he very rarely started writing on his own, and usually, Qiu Zhen would write on his own, so now that Qiu Zhen was not around, he could only take the materials and entrust it to Ai Jia.    


Ai Jia did not dare delay any further, and immediately went in front of the handsome table to grind and prepare pen and paper. After she was done, Ai Jia bent down, picked up the pen, and looked at Tang Yin with an inquiring look. He did not dare to write the brush himself. Tang Yin waved to her, gesturing for her to sit beside him, and said: "The traitor will be gone soon, so go handle the Shang Jing matters as soon as possible. If you encounter any difficulties, send a letter to report them." Tang Yin spoke slowly. He said a paragraph, Ai Jia wrote a paragraph, and when Tang Yin finished writing, Ai Jia finished writing. She blew on the ink on the paper and passed it to Tang Yin, asking him to take a look. Tang Yin looked at it and confirmed that there were no mistakes. He smiled at Ai Jia and said: "I can't tell, but your handwriting is still so beautiful!" It was rare to hear such praise from Tang Yin, causing Ai Jia's jade face to redden as she explained in a low voice, "I started learning words since I was five." "Not bad." Tang Yin praised it and took up the seal, covering it and handing it over to Ai Jia.    


Ai Jia carefully rolled up the slip of paper and twisted it into a thin strip. Then, she took out a piece of paper and wrapped it around herself and took out the paraffin.    


Just then, Tang Yin's gaze returned to the map, and asked casually: "Ai Jia, tell me, out of the four groups that have come to attack us, which one of them could be stopped in the middle of an attack?" Who would have thought that Tang Yin would suddenly ask for his opinion? As Ai Jia sealed the letter, she said: "Master's strategy is much better than mine, since Master has already arranged everything, there shouldn't be a problem." Tang Yin laughed, "Ai Jia, when did you learn the same trick as Xiao Muqing?" Ai Jia blushed when she heard Tang Yin's words. After pondering for a moment, she said in a low voice, "This subordinate thinks that the ones that are unsteady should be the ones that sire should be at ease ?" Tang Yin froze and looked at Ai Jia suspiciously.    


Ai Jia explained: "Even though General Yuanyu is courageous and unparalleled, his main attack is on the South City, which is the strongest defense side of the Zhangyu. I thought that Zhong Tian and Zhan Wushuang would personally go to the city to lead, and Zui Fengjian would definitely be there as well. "Oh!" Tang Yin thoughtfully nodded his head, the army that he had given to Yuan Jean was twenty thousand, with twenty thousand troops led by Yuan Yue, it would not be a problem even if he attacked the enemy's side with the strongest defense, but if Zui Fengjian was also present, then the situation would not be good. But thinking about it, Tang Yin felt that there was nothing wrong, after all he had stabbed Zui Fengjian twice, no matter how profound his cultivation was, it was impossible for him to recover in such a short period of time, and he wanted to use his injured body to block the attack, it was basically impossible.    


After thinking about it, Tang Yin still gave a comforting smile and said: "I understand." Although Ai Jia's considerations were excessive, having an idea was better than not having an idea. If she wanted to become an outstanding general, she needed a clever mind.    


"Sir, it's done." Ai Jia handed over the sealed letter to Tang Yin, and the latter took it in his hands and nodded his head repeatedly. Although Ai Jia was a heroine, she was still very nimble, the letter she sealed was exquisite and dense, tied to the leg of the pigeon.    


He said, "Well done." "Send the book back to Shang Jing as soon as possible." Yes! "My lord!" Ai Jia respectfully replied.    


It was only now that Tang Yin started to carefully study Ai Jia. Although she was still as valiant and valiant as before, she still felt that she had become a lot thinner. Tang Yin secretly sighed, it seems that Yue Tian and Ai Jia had truly been tired to this point.    


Seeing that Ai Jia was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something. She reached out his hand to stop her, then pointed to an exquisite small box under the table. She frowned and said: "This is the tonic that was just sent over from the Yan City, it would take up space here, eat it!" Tang Yin was very concerned about Ai Jia. She was a woman, after all, and couldn't be compared to a strong man. However, if he was concerned about something, he couldn't say it.    


In fact, all of these supplements were brought over from the Yan City by the soldiers whom Su Yelei had specially entrusted with the operation. A while ago, Tang Yin and Zui Fengjian were heavily injured during their fight, and his body was extremely weak.    


Ai Jia revealed a surprised face and asked: "This ? "Won't adults eat it?" Me? "Hehe!" Tang Yin laughed, "I am full, and slept soundly. Why would I need supplements? "Alright, stop talking so much nonsense, just take it away." Seeing Tang Yin not caring about anything, Ai Jia's heart warmed, and his tears almost fell. Who didn't know that tonic was a good thing? Tang Yin did not eat it, but he was willing to give it to the warriors under him.    


Ai Jia was moved. With tears in her eyes, she did not reject anymore. She carefully picked up the box and said with a trembling voice, "Thank you, Master." "Ah, nothing else." That... "This subordinate will take his leave." When Ai Jia left the tent, Tang Yin looked at her back and warned her, "You don't have to do everything yourself. You can leave it to the brothers below to do whatever you want." Ai Jia's personality was too strong, because Sky Eye and Earth Web's responsibilities were the same, she had to compare everything to Le Tian.    


"Yes!" Your subordinate understands. "My lord, please rest early as well!" Ai Jia responded softly as she turned her head to look deeply at Tang Yin. Then, she walked out of the tent.    


Whoosh! After Ai Jia left, Tang Yin heaved a sigh of relief. If it was said that he did not think highly of Ai Jia before, now, he truly admired him from the bottom of his heart.    


Just as Ai Jia was about to leave, the sound of footsteps came from outside the tent. Following that, the curtain was lifted, and another person walked in.    


There was only one person who could directly enter her own tent without being reported by her bodyguards, Wu Mei. Tang Yin looked at Wu Mei and saw that her face was tight, there was not a trace of a smile on her face, her expression was gloomy, and fire flickered in her eyes from time to time. Seeing her like this, Tang Yin frowned, he did not know how he managed to offend this young miss.    


"Xiao Mei, why have you come?" Tang Yin looked at her with a smile as if nothing had happened.    


Wu Mei walked up to him and frowned. "I couldn't sleep, so I came to see you!" After pausing for a moment, she asked again, "Did General Ai just leave?" Tang Yin nodded and said: "Yes, Ai Jia is looking for me to discuss military matters." "If we can discuss military matters, we can even discuss crying!" Wu Mei looked at Tang Yin with a deeper meaning.    


Hearing that, Tang Yin felt a headache, that's right, if we were to discuss military matters and be able to cry, then that would be the biggest joke in the world. Looking at Wu Mei's ice-cold face, Tang Yin was not anxious at all. Instead, he felt a sweet sensation in his heart. He reached out to grab Wu Mei's wrist and pulled him back at the same time.    


Tang Yin waved his hand on her head, and the jade hairpin that was wrapped around her hair looked like it had been released from magic. The embroidered hair on her head fell down like a waterfall, and Tang Yin caressed her smooth and black hair as he whispered into his ear, "Don't misunderstand, I have always treated my subordinates like brothers." Wu Mei laid in Tang Yin's embrace, his jade face flushed red. "But ? "But General Ai is a woman!" "Women are like my sisters!" Tang Yin picked up a strand of her embroidered hair and brought it to his nose. Taking a deep breath, he greedily took in a whiff of the intoxicating fragrance.    


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