Tomin in The Alien World



0After this battle, the four hundred thousand Ning Army who had penetrated deep into the Feng Country had basically been annihilated, and in the end only Zhan Wushuang, Zhan Wudi and the few hundred veterans remained. Zhong Tian's side was in an even more miserable state, and besides Zui Fengjian, no one was left by his side.    


Originally, Zhong Tian still had a sliver of hope, hoping that his son Zhong Wu would be able to escape the siege with his outstanding Spiritual Martial Cultivation. However, very quickly, news came back that Zhong Wu had already died on the battlefield, and his corpse was also hung at the head of the city walls of the Jian City.    


Zhan Wudi also advised Zhong Tian to keep the green mountain here, to not be afraid of fire and wood. As long as he could return to the Ning Country, there was still hope to make a comeback and take revenge. After Zhong Tian heard this, he did not react at all, but the hatred in his heart made his teeth itch. If Zhan Wudi had not insisted on taking him away, how could Zhong Wu have died on the battlefield? In the end, he even suffered a violent corpse.    


However, he also knew in his heart that no matter how much he hated Zhan Wudi, it would be useless. If he wanted to take revenge, he could only rely on the Zhan brothers.    


Zhong Tian and Ning Jun's next target was Fang City, but from the Jian City to the Fang City, they were still hundreds of miles away. No matter how fast they were walking, they would need to walk for at least three or four days.    


But at this time, Zhong Tian and Ning Army's situation was extremely difficult, the upper and lower class members were exhausted to the extreme, and they were also extremely hungry. Including Zhong Tian, it had already been two to three days since the last time they ate anything decent. The soldiers below were in an even worse state because everyone was more or less injured, and there were no medicines in the army, so coupled with the lack of rest time, the wounds slowly worsened, and the small injuries on their bodies became serious, while the heavy injuries became serious. Just by walking for a day, the wounds of many soldiers started to emit a rotten stench. After a night of rest, when they had to continue on their journey the next day, dozens of people were unable to get up. Some of them had died from the deterioration of their wounds, while others had fever from their wounds and were unable to continue walking.    


It was a difficult task for a woman to make a meal. No matter how good Zhan Wushuang was at governing armies, or how good at commanding, at this time, he was helpless.    


Looking at those soldiers who were lying on the ground dying and unable to walk, Zhan Wushuang ordered, with tears in his eyes, to stab them all to death, giving them an easy end.    


Zhong Tian and Ning Jun were heading towards the Fang City in the south. One of them walked, one died, and there were still hundreds of them. When they went to defend their Fang City three days later, there were only a few hundred people left.    


As the saying goes, there is no double blessing and no double misfortune. This saying is true. The news of Zhong Tian and Ning Jun's defeat had long been spread to the Fang City, and when the Mayor found out that Zhong Tian and Ning Jun only had a hundred or so people left, he immediately ordered them to close the city, and not to let Zhong Tian and Ning Jun.    


Right now, Zhong Tian and Ning Jun had almost become gods of plague, causing people to be unable to avoid them.    


Looking at the tightly shut Fang City of the city gate, Zhong Tian, Zhan Wushuang and the other two felt their hearts tremble, all of them rushed forward to shout, ordering the Mayor to immediately open the city gate and allow them to enter. But no matter how they shouted, the did not question or answer them, pretending to be deaf and mute.    


This time, Zhong Tian and the others could finally see that the had turned to the side of the Tianyuan Army.    


Zhong Tian couldn't help but sigh towards the sky. When he was crowned king, the various counties, counties, and cities all prostrated themselves to him. But now that he had met with difficulties, these loyal and righteous County Head, the county leaders, and the Mayor s actually did not have a single person who was loyal to him. They all turned to Tang Yin;    


However, no matter how fierce he was, it was useless. With over a hundred of them, it was impossible to forcefully attack Fang City, and they had no choice, but to fear that the pursuers behind them would arrive. They could only bypass the Fang City and continue south.    


It could be said that the fact that Zhong Tian and Ning Jun had been rejected by the Mayor was an added insult to injury. Forget about the warriors below, even Zhan Wushuang, Zhan Wudi and the other two were so hungry that their eyes shone with a green light, as though they wanted to eat someone.    


They could not enter the Fang City, so this time, Zhong Tian and Ning Jun chose to head straight for the southern gate of the Feng Country? Ba Pass.    


Along the way, Zhan Wudi said to Zhong Tian weakly: "Your Majesty, your subjects have betrayed you one by one and have turned against Tang Yin. If the general of Ba Pass has betrayed you, we won't be able to leave the Feng Country, we won't be able to enter the Mo Country!" Zhong Tian could not help but take in a breath of cold air. After pausing for a moment, he shook his head and said with certainty: "N-no! Although is not one of my trusted aides, I have placed my eyes and ears on him long ago. If he really comes into contact with Tang Yin, there is no way he can hide it from me. " Zhan Wudi glanced at Zhong Tian doubtfully, and said faintly: "Let's hope so!" Now, Zhan Wudi no longer had any confidence in Zhong Tian.    


The spy Zhong Tian was talking about was naturally the Deputy General Zhou Shun who possessed the Ba Pass. Zhou Shun was Zhong Tian's direct descendant and his trusted aide. Back then, when Zhong Tian arranged for Zhou Shun to enter Ba Pass, it was obviously not because he had predicted that would one day escape from his Ba Pass, but because he felt that the location of his Ba Pass was extremely similar to that of his Tong Gate. It was also because of how important it was that he had it firmly in his grasp.    


Now, he was secretly glad that he had made the right decision in arranging Zhou Shun's Ba Pass.    


The distance from Fang City to Ba Pass was not too far, but it was still over a hundred miles long. When they were two miles away from the Ba Pass and the outline of the city wall appeared before them, Zhong Tian and the rest could no longer move any further. Zhan Wushuang sent a soldier to ride his war horse to the Ba Pass first, and wanted him to personally lead Ying Bu out of the city to welcome him.    


There was no need for Zhan Wushuang to send someone to inform them, as Ba Pass's spies had already brought back the news beforehand. Ying Bu already knew that they were outside of the Ba Pass.    


At the same time, Ying Bu couldn't help but secretly admire Tang Yin's foresight. At first, when Tang Yin had passed by the Ba Pass a few months ago, he had told him that Zhong Tian would definitely enter the Mo Country from the south. At that time, he didn't believe it at all but he didn't expect that Tang Yin had actually calculated the progress of the situation correctly, and Zhong Tian had really escaped to his own Ba Pass.    


Ying Bu did not stay in the manor for long, he immediately gathered all of the Member under his command and went up to the North City Building. He looked around, but did not see any trace of Ning Jun, he frowned his brows, and asked the messenger: "Didn't you say that Zhong Tian and Ning Jun are outside of the Ba Pass? "Where is he?" Hearing that Ying Bu did not call him King Zhong Tian, but had instead called him by name, the spy was shocked, he stood there in a daze, unable to react. The surrounding generals looked at each other, nodding their heads slightly. It seemed that Ying Bu had changed his mind and was now on Tang Yin's side.    


They had followed him for seven or eight years guarding the Ba Pass, and had already become loyal to him since long ago. As a result, no matter what decision Ying Bu made, they would always support him, but of course, if Ying Bu chose to go against Tang Yin, in the eyes of the generals, it would be extremely wise. At the very least, they would be able to stay in the Feng Country, and not have to follow Zhong Tian and escape.    


"Say something!" After not hearing the spy's reply for a long time, Ying Bu turned around in dissatisfaction, glared at the spy and asked: "Where are Zhong Tian and Ning Jun?" The scout came back to his senses and hastily pointed ahead. "Yes," he said. "Over there, the distance from there to our city is only two Li. However, there aren't many people in the Ning Army, only a hundred or so people. Since there aren't any flags, the general might not be able to see them clearly." "A hundred people?" Ying Bu was startled at first, but after that he couldn't help but laugh, and muttered: "I really didn't think that the mighty four hundred thousand soldiers would be beaten to the point where there would only be a hundred people left. Haha, this is truly raising my morale, the might of extinguishing Ning Country!" "Haha?" Now, they were one hundred percent certain that Ying Bu had indeed turned against Tang Yin, and everyone more or less heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts.    


"What are the generals laughing at?" Following his strange and sinister voice, Zhou Shun strolled up to the city walls accompanied by a few personal guards.    


If it was said that Ying Bu was somewhat afraid of Zhou Shun in the past, then now, he no longer had any worries in his heart. He straightened his back, smiled leisurely, and asked, "Does General Zhou know that Ning Jun has arrived outside my Ba Pass City?" Hearing that, Zhou Shun's face was immediately filled with smiles, he nodded his head and said: "I also just received the news, so I came to take a look." Humph! Ying Bu sneered, but just as he was about to speak, one of the soldiers turned around and shouted, "General, there is a horse coming from outside the city!" "Oh?" Ying Bu's spirit was roused, and he anxiously looked out of the city. Sure enough, they saw a cavalry soldier quickly rushing over. This man was wearing a steel helmet and Steel Armor s of Ning Country, with a white tassel on his head, one could tell at a glance that he was a Ning soldier.    


"Ning Soldier!" "It's the Ning Country's cavalry!" Seeing that it was Ning Bing, Zhou Shun was more excited than anyone else and jumped up and down on the city gate tower. He looked extremely happy, as if he had seen his own biological father and mother.    


Ying Bu watched on coldly from the side. He did not know what Zhou Shun was happy about, and he did not even know that a great catastrophe was about to befall him.    


"General Ying Bu, what are you waiting for?" "Quickly open the city gates and welcome the Ning Army into the city!" Zhou Shun seemed to have completely forgotten himself, as he did not notice the strange gazes that were being shot at him and the surrounding generals.    


After hearing Zhou Shun's words, all the generals raised their arms and placed them on the swords at their waists. As long as Ying Bu gave the order, they would not hesitate to kill him.    


But Ying Bu did not say anything, and instead said: "Alright! "We're leaving the city!" While speaking, he waved his arm towards the Member under his command, and took the lead to walk down the city walls.    


Ying Bu, Zhou Shun and a few other generals brought along their three thousand horses and rushed out of the city gate. They lined up outside the city, waiting for the arrival of the Ning Country Cavalry.    


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