Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin easily killing Middle General Xu Hui made Li Qi and the Peng Soldier General of Peng Country below pale in fright. Their expressions were panicked, they were helpless, and their hearts were all in their throats.    


On the other hand, Qiu Zhen took the chance and shouted: "Master is only faking his death, his goal is to lure the enemy out of the city, now the enemy has fallen into Master's plans, all our soldiers charge forward, kill all enemy troops!"    


The soldiers on their side could not tell whether the person who appeared behind the Peng Army was Tang Yin or not, but hearing Qiu Zhen say so, they believed seventy to eighty percent of him. Very quickly, the news that Tang Yin was still alive spread across the entire army, and this sudden joyous news caused the originally low morale of the Tianyuan Army soldiers to immediately rise, causing the grief in their hearts to be replaced with ecstasy. Everyone above and below, all of them were brimming with vitality, and their spirits were instantly restored.    




Xiao Muqing, Peng Haochu, and Gu Yue, the three main generals, simultaneously gave the order to attack. In an instant, the battle drum within the Tianyuan Army shook, and the soldiers shouted in unison.    


Boom, boom, boom!    


Hundreds of thousands of Tianyuan Army soldiers walked forward in an orderly manner, the sound waves causing people's souls to tremble, and even the ground began to tremble. Without waiting for Peng Soldier to take on the offensive stance, behind him, Tang Yin's Tianyuan Army had also blown the attack horn. This first, second, and fourth waves of Tianyuan Army had fifty thousand Peng Army stuck in the middle, it was difficult to reconcile the beginning and the end.    


At this time, Wei Xuan and the other generals' faces were already as white as paper, and their faces were covered in cold sweat. They unceasingly looked at the Tianyuan Army in front and behind them that were pressing down step by step, and asked in a trembling voice, "Li ? General Li, what do we do now? "    


Now, they remembered Li Qi.    


What should he do? Li Qi also wanted to find someone to ask himself what should he do? He was both angry and resentful towards Wei Xuan and the others. If not for them luring him out of the city to chase after the enemy, would their army have fallen into Tang Yin's trap and fallen into this hopeless situation? But it was too late to say anything more. Li Qi clenched his fists and carefully analysed the situation. He pointed his blade towards Tang Yin and said: "Break through the encirclement!"    


Although Tang Yin was behind him, his Tianyuan Army was relatively small. If he were to luckily break out of the encirclement, he could escape back to the capital.    


Wei Xuan and the other generals all had no idea. After hearing Li Qi's words, everyone nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes! Just as General Li thinks, we will break through the encirclement! "    


"All troops, retreat and break out of the encirclement!"    


The generals shouted to the soldiers below as they led their fifty thousand Peng Army to charge towards Tang Yin.    


Before they could even reach him, Tang Yin had already raised his hand slowly, staring at the sea of enemies in front of him, he waved his hand down, and said softly: "Release the arrows!"    


He wanted to shout out loud, but he didn't have the strength to do so now.    


Hearing Tang Yin's order, the two brothers Yuanwu and Yuanbiao behind him roared out loudly, "Master has orders, let the entire army release their arrows!"    


Their voices were loud enough for the entire army to hear them clearly. Hearing the order, the soldiers all took out their bows and arrows, aimed at the incoming Peng Army, twisted their bows and nocked their arrows, and released arrows in unison.    


Weng! *    


He only saw that there were tens of thousands of arrows shooting out from behind Tang Yin, like a plague of locusts, the dense and dense arrows flew into the air, covering the skies as they rapidly descended towards the Peng Army camp.    


Due to the fact that Peng Army was the chasing party, they were all lightly armed, most of the soldiers carried no shields, and facing the formation of the Tianyuan Army arrows, people had no way of dodging or blocking the arrows, so the Peng Army that was charging forward was like a bunch of live targets, the number of people who were hit by the Eagle Feather Arrow could not be counted, in an instant, the screams of the soldiers in the Peng Army camp turned into a wave of cries, with countless of arrows piercing their bodies, they rolled onto the ground, and even if some of them were still alive, they were still trampled to death by the soldiers following them from behind.    


However, they all knew in their hearts that they couldn't back down at this moment. If they couldn't break through the gap, let alone the soldiers below, even they wouldn't be able to survive. Wei Xuan and the others blocked the arrows with their weapons as they ordered the soldiers on their side: "Charge! Continue charging! Nobody stops! Anyone who dares to stand in your way will be killed without mercy! "    


Under the death order of Wei Xuan and the others, the Peng Soldier s were helpless. Even if they knew that going forward was a dead end, they still had to bite the bullet and charge forward.    


The charge of Peng Soldier was too tragic, the array of arrows continued to shoot forth like a river, wave after wave, all of the Eagle Feather Arrow fell into the camp of Peng Army, almost all of the arrows were shot out, they could hit their targets, the Peng Army rushed forward wave after wave, falling one after another, the people behind stepped on their comrades' corpses and continued to rush forward, but they were quickly shot like hedgehogs, following the footsteps of their companions.    


On the battlefield, Peng Army's corpses had already piled up like mountains. Their bodies were covered by the arrows, and then covered by the corpses, and then were covered by the arrows, layer by layer.    


Such a tragic scene, such a charge that did not care about life and death, even caused the Tianyuan Army soldiers, who were extremely steel-blooded in battle, to feel a chill in their hearts, even their hands had become weak.    


Tang Yin, on the other hand, had a calm expression on his face, the corners of his mouth raised slightly as he looked at the tragic state of the Peng Army with a smile on his face, as if what was falling down in pieces in front of him was not a person at all.    


Fifty thousand Peng Army s were completely used to fill a passageway, and by the time they had rushed to the Tianyuan Army s, forty percent of the fifty thousand people would have died, leaving behind only thirty thousand.    


Seeing that the enemy had already closed in, the Tianyuan Army Soldiers put away their bows and arrows, raised their weapons again, and assumed a battle stance.    


Without waiting for the others to make a move, Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan Yuanbiao behind Tang Yin shouted loudly and urged their horses to ride with their spirit spears, rushing towards the Peng Army.    


Cheng Jin did not move, but said to Tang Yin in a low voice: "Master, the enemy is coming, let us retreat a bit!" With Tang Yin's current condition, being unable to fight with others, if his Peng Army were to reach her level, it would be hard to guarantee that he would not suffer a loss.    


Tang Yin did not want to retreat, but his body did not allow him to continue fighting. After he pondered for a moment, he still listened to Cheng Jin's advice and turned the horse, retreating to the side of his own army. Cheng Jin and the rest of the Hidden Arrow Crew and his bodyguards did not move an inch away as they immediately followed him to the back.    


As for the two Shangguan brothers, they rushed into the Peng Army camp, brandishing their spirit spears and clashed with each other. In the blink of an eye, they had killed more than ten soldiers. The General of Peng Country were afraid of Tang Yin, but they were not afraid of anyone else. Seeing the two of them charging towards their camp alone, Wei Xuan and a general named Zhao Hai went up to welcome them.    


Just as he got close, Wei Xuan immediately turned the Spiritual Knife in his hands, ready to fiercely chop off Shangguan Yuanbiao's head.    


Shangguan Yuanbiao was not slow either. Along with the sound of metal colliding, Wei Xuan's blade was sent flying. The latter was secretly shocked. This person had a lot of strength! As he thought, he reined in his spear and asked, "I am the Middle General of Peng Country, Wei Xuan, here to pass my name!"    


Shangguan Yuanbiao laughed coldly and said: "I don't care if you're a Middle General or a general. Watch my spear!" As he spoke, he flicked his arm and stabbed three times. The three spear strikes were incomparably fast, almost connecting into a single line as they headed straight for Wei Xuan's vitals.    


Wei Xuan exclaimed in his heart. He anxiously brandished his Spiritual Knife s to block the incoming attacks. Unexpectedly, he had just dodged Shangguan Yuanbiao's three shots, and the latter followed up with Blood Soul Chaser, a powerful technique of the Spiritual Martial Force. A strong wind was blowing from countless Spirit Thorn, attacking Wei Xuan head on.    


Aiya! Since the two sides were too close, it was too late for Wei Xuan to dodge. He could only use his Soul Martial Skill. He took a deep breath, and the Spiritual Knife in his hands began to glow with a multicolored light.    


Spirit Chaos, Wind and Blood Soul Chase were large area destructive skills. They were evenly matched within the Spirit realm. The two techniques would clash head on, and whoever had the higher cultivation would be the victor.    


As the Blood Soul Chaser and the Spirit Qi slammed into each other, a series of booms came out in the air. The Spirit Thorn and the Spirit Blade twisted together, breaking into pieces, and then bounced off, causing Spirit Wave to spatter everywhere. All of the surrounding Peng Army warriors were struck by the attack, and before many of them could understand what was going on, they were pierced through muddle-headlessly by the flying Spirit Thorn, as they were cut into two pieces by the Spirit Blade.    


"Ah ?"    


Shangguan Yuanbiao and Wei Xuan used their respective skills, fighting evenly with each other, yet the surrounding soldiers fell in a circle. The others were so frightened that their faces changed drastically, and they subconsciously retreated and dodged.    


This General of Peng Country was not simple! Shangguan Yuanbiao's competitive spirit was aroused by Wei Xuan, he roared: "Try taking another attack from me!" Before he finished speaking, the spirit spear in his hand radiated light in all directions. This time, not only the spear tip shone with light, the entire spear tip was shining brightly.    




In an instant, numerous light red Spirit Thorn s shot out of the spear and rushed towards Wei Xuan.    


The Spirit Thorn released by ordinary skills were all transparent, but the Spirit Thorn released by Shangguan Yuanbiao carried a red glow. Wei Xuan was experienced and knowledgeable, so he immediately understood that this was the top-level realm of the Blood Soul Chasing skill, Blood Soul Chasing!    


After understanding the situation, Wei Xuan's mind buzzed. Blood Soul Chase was a top skill, and the only skill that could rival it was Spirit Chaos. He could cast Spirit Disorder, but not to the extent of being able to cast it.    


Watching the other party's Blood Soul pursue at top speed, Wei Xuan gritted his teeth and channeled all of the spirit energy in his body into the Spiritual Knife, releasing the chaotic wind once more.    


The flickering red light of the Spirit Thorn collided with the Spirit Blade, and it seemed as if it was trying to tear through everything. The Spirit Blade was smashed into pieces, scattering into nothingness, while the red Spirit Thorn's momentum did not decrease at all, completely hitting Wei Xuan's body.    




Wei Xuan let out a heart-wrenching scream. Countless Spirit Thorn s not only pierced his spirit armor, they also penetrated his body. In an instant, Wei Xuan's entire body was covered in a layer of blood mist, and under the force of the impact, he directly fell off his battle horse. When he landed, he looked at Wei Xuan again.    



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