Tomin in The Alien World



0When Su Yelei was treating Tang Yin's wounds, the two of them were very close. Seeing Su Yelei, who was just inches away from him, and smelling the unique medicinal fragrance off her body, Tang Yin was a little lost in thought.    


Su Yelei saw that Yue Yang had extended his hand towards him, but he did not make a move, he only increased the force in his hand, causing the curved needle to pierce deeply into Tang Yin's flesh.    


She had indeed drugged Tang Yin with anesthetic, but the quantity was not large. Furthermore, at that time, the anesthetic effect of the anesthetic was also very limited. His extended hand also stopped in midair. He raised his gaze to look at Su Yelei and discovered that her cold face was currently looking at him with disdain. Tang Yin's old face immediately blushed red, he laughed embarrassedly, then found an excuse: "The clothes Medical Officer is wearing today is very beautiful." As he spoke, he quickly retracted his hand that was still in the air.    


Su Yelei almost laughed out loud. Her dressing today was no different from before, and very rarely would she ever see Tang Yin in distress. There was an innocent look on her face as she leisurely said, "I wasn't careful just now. The shot was a bit too heavy."    


"Oh, it's nothing. Just pay attention in the future." Tang Yin swallowed his saliva, responding with a few words, he turned his head to the side, closed his eyes and unknowingly fell asleep.    


Tang Yin was extremely cautious, he would not let his guard down easily in front of outsiders. He knew that Su Yelei did not have a good impression of him, and he hated her a lot. However, he trusted Su Yelei from the bottom of his heart, and felt that she would not harm him.    


He slept soundly and only woke up in the afternoon. When he woke up, Su Yelei was already no longer on guard, but the wounds on his body had already been sutured, drugged, and bandaged. He lowered his head and looked at the bandages on his body. It was tight and dense, and she could feel that Su Yelei was very serious.    


He put on his clothes and walked out of the room.    


Right now, Tang Yin's manor was extremely lively. There were many people walking in and out, and among them were officers of the Tianyuan Army, as well as many wealthy people who came to pay him a visit. This morning, Qiu Zhen had people post out all the notices to pacify the masses. Observing Zhong Tian's crimes, he praised Tang Yin and his Tianyuan Army's morals, and declared that they were under Feng Chen and not the rebel army, so the citizens would not be alarmed and fear no one.    


The main force of Tianyuan Army were not stationed in the city, but in a large camp located outside the city.    


Ever since Tianyuan Army entered the main Yan City, it did not disturb the people, nor did it take away property. The officers and soldiers were all well-behaved, the Yan City was no different from usual, and was even calmer than when Zhong Tian was in power. This caused the citizens to gradually let their guard down, and the pedestrians on the streets to slowly increase.    


In less than a day's time, the Yan City had returned to its former bustle, and the streets were once again filled with traffic, bustling with activity. However, the majority of the people's discussions were focused on the Tianyuan Army, and when they saw Tianyuan Army soldiers wearing black helmets and armor patrolling the streets, the commoners would subconsciously move far away, watching from the sidelines.    


Qiu Zhen was already very satisfied with this result. After all, the citizens of the capital were not familiar with their own armies, so it was not realistic to make people accept their armies in one go. After posting the notice, Qiu Zhen immediately drafted a letter and sent it to the seven countries' County Head, telling them to enter the city immediately.    


Of course, Qiu Zhen wrote this letter in Tang Yin's name, his tone was still very polite. Regardless of whether or not Tang Yin had the strength to be a king, whether or not he was the leader of the four counties, he was still nominally just a County Head, and was of the same level as the other seven County Head s.    


With Qiu Zhen here, there would be a lot of trouble left for Tang Yin to handle. As long as all of these matters were agreed upon, Qiu Zhen would have the authority to execute them.    


After the Tianyuan Army successfully took over the capital, their ambitions multiplied. While resting and reorganizing themselves, they continued to actively expand their troops and train. ordered Zi Ying to train his Heavenly Eagle Army to become an elite division in the shortest amount of time possible. If there were any soldiers who retreated in the process, there was no need to stop them.    


Zi Ying was a steady man, and a very strong man, not to mention he was a general of the Zhong Tian Tribe. He feared that the soldiers of the other armies would look down on him, and upon receiving Tang Yin's order, he held back his strength and began training his soldiers like a devil.    


Although the training was arduous, there were very few soldiers who wanted to withdraw from Heavenly Eagle Army. This was all thanks to Zi Ying's charisma, and he was also good at instigating the spirit and competitive spirit of the soldiers. The interior of the Heavenly Eagle Army was very united, and could be said to be one on one.    


There were many recruits from Tianyuan Army who were assigned to the various armies. Not only did they fill the gaps in the number of casualties among the various armies, there were also many remaining troops and the manpower of the various armies had all been increased.    


Zhong Tian's army might have difficulty recruiting people, but they never lacked in military resources and food. In the one year that Zhong Tian had been in power, the number of people who had accepted widows and fat people's ointment had reached an uncountable number, and all of them had fallen into the hands of Tianyuan Army.    


These were all treasures left behind by Zhong Tian. According to Tang Yin's orders, these treasures should continue to be stored in the palace, since the palace had already been tightly controlled by the Tianyuan Army, there was no need to worry about the treasures being lost.    


In the next few days, Tianyuan Army began to stabilize the Yan City and repair the city walls, repairing the buildings that were damaged during the city siege as well. At this time, Wu Guang's brilliance was demonstrated when he did not use any large scale weapons to attack the palace, which resulted in a lot of trouble for the Tianyuan Army.    


Qiu Zhen had already sent out the letters he had sent to the County Head s of the seven counties, but all he received was a rock falling into the ocean, not to mention County Head entering the capital, he didn't even send a reply.    


When Tang Yin heard about this, he was extremely furious, and immediately sent troops to suppress them. The latter felt that it was still too early to punish them, and there was no suitable excuse either. They needed to wait for a while longer, and after the Liang, Wu, and Zi Yang return to the capital, they would form a new imperial court, and then, they would also send out a letter in the name of the imperial court.    


After hearing Qiu Zhen's suggestion, Tang Yin secretly thought that it was reasonable. He temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart, and waited for Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Ziyang Haochun to return to the capital.    


Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Ziyang Haochun were currently residing in the Tianyuan County, and upon hearing that Tang Yin had invited them to the capital to set up a government, the three of them were overjoyed. Regardless of what intentions Tang Yin had, it was better to be in the capital than in the border region of Tianyuan County.    


However, the three of them had brought their families along when they returned, and the way was slow. From the Provincial Capital, they had used nearly a month's time to reach the Yan City.    


When Liang, Wu, and Zi Yang returned to the capital, they immediately caused a sensation in the Yan City. It was just as Qiu Zhen had said at the beginning. Even if Tianyuan Army were to become more courageous and combative, no matter how much contribution they had made to eliminate Zhong Tian the traitor, in the eyes of the masses, they were still inferior to Liang, Wu, and Zi Yang, the three great nobles.    


In the eyes of the commoners, Liang Xing, Wu Yu and the others were the key figures and pillars of the Feng Country; the ones who could truly save a nation from crisis, and the commoners from fire and water. As for Tang Yin, he could only be considered an ordinary subject loyal to the Feng Country.    


When the Tianyuan Army entered the Yan City, the citizens hid themselves well, and only when they saw the warriors of the Tianyuan Army do nothing excessive, did they dare to come out of their houses, but the fear in their hearts was still strong, and now that Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Ziyang Haochun had entered the city, there was no need for anyone to organize them. The citizens spontaneously walked out of their houses, and gathered at the sides of the main streets of the Yan City, to welcome them.    


The attitude of the citizens towards the three noble families and their Tianyuan Army could be said to be as different as the sky and the earth.    


In order to show that he valued Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang Haochun, Tang Yin also came out to welcome them personally. Seeing the degree of welcome from the commoners, he couldn't help but frown.    


The expressions on the faces of the generals and strategists of the Tianyuan Army did not look good at all. Everyone was gritting their teeth secretly, their own side was bleeding and sweating, and they had to sacrifice so many soldiers, taking so many risks to get from the Tianyuan County all the way to the capital, scaring Zhong Tian away, but Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Ziyang Haochun did not use any strength at all, so it was unfair that they could win the support and support of the citizens.    


Qiu Zhen saw that Tang Yin's expression was cold and gloomy, he sighed and said softly: "The common sense of the people are already deeply rooted, and it's hard to change it in a short period of time, so Master does not need to mind it too much."    




Tang Yin answered in a low voice. Looking forward, he saw that Liang Xing, Wu Yu, and Ziyang Haochun's convoy were quickly approaching them. The gloomy look on his face was swept away and was replaced with an enchanting yet cordial smile.    


When the carriage stopped in front of Tang Yin and the others, they slowly stopped and following that, Liang Xing, Wu Yu and the others got off their carriages and walked in front of Tang Yin. It was unknown if it was because the crowd had welcomed them, but they became full of confidence, especially Ziyang Haochun, who had a disdainful look on his face as he said indifferently: "Master Tang, it's been a while!"    


Tang Yin secretly clenched his teeth, but he did not show it on his face. He cupped his hands and bowed to the three people, and said politely: "Prime Minister Liang, Prime Minister Wu, and Great General Ziyang, this official greets you!"    


In terms of position, Tang Yin was the County Head, and Liang Xing, Wu Yu, the prime minister, or even the Great General was a level higher than him.    


Seeing Tang Yin bowing, Ziyang Haochun acted as if it was natural, with his hands behind his back, he stood up and did not move.    


Liang Xing was not as domineering as Liang Zhong, but he was not as passionate towards Tang Yin, and said casually: "Master Tang is too courteous."    


Amongst the three of them, only Wu Yu came forward to welcome them, extended his hand to help Tang Yin up, and praised him smilingly: "It's been a while since we last met, Young Nephew Tang is still as elegant as ever, his heroic spirit shone as he led my Great General of Feng Country warriors to expel the traitor and take back the capital.    


Ah!" "The dance director is flattering me!" Because they were on the same level, Tang Yin felt quite close to Wu Yu.    


In addition, Liu Dao is recommended to complete the entire first two books of his, < How Scoundrel Forged 2 > with a total of 4.5 million words, and the < Encyclopedia of Miracles > with a total of 1.77 million words! Please do not worry about reading!    


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