Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin led the group out of Yan City, but before they had walked far, they suddenly heard the sounds of horse hooves behind them. Looking back, they saw two riders rushing over from the direction of Yan City, because they were too far away, Tang Yin could not see them clearly, he could only see that they were two Steel Armor soldiers dressed in steel helmets.    


He frowned secretly. He did not give the order to conscript the generals of the imperial court. Who were these two people?    


When the two riders got close to him, he could see clearly that the two of them were indeed generals, but they were both women, Wu Mei and Wu Ying.    


"Unexpectedly, the two of them had come, so Tang Yin reined his horse in. When the two girls arrived, he asked curiously," "Why are you two here?" Wu Mei spoke first, "Of course I'm going to war with you." Tang Yin laughed and said: "Nonsense!" War is not a joke. Go back. " In his view, women were not suitable for war. If they were to go with the army, they would be more of a burden than a contribution. It would be better to stay behind.    


Wu Mei twitched her lips and said unhappily: "What nonsense is this?!" "Don't forget, I was the one who took you into the army." They were in the old days again! Tang Yin knocked his head with a headache and asked: "Does Prime Minister Wu know that the two of you are coming with me?" Wu Ying was about to shake her head, then she hastily replied: "Of course! "Xiao Ying and I have already told our father and our father has agreed." "Oh!" It would be weird if she agreed! Tang Yin nodded seriously, and shouted: "Cheng Jin!" "Your subordinate is here!" Cheng Jin who was behind Tang Yin immediately rushed forward.    


Tang Yin said: "Send this brother back to the city to ask the Prime Minister Wu if she knows that Miss Wu Mei and Miss Wu Ying are going on an expedition with the army." Yes! "My lord!" Cheng Jin could tell that Tang Yin was trying to scare Wu Mei and he smirked. He pretended to look at one of the Dark Arrow Brothers and told him to go back to the city and ask.    


Before she could leave, Wu Mei had already called for him. Tang Yin laughed inwardly, but she raised her eyebrows in confusion and looked at her blankly.    


Wu Mei looked at the surrounding people embarrassedly, and spurred her horse to Tang Yin's side. Her little hands grabbed onto Tang Yin's sleeves and muttered: "Alright, since father doesn't know about this, you should be careful, don't send anyone to ask!" Indeed. Tang Yin let out a light sigh, and looked at Wu Mei with eyes full of helplessness and love.    


Under Wu Mei and Wu Ying's pitiful gazes, Tang Yin thought for a while, and in the end, still came to a compromise. He nodded his head, then shook it again and said to Wu Mei and Wu Ying: "This time, we will not do it the next time!" "Great!" Wu Mei and Wu Ying both revealed bright smiles.    


A hundred thousand Heavenly Eagle Army went around the Wan City and attacked the Feng City. Wu Guang and Zhan Hu, in command of fifty thousand Directly Subordinate Army, set up an ambush between the Wan City and itself.    


A few days after Zhong Tian retreated to the Wan City, a few comfortable days had passed. Hearing that the Subordinate had come to report, Tang Yin led his army again.    


His subordinates, however, were not anxious at all. Although they only had less than thirty thousand soldiers and horses, their Wan City defense was still very strong, and with over a hundred thousand soldiers of the Ning Army guarding the city, it would not be easy for Tang Yin to take down the Wan City.    


Some civil officials had spoken out to Zhong Tian. They should immediately summon Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi and ask them to send Ning Jun over to the city walls for protection. After Zhong Tian heard this, he immediately sent people to look for the Zhan Clan brothers.    


He had just sent someone out, and before he walked out of the palace, Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi had already arrived.    


After the two saw Zhong Tian, they only cupped their hands and bowed, then straightened their bodies and looked around at the civil officials and martial generals, and finally, their gazes landed on Zhong Tian.    


Zhan Wushuang opened his mouth and asked: "I believe Your Majesty has already heard about Tang Yin's command to march south and approach the Wan City, right?!" "Yes, yes, yes!" Zhong Tian nodded his head, and said: "I was just thinking of finding the two generals, the two generals should immediately send their subordinates to the top of the city walls, to protect them from Tianyuan Army that may descend upon them at any time ?" Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Zhan Wushuang smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "It's too late! Your Majesty, you only know that Tianyuan Army is approaching us, but do you know that another group of troops has already set out to attack us? "Ah?" These words caused Zhong Tian and his subordinates to be greatly shocked. Tang Yin actually split his troops into two and attacked Wan City along the way, which was truly unexpected.    


Zhong Tian was startled for a moment, then laughed, he rubbed his hands and said: "Tang Yin splitting up is a good thing, because in this way, he will not be able to focus on attacking our Wan City, and our chances of success will increase greatly!" Zhan Wushuang was so angry that he almost vomited blood. At this time, he didn't have a map by his side, if there was one, it would definitely be stuffed under Zhong Tian's nose, letting him see clearly how important Feng City was to a person. He took a few deep breaths, suppressing the anger in his heart, and said seriously: "Your Majesty, what is the use of us guarding the Wan City? Feng City is the only path for us to retreat, once Feng City is lost, then it will become a lonely city, which means there will be no reinforcements, and there will be no support, so with just these hundred thousand people, how long does His Majesty think we can hold on? One month, two months? "One year, two years?" After a series of interrogations from Zhan Wushuang, Zhong Tian was speechless. He looked at his officials and generals and asked: ", what do you think?" Everyone looked at each other before stepping forward and bowing with their hands cupped in salute. "Great King, General Wushuang's words are very reasonable. Great King has to make arrangements in advance!" Zhong Tian thoughtfully nodded his head, he then turned to Zhan Wushuang and asked: "General Wushuang, in your opinion, how should we deal with this? Dispatching troops to reinforce the Feng City? " Zhan Wushuang shook his head, and said: "According to reports from the scouts, the number of people from Tianyuan Army that are going to attack the Feng City is not small, there are a total of a hundred thousand of them. "If we divide our forces too much, then we won't be able to protect our Wan City and we won't be able to split our troops enough. In my opinion, we should give up our Wan City and retreat to the south!" "They're going to leave again!" Right now, he had already lost more than half of his mountains and rivers, his Feng Country was more than fifteen countries, he only occupied four countries, the other eleven countries had already fallen into the hands of the Tianyuan Army, and now he had to retreat. How long would he have to go for?    


Zhan Wushuang could understand Zhong Tian's feelings. He sighed helplessly and said, "Your Majesty, this cannot be done! "As long as the mountain remains, I will not be afraid of burning firewood. I hope the king will make his decision soon, and do not waste any more time." Sigh! Zhong Tian sighed towards the sky and could not help but look at the ministers under him. He truly did not want to retreat any further. He knew that if he retreated now, it would be impossible for him to return. His dream of becoming the sovereign of the country would come to an end. At this moment, he wished that someone would stand out and come up with a plan for him to not only retreat, but also retreat.    


But when the ministers saw Zhong Tian's questioning gaze, they all lowered their heads, not daring to even breathe.    


He could still clearly see how Li Qi, Xu Hui, Ye Cheng, Wei Xuan and the other generals were left to guard their Yan City. In the end, only Li Qi managed to escape back to his original body, and the rest all died in the battlefield.    


In the face of danger, no one dared to come forward, and no one was able to offer any advice. Zhong Tian's heart sank, and he leaned back in his chair, paralyzed. "According to General Wushuang, we will evacuate the Wan City and head there!" "Your Majesty, the king has seen the light!" Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi both interfered and bowed, and then said: "This general will go back and prepare." After they finished speaking, the two brothers did not wait for Zhong Tian to say anything else, and turned, walking out of the hall with big strides.    


Standing on Zhong Tian's side, they could not see any hope of winning against him. The two brothers had already made up their minds, no matter what, they would not fight head on with Tianyuan Army anymore, and would only protect their own forces. If things really did not go well, they would just withdraw their Feng Country and head south.    


Zhong Tian accepted Zhan Wushuang's suggestion and continued to move his imperial government southwards, withdrawing from the Wan City and heading in the direction of the Feng City.    


Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi found out that the Tianyuan Army had sent out their forces to attack the Feng City, but they didn't find out that there was even an ambush force between the Wan City.    


Right now, there were around one hundred and twenty thousand soldiers in the Ning Army. Under Zhong Tian's command, there were close to thirty thousand soldiers under his command, with the two sides combined, barely reaching one hundred and fifty thousand, but there were a lot of family members in Zhong Tian's army, and just him alone had dozens of wives, and the families of the ministers below were in the tens as well. There were also quite a few rich and powerful people dependent on Zhong Tian, and now that Zhong Tian was retreating to the south, they could only follow along with their families.    


Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi were worried that their side would take over the Feng City first, so the two kept on urging each other on how to move forward. However, due to being implicated by Zhong Tian, the Ning Army was not able to move fast enough even if they wanted to. Forget about the slow progress of the family members, even the heavy luggage brought by Zhong Tian was a huge burden to them. The chest full of gold, silver, and precious stones that Zhong Tian had saved up had already become a huge burden.    


From the Wan City to the Feng City, they had not even travelled for two days, yet Zhong Tian and his group had only walked for two days, and the journey had only been halfway through.    


Seeing such a large group of enemy soldiers, Wu Guang and Zhan Hu who were in ambush along the way was also shocked.    


After receiving the report from the scouts, the two of them did not quietly leave the ambush site. They laid down on a high hill and raised their heads to look, only to see that this group of enemy soldiers on the official road could only be described as a sea of people with no borders. They could see the beginning of the troop, but they could not see the end of the troop.    


After they finished looking, Wu Guang and Zhan Hu frowned at the same time. The latter muttered: "How many reinforcements did the other side send? "It feels like there are hundreds of thousands of people!"    


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