Tomin in The Alien World



0After such a fierce battle, Zhan Wudi was also exhausted, most of the spirit energy in his body had been used up.    


Zhan Wushuang, Zhan Wudi, Zhong Tian, and the twenty thousand handicapped veterans under their command fled in panic, heading straight for the Feng City. At this time, they had thought that they were finally in a safe spot, and after entering the Feng City, they could properly rest for a bit.    


Just as he approached the place where Feng City was used to shoot arrows, he heard a hasty whooshing sound come from midair.    


Zhan Wushuang, Zhan Wudi and the others who were at the front were shocked, and anxiously reined their horses.    




The moment they stopped their horses, a Eagle Feather Arrow arrow was nailed to the ground in front of their eyes.    


This was the enemy's warning to the enemy. Seeing this, everyone's expression changed. Zhong Tian was the first to recover from his shock, he raised his head to look at the city gate tower with Feng City, only to see the lights of the city gate tower with Feng City shining brightly like day. If one looked carefully, it was true that the flag that was hung on top of the city walls of the Feng City was a Peng flag. It was probably not captured by the Tianyuan Army, but why would they shoot arrows and warn others?    


Zhong Tian thought for a while, then exclaimed in realization. He rushed his horse forward a few steps, and raised his head to shout towards the city: "Where is the Mayor Feng Hai?"    


After a while, someone on top of the city shouted back: "I am Feng Hai, who are you?"    


"Feng Hai, after this king has arrived, why aren't you quickly opening the city gates to welcome this king into the city?"    


When Zhong Tian finished speaking, the city walls immediately quietened down.    


At this time, Feng City Mayor Feng Hai was indeed on top of the city walls and he heard Zhong Tian's words, but he did not react for a long time. Upon seeing this, his subordinates all warned him in a low voice, "Sire, it sounds like the King has arrived outside the city ?"    


Feng Hai looked at the people on the left and right, squinted his eyes and said faintly: "I don't think so! Tianyuan Army are cunning, what if they impersonate the King and lie to me to open the city, wouldn't they be tricked? "    


"Oh ?" When everyone heard this, they were all at a loss for words. They looked at each other, but no one said anything.    


Feng Hai took a deep breath, then shouted loudly: "What a joke, our King is currently at Wan City, how come she is here? If you want to use any more tricks, then quickly retreat. If not, I will have to shoot you all! "    


After Zhong Tian finished listening, he did not know if he should admire Feng Hai's loyalty, but it was a pity that it was dark and there were limited torches in the army, so he could not let the people on the city wall see him clearly. He shouted, "How dare you, Feng Hai, question my identity? You can send a general out of the city to see if This King is real or fake! "    


Right now, Feng Hai was like a b * tch eating a piece of meat. Tie Xin decided that growing a seed of heaven was a lie. He laughed twice and said: "I won't let my men go out of the city to die, your schemes can't be hidden from my eyes."    


Damn it! At this time, Zhong Tian had already lost his patience. Waving his hand at a guard beside him, he then took out the Sovereign King's jade seal and handed it over to the guard, telling him to go to the city gate and hand it over to Feng Hai.    


The guard hurriedly received the order, took the Royal Seal, and rushed to the entrance of the city.    


Just as he ran out of the formation, Feng Hai and the others on the city wall saw him clearly. A division general pointed out of the city and said: "Sir, the enemy is coming!"    


I saw it! Feng Hai muttered in his heart. After pondering for a moment, he raised his hand and shouted, "Kill that person!"    


"My lord, what if the person who came was ?"    


Without waiting for his subordinate to finish speaking, Feng Hai's face became gloomy and he shouted: "Don't waste your breath, just follow the order and kill this person!"    


"Yes!" "My Lord!"    


Feng Hai was a Mayor, so he gave the largest order within the Feng City. Even though the surrounding subordinates had doubts, they didn't dare to disobey Feng Hai's order to release the arrows. After receiving the orders to release the arrows, all the soldiers nocked their bows and nocked their arrows, aiming at Zhong Tian's guard who was rushing over quickly. They all shot out Eagle Feather Arrow s.    


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. Arrows rained down from the top of the city walls, all flying towards that guard. When the guard heard the sounds of the arrows, his expression changed from fright as he shouted, "Don't shoot! I was on my own ?"    


Pu, Pu, Pu!    


Before he could finish his words, the Eagle Feather Arrow had already arrived in front of him. Those thousand arrows had instantly turned the guard and his warhorse into a hedgehog.    


"Huh?" did not expect Feng Hai to order his guards to shoot before he could get close, so Zhong Tian's head buzzed. He angrily roared: "Feng Hai, you shot this duke's guard, could it be that you want to rebel?"    


In fact, Feng Hai was basically able to confirm that the person who had arrived was Zhong Tian, but he did not dare to let Zhong Tian enter the city.    


How about Yan City defense? When it came to competing with Feng City, it was a hundred times stronger than normal, but Zhong Tian had already been struck by the Tianyuan Army. So what if they had Wan City City Defense? Even though it was ten times stronger than Feng City, Zhong Tian was still thrown out of the city by the Tianyuan Army. Now that he was at the Feng City, he could withstand the attacks from the Tianyuan Army? Of course the answer was no, he did not want to be loyal to Zhong Tian and follow him to the ends of the world.    


However, Feng Hai did not have the guts to openly betray Zhong Tian. Since it was currently dark, he feigned ignorance, and forcefully recognized Zhong Tian as a Tianyuan Army imposter. In this way, he could stop Zhong Tian from entering the city, and also leave a path for himself to retreat.    


"Thief Feng, do not try to scare me anymore, there are hundreds of thousands of arrows in the Feng City. No matter who it is, if they dare to cross the lightning pool by even half a step, I will make sure they die!" Feng Hai said word by word with a serious expression.    


"You ?" Zhong Tian was angry and resentful, the roots of his teeth were itching, but there was nothing Feng Hai could do about it. He turned his head and said to Zhan Wushuang: "General Wushuang, let's attack the city and capture Feng Hai. Let this thief see whether this king is real or not!"    


Zhan Wushuang looked deeply at Zhong Tian, and laughed bitterly while shaking his head. He couldn't understand, Zhong Tian was so smart, how could he still not see through Feng Hai's intentions? The other party was obviously just a fence-sitter, who would not dare to offend Zhong Tian and would not dare to offend the Tianyuan Army. He pretended to be stupid and refused to let his side enter the city.    


Right now, there were less than twenty thousand Generals And Soldiers of Self Army s, and they were also extremely tired. Even Zhan Wudi had run out of energy, and after riding on the horses for a while, even if he could really enter the city, there were only a few Generals And Soldiers of Self Army s left. At that time, the Tianyuan Army would surround the entire city and no one would be able to escape.    


He let out a long sigh and said: "Your Majesty, this Feng Hai is not your loyal subject, so don't expect him to open the city gates for us anymore ?"    


Before he could finish his words, he suddenly heard someone from behind scream, "Reporting!"    


A Ning Soldier ran over from behind in a hurry, and stopped in front of Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi. She knelt down on one knee, and interfered with the greeting, and said anxiously: "Reporting, General! The Tianyuan Army has already been reorganized and is chasing after us from behind.    




Hearing that, Zhan Wushuang, Zhan Wudi, Zhong Tian and the rest's hearts trembled, they never thought that after Zi Ying's army made a breakthrough, they would complete their adjustments so quickly and chase after them. Zhan Wushuang frowned, he thought for three seconds, then shouted: "Summon my generals, all troops to bypass the Feng City, and continue to retreat towards the south!"    


"Yes sir!" Herald promised as she passed Zhan Wushuang's order down. Zhong Tian rubbed her hands together anxiously at the side, and asked: "General Wushuang, our army is exhausted, and we are no longer able to continue on our journey.    


Can you get in? Zhan Wushuang rolled his eyes, he wanted to reprimand Zhong Tian a few times, but after thinking about it, he swallowed back the words that were about to leave his mouth, saying all these to people that didn't understand military affairs was completely useless. He said seriously: "If you enter the Feng City, there is only death. If you want to live, you must retreat to the south!"    


"But ?"    


"Your Majesty, if we delay any longer, when the enemy forces catch up, it will be too late for us to retreat!" Zhan Wushuang reminded his coldly.    


Forget it! Zhong Tian lamented in his heart. Right now, he could no longer rely on anyone but Zhan Wushuang. He nodded and said weakly, "As you see it, General!"    


Ning Jun and Peng Army were slammed against the door by the Mayor Feng Hai, so they had no choice but to bypass the Feng City and escape towards the south.    


Right after they left, Feng Hai couldn't wait to get people to open up the outside of the city. He went outside to see what the person who just shot down had on him. He guessed that the person must have brought something like an edict with him to let him see and confirm Zhong Tian's identity. He could keep this edict and give it to Tianyuan Army in the future to prove that he didn't allow Zhong Tian to enter the city. That would mean that he was determined to go with the wind and he could take credit for it.    


The result of the incident was unexpected, it was not found on the guard's corpse, but Zhong Tian's jade seal was pulled out.    


Seeing the Roc King Seal that Zhong Tian created, Feng Hai's subordinates were all scared silly. They realised that they had killed the wrong person, and the one who had come was indeed Zhong Tian, but Feng Hai had jumped up in excitement, and laughed with his jade seal facing the sky. He was just worrying that he would not be able to accomplish anything with Tianyuan Army, now that's good, if he were to offer the King Roc's Seal to Tang Yin, how great of a contribution would he have made?    


Not long after Ning Jun and Peng Army fled, Zi Ying arrived with his Heavenly Eagle Army in the lead.    



After the previous battle, there were more than forty thousand casualties on the Heavenly Eagle Army. Now, Zi Ying's eyes were completely red, partly because of the heavy casualties of his subordinates, and partly because he had just received news that Zhu Nuo could not be cured, but instead unluckily died. In Zi Ying's opinion, Zhu Nuo's death was entirely his responsibility.    


The general was so anxious that his eyes were bloodshot. The warriors below did not dare to not fight with their lives on the line.    


Zhong Tian wanted to enter Feng City, so Feng Hai did not dare to open the city gate. Now that he saw the Tianyuan Army, he greeted them differently. Instead, he opened the city gate himself, and invited the Tianyuan Army in. It was just that Zi Ying did not put Feng City in his eyes at all, and did not stop for a moment, and followed behind Ning Jun's butt, bypassing Feng City, and continued to chase.    


In the beginning, they were heavily injured when they fell behind, but when they reached their son's side, the Light Wounded Ship also fell behind. They ran all the way, and the wounded threw all the way, as Zi Ying was not courteous at all when he dealt with the Ning Army and the Peng Army soldiers. He passed down the order for the generals to kill anyone who was injured by the enemy.    


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