Tomin in The Alien World



0The young man dressed in civilian clothes was brought before Wu Guang, and the latter looked at him from head to toe, and said sternly: "I am Wu Guang! "What's your name?"    


"General, your subordinate's name is Zhang Yi!" Wu Guang did not know who this Sky Eye spy was, but he had heard of Wu Guang's name before, so he anxiously knelt on one knee and interposed his hands and knees to greet him, then said: "General, the enemy troops have all retreated to guard the palace, all the invincible soldiers have gathered at all parts of the city."    


"Oh?" Hearing that, Wu Guang's eyes lit up, and asked: "Little brother, do you know where the palace is?"    


"Your subordinate understands."    


"Quick, lead the way!"    


"Yes sir!"    


Wu Guang and the group of people led by the Sky Eye Scout directly towards the palace. When the army rushed to the front of the palace gates, Wu Guang raised his head and saw that all of the people on the palace walls were General of Peng Country s of Peng Soldier, with at least a few thousand people there. Furthermore, the palace walls were extremely high, which was not much different from the walls of Yan City.    


The most important thing was that the Peng Soldier s in the palace had all been prepared for defense. The rolling logs and rocks were piled into a mountain, and a pot of boiling Pyretic Oil s were placed on the palace wall. Wu Guang frowned, the palace walls were high, and there were so many defensive equipment, his side did not have any offensive equipment, if he were to forcefully attack, it was likely that there would be heavy casualties.    


As he thought, he took two steps forward and shouted towards the top of the city: "The Yan City has already been occupied by our troops, and you are all standing alone with no help. If you resist stubbornly, there is only death for you guys, if you want to live, immediately open the gates and surrender!"    


After Wu Guang finished shouting, there was no one on the palace walls to chat with. The Peng Soldier General of Peng Country s were no longer in the mood to talk and when they looked outside, they saw that the streets were tightly packed with Tianyuan Army, and it was unknown just how many people were there. With Ye Cheng, the leader of the Peng Army, his heart was raised to his throat.    


Seeing that no one spoke, Wu Guang's heart became gloomy, it seemed that other than forcefully attacking, there was no other way! He took a deep breath, slowly raised the Spiritual Knife in his hands, and stopped in the air for a moment. Then, he suddenly dropped down forward, and shouted: "Attack the city! Kill! "    


"Kill ?"    


Wu Guang's order to the Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army to attack sounded out, causing all the soldiers below to swarm over, setting up a cloud ladder and starting to climb the palace walls with all their strength.    


It was very easy for Pingyuan Army to break through the defensive line of Yan City, mainly because they came too suddenly, they were not prepared at all, the city defense weapons on the city walls were short on manpower, they lacked manpower, and since the main generals were not present, no one was in command, thus they were defeated greatly by the Pingyuan Army. But now, the remaining several thousand Peng Army s were all hiding in the palace, and they had no way out.    


Wu Guang and Zhan Hu took the lead to attack, but as the stones on the city wall rained down, as well as the Pyretic Oil s that rained down from time to time, Wu Guang and Zhan Hu led the crowd to charge forward multiple times, but to no avail.    


Seeing that he could not go on like this, Wu Guang ordered for them to stop their attacks for a while, and then ordered them to move some of the stone throwing machines within the Yan City over, using the Peng Army's stone throwing machines to break apart the Peng Army's defensive line.    


Very quickly, Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army brought over a dozen catapults along with a large number of huge rocks.    


Right now, with just a single command from Wu Guang, over ten catapults could shoot out huge rocks at the same time, attacking the palace walls with destructive power. The Palace was the symbol of the Feng Country, if it were to be damaged by their own side, it would most likely cause the citizens to become displeased, and after the war, they would have to fix it themselves. With so much labour, it would not be worth it. The best method was to not use the siege equipment and enter the palace, but how could he use this method?    


Wu Guang was in a bit of a difficult situation, before he could give the order to attack or retreat, he had already led the Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army to the front of the palace to confront the Peng Army in the palace.    


On the other side, Li Qi was leading fifty thousand Peng Army to chase after and kill the Tianyuan Army which was retreating.    


When Li Qi and the others caught up to Tianyuan Army, Tianyuan Army was currently resting. Seeing the dust flying behind with the waving of the flag in the air, the soldiers were all shocked.    


"It's the Peng Army! It's the Peng Army that's chasing us! "    


It was unknown who shouted first, but as if it was the fuse, not long after, the Tianyuan Army faction started to fall into chaos.    


Because of Tang Yin's' death ', the Tianyuan Army soldiers were no longer in the mood to fight. Seeing the large number of Peng Army chasing after them, they started to panic, but then they heard the cries of the horses from the In Camp s, the unceasing cries of the soldiers. They panicked and ran in all directions, causing the tents to topple and the pots to overturn.    


At this time, Qiu Zhen did not pay attention to the chaotic situation of the entire army, but instead led the way and fled. Once Qiu Zhen fled, the Generals below naturally followed suit as well.    


Tianyuan Army had fled in a hurry, and did not even have time to pack up the encampment's tents. At the same time, he had also left behind a large amount of grain and military equipment.    


Very quickly, Li Qi's group rushed into the empty Tianyuan Army encampment. Looking around, Li Qi, Xu Hui, Wei Xuan and the others could not hold back and laughed out loud, without Tang Yin's Tianyuan Army, they scattered like a flock of dragons without a leader. Don't look at how there were hundreds of thousands of people, but they were unable to withstand a single blow.    


As the Peng Army poured into the Tianyuan Army encampment, from within, countless grains, armors, weapons, army flags, and other items were searched, a regiment commander rushed towards Li Qi. He could not suppress the excitement in his heart, and said with a grin: "General Li, we have seized countless amounts of supplies from the rebel army ?"    


Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Li Qi's expression became serious, and he said solemnly: "Send my order, all the Tianyuan Army items are to be left here, no one is to touch, the entire army follow me and continue to chase the enemy!" Li Qi was a good general, he knew what was important and what was not, taking back the supplies was just a small achievement, killing the enemy was a huge achievement. If he was greedy for the small gain in front of him, and missed the opportunity to kill the enemy, it would be too much of a pity.    


Xu Hui, Wei Xuan and the others standing beside him nodded their heads and spoke in unison: "General Li is right. Now, everyone could see that the legendary Mighty Army were all scattered and scattered. Whether it was the generals or soldiers below, none of them had the heart to fight. As long as they could catch up to Tianyuan Army at this time, it wouldn't take much effort to achieve a great victory.    


Under Li Qi's orders, Peng Army did not linger within the Tianyuan Army's camp for long, and continued to chase north. At this moment, the group of generals led by Li Qi did not even consider whether or not this was a strategy used by the Tianyuan Army to lure the enemy in.    


Firstly, in their opinion, Tang Yin was definitely dead, if not, it would be impossible for his entire army to hold a memorial service. At that time, due to the customs, faking one's death was extremely rare, for a living person to hold mourning for a living person was taboo, and no one had ever done such a thing before. Secondly, the panic caused by Tianyuan Army as they fled was not an act, but the true performance of the soldiers.    


Because of these two reasons, even the cautious Li Qi believed that Tianyuan Army was a genuine defeat, not a feint.    


The speed at which the chaotic Tianyuan Army could be compared to the speed of the Peng Army with which their morale was at its highest. Not long after, the Peng Army caught up to the rest of the Tianyuan Army. This time, all of the Peng Army soldiers became more spirited, believing that they had seized the opportunity to strike a drowning dog with their sticks, they crazily rushed forward, slashing and stabbing at the backward Tianyuan Army soldiers, and from time to time, some of them would scream miserably and fall to the ground, being dismembered by the Peng Army blades that surrounded them.    


Seeing that, Xu Hui laughed out loud, and turned to Li Qi: "General Li, looking at the situation now, our army will definitely be able to annihilate the entire Tianyuan Army, and not only will we welcome the King back, we can also take back the land occupied by the rebel army!"    


The battle went smoothly, and Li Qi was in high spirits as he nodded his head, and said: "If our troops completely annihilate Tianyuan Army, all the generals will take the lead to attack!"    


"Haha ?" The generals laughed loudly.    


Right now, they could only see the defeated and messed up rear forces of the Tianyuan Army, they could not see the front and middle forces of the Tianyuan Army.    


Just then, when they had almost lured the enemies over, the commander led by Qiu Zhen suddenly stopped his horse and started his escape. The Pingyuan Army Master told Xiao Muqing, the Chifeng Army Master, Peng Haochu and the Directly Subordinate Army Master to send down their orders at the same time, and to gather the fleeing soldiers.    


Hearing the order of the lord, the commanders of the various legions and captains all shouted loudly. They gathered their subordinates, and in an instant, the shouts of the Tianyuan Army camp rang out incessantly. Under the command of the regimental commander and the thousand-man commanders, the frightened soldiers gradually settled down and quickly formed a phalanx.    


The Tianyuan Army was not a ruckus, all the soldiers of the army trained quickly, even under the situation of not fighting spirit being chased down by the enemy, the soldiers still listened to the command of the Generals.    


Right now, they were in a square formation, and the soldiers who had been defeated and fled had all fallen.    


When the Peng Army soldiers rushed forward, they immediately opened up the passage, and the frontmost soldiers raised their shields, blocking the enemy's charge. The soldiers behind raised their halberds and spears, and in an instant, the front lines of the formations were filled with sharp light, the tip of the halberds and the tip of the spears were all of different lengths, moving forward in unison, like a hedgehog.    


He directly crashed into the phalanx of Tianyuan Army. Following a muffled thump, hundreds of Peng Soldier bodies were pierced by countless sharp rays of light and had thousands of holes in them. They all died on the spot.    




It was only at this point that Li Qi and the rest could clearly see the packed Tianyuan Army formation in front of them. The soldiers stood up tightly, preparing for battle.    


Although the Tianyuan Army no longer had any fighting spirit, there were still hundreds of thousands of people. If they were to fight head on, their own side would not have the advantage. Just then, Li Qi showed signs of retreating, and spoke to the generals on his left and right: "The enemy forces have already formed a formation, it is not appropriate for us to fight with our own, in my opinion ? We should return to the capital for now! "    


"Huh?" Xu Hui, Wei Xuan and the other generals waved their hands at the same time, and said: "General Li, the enemy is just bluffing, what are you afraid of? We will only charge once, and our Tianyuan Army will definitely be defeated! "    


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