Tomin in The Alien World



0That night, Tang Yin went to find Le Tian and Ai Jia. The intelligence team formed by the two of them had already been here for more than a month, Tang Yin wanted to know how the progress was, and if it could be used now.    


Not long after, Le Tian and Ai Jia arrived one after another. After greeting Tang Yin, they sat down. Tang Yin was dressed in casual attire, a set of silvery-white brocade clothes that made his body appear even more slender and shapely, and also made him look even more elegant and extraordinary. Seeing the faint smile on his face, and not the slightest bit nervous from encountering a strong opponent, Le Tian and Ai Jia heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts.    


Tang Yin looked at the two of them with a smile. Compared to when he was at the Yan City, the two of them were thinner, their skin was the color of wheat, and he could feel that the two of them were training the stallion with all their might. He even used all of his strength, and laughed: "Le Tian, Ai Jia, you two have been training the stallion scout for more than a month.    


Le Tian and Ai Jia looked at each other and replied: "Master, we have seen the results already, but if we were to use them, I am afraid we will need to wait for a while." As they spoke, the two of them lowered their heads, ashamed expressions on their faces. Logically speaking, it was the time when he needed the two of them the most, his Savage Soldier could lead a large army to invade and retaliate at any time, and intelligence was extremely important. However, the two of them couldn't even use their full strength right now, not to mention helping Tang Yin solve Tang Yin's problem.    


However, Tang Yin was not too disappointed with the two's reply, it seemed that he had already anticipated it. As the saying goes, work slowly and work meticulously, Le Tian was an extremely strict person, but Ai Jia was very strong and did not easily admit defeat. The two of them had the intention to build their own intelligence organizations to be the best and strongest. Tang Yin nodded his head, then asked: "How long more do I have to wait?" This was the issue he was most concerned about.    


Le Tian and Ai Jia frowned. The former spoke first, "You still need three months."    


Upon hearing his words, Ai Jia, who was going to give the same answer, immediately changed her words, "I still need two months."    


Hearing that, Le Tian looked at Ai Jia strangely, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Ever since he and Ai Jia had accepted Tang Yin's orders to form their own intelligence units, he had felt that Ai Jia was completely incomparable to him. He trained for five hours every day, Ai Jia trained for six hours every single day, and when he trained his subordinates to carry heavy loads, Ai Jia would make her subordinates run fifteen kilometers every day. She made her subordinates run fifteen kilometers, and such things were countless things. Le Tian was an experienced, steady man, and naturally did not care about Ai Jia's childish attitude. He merely smiled and did not say a word.    


Tang Yin looked at the two of them, and after a while, he laughed, stood up and said: The two of you do not need to stay in Fringe City, go back to Heng City as soon as possible.    


Le Tian and Ai Jia were also in a hurry to head back to the Heng City to train their subordinates. However, in this critical moment, they couldn't be at ease with Tang Yin who was still in Fringe City. The two looked troubled, looking at Tang Yin, they wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Tang Yin understood their intentions, laughed, and said: "It's a good thing that we are on the defensive this time, so the information isn't too important. When we take the initiative to attack Savage Country in the future, it'll be the time for you two to show your skills."    


Take the initiative to attack Savage Country? Le Tian and Ai Jia were both shocked. It was always Savage Country that crossed over the border to invade the Feng Country, and Feng Country had never actively attacked the Savage Country before. They both felt that it was inconceivable for Tang Yin to explain things to them.    


Le Tian seemed to have suddenly thought of something, he reached into his bosom and took out a folded piece of flat leather, handing it over to Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin curiously took it and asked: "What is this?"    


"Master, this is something this subordinate found from the bodies of the captives in Savage Soldier, it should be a map of Morfeas!"    


"Oh?" Tang Yin's eyes lit up, he received the piece of leather and opened it up to have a closer look. Sure enough, this was a map. The painting was both exquisite and detailed, there were mountains, water, towns and roads on it, but the words written on the map were actually Beisa's words, so it was hard to tell if this was a map of Bessa City or not.    


Seeing Tang Yin frowning as he read, Le Tian quickly explained: "Master, I am unable to understand the map now, but I will find someone who can speak the Basa language as soon as possible to translate it."    


"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded his head, folded the map and returned it to Le Tian, at the same time, he warned: "This map is very important, in the future we will definitely use it, draw up a few more copies to prevent it from being lost!" While he was speaking, he saw Ai Jia craning her neck and staring at the map with wide eyes. He chuckled in his heart, and then added: "Also draw up a copy for Ai Jia!"    


"Yes!" "Milord." Le Tian lowered his head and agreed.    


Ai Jia immediately revealed a happy expression. One must know that Tang Yin made Yue Tian and her train the scout horses, and he didn't use them within the boundaries of Pingyuan County, but to secretly sneak into the Bessa City to check on the movements of the horses. If he had a map of Bessa City with him, it would save him a lot of trouble in the future.    


"Alright, since there's nothing else, you two should hurry back to Heng City!"    


"Yes sir!" Le Tian and Ai Jia replied as they left together.    


After the two of them left, Tang Yin could no longer stay in his room. He brought the two Shangguan brothers out of the house and headed towards the North City door.    


Right now, the walls of the North City were overflowing with people, the torches were like trees, and the fourth and sixth officers who were stationed in the border city were strengthening their defenses under Zhang Zhou's command, moving the Rolling Lumber And Stone s, installing strong bows and hard crossbows, to counter the Savage Soldier that could come at any time.    


There was still some distance between him and the city wall when Tang Yin stopped in his tracks and looked up.    


Seeing that, the Brother Shangguan walked over and asked: Master, shouldn't we go up to take a look?    


Tang Yin shook his head and said indifferently: "No need, going up will only create more trouble."    


He was completely clueless about the matters of the city's defense. If he went up, he would only add to the mess and wouldn't be able to help. He retracted his gaze and looked around. Not far away, there was a small tavern with its lights lit, this was too rare, the outskirts of the city was almost empty, and there was even a tavern open at night. Tang Yin curiously walked over.    


The tavern was not big, it was only a single floor, and the interior was not very spacious either. It could barely fit around fifty to sixty people, and at this moment, there were over a dozen people scattered around the tavern. More than half of them were soldiers, and the other few were people dressed in plain clothes.    


Especially Tang Yin, whose face was as white as white jade. With his embroidered clothes and young age, he looked like a rich family's child, while the two Shangguan brothers were tall and sturdy, like two sect gods. Their appearances were not much different from the Domestic Servant's fighters.    


Tang Yin turned a blind eye to everyone's gazes and walked to an empty table. He slowly sat down, while the Brother Shangguan sat on his left and right.    


Not long after he sat down, the waiter walked over, smiling as he asked: "Three Sir s, what do you want to eat?"    


The waiter was young, not yet twenty years old. He had delicate features and looked very pleasing. Tang Yin laughed and asked: Do you have wine?    


"Of course, what wine does Sir want to drink?"    


Tang Yin turned to look at Shangguan Yuanbiao, who was on the left, and indicated for him to order the wine.    


Shangguan Yuanbiao understood and said in a muffled voice, "Give me a jar of White Braised Wine."    


"Alright, Sir, please wait!" The waiter responded and quickly turned around to leave.    


While the waiter was drinking, Tang Yin took the opportunity to size up the customers in the tavern.    


Looking at the uniforms, all of them were the lowest level of ordinary soldiers. It was possible that all six of them were new recruits, so they did not recognise Tang Yin as they ate and drank to their heart's content, acting as if there was no one around them. At the other two tables, there were four people. They were all dressed in coarse clothing and looked slightly old, no different from ordinary people.    


After a while, the waiter brought a jar of white liquor. Tang Yin poured half a bowl and finished it in one gulp.    


The Feng Country s were strong, but the Pingyuan County s were even stronger. After consuming half a bowl of the alcohol, Tang Yin felt that he was about to spit fire, his white face immediately turned red.    


He covered his mouth and nose, let out a light cough, and then let out a long sigh. He smiled at Brother Shangguan and said: "Good wine, great wine!"    


The Brother Shangguan smiled at each other, and imitated Tang Yin's action, drinking all the wine in the bowl into his stomach.    


The three of them fought back and forth and quickly finished half the jar of liquor. At this moment, the three of them were slightly drunk.    


Tang Yin looked at the wine in the cup as his thoughts churned. Suddenly, he thought of Wu Mei and thought of Yin Rou.    


He did not know what Miss Wu Wu was doing now, nor did he know if it was smooth sailing for Yin Rou to go to the Ning Country Capital to mediate, nor did he know if those mysterious assassins tried to assassinate Yin Rou again.    


When there's time, he should write a letter to Deng Mingyang and the others asking them about it clearly. Tang Yin sighed in his heart. Just as he was about to drink, bursts of laughter came from his eardrum, he turned his head and saw that the few soldiers had laughed together for some reason. In the quiet tavern, their laughter was extremely ear-piercing.    


He pursed his lips, put the bowl back down, cleared his throat, and asked loudly, "Brother, how do you have so much time?"    


A few of the soldiers were startled as they turned to look at Tang Yin, unsure if he was talking to them.    


Seeing that they were looking at him, Tang Yin nodded his head affirmatively.    


This time, the six soldiers knew that he was questioning them. One of the soldiers who was in his twenties sneered and said, "What does it have to do with you if we have time or not?"    



"How dare you!" Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan Yuanbiao saw that the other party was rude and immediately got angry, acting as though they were going to teach the other party a lesson.    


Tang Yin shook his head and laughed at the two, signalling for them to not be angry, he said calmly: "I saw that the officials at the top of the city wall were all preparing for the defense, they were extremely busy, how could everyone take time out to come here and drink and chat?"    


"Humph!" Do I have to report back to you about the military lord? " The officer who had spoken clearly looked down on Tang Yin, and said with a sneer: "Brat, you'd better not cause too much trouble, or else offend the old man. Be careful not to catch you as a Savage Soldier spy!"    


What big words! Tang Yin raised his eyebrows, and just as he was about to speak, the other table of customers suddenly spoke out: "Since you are still alive, drink as much as you can. Once the Savage Soldier arrives and you become my ghost, you won't be able to drink even if you want."    


After everyone finished reading < Tang Yin in the Other World >, they could also take a look at Liu Dao's other two complete books, < How Scoundrel Forged 2 > and < Encyclopedia of Medicine >! There was a link on the work page!    


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