Tomin in The Alien World



0Tonight, Tang Yin once again visited the Fragrant Spring Pavilion and the teahouse in Fan Family. The two Shangguan brothers had also come with him.    


There weren't many customers in the teahouse, so there were only a few sitting around. Tang Yin sat down in the most inconspicuous corner, and ordered a pot of scented tea from the waiter, and watched the show while drinking it. The two Shangguan brothers were not interested in tea or drama. Two of them, with four eyes, were looking around randomly, sizing up the customers inside the shop.    


Today's drama repeated itself from two days ago, and after just watching for a while, Tang Yin lost interest. After drinking half a pot of tea, he prepared to head back home, but at this time, Shangguan Yuanwu whispered into his ear: "Master, there's a Spiritual Martial Expert in the shop!"    


"Oh?" Tang Yin was about to get up and leave, but after hearing what he said, he sat back down. There were not many people who could be called experts in the Brother Shangguan, and the fact that such people could actually appear in the Pingyuan County made him very curious. He asked, "How many people are there on the other side? How high are their cultivation bases?"    


The Shangguan brothers were Spirit Cultivator of Light s, they had long trained their insight into the Light's martial arts to the point of being pure blue like fire. Although it was not an offensive skill, it was extremely practical, able to differentiate between normal people and Spirit Cultivator, and was also able to probe out Spirit Cultivator's cultivation realm. The two of them were Tang Yin's protectors, in public, the two of them were already used to inspecting the surroundings to see if there were any hidden dangers.    


This time, their meticulous actions had paid off, and as expected, their investigation into the existence of the Spirit Cultivator s revealed their intentions.    


"There should be five people with cultivations above the Transcending Mortality Stage."    


"Oh?" Tang Yin took a deep breath. It was rare for Spirit Cultivator to reach the Spirit Transformation realm, with five of them appearing all at once, things might not be simple. He subconsciously lowered his voice and asked, "Is the target me?"    


Shangguan Yuanwu shook his head and said: "It's impossible to see it now."    


Tang Yin asked: Which five? Show me. "    


Shangguan Yuanwu straightened his body, put his hand under the table, and pointed as he said: "Master, there's a man dressed in green to the left, and a man drinking tea with a bamboo hat on his head, and three people sitting at the second table."    


Following Shangguan Yuanwu's words, Tang Yin looked at them one by one. If one only looked at their appearances, these five people looked no different from ordinary people, and Tang Yin could not feel the killing intent coming from them either. His natural instinct that was almost like a wild beast had always been sharp, so he was 100% sure that these five people were not coming for him.    


Could it be that they came to the teahouse just to watch the show like him? Tang Yin shook his head and laughed. He then asked, "Just these five people?"    


"Yes!" As for the other Spirit Cultivator s, they are all backstage. They should be Fan Min's followers. "    


Fan Family was a rich, wealthy man, it was normal for Spirit Cultivator to be his bodyguard, Tang Yin did not ask anymore questions, and continued to drink his tea.    


After finishing a pot of scented tea, seeing that the five of them had no intention to leave, Tang Yin raised his hand, called for the waiter, and ordered another pot of tea.    


Just as he was waiting for the tea to come, he suddenly smelled a familiar fragrance, and at the same time, Tang Yin felt the killing intent in the tea house.    


He was secretly shocked, raising his head to look, only to see Fan Min bringing a pot of tea over. Other than that, the five profound cultivation Spirit Cultivator s were closely watching Fan Min from the corner of their eyes.    


Oh! This time, Tang Yin finally understood that the five of them were not here for him, but for Fan Min. Of course, this was not strange, the Fan Family s were as rich as a nation, they were rich beyond compare, and there were definitely a lot of people with ideas on his Fan Family s, so these five people should be one of them. Thinking about it, Tang Yin grinned, he wanted to see how the arrogant and arrogant Fan Min will handle these people.    


Fan Min was not aware of the danger she was in, and did not know what Tang Yin was thinking. Seeing him smile at her happily, her jade face turned slightly red, she walked to Tang Yin's table, gently put down the teapot in her hand, and said: "Isn't Master Tang busy with official business? "Why are you so free to come over and drink tea tonight?"    


She had wanted to ask this question for a long time, and today, she finally couldn't hold it in anymore and took the chance to ask Tang Yin as a gift of tea.    


"I'll have to trouble Miss Fan Min to personally bring the tea here, I am truly sorry!" Tang Yin laughed and said: "No matter how busy I am, I still have to take some time to relax!" As he spoke, he stole a glance at Fan Min. Seeing that she was unperturbed and not seemed to be aware of the danger, the gloating smile on his face grew even wider.    


He did not have a good impression of Fan Min, nor did he have any intentions to help, he only wanted to sit here and watch a good show.    


Without needing Tang Yin's permission, Fan Min had already casually sat down, and laughed: "Master, what do you think about my teahouse?"    


"Very good!" Tang Yin replied casually.    


Fan Min smiled and said: "Currently, there are a lot of merchants from other places in Heng City, I plan to open two more restaurants and three more inns in the city. I have bought the place already, and only need to wait for the decorations to finish, then we can open for business.    


Tang Yin laughed, and did not say much. Rich people were indeed very rich. They would only open two or three restaurants or inns. Ordinary commoners didn't even dare to think about it.    


Fan Min said proudly. "In addition, I plan to open a few pawnshops and shops, and two dyers and weavers outside the city. If my business is good, I can consider opening a silver shop to the Heng City." Seeing that Tang Yin's smile had slowly turned into a hollow laugh, she shrugged and said, "How is it, Master? With my Fan Family's support, I can completely raise the prosperity of Heng City s, and even the entire level of Pingyuan County s, to a whole new level!"    


Tang Yin nodded, and replied: "Yes!" Although he did not want to admit it, it was the truth. It was just that Fan Min's haughty attitude made people uncomfortable.    


The tea was good, but with Fan Min by her side, Tang Yin immediately felt that the tea became tasteless.    


Tang Yin had lost the interest to continue sitting down, furthermore, it was already late at night and the teahouse was about to close up. Tang Yin took out a handful of copper from his pocket and placed it on the table, and as he stood up he said to Fan Min: "It's late, I'm going back home!"    


"Won't the lord stay a while longer?" Fan Min tried to persuade her otherwise.    


"No!" Originally, he could have sat for a while longer, but after seeing her, Tang Yin's interest had completely disappeared. Before he went out of the door, he suddenly thought of something, slowed down his footsteps, and said to Fan Min who had sent him out: "Miss Fan Min, I have to remind you, although more money is a good thing, but bad things might come looking for you, you must be careful!"    


Realizing that Tang Yin could not win in terms of words, he started to curse. Fan Min did not take his words to heart at all, she chuckled and said: "A wise person will naturally have their own way! However, I still thank the lord for his kind reminder. The night is dark, so my lord should be careful on the road. "    


Since he was lazy to argue, Tang Yin snorted and walked away.    


On the way back to the house, Shangguan Yuanwu asked carefully, "Master, we will not look at what's going to happen next?"    


Tang Yin shrugged: "Didn't Fan Min say that a wise man would have his own way!"    


"But what if something happens to her?"    


"That has nothing to do with us."    


"But Master, didn't you say that Fan Family is very important to us? Right now, our business is being managed by Fan Min, if something happens to her, it will also be very disadvantageous for us! "    


Tang Yin turned his head to look at Shangguan Yuanwu strangely and asked suspiciously, "Yuanwu, why do you talk so much today?"    


Shangguan Yuanwu immediately lowered his head, and said softly: "This subordinate is only discussing the matter."    


Tang Yin ignored him and continued to walk forward. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and stared straight at Shangguan Yuanwu.    


Shangguan Yuanwu thought that Tang Yin was blaming himself for speaking too much, and immediately said: "Master, this subordinate spoke too much, and will not offend you next time!"    


Tang Yin waved his hand and retracted his gaze. After lowering his head and muttering to himself for a moment, he muttered: "What you said is reasonable."    


If Fan Min really did encounter an accident on her own land, the business of Fan Family would definitely stop at this point. She might even withdraw entirely, which was truly not beneficial to the development of Pingyuan County.    


Although she hated Fan Min, her identity was still very important, and gave his a headache. Tang Yin laughed bitterly and shook his head, then said to the Shangguan brothers: "Let's go back!"    


"Go back to where? County? "    


"Back to the teahouse!" Tang Yin replied snappily, then turned and walked back with large strides.    


The two Shangguan brothers looked at each other and laughed at the same time.    


By the time Tang Yin and Shangguan Bing'er returned, the teahouse had already started to close, and the waiters politely invited the customers who were still staying in to leave.    



Seeing that, Tang Yin and Brother Shangguan did not go in, but went into the alley opposite the teahouse instead, and waited quietly for the change.    


Most of them would take the initiative to leave without needing to be invited. As for the five Spirit Cultivator s, they sat on the chairs and did not move.    


At this time, only the five Spirit Cultivator s and the waiter, who was busy tidying up the table and chairs, were left in the huge teahouse.    


Seeing that the few of them had not left, an older waiter walked over quickly. With a face full of smiles, he said, "Sir, the store is about to close up now!"    


The five people didn't seem to hear his words as they sat on their chairs without moving. They didn't even bat an eyelid.    


Thinking that they did not hear him, the waiter raised his voice and repeated himself again. However, the five of them remained unmoved, lowering their heads to drink their tea as if no one else was around them.    


Bodhisattva has a certain earthly quality. Seeing such an unreasonable customer, the waiter's anger also flared up. With an unkind tone, he asked, "Are you all deaf? Didn't you hear that we're going to continue fighting? "    


None of the five people answered him, and no one even looked at him. It was as if the waiter standing in front of them was just air.    


F * ck! At this time, the waiter became truly anxious. He reached out his hand to grab one of their shoulders and angrily said, "What are you all pretending to be deaf for?"    


Just as his hand touched the shoulder of the waiter, the latter's body violently shook, instantly knocking the waiter's hand away. Following that, he swung his arm outwards, accurately hitting the waiter's waist.    


Before the latter could even react, he felt as if his body was hit by a speeding wagon, and he was sent flying backwards.    


After everyone finished reading < Tang Yin in the Other World >, they could also take a look at Liu Dao's other two complete books, < How Scoundrel Forged 2 > and < Encyclopedia of Medicine >! There was a link to the work page!    


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