Tomin in The Alien World



0Seeing that, Tang Yin swung his blade and rushed forward.    


At this time, the Savage Soldier were searching for enemies. Seeing Tang Yin rushing over, they went up to him like a swarm of bees. Very quickly, the two of them made contact, and Tang Yin immediately used his deadly move. In a flash, ten over Savage Soldier s turned into spirit mist, their armor and clothes scattered on the ground. The other Savage Soldier s were all startled, and they all recalled the recent extremely popular rumor.    


Just as they were staring blankly, a shout came from behind their Savage Soldier: "Move aside! Following the voice, a General of Savage Army riding a tall horse rushed out from the crowd and straight towards Tang Yin.    


Presumably, this person should be the main general of Savage Soldier! Tang Yin sized up General of Savage Army, and only by looking at the spirit armor on his body and the Spiritual Knife in his hands, he could determine that his cultivation was at least at the Spirit Transformation realm.    


He was sizing up General of Savage Army, and she was also sizing up him. She looked up and down at Tang Yin, and General of Savage Army slowly raised the blade in her hand, the tip of the blade pointing straight at Tang Yin.    


Without needing to say a word, General of Savage Army's actions were equivalent to issuing a challenge to Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin liked to fight, how could he be afraid? He grabbed his horse by the abdomen and rushed towards General of Savage Army, the blade in his hand swung out, chopping at the opponent's neck.    


General of Savage Army's movements were not slow either, at the same time, she urged her horse to rush forward, horizontally blocking with her blade.    


At the same time the horses crossed each other, a deafening clank sound came out as Tang Yin's war horse charged forward, while General of Savage Army and his horse were jolted to the side by half a meter. General of Savage Army secretly shouted powerful, she turned his horse and rushed back as she stabbed the blade in her hand towards Tang Yin's chest.    


Tang Yin dodged to the side while riding his horse. The instant the two horses brushed past him, he slashed the back of General of Savage Army's head. The General of Savage Army was shocked, she immediately dropped to the ground. The sickle swept across the air almost right above his head. If he had dodged a little slower, her head would have been chopped off by the blade.    


After one round, General of Savage Army was already drenched in cold sweat. Not only was the opponent's cultivation level high, his attacks were also quick, and her moves were strange, making them extremely difficult to deal with, but General of Savage Army did not dare to take a step back. Right now, her Beast King Town had been ambushed by the enemy, causing her troops' morale to be greatly disrupted.    


At this time, General of Savage Army had nowhere to retreat to. She had to fight, even if she didn't want to.    


He roared, increased his horse's speed, and slashed his sword towards Tang Yin.    


This time, Tang Yin did not dodge, and raised the scythe in his hand horizontally to receive the blow.    


Clank! Clank!    


Just as the two horses kicked wrongly, Tang Yin's sickle swept horizontally once again. The General of Savage Army did not have the time to retract his blade, and could only lower her head to dodge, but this time, Tang Yin used a feint, and swept his blade away once again. At the same time, he retracted his blade, and just as the blade was retracting itself, he heard a snapping sound, and the sickle's Knife Rod smashed right into General of Savage Army's temple.    


The impact of the attack was too great, causing the spirit armor on General of Savage Army's head to shatter. Her entire body was affected by the impact and could not stay still as she fell to the ground.    


Plop! General of Savage Army was tall and sturdy and heavy. After she landed, she let out a deep sound.    


He was tough as well. Lying on the ground, he did not even slow down his breathing, directly climbing back up, then looked at General of Savage Army. The spirit armor on his head was gone, his hair was disheveled, and blood was flowing from his forehead.    


"I want your head!" Tang Yin pulled on the reins, quickly jumped down the horse, and rushed towards General of Savage Army with her blade raised.    


Perhaps it was because of the heavy blow to his head, but when General of Savage Army saw Tang Yin rushing towards him, she did not react at all. She did not raise her blade to meet the blow, nor did she have the intention of turning around and escaping.    


Tang Yin's mouth was raised high, with a few strides he was already in front of General of Savage Army, the blade in his hand swung out, as though he was about to slash down.    


Just at this moment, the General of Savage Army suddenly raised her head, her bloodshot eyes staring straight at Tang Yin. At the same time, the Spiritual Knife in his hands suddenly flickered with a dazzling light, and she shot it upwards.    


As the Spiritual Knife was picked out, countless lines of Spirit Wave were created, enveloping Tang Yin within.    


The tens of thousands of Spirit Wave s were thin and small, like many invisible Throwing Knife s, interweaving into a giant net, making it impossible to dodge.    


It was too fast, and the distance between them was just too close. By the time Tang Yin realized that something was wrong, countless Spirit Wave s were already approaching him, and he didn't even have the time to activate them.    


This was the ultimate technique of the Light Spirit Art ? Chaotic Wind.    


On the contrary, the Spirit Chaos Wind was simply too powerful, and required too much spirit energy. After a Spirit Cultivator who had reached the Spirit Transformation Realm used the Spirit Chaos Wind, the spirit energy in her body would be completely used up, and when he gathered enough spirit energy to support her own battle, she would be able to kill her opponent multiple times over this period of time.    


This was a skill that could either kill you or kill me.    


Now that the General of Savage Army had been forced into a corner by Tang Yin and was unable to compete with him in terms of cultivation level and strength, he could only fight with all she had.    


This move of his had worked. Tang Yin suffered from his carelessness and thought that the other party had been knocked unconscious by his Knife Rod. He did not expect that General of Savage Army had intentionally pulled him closer so he could unleash this killing move.    


Even with his spirit armor, the Spirit Origin Realm cultivator was unable to withstand the Spirit Chaos Wind's impact, countless of Spirit Wave struck onto Tang Yin's spirit armor, causing endless cracking sounds. In just an instant,'s spirit armor had dozens of wounds on it, and the continuous attacks from the Spirit Wave caused him to be sent flying, falling a full five meters away.    


After using the Spirit Confusion Wind, General of Savage Army was like a deflated balloon. His body swayed a few times as she powerlessly sat on the ground, the spirit armor on his body instantly scattered and the Spiritual Knife in his hands returned to their original state.    


Looking at Tang Yin, he was in a much more miserable state than the General of Savage Army, his entire body was filled with cuts and cuts, it was unknown how many of them, but fresh blood flowed out from the cracks on his spirit armor, making him look like a man made of blood.    


Being hit by the wind that was coming from the front, this person could be considered to be a cripple. Although the General of Savage Army had exhausted all of his spirit energy, his face was still full of excitement. Sitting on the ground, he laughed out loud with his head facing upwards, and shouted towards the surrounding Savage Soldier: "Cut off his head, I want to bring back the Bessa City for Your Majesty! "Mo)"    


When they thought about how they could cut off the head of the reaper who wielded a scythe in his hand, the vital energy and blood in their bodies began to boil. They still had some lingering fear in their hearts for Tang Yin. They did not dare to directly rush forward, and instead carefully approached him step by step.    


Before they could gather around, Tang Yin who was lying on the ground motionlessly suddenly jumped up from the ground like a spring.    


This sudden turn of events caused all of the Savage Soldier surrounding them to scream in fear. With a hualala sound, they subconsciously retreated several steps, their eyes were filled with fear, as they looked at Tang Yin as if they were looking at a monster.    


At the moment, Tang Yin was indeed like a monster, the spirit armor on his body was full of holes and his entire body was covered with blood. Looking at him coldly, he seemed like a red person, the spirit armor on his face was broken in half, revealing a face that was dyed red with blood.    


To be able to stand up after being injured to such a degree, was something that was practically inconceivable to the Savage Soldier practitioners.    


Tang Yin did not even bother to look at the wounds on his body, he swung the sickle in his hand, his face showing no signs of pain, but instead the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a sinister smile.    


He looked through the crowd and straight at the General of Savage Army outside the circle his tongue stuck out and licked the blood at the corner of his mouth as he said unhurriedly, "The wind is only this strong. Since you can't kill me, you should pay the price for your stupidity! " As he spoke, he slowly walked towards the General of Savage Army.    


General of Savage Army could not believe her eyes. With such a heavy injury, not only was the other party not dead, she could even speak and fight.    


Tang Yin was severely injured, and his surroundings were countless Savage Soldier. However, the General of Savage Army was emitting a chill from the depths of her heart, and her body couldn't help but to tremble.    


Seeing Tang Yin taking a step forward, the Savage Soldier blocking their path all took a step back. General of Savage Army screamed as if she had gone mad, "Stop him, quickly stop him!"    


Under the constant urging from General of Savage Army, the two Savage Soldier s bravely rushed towards Tang Yin, the two swords stabbing towards his chest.    


Tang Yin did not even try to dodge as he allowed the sword to strike his body.    


How could a normal sword break through the toughness of spirit armor?    


With two "ding ding" sounds, the two swords pierced into the spirit armor on Tang Yin's chest, and before they could move any further, before the two Savage Soldier could withdraw, Tang Yin's sickle had already swung out horizontally, pouncing, slashing down, the two heads bounced up, the surrounding Savage Soldier hadn't even been seen clearly, the two headless corpses along with the severed heads in the air had already turned into spirit fog, and in the end, only two empty helmets remained, falling from the sky, and rolling far away.    


There was no corpse, no blood, and the two living men had just disappeared into thin air.    


Under such circumstances, who wouldn't be afraid?    



All of the Savage Soldier s lost their courage to go forth and block as they continuously dodged to the side like the ebbing tide of the ocean.    


They had dodged it, allowing Tang Yin to pass through unhindered.    


Tang Yin strode like a meteor towards the General of Savage Army.    


The latter was so scared that her face turned ashen, and screamed again and again, continuously ordering the surrounding Savage Soldier s to surround and kill Tang Yin. However, none of the Savage Soldier s listened to his commands, and only retreated as if they had escaped a plague.    


The corner of Tang Yin's mouth raised even higher, he bent down and stretched out his hand, grabbing General of Savage Army's neck, then forcefully lifted him up.    


At this time, General of Savage Army was unable to condense any spirit energy, and she couldn't even resist slightly. Her neck was stuck in Tang Yin's grip, and it was difficult for him to breathe as he kicked his legs off the ground.    


Tang Yin held the General of Savage Army in one hand and the blade in the other, looking around at the many Savage Soldier s, his eyes flashing with a bright light, he shouted out: "I do not need to know who you are, but you all must remember me, my name is Tang Yin!"    


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