Tomin in The Alien World



0A person over ten thousand would have no end, and the two hundred thousand Bessa Army troops could be described as a sea of people. After arriving at the Heng City, the Savage Soldier camp surrounded the entire Heng City area, so large that not even a drop of water could trickle through.    


On top of the city walls, although Qiu Zhen, Xiao Muqing and the others were already mentally prepared, they couldn't help but feel waves of chilliness when they saw the large number of enemies.    


Pingyuan Army had never seen so many enemies. The high ranking officers and the soldiers below all had their hearts in their throats.    


Savage Soldier move is very fast, the rear are still camping, the troops in front are already prepared to attack the city.    


Countless Savage Soldier s surged out from within the Savage Army camp, forming a line in front of them. Looking up, there was a large black mass, with at least fifty thousand people. Following the sounds of the battle drums, a General of Savage Army rode her horse out from the crowd and shouted for battle in front of the Heng City gate.    


, Xiao Muqing and the rest were not the only ones guarding this place. There were also two legions, the first one and the second, with thirty thousand soldiers guarding this place. The other three groups were split up to guard the east, south and west sides of Heng City.    


Seeing the General of Savage Army challenge him, before the others could say anything, a Captain under Zhang Zhou's command stepped forward and said to Xiao Muqing: "Master Xiao, I'm willing to fight!"    


Xiao Muqing was originally a participant in the army, his position wasn't high, but now that he had been promoted to the general of Heng City, he naturally couldn't be compared to how he was in the past.    


He looked at the Captain and then looked at the General of Savage Army outside the city. Waving his hand, he said, "There's no need to rush to fight.    


"This ?" The Captain glanced at Xiao Muqing strangely. Since they were already cursing at the front of the formation, if they didn't fight, wouldn't it become a battle out of fear, extinguishing the prestige of their side and raising the morale of their enemies? However, Xiao Muqing was the main general. He did not agree to go out to fight, so the Captain did not dare to go out on his own.    


He wanted to drag it out until the arrival of his own reinforcements and when Tang Yin finally returned, he couldn't stand it any longer and gave up on attacking the city.    


Seeing that no one from Heng City responded, General of Savage Army became even more excited in front of the city gate. It was a pity that only a few people on the city wall could hear the Barbarian language so they naturally did not know what she was shouting.    


After shouting and cursing for a while, Feng Army still ignored them. General of Savage Army also felt bored and turned her horse, returning back to her team.    


Not long after he left, the sounds of the Savage Army's war drums became even more concentrated, and at the same time, a long horn sounded out.    


Immediately afterwards, fifty thousand Savage Soldier moved at the same time, pressing down towards the Heng City's main entrance.    


Seeing that the other party was preparing to attack, Xiao Muqing tilted his head and said, "The assault of the barbarians has begun. Have the warriors to prepare to shoot their arrows!" The soldiers transmitted his words one by one, and the Feng Army s on the city walls drew their arrows, nocked them with their bows.    


When Savage Soldier entered the range of the Heng City, the leading General of Savage Army shouted loudly. Following his shout, the originally slow Savage Soldier members howled towards the sky, raised their weapons high, and started to run like wild horses, charging forward.    


From the top, they could see that the black mass of Savage Soldier was like a raging tide that pounced over. In the blink of an eye, they were less than a hundred meters away from the walls of Heng City.    


Xiao Muqing took a deep breath, raised his hand, and suddenly waved. "Release the arrows!"    


The thirty thousand guards all shot out their Eagle Feather Arrow, and the arrows that shot out covered the sky. As the concentrated number of Arrow Rain descended from above, the Savage Soldier camp instantly let out miserable cries as large swarms of Savage Soldier were shot down to the ground.    


No one supported their companions, no one cared about the injured. The more people who fell, the faster they would activate their Savage Soldier, and before many of the injured could even get up, they would be knocked over by the Savage Soldier and be stepped on.    


Xiao Muqing had long experienced the ferocity of Savage Soldier s being unable to be blocked with arrows, and seeing that his Savage Soldier s were about to reach the bottom of the city wall, he not only did not get nervous, but instead revealed a cold smile.    


The moment Savage Soldier reached the base of the wall, the ground in front of the wall suddenly caved in, and before the Savage Soldier could figure out what happened, it fell down. The crater was dug around the wall, and it was at least two meters wide, four meters deep, like a miniature moat.    


The moment Savage Soldier fell inside, they were immediately pierced by the iron drill, and in an instant, over a hundred corpses of Savage Soldier appeared in the long and narrow hole, and even if one wanted to stop, they could not. The charging force of the Savage Soldier behind them was too strong, it was enough to forcefully push them into the hole, and in that moment, cries of agony could be heard from below the city wall.    


Taking advantage of the chaos in the Savage Soldier camp, Xiao Muqing raised his hand again and shouted: "Pour the Pyretic Oil!"    


The Pyretic Oil poured down from the top of the city, causing the Savage Soldier within the pit to suffer greatly. Some people died, but even more were still alive, struggling to crawl out of the pit.    


Xiao Muqing did not have the heart to sympathize with his enemy. After pouring the water over the Pyretic Oil, he immediately ordered his men to shoot.    


The Savage Soldier Faction was already in chaos. They could not withstand the random barrage of Arrow Rain s on the city walls anymore. Furthermore, with the barrier of the moat, they were unable to raise the escalades.    


Seeing that his Savage Soldier had lost, the Feng Army on the city wall shot out many arrows. A large number of arrows followed from behind as countless of them fell to the ground.    


The Savage Soldier attack this time around wasn't long, but the number of casualties was over three thousand. Looking around, there were corpses all over the Heng City gate and weapons that had been abandoned everywhere.    


After repelling the first wave of Savage Soldier, all of the Feng Army s released their breath, and all of them revealed happy expressions. However, Xiao Muqing was not at ease, the moat had already been exposed, and he could sense that the next round of Savage Soldier s would be even more powerful and difficult to defend against.    


Savage Soldier's second round of attacks did not start immediately. It was obvious that they were also adjusting their tactics.    


However, unexpectedly, even when it was dark, Savage Soldier did not attack again. It was as if after being pushed back once, it had dampened the morale of Savage Army and did not dare to lightly invade again.    


It was not suitable to attack the city at night, and it was also extremely disadvantageous for the siege's side. The Feng Army s all relaxed, and many recruits sat around them chatting and laughing, discussing that Savage Army s were also mediocre, and after just one loss, they were so scared that they did not dare attack anymore.    


When Xiao Muqing was patrolling the city walls, he heard the discussions of the Feng Army, his heart could not help but be moved, thinking that the Savage Army would not go the other way, would they attack the city at night? The night was bad for the siege, as their side knew about it. They naturally knew about it as well as their Savage Soldier, so would they take the opportunity to suddenly launch an attack when their defense was relaxed?    


Thinking about it, Xiao Muqing frowned, his eyes turned, he increased his pace, and returned to the archer tower to discuss it with Qiu Zhen.    


A battle of wits and courage was a place to fight. The difference of a single thought from a general was enough to change the fates of both sides.    


Deep into the night, the Heng City City was quiet. Occasionally, he would see the figures of a few patrolling soldiers slowly walking past.    


In the third fragment of the night, more than twenty human figures quietly scuttled out from the Savage Soldier camp.    


These people were extremely fast. Under the cover of the night, they were like ghosts floating in the air as they silently approached the foot of the city wall.    


Among them, two of them quickly took out the ropes, and then swung the iron claws on them. The iron claws flew out, and two of the iron claws hooked onto the arrowheads on the city walls together. The two pulled forcefully, and after confirming that the hooks were strong enough, they grabbed onto the ropes and quickly climbed up the city walls.    


These twenty odd people were all outstanding Spirit Warrior. Their movements were nimble and nimble as they climbed up the city wall with the help of the ropes.    


Hiding in the shadows of the arrow stack, they looked around them. The defenses of Feng Army were very relaxed at night, there were not many guards on patrol, and there were even fewer guards on sentry duty. Even if there were, they would only be napping while leaning against the city wall.    


The twenty odd Spirit Warrior s looked at each other, and then pulled the rope dejectedly and tied it to the other side of the city wall, allowing it to slide down slowly.    


Their movements were unusually smooth, and they were basically able to sneak into the city without being disturbed. He didn't continue to sneak into the city. Instead, he leaned against the wall and carefully walked towards the city gate.    


In the battle of offense and defense, the city gate was the most important place, and it was also heavily guarded, but it was already late at night, so the Feng Army soldiers had already gone to rest, leaving behind two guards to guard the city gate.    


After a day of intense preparation, the two guards seemed tired as well. They sat on the ground with their heads hanging down, not moving, as if they were sleeping.    


Seeing that, the Spirit Warrior looked at each other, and then two people jumped out, quickly arriving in front of the two guards. With a flash of the blade, the two soldiers' necks were cut open, blood spurted out, and they weakly fell onto the ground, not even having time to scream.    


After cleanly taking care of the two Feng Army guards, the twenty odd people immediately rushed to the front of the city gate and worked together to remove the gigantic latch. Immediately after, they opened the city gate, and in a flash, a Spirit Warrior appeared outside the city gate.    


Seeing that their Spirit Warrior had sent out the signal, the Savage Army Camp entrance immediately opened, and from inside ran out a group of cavalry. There was a total of five thousand cavalrymen, and the knights and their war horses below were all covered in thick armor. This was Bessa City, the most powerful and famous type of soldier in the Bessa City.    


The riders had already prepared beforehand, so they wrapped the horses' hooves in cotton, keeping them as quiet as possible in their advance, afraid of causing tremors in the ground. The Heavy Armored Cavalry hadn't started to charge, slowing them down as they slowly approached the city gates.    



Inside the Savage Army camp, all of the Savage Soldier s had already been unsheathed, arrows on strings, and were waiting for the cavalry to charge into the city. While the defending troops were in a state of chaos, they surrounded and attacked from all sides, taking down the Heng City s in one go.    


Although there were only five thousand of them, suddenly killing their way into the city was enough to turn the world upside down. At that time, with two hundred thousand Savage Army s surrounding and attacking from all sides, if they worked together, the Heng City would naturally not be able to resist.    


The general of Savage Army had calculated everything meticulously, but he had underestimated the head of the general of Feng Army.    


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