Tomin in The Alien World



0More than twenty of Bessar's Spirit Warrior s sneakily opened the city gates, planning to let their Heavy Armored Cavalry enter the city, but the mantis caught the silkworm while the yellow sparrow followed behind. Just as they thought they had succeeded, ten black figures suddenly appeared behind them.    


These fifteen people appeared out of thin air without a sound, as if they had been standing there all along. They moved in unison, bringing the same kind of Spiritual Knife with them as they quickly approached the back of the Basa Spirit Warrior s, the blades in their hands ruthlessly thrusting forward.    


Things had progressed exceptionally smoothly. At this time, the Beisa Spirit Warrior s were overjoyed, their attention was focused on their own side's Heavy Armored Cavalry, and they only hoped that they could get there as soon as possible.    


Fifteen Spiritual Knife pierced through the back of fifteen Bessa Spirit Warrior s accurately. When the Spiritual Knife pierced through the spirit armor, it only made a slight sound, and the fifteen Spirit Warrior s didn't even have time to scream before they died. However, this slight noise still caught the attention of the Spirit Warrior in front of him.    


Three of them turned their heads around in confusion, wanting to see what was happening behind them. However, just as they turned their heads, the black Spiritual Knife appeared in front of them, and they couldn't even see what the other three looked like, or how many people were there. All they could see was a flash of darkness, and then the world spun.    


Originally, their heads had already been chopped off by the sharp Spiritual Knife s, rolling on the ground.    


The blood that spurted out scattered all over the place. At this moment, the remaining few Spirit Warrior s realized that something was wrong, and turned around to look, their comrades were all lying in a pool of blood. Fifteen Spirit Warrior wearing Black Spirit Armor s were standing behind them, and the Spiritual Knife in their hands were still dripping with blood.    


Oh no, he had fallen into the enemy's trap! A few of the Pisa Spirit Warrior s reacted quickly, and did not have any intention of fighting with the other party. They immediately ran out of the city to inform their own cavalrymen, telling them to turn around and not enter.    


They were fast, but not as fast as the's Shadow Shift. Fifteen black clothed men instantly arrived beside a few Spirit Warrior s, the Spiritual Knife s all moved at once, a dozen black cold rays flashed by, and they looked at the few Bessar Spirit Warrior's bodies, which were cut into several pieces. Broken limbs and torso were scattered all over the city gate.    


His big head rolled out through the gap between the gates and landed right at the foot of the Spirit Warrior. At this time, he still did not know what was happening inside the gates and felt something hit the back of his feet. When he looked down and saw his comrade's decapitated head, he was so frightened that his face changed greatly.    


His words had just left his mouth when a hand reached out from the gap of the city gate to cover his mouth. He then pulled him back to the city gate.    


Afterwards, the city gate quietened down again. The faint sounds of flesh being cut could be heard from the gap of the gate. Then, blood-red blood began to gush out from the gap of the gate.    


Not to mention that Bessa's Heavy Armored Cavalry was too far away, so she couldn't see everything clearly. Even when she got closer, she couldn't see what was happening inside the black hole, and while the cavalry phalanx was advancing, it still made a lot of noise. Even with the horses' hooves wrapped around them, the friction between their armor and armor wasn't a small noise.    


Very quickly, the five thousand Heavy Armored Cavalry approached the entrance of the city. Not only did those fifteen black-clad men not retreat, but they even opened the gates to the city, showing a welcoming look to the knights in the middle of the city.    


The sky was dark, and not even five fingers could be seen inside the hole in the city gate. Bessa's Heavy Armored Cavalry had no doubt that it was the result of her side's Spirit Warrior's operation, and since the city gate was wide open, there was no reason not to enter.    


Five thousand riders rushed into the city. They had gone in first, and the fifteen black-clothed men who were left behind at the city gate closed the city gate. After adding the bolts, the Heavy Armored Cavalry s were all shocked when they heard the sound of the city gate closing behind them. They all turned to look, and the leader of the group asked in a low voice: "What are you doing closing the city gate? Our army is still behind us! "Mo)"    


Just as he finished speaking, a series of whistles suddenly came from all directions. Following that, countless Feng Army surged out from the roofs and houses on both sides of the city walls, under the city walls, and even from underneath the houses. Burning torches were lit up one after another, illuminating the entire city until it was as bright as day.    


At the same time, a female general, who was wearing a set of spirit armor and holding a spirit spear, stood on the rooftop as she shouted, "Your army won't be able to enter!" "Mo), the female general was none other than the one in charge of the Earth Web, Ai Jia. Under Tang Yin's request, she had learned the Basa language and was not proficient in it. However, normal conversations were not a problem.    


"Huh?" At this moment, even a fool could see that he had entered Feng Army's trap. The commander of the Heavy Armored Cavalry cried out in surprise. He instinctively turned his head to look at the people standing at the city gate, and when he saw the flames, he focused and looked, what kind of Spirit Warrior was there, and what he saw was a bunch of strangers covered in Black Spirit Armor s. Looking at the ground, there were broken bodies everywhere, and they were all stepped on forcefully when the Heavy Armored Cavalry entered the city, but through the scattered fragments of the armor, he could tell that these people were all Spirit Warrior Bessa who had snuck into the Heng City first.    


Crap, the enemy was already prepared. They have been fooled! It was too late to realize this now, as the five thousand cavalrymen were surrounded by ten thousand Pingyuan Army and the city gates were locked.    


"Brothers, don't be afraid. Everyone, follow me out!" "Mo)" The general of Heavy Armored Cavalry quickly regained his calm. Although he was deeply trapped in the Enemy's Camp, he was not afraid, as he was very clear on how strong his side's fighting strength was, being surrounded by the Feng Army, even if he could not kill his opponent, it would not be a problem for him to break out of the encirclement.    


If it was the past, Feng Army could not do anything to Bessa's Heavy Armored Cavalry, and she was as fearful as a tiger or leopard. However, it was different now. Without waiting for Heavy Armored Cavalry to break through the encirclement towards the city gate, the surrounding Pingyuan Army took the initiative to attack.    


These Pingyuan Army infantrymen carried the same type of Zhanmadao in their hands. The hilt was as long as the blade, and their hands were clenched tightly. They did not attack the riders, but instead focused on attacking the legs of the horses.    


The warhorse that had lost its legs was in pain, but the rider on the horse was in even more pain, falling from the horse and making him dizzy from the shock. But what was worse was that the armor on his body was too heavy, he couldn't get up even if he wanted to, and it was even more difficult for him to take off the armor that was in his way.    


In just an instant, a large amount of Heavy Armored Cavalry s fell, and the cries of war horses and people rose and fell. When the leading General of Savage Army saw this scene, her eyeballs almost fell out. Before he could figure out Feng Army's strategy, two Pingyuan Army s had already arrived in front of his horse, wielding two blades at the same time. It was a pity that he had broken all four of her kicks, and as the horses fell, they also flipped him over.    


Boom! *    


General of Savage Army fell onto the ground heavily, like a giant boulder smashing onto the ground. The two Pingyuan Army s took advantage of the situation to rush to her front, one holding out their blade to pick out his eyes, while the other held it up to her neck. But the General of Savage Army was not like ordinary Savage Soldier. Not only did she have inborn divine strength, her spirit power was also very strong. Without waiting for the two Feng Army blades to come at him, his spirit spear had already swept out.    


Ka-cha! *    


climbed up from the ground and brandished the spirit spear in his hands, hacking and slashing as he killed many of the Pingyuan Army s. Just as he was about to engage in a massacre, a black shadow appeared behind him. The Spiritual Knife stabbed towards the back of his neck soundlessly.    


General of Savage Army did not hear the person behind him, but she could feel the Spirit Pressure that was being released from his body. His expression changed, and she immediately dodged to the side. The Spiritual Knife flew right past his face, while the General of Savage Army roared in anger. She turned his hand and swept it with her spear, and at the same time, turned around.    


While he was feeling surprised, the Spirit Pressure next to him vibrated, and another person had secretly attacked him from the side. General of Savage Army was flustered by the other party's strange movements, as she yelled out for courage while waving her spear to block the attack, but just like before, there was still no one by his side.    


From time to time, General of Savage Army felt that she was being attacked from her side and behind, but every time she turned her head to check, she didn't see anyone. He felt that she wasn't fighting with anyone at all, but against a floating ghost.    


The feeling of the Spirit Pressure was not as accurate as it was in the beginning. He stood in the arena and waved the spirit spear in his hand crazily like a madman, but there was no one by his side, and what he shot was only air.    


Just as General of Savage Army was about to go crazy, a black shadow appeared behind him. This time, the black shadow did not use the edge of the blade, but used the handle of the Spiritual Knife to ruthlessly smash onto the back of General of Savage Army's head.    


The attack was too fast, too sudden, the half-crazy General of Savage Army did not have any reaction, the back of his head was struck, following a loud cracking sound, the Spirit Armor on General of Savage Army's head, along with the helmet inside, were shattered, fresh blood flowed out from the top of his head, all over her face, she had rushed two steps forward, then became unsteady and sat on the ground.    


Only now did he clearly see his opponent, but his vision had already begun to blur, and he could faintly see that there wasn't a single person standing around him, but fifteen black-clothed people. This was also the last scene he saw before he lost consciousness.    


These fifteen black-clothed men were the hidden arrow squad led by Cheng Jin. They were the most elite group of the hidden arrows, and all of their members had reached the Spirit Transformation realm.    


Cheng Jin followed Xiao Muqing's instructions and laid in ambush near the city gate just like everyone else. They had already noticed it when Bessar's Spirit Warrior had snuck into the city, but they had not moved an inch, and only waited until the other party had opened the city gate and reported everything to them before suddenly rushing out. Using the Shadow Shift to kill their opponents had caught them off guard, and in their fight against the General of Savage Army just now, it was indeed not Cheng Jin alone, but the fifteen of them taking turns to charge.    


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